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First on-line rant of my life..please indulge me?


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I would like to start with saying that I am 55 years old and have never had health insurance in my life. Twenty-three years ago I had a domestic "accident" and tore my rotator cuff very badly. We had no insurance, so I sucked it up and took ibuprofen and let time heal the injury...I mean it only took a couple of years for the ball of my humerus to stop falling out of the socket when I bent over, and only seven years for it to be weight bearing without pain. Well, this weekend I was doing some moderately vigorous house decluttering that involved lifting boxes of books and such (2014 is our 27th year homeschooling). Well, I really did it big this time. I'm in agony-no exaggeration.


I had 2 hours of sleep until my shoulder woke me up and kept me up all night. Ibuprofen doesn't touch it, nor does the tramadol I begged off my husband. He is disabled after a work accident,

and is on Medicare...which puts my kids on Medicaid. I however, have no coverage. I have gone to the health care Marketplace on-line and they want thousands for insurance just for me...and I can't even afford the deductible, let alone the premium. I'm SOL....and I don't swear for the most part.

Supposedly, I Do qualify for a fine for not signing up for something I can't pay for.


I have 2 special needs children and a disabled husband...and I don't qualify for a lick of assistance.

Because of my age and no health care for this injury I am at serious risk for developing " frozen shoulder" on my right side. I'm right handed.


I'd totally make payments to the doctor on a monthly basis for the rest of my life if I could. But of course, they don't do that. Credit cards are out of the question; interest and all.

A loan is out because disability isn't considered "income" by the banks. So, I shall sit here and wither.


I feel trapped, in pain, and I'm pissed. Those who pray, please pray for me.


Thanks for listening,



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And I am not understanding why insurance on the exchange would cost you so much if you are living on your dh's disability.

It is possible if the OP is in a state that declined the Medicaid expansion portion of the ACA. So, too poor for Obamacare subsidies, and not poor enough for (non expanded) Medicaid. There's still a huge hole in the safety net in those states.

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It is possible if the OP is in a state that declined the Medicaid expansion portion of the ACA. So, too poor for Obamacare subsidies, and not poor enough for (non expanded) Medicaid. There's still a huge hole in the safety net in those states.





Oooooh.  I see.  I hope she will come back and tell  us.  I am in the middle of filling out health care.gov stuff and it is a nightmare.

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I would go to the ER.


And I am not understanding why insurance on the exchange would cost you so much if you are living on your dh's disability. Please consider going in person to one of the official offices and get some help.

I don't understand it either. What are the "official" offices? It's very rural here, my town is the county

seat and last I read we have a population of like 7,000 or something. Hardly a line at the Driver's License Office, though. :)


The ER charges $600 for walking in the door. Besides, our small local hospital does not have a resident orthopedist (they can't afford it). I would have to wait for whoever was "on call" to arrive...

at a higher fee, because it's an emergency, and he would be coming to me. I know this because I slipped on icy stairs and broke my wrist. I waited in a triage room for 12 hours that time....and paid the bill: $7000 for a broken wrist. He thought I most likely needed a plate(2 fractures inside the joint), so he wanted to set it in the operating room because he doubted it would be able to do it without surgery...he was successful, but I still had to pay for the operating room, and all he did was set it. Growl.


We just swallowed and paid...it took 3 years to do it, and I felt so stupid for agreeing to that. Ishould have just made an appt at his office. I learned this from the locals, that's what they do. Of course, you might have to wait until next week for an appt:( my Ds did wait that long) when he broke his arm. My only defense is that It was my first broken bone and I had never been to an ER here....and it HURT! I was fresh meat.

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I'd totally make payments to the doctor on a monthly basis for the rest of my life if I could. But of course, they don't do that. Credit cards are out of the question; interest and all.



Yes, if you put it on a credit card, it would mean you'd have to pay interest on it,which would be expensive.  But losing the use of your right arm would also be expensive, in terms of lost potential wages and many other costs, both up-front and long-term, both directly and indirectly related to the disability.  If it's the only way you can afford treatment, it may be worth the extra expense when looked at in terms of the big picture.

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If you go to the ER, they have to treat, right?  Then you can pay a little every month for the rest of your life. :grouphug:


No, they only have to "stabilize" you. So they would give her some pain killers to last a few days at most, and tell her to go see an orthopedist during the day. 

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That is just horrendous. I am sorry to hear this. I would definitely try to confirm your understanding of the health care exchange options, just to be sure you can't get something affordable.


Can you go to any of these federal health care facilities?


I think they operate on a sliding scale.


Or maybe this list of other clinics with sliding scale charges is helpful ?


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Glad to see free / sliding scale clinics mentioned. Our local clinic exists for exactly this situation: people who don't qualify for gov't assistance but can't afford insurance on their own. Doctors (some of the best in the area), nurses, and pharmacists donate their time; specialists see clinic patients free of charge; labs, imaging centers (x-ray, MRI, etc.), and even the hospitals donate services.


It may take you some itme to get an appointment, but please give it a try, you are what they're there for!

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I'm so sorry to hear that you are dealing with the frustration of insurance problems on top of the pain of your injury.  Ask around for clinic/hospital prices for cash payments, or see if they have a sliding scale option.  I have used both in the past.  I hope you find relief soon.

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You might be able to find affordable help from an excellent chiropractor. I recently discovered they can adjust shoulders, clavicles, elbows, wrists, and even feet. I had had shoulder issues including lots of pain and limited range of motion, not as bad as yours, but still hurting for over a year and it was better after five visits. We have never had insurance that covers chiropractic, and here it is $60 per visit, which is pricy, but not compared to the numbers mentioned above!

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I'm so sorry.  I know so very little about all of this, but do you have a county health clinic in your area?  We have a county health clinic in our town that works with you in any way they can, at least with your first visit.  They also help you sort through what health assistance you may qualify for.

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