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Do we have enough prepper-types


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Hmmm…I thought true preppers didn't post about it on line in fear of the government coming in and taking everything in time of crisis. :tongue_smilie:




Well, the gummint doesn't know where my giant, secret, underground bunker for my hand-picked rebuilders of society is, so I'm good. :lol:

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I don't consider myself a "prepper" but I have a fair amount of food stored up.  I can, preserve & dehydrate and also buy things in bulk, dry beans, quite a few different kinds, rice, oats, stuff like that.  I would just like to be prepared if anything were to happen.  I've always shopped this way though.  For me, it's cheaper to buy a 25 pound bag of garbanzo beans than small bags.  I order quite a bit of stuff from Azure Standard, but not every month.  Currently I need to order kidney beans and get more tahini.



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I wouldn't consider myself a prepper, but we have a fair amount of food stored up too.  (Earthquake, storm, government decides paying federal employees is optional again.)  We order a lot of food from Azure for the same reason as P~P, plus with 5 kids it's not unreasonable to get 50 lbs of oats.  I'd join a SG.

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Since I thought preppers were people who like chopping vegetables, take this for what it's worth(less).


Instead of concentrating on buying foods, could you stock up on detergents, toiletries and maybe wine? That way you can still buy fresh as you prefer but still get the full value of your discount?

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I'd love to join such a group. Certainly we've had plenty of threads about things like food storage and a foot locker of homeschool materials, and the ten books you'd want in your bunker, etc.


The things I genuinely worry about are my family's food security and...well, that's the main thing. I like to stock up. The problem  is, we wind up not eating the sorts of foods that can be stored, and they go to waste. I have cans and cans of beans from WIC, for example. And dry beans. And SPAM. I had to throw out some canned roast beef. Canned chicken I at least can find ways to eat.


I need to change our strategy, and have, looking at what's really turning over and keeping plenty of those items on hand.


I could use recipes for stuff.

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canned food will generally be in bpa lined cans. food that can be stored long term is generally processed in some way except for say wheat berries and rice and beans. I am not a prepper but we do have significant food stores. unless you stick to all glass jars or home canning, bpa is just part of it.


The best advice is to store stuff you will eat and replenish rather than stuff that will jist sit for years.

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canned food will generally be in bpa lined cans. food that can be stored long term is generally processed in some way except for say wheat berries and rice and beans. I am not a prepper but we do have significant food stores. unless you stick to all glass jars or home canning, bpa is just part of it.


The best advice is to store stuff you will eat and replenish rather than stuff that will jist sit for years.

They have cans not lined in BPA now. It is a new coating without it. Eden is one of companies whose can goods are BPA free.


Bell now produces BPA free canning lids.

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I think real preppers buy specialty canned and freeze dried foods that last much longer than conventionally canned food (like 25 years) and things like wheat berries, which if stored correctly, can last 30 years. I believe there are LDS canneries that sell such foods. Here is a non-LDS website I just googled. http://wisefoodstorage.com/long-term-food-supply.html


I don't like paranoid preppers, but I do like being prepared since I have mostly lived in wintery areas where ice storms knock out the power for weeks.


This is a good (non-crazy) prep book that is really useful in the case of a natural disaster or long term power outage:


The Survival Mom



She also has a website. The most useful part is the "List of Lists" at the top.


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I am not prepped at all and will probably be one of the first to go in a zombie apocalypse. But I suppose if something "big" did happen, whether or not whatever food I could get a hold of was processed or had BPAs would probably be the least of my worries.


Yes, I agree that a zombie apocalypse would rid me of my BPA worries, lol.

But for basic emergency preparedness, I do want to rotate stock, so it needs to be stuff we eat regularly.

I'm not a full perfectionist. We do still have a few cases of Beefaroni, generic canned vegetables, etc.  In fact, the kids popped a few cans of ravioli when I was out the other night! :ack2:

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I'm not a prepper, but I've read about it a little bit and believe in being prepared.  But right now I am woefully under-prepared for further out than about a week.  I'd love to hear more (on the reasonable side, not that "they're coming to get me!" side, that is).


But what if they ARE coming to get you??? :crying:



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LDS member here.  We are encouraged to keep a year's worth of goods, and rotate them.  Rotating is important, or else, you can just throw money away as things go bad, though, 30 year shelf time is not unheard of in some of our goods.


We are taught to prep to help ourselves AND our neighbors.  It is helpful in times of inflation, job loss, or emergency situations.  It is part of an overall personal responsibility ethos.  I used to believe it was kind of wacky, but then I saw what happened in New Orleans and other places after just a city-wide emergency.  The horror of that situation was not lost on me.  In a flood a personal food supply could be ruined, but that is not all that preparation is about.  I've written about this before but in the London flood I saw footage of a grown man yanking a bottle of water out of a child's hand.  Ick.  People fight like crazy people over the hot Christmas toy.  Imagine how it would be over food and water for their kids?


I would join a group.


The Prepper show is annoying to me, too.  It seems to focus on people who are on the extreme end of the prepping spectrum.  Of course - ratings and all. ;)  I guess some would consider a year's worth of prep extreme, too, but it is what it is. 

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I will give you my shoes and handbags if I can come live on your farm during a zombie apocalypse. Someone needs to feed me. :)





Umm... wait... it depends on if you want to come live on the farm because you think my cooking will be tasty, or because you think my brains will be tasty.

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