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nm not very interesting topic


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That is why it confuses me. I see it used so often, but I can't understand why people use it when they use it. 

 I don’t use it and hadn’t heard of it before here, but the explanation I’ve seen here is that it reminds the poster that everything they write should be for God’s glory: meaning kind words, etc. 


I always find it confusing because visually I try to read it and hear something like “Ah,meh, d, guh†in my head and it makes me stumble in reading the post. 


I find the star thing for threads equally confusing. Like sometimes someone will post something horrible that has happened to them and people give it 5 stars. Does 5 stars mean that you like that the thing has happened, that you are supporting the person, that you like the responses others gave? I would give a thread one star if it was about something like someone having cancer, because I’d think that would say “Cancer sucks, I’m sorry for you.†But then I realized that one star is supposed to mean “Your thread is terrible.†I think. So I don’t give stars ever. 

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oOOOhhh. I finally get why people thought my two statements went so oddly together. 


Yes my boobs are enjoing my new bra. But my sides and where the underwire rubs are not. 

I'll send you a box of Trader Joes' peppermint jo-joes to snarf, and the new bra won't hurt a bit.  :D

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I'll send you a box of Trader Joes' peppermint jo-joes to snarf, and the new bra won't hurt a bit.   :D


It's better today. 


It better be at over a hundred dollars. 


What I'm about to say doesn't belong in this thread because it is very intersting... but here goes anyways. 


I think Eldest gets long division.  :laugh:

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My vacuum cleaner bad bag was full today and the hose was clogged.  

I cleaned the electric griddle.

One of the dogs ate the cat's food and threw up later.

I washed my really warm Land's End sweater that is super light (it has some kind of name I can't remember) and am letting it air dry.

I am in my pajamas and it is only 5:35 pm here.  (I've been in them for at least 45 minutes.)

I watered plants today.

I fed my cat. 

I moved around piles of books today.

I also walked all over the house from room to room putting things where they belong. (Whenever I do this Dh thinks I am wandering around aimlessly. He seriously thought that's what I did all day one Sat when he witnessed it.  Now THAT was an interesting conversation.)

I gave Dh a pile of old credit cards to destroy.

I let Dd light the candle I got for Christmas.

I told Dd's dog to just eat some poinsettias and get over himself.

I put some jam on an English muffin.


Is that uninteresting enough?



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My five year old says every.single.word that pops into his head during any school time out loud. Literally, everything. Thankfully, he's a focused little dude and it's generally on subject, but still... 


I just started boiling water for dinner. 

You win!  Boiling water!  Did you watch it boil?  That would be even better!

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Took husband to work (we have 1 car and I needed it). I got about 2 minutes down the road and he called me to come get him.  They closed the plant because we are under a state of emergency.... wish they'd called us to let us know they were closing.  DH is on salary so np financially, just more time for him to get under my feet.

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I'm grumpy and starving!!!  I had a nasty, nasty, nasty case of the stomach flu on Sunday/Monday.  I mean I was in the bathroom so often vomiting and... well.... you know... :svengo:  that  I actually just slept on the bathroom floor most of the night.  Now my tummy is weak and I can't find anything that sounds good.  I'm soooo hungry!!!!

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I'm grumpy and starving!!!  I had a nasty, nasty, nasty case of the stomach flu on Sunday/Monday.  I mean I was in the bathroom so often vomiting and... well.... you know... :svengo:  that  I actually just slept on the bathroom floor most of the night.  Now my tummy is weak and I can't find anything that sounds good.  I'm soooo hungry!!!!

I'm just impressed your bathroom floor is clean enough you can sleep on it!  Hope you feel better soon!  :)

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On that topic, I'm losing weight and guess where I'm losing first?  Hint: it's not where I want to lose, because I am not particularly well-endowed.  Life is not fair.


That's always where I lose first, too. NOT FAIR!

Aren't you supposed to like drink soy milk or something to prevent that?

Doesn't work for me, at least.  :(

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I'm having flu-ish symptoms and it makes me sad and worried because I don't want to be sick and I don't want anyone else in my family to get sick.


I started using eMeals and really like it so far.


I'm having a torrid love affair with cranberry Stilton.  I sneak it home from the store and eat if before my husband can have any.





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so here's how boring and uninteresting my evening is: I just sought out this thread to see what it was about, and read the whole thing...






How is this. I got a book from the libary about people watching Downton Abbey. And I read it all in one night. (Okay it was really boring, predictable... so I skipped many parts of it).

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so here's how boring and uninteresting my evening is: I just sought out this thread to see what it was about, and read the whole thing...





I'm completely offended by this!  So you're saying that our not interesting enough thread is in fact not interesting enough?  :boxing_smiley:  ;)


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We're having a lot of weather here. 

There is this really super cute thing I saw a child do. 

Why is everyone attaching (sic) me and mis-understanding what I wrote in my edited post? 

What did SWB say about _____ in the WTM.  Don't attack me for not reading it.  I am busy here.

Oh no!  Sorry you were attacked.  I'm guessing you mean in a different thread?  

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I had trouble with sore breasts (long story) and thought seriously about a reduction. But the pain went away thanks to evening primrose oil supplements. 


I am small, with big breasts. 5 foot 7, 120 pounds and I'm a 32 H. 


:confused1: H as in bigger then a D, E, F, and G.


I'm not use to my new bra and it is irrating. 


Wait a minute, you are not joking?!?

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I am 5' 6", 152 lbs, and wear a 36 C with a two month old baby. In about 10 months I will be 5'6", 135 lbs (hopefully), and wear a 34 -A. :( the greatest sacrifice of motherhood right there. Hmm. I never noticed how the letters seem to illustrate the shape of the bOOks: A, B, C, D, DD. I become more like a V when I'm done nursing. No perk. I'll be a 34 V. This might be too interesting for this thread. We need a TMI thread.

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I am 5' 6", 152 lbs, and wear a 36 C with a two month old baby. In about 10 months I will be 5'6", 135 lbs (hopefully), and wear a 34 -A. :( the greatest sacrifice of motherhood right there. Hmm. I never noticed how the letters seem to illustrate the shape of the bOOks: A, B, C, D, DD. I become more like a V when I'm done nursing. No perk. I'll be a 34 V. This might be too interesting for this thread. We need a TMI thread.

. Ha ha! I hear ya! I was a perky size B when I got married. 4 kids later and I'm an A at best. More like a curl up in the bottom of my bra size A.
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My 8mo has outgrown his carseat (tall boy!) but we can't get him a new one until next month.


I have no idea what my bra size is... I think of myself as a B cup, but I think I'm actually like a G or something.  I have this huge frame... the ladies would have to be like volleyball sized before it would make me look chesty.


The flu sucks.  We had it Christmas week.  My kids liked chicken broth with ramen noodles after it, I liked chicken broth with a TON of garlic after, and my husband liked a bacon-avocado-cheddar burger after it.  (Not kidding.  He cooked it too.)


The baby seems to have a cold, or at least snot in the back of his nose.  He is playing with the sounds he can make using said snot.  While latched on.


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Y'all are cracking me up with the new cup size descriptions. lol


Meanwhile, whoever mentioned up thread that they were boiling water motivated me to get up and get dinner started (the trainof thought behind the motivation is more interesting than might immediately be presumed so I'm not going to share it). So, your uninteresting comment, in some stretched sense, gave a timely home cooked meal to a family on the other side of the globe. It's like .. the butterfly effect.

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I can't even think of anything interesting or uninteresting to say. What does that say about me? Seriously... I've got nothin'. Nothin' in my noggin.

Me either. I need coffee and to go to work. I hate going to work. I like working....I work hard....I just hate having a job even if it is working for my husband. He knows I hate my job and he is working hard to help me get out of there.

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Me either. I need coffee and to go to work. I hate going to work. I like working....I work hard....I just hate having a job even if it is working for my husband. He knows I hate my job and he is working hard to help me get out of there.

Been there and done that.   Hope you're able to quit working soon.

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abbreviation for
1. (Roman Catholic Church) ad majorem Dei gloriam (the Jesuit motto)
[Latin: to the greater glory of God]



Is this used in speech as well? I see it used here to preface any postings. I would assume it is also said in speech to preface any talking? Otherwise, what is the point of using it in one conversational medium and not the other?

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*ahem* I had to (causiously) Google 36H to get a concept of what that even means for a woman.




I'm not even sure were one would google that. 


And if you were googling me, I'm not a 36H, I'm a 32H. 


Okay, to be honest I'm not totally a 32H. Only one side is a H, the other side can fit okay into a E or F.  But I don't bother trying to measure the smallest one. Cause when I do I get boob over and underflowing on the other side. 


If I want to fit nicely I can either stuff one side or construct a frankestein bra. :p Mind you I would then have to buy two bras and cut them in half and sew them together. Then what would I do with the two left over halves??? Perhaps post a really weird sale on ebay? Would anyone here like to by the left side of a 32H and the right side of a 32F?

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Over the Christmas holidays, older siblings took our youngest to see Frozen twice. She has been singing and acting out the movie since. The other day she informed me that I needed to see the movie so that I could understand her better, so I went today. She was right. Lol!



I thought the same thing about it regarding one of my kids when I saw it!

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I am either: 1. totally bored, or 2. have drunk too much home-made Kahlua, because this thread is spellbinding.


Things I am pondering:


I, too, am a Heidi and am not well endowed.  36A?  I quit wearing bras.  Hey--it's winter and I wear layers.

Someone said something about boiling water and that reminded me that I would really like a cup of tea if I can tear myself away from this....

Someone else said something about bacon and that reminded me that I really wanted to make some more bacon jam.  Mmmmm.


See?  Totally spellbinding.

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Which kind of tea?


So far this morning ds2 stood up while I was changing his nappy... Against my pjs. Dd4 spilled a third of a jar of honey. Ds7 knocked my full cup of coffee over... I'm half asleep so not with it enough to intervene in time. Do other peoples kids even do these things?

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