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What should I do re: 2yo not breathing?

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Last night, my 2yo quit breathing in her sleep. She was sleeping with us, I woke up and put my hand on her chest - she was not breathing.


I sat her up and it forced the air out of her lungs, but she did not breathe right away. I undressed her, massaged her chest hard, and she did inhale. We had a hard time waking her up, but she did finally respond and she seemed to breathe more normally after that. I didn't go to the ER because she *was* breathing and decided I would get her to the doctor this morning.


I called the doctor. It's a new doctor's office (for us) and we are required to go there because the dc have Medicaid and we have to designate a primary care office. However, when I called, it turned out that they *had* seen my 2yo before - in the hospital when she was born. The receptionist told me that we owed the doctor's office $291 from the ped seeing her in the hospital.


They won't see her until I either pay the $291 or sign a payment agreement - neither of which I can do at this point. Our income is erratic and not sufficient for basic needs at this point (economy woes in a construction related business.) I explained this to her and she said she was sorry, but if I wouldn't sign a payment agreement, then they wouldn't see her. That is their perogative, but it doesn't negate the fact that my daughter still needs care.


It will be at least September 1st before I can change the doctor to another office. Our only other option is the ER, which seems silly since she is breathing and fine, now! I think she needs to be seen before Septenber 1st, though! I don't know if I will be able to sleep between now and then.


What would you do?

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Does she have any other symptoms that could have contributed to this? (colds, sinus problems?) Does she snore? (sleep apnea??) Was her breathing being hampered by anything in the bed (Pillow or blanket against her face?) Are there any other health care facilities that are "urgent care" rather than ER that would work for you? If you absolutely can't get to a doctor, can you get an alarm that moniters her sleep breathing? This is scary! Prayers coming your way. Jacqui

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Just a thought, could you afford a payment agreement of say $5 per month. If you sign the agreement you could get medical care for her (which I think you would be wise in seeking) but not pay the full amount.

The emergency room maybe an extra expense that you cannot afford on top of all this extra stuff but if you think she is in danger - seek out help.


I am sorry you are going throught all this. :grouphug: to you.

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Does she have any other symptoms that could have contributed to this? (colds, sinus problems?) Does she snore? (sleep apnea??) Was her breathing being hampered by anything in the bed (Pillow or blanket against her face?) Are there any other health care facilities that are "urgent care" rather than ER that would work for you? If you absolutely can't get to a doctor, can you get an alarm that moniters her sleep breathing? This is scary! Prayers coming your way. Jacqui


Her breathing was not hampered by anything, but she was very hot (too many clothes on.)


She doesn't snore and doesn't have a cold.


Medicaid will only cover her listed primary care doctor or the ER.

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I'd go to the ER. You had to do WAYYYYY too much to wake her up & get her breathing. WAYYYY too much.


And, call the medicaid office and let them know you are being denied services and who should you go to, since at the moment you can't see the office.


I'd probably call the office back and let them know the the lawsuit should something more happen to your DD won't be worth the $291 at this point... you can't talking a cold or a sniffle.



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Just a thought, could you afford a payment agreement of say $5 per month. If you sign the agreement you could get medical care for her (which I think you would be wise in seeking) but not pay the full amount.

The emergency room maybe an extra expense that you cannot afford on top of all this extra stuff but if you think she is in danger - seek out help.


I am sorry you are going throught all this. :grouphug: to you.


They wanted a minimum of $25 a month, which at this point I cannot agree to.

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I would take her there.

Like you said, getting any sleep otherwise is going to be impossible!

They may have whatever equipment is needed to run tests anyway, whereas a doc's office may not.

Which means they'd refer you to the e.r.~may as well go there to begin!

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When my daughter was 18 months she would stop breathing - No Snoring- and it was very alarming. She would make a very loud noise when she started to breath again. I told our pediatrician and it was just not registering as a concern to the doctor. I read up on it and learned that it was sleep apnea. She ended up seeing an ENT who promptly removed her tonsils and adnoids and the problem was solved. You may find it helpful to look up sleep apnea on the web but most of the info I found was not applicable to a pediatric case. I wish you the best and please get your child to a doctor. Maybe a local community service or church could help you get into a doctor's office. You & your daughter are in my prayers.



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I'd take her to the ER. Like a PP said, the doctor's office isn't going to have the equipment to do proper tests anyway.


Then I'd contact the medicaid dept and let them know what is going on. As soon as possible I'd change primary care physicians. A doctor that has his office help demand payment before seeing a patient with a life threatening disorder isn't the doctor you want to take your kids to. Sounds like he is in it for the money more than being a doctor.

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I would have called an ambulance at the time even if she started breathing again. Since you didn't do that I would take her to the ER. Now I am not saying this to me rude, but seriously your dd quit breathing and you are more worried about the cost of getting her help. The ER is not a silly option, you do not know what caused the lapse in breathing and do not know if it will happen again, and if it does you have no guaranty you will be right there to help her if it does. I am just shocked that you are here posting asking if you should wait until sept when your child stopped breathing. It's called 911, use it!

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I never heard of them denying to see your child. I would immediatly take her to the ER. This is SERIOUS!! They do not deny any treatment because of a bill or income status.


If worse comes worse, call your state's dept of health (whatever dept it is in your state that regulates drs/hosptials) and tell them you are being denied treatment for your dd due to an old bill.



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Definitely the ER. That is not normal. She is breathing normally now because she's awake and not sleeping. What you described sounds like apnea.


For the long haul you'll really want her to be in the care of a pediatric practice though, and not just the ER staff. My first suggestion would be that you go to your church and ask for help. They should have a fund that is designated for things like this, and I think that under the circumstances you would more than qualify for financial assistance. It sounds like a lot of money to you, but it really isn't for a larger entity. $291 is probably a mere fraction of what they took in last weekend.


If for some reason they are not able or willing to help you, I would recommend that you get tougher with the collection agency. Their goal is to get the money back. You cannot get blood from a turnip. $5 a month is better than $0 a month. Tell them that. It is impossible to pay them $25/mo, but you can commit to $5 and if they accept that they'll be better off because that collection agency is about to use up their whole commission harassing you.


I'm sorry that this is happening. But there is help both for dd and for your finances. :grouphug:

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I'd take her to the ER. Like a PP said, the doctor's office isn't going to have the equipment to do proper tests anyway.


Then I'd contact the medicaid dept and let them know what is going on. As soon as possible I'd change primary care physicians. A doctor that has his office help demand payment before seeing a patient with a life threatening disorder isn't the doctor you want to take your kids to. Sounds like he is in it for the money more than being a doctor.



Dump that dr!! I also would go in there and demand to talk to the dr. I would tell him what happened and that the staff demanded payment before allowing to bring your child in with a life threatening situation.:glare:


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I would take her to the ER and don't feel bad about it. Something obviously isn't right, and she should be seen by a doctor.


As far as signing a payment agreement, the best thing to do is offer to pay $5 a month or something you know you can afford so you can see the doctor again when you need to. We've been in this position before, too. It's tough to feel as though you can't see a doctor when your dc need to. :grouphug:

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I would take her to the ER if that was the only option. My son had sleep apnea and it was scary. He had his tonsils and adenoids removed and it was better. It could be sleep apnea or something else. You need to have it addressed TODAY. I wouldn't wait because the doc's office won't see her. As you know, lack of oxygen can cause serious damage and even death. Take her the the ER please.


As for the bill issue, I would ask for a receipt of the bill. Is this the first that you have heard of it? Sometimes a doc's office or hospital will try and get the patient to pay for the remainer of a bill. If it's a private insurance, there may be co pays and deductibles. But I think medicaid usually has a agreement with a doc or hospital for a specific rate. I would ask for the bill and explanations on what exactly it is for. I would then contact medicaid and find out if you are even responsible for it.


But dispute the bill later. Take your dd to the ER today. Shame on that doctor's office for refusing to see her.

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And figure out a way to make a little money - even a fast food stift one or two nights a week would cover that. It would be miserable, but I would want my daughter there being evaluated TODAY. Plus, since you owe the money, whether you've already agreed to pay it. You agreed to that when you took the child previously. So you are just agreeing to do something you are already morally and legally bound to do.


Do you go to church (or another place of worship?) My church would not neglect to pay this for you. We have paid for less urgent things many times. An email would go out explaining the need without declaring who it was for, and I guarantee you it would be paid by noon.

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Definitely the ER. That is not normal. She is breathing normally now because she's awake and not sleeping. What you described sounds like apnea.


For the long haul you'll really want her to be in the care of a pediatric practice though, and not just the ER staff. My first suggestion would be that you go to your church and ask for help. They should have a fund that is designated for things like this, and I think that under the circumstances you would more than qualify for financial assistance. It sounds like a lot of money to you, but it really isn't for a larger entity. $291 is probably a mere fraction of what they took in last weekend.


If for some reason they are not able or willing to help you, I would recommend that you get tougher with the collection agency. Their goal is to get the money back. You cannot get blood from a turnip. $5 a month is better than $0 a month. Tell them that. It is impossible to pay them $25/mo, but you can commit to $5 and if they accept that they'll be better off because that collection agency is about to use up their whole commission harassing you.


I'm sorry that this is happening. But there is help both for dd and for your finances. :grouphug:


:iagree: Seek out the financial help of a church. Keep calling until you find one who offers this kind of help (as they all should). I'm sorry you are dealing with this. My ds has night terrors that I believe are due to lack of oxygen during sleep (he may have sleep apnea since his father does). However, the asthma medicine he is now on has solved the lack of air problem for him. I hope you find the medical help you need to solve this problem for your dd! I'll send prayers your way.

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You have probably already decided by now, but it is the receptionists job to get the money from you. You could agree with her that you understand the policy but would like to speak to the doctor. Being brief, just ask her to have the doctor call you prompty so you could ask about the medical situation and if he thinks you should come in or not, then discuss money with him and not her. Doctors seem to have an internal obligation to help and intervene with their own personel to allow exceptions.

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You have probably already decided by now, but it is the receptionists job to get the money from you. You could agree with her that you understand the policy but would like to speak to the doctor. Being brief, just ask her to have the doctor call you prompty so you could ask about the medical situation and if he thinks you should come in or not, then discuss money with him and not her. Doctors seem to have an internal obligation to help and intervene with their own personel to allow exceptions.


That is excellent advice! If you haven't already had her checked out, I'd go this route. And if it doesn't work you can still try the emergency room. :grouphug:

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I'd take her to the ER. Like a PP said, the doctor's office isn't going to have the equipment to do proper tests anyway.


Then I'd contact the medicaid dept and let them know what is going on. As soon as possible I'd change primary care physicians. A doctor that has his office help demand payment before seeing a patient with a life threatening disorder isn't the doctor you want to take your kids to. Sounds like he is in it for the money more than being a doctor.


:iagree: That's just insane, I can't believe the office said that.

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I didn't read everyone's post as it is late and maybe someone already said this but, Take her to the ER immediately, even if it is now.


I would never take my child to that doctor again. Anyone that would hinge a child's life on 291.00 is in the medical profession for money not to be a doctor for the love of medicine or children. Go NOW

Praying for your child

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We went to the ER, they ran several tests, and the verdict is "periodic breathing" which is generally a function of immature newborn lungs.:confused: Once we get the ped situation worked out, I'll see if they will refer her for a sleep study to make sure it isn't apnea.


And to clarify for a few posters who seemed confused:


When I posted this, she was in no danger. After the initial episode, she had no breathing problems. The episode happened at 2am and I posted after 10am. At the time it happened I did not take her in because I thought it was apnea, which is not life threatening (in the short term.) My question was whether apnea could wait until after Sept. 1st. Emergency rooms are for emergencies and this didn't really seem to qualify (since her breathing returned to normal.) Hence my question. Just wanted to clarify that I am not a total idiot.;)

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I posted an update in a separate thread. I don't know how to link it, though!;)



DQ -- I'm so relieved you're getting some medical insight on this. How scary and frustrating to be in this situation! I have no specific advice except to say please don't take too passive a role on this. Be vigilent and aggressive, if you must, with the doctor's office and with negotiating a payment plan or with finding a new provider. September 1 isn't that far away, but something potentially life threatening to your dd needs attention now.


Oh, and to add in a link, here's how:


Go to the web page you want to link -- in this case, to your update post. When you get there, go up to the web address window/URL (http://www.----etc.) and highlight the address. Then, you can either copy and paste it into the text of your post where it will show up like this:





Or..you can go just to the top of this text box to find a little globe image in the toolbar (just under the smiley face). First, drag your mouse or cursor over a bit of text in your post that mentions the link so that you've highlighted it. Leave it highlighted as you click the globe icon above. When you click, a new window will pop up. You then copy and paste the URL to the web page you want to link into that window, and click "Okay" -- which will make your link show up like this.


Make any sense?






Best wishes to you!

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With that diagnoses will they send a report to the doctor? Did they issue a time frame for a follow-up?


Personally, for, me, Apnea can't wait - if you hadn't been there, and happened to deal with it, it would have been too late come morning :(




According to them, there is nothing wrong with her. They said if it happens again, to turn the light on and see if she is blue. If she is, call 911. If she isn't, then it is just a weird breathing pattern. They did not set a time frame for follow-up.


*I* think it still might be apnea. When we get the doctor changed, I will take her to a ped for follow-up on the apnea.


About all the financial advice, thank you. I won't be returning to that doctor because I am not willing to go to a ped office that places payment over care. If I owe the money, I do and I will pay. However, I will still change to another ped. As far as working at a fast food place - I don't have it in me. ;)Without going into all the detail - I work 50 hours a week in our business that is struggling in this rough economy.

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I am so glad to hear that you were seen in the ER. I have lots of experience with babies and apnea. My girls were preemies (27.5 weekers) and apnea kept them from coming home sooner than they did. One twin's apnea was considered pretty bad, but once she was closer to term all she required was a little nudge to get her breathing again if she did not start back on her own. Neither one required as much intervention to start up their breathing again that your little one did. Please, please, please follow-up this ER visit before Sept. 1.


Oh, and give them heck at that doctor's office! Grrr.

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DQ (it sounds like I'm calling you a fast food joint, huh?), I read your update and am so glad your dd seems to be doing better now. I have to gently disagree with your assessment, though. Children not breathing = automatic trip to an ER (preferably a children's ER, if you're lucky enough to have one in your general area).


Hopefully, there will be no next time. IF there is, honey, please get your daughter to the ER even if she seems to start breathing normally. ER's, especially the city/county/regional ER's, are required by federal law to treat patients, even those who cannot pay. And most ER's in my area are very good about setting up very reasonable payment plans (as in $5 - $10/month).


Remember, this was an emergency even though your dd started breathing again, especially since there isn't a definitive diagnosis yet. As far as the doctor's office, I'm just flabbergasted at the receptionist's response to you. Please talk to your children's case worker. To say this is outrageous is an understatement. Again, I'm so very glad to hear your dd is better. Good luck to you with everything!

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That sounds so scary! I think I would be sleeping with my daughter for awhile!!! Is there a machine you could get that your daughter could be hooked up too so her sleep habits are monitored more closely? Something that would beep and let you know when her breathing stopped- if it ever happened again?

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We live in a small town. Our ER is used for emergencies as well as a late night doctor's office. I called the doctor's office one Friday afternoon about dd's fever thinking it was related to an uti and the doctor told me what to watch for if it spikes later in the evening, then don't call him but go to the ER. We ended up in the ER. They stay in close contact with each other.


I have learned to pass by the receptionist when I need info or help from the doctor. I have been misguided by personel more than once. Many moons ago, I was a receptionist, so I know their job and that doctors will tell them to make exceptions from time to time even when it comes to money.


Glad you was checked out and you're doing better.

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Glad to hear that things are getting tested out and hopefully resolved. I totally understood that you had a breathing dd and you were looking for some ideas about how to problem solve with your restrictions at the dr office. Sometimes it is hard to protray yourself accurately on-line. I struggle with this myself.


Blessing to you and dd!

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