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Good vegetarian dish for Christmas dinner?


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What are your other sides? Are those veg?


We've done pasta as the veg option and it didn't really work with the sides.


We actually like tofurky. (I should add this to the unpopular opinion thread.)


The tofurky instructions make a big difference Imo. They suggest to baste and cook it with veggies all wrapped tight in foil.


Eta: sliced thinly makes a difference too

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I'd make sure all of the sides are vegetarian.  How about stuffed acorn squash?  Or something nice like this.  It is easier to think of the dinner as vegetarian meal with a meat side dish than to think of it as a meal with an extra vegetarian dish.  The vegetarians will know they only have to avoid one thing.

Great advice!

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As a vegetarian, I usually don't ask people to make anything special for me because as long as there are vegetable sides, I can always find something to eat. I can definitely find enough to eat with what you listed. Maybe some dinner rolls perhaps?

Yep, I've been a vegetarian for 19 years and the sides at holiday meals have always been more than enough. Of all the days, Thanksgiving and Christmas do NOT represent a dearth of options for vegetarians. :)


P.S. Tofurkey is the nastiest creation ever.

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We have a vegetarian who comes for Thanksgiving every year and this year was my best dish for him so far. I was also getting tired of the pasta/tofurkey/etc thing.


I made this:




Changes I made:


I made a double batch and used a 9x11 pan and an 8x8 pan for the overflow.

It also needs more salt that the recipe states.

I used only one type of mushroom to save money.

I used gluten-free bread but since the recipe is designed for regular bread it shouldn't be a problem.


Everyone loved this and it was filling, cheesy, and earthy. The vegetarian used it as a main and the other folks used it as a side dish.



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As a vegetarian, I usually don't ask people to make anything special for me because as long as there are vegetable sides, I can always find something to eat. I can definitely find enough to eat with what you listed. Maybe some dinner rolls perhaps?



THIS!  And in case you're thinking it isn't nice enough just to offer that, at least in my own case, I don't often make mashed potatoes and really love them.  So, that would be a treat in itself.  I agree with adding rolls, though.  Also, I would recommend making a great plenty b/c at least three people will be having them for the entire meal.  


If you want to make something so they'll really feel appreciated, almost anything would do b/c it's so nice to be thought of.  It wouldn't matter what.


On the Tofurkey topic . . . I do like the tofurkey gravy but the tofurkey, no, not at all.  If you want to do something like that, I prefer a Field Roast.  And I think the Field Roast apple sage sausage is the best fake meat thing I've ever had. ever.  YUMMY!  I think it's delicious fake meat or not.  It is sausage, though.  


I'm afraid  you'll think this is lame but a fritatta is really good, really wholesome, and really easy to make.  You could whip one up and when I say that I would be just delighted with the sides, I mean it.  Something like a pretty fritatta would just be thrilling. If you made a simple cheese fritatta with no extra veggies, et c. it would go very nicely with your sides and even the cranberry.  If you got too fancy with the ingredients, it wouldn't really go nicely with the cranberries, imo.  





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Moosewood cookbook has an amazing spaghetti squash casserole. It is totally easy and you can make it the day ahead. My mouth waters just thinking about it. The recipe is online, but it's basically: Bake a spaghetti squash.(I bake them whole b/c I don't like slicing them!) Scoop out the "spaghetti" getting rid of the seeds. Mix with cottage  or ricotta cheese, mozarella cheese, Parmesan cheese, mushrooms, onions, garlic, tomatoes, basil, oregano, thyme. (I don't use the bread crumbs.) http://foodbeest.com/2013/03/21/moosewood-spaghetti-squash-casserole/  I think it would go really well with your other sides.

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I'm a 29-year vegetarian and I wouldn't dream of asking someone to make a special dish for me. I can get by on sides very easily.


But if you really want to impress and you live near a Whole Foods, pick up General Tso's Vegan Chicken. It's totally vegan and sooooo tasty. We only get it at the holidays because it's pricey. But it's one less thing to worry about cooking. Just heat it up and it's awesome w/ all the sides you mentioned.



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I make a schmancy stuffed squash with wild rice and shiitake mushrooms. It's from the November 1992 edition of Vegetarian Times and might well be out of your price range (I don't have to buy the pork, lol) but you might find something similar here:




When ds1 is home, he makes a Tofurkey, but it's mostly to bring back good memories. We call it "rubber tire" because of the texture and joke about how awful it is. One year we found a thaw-and-go fake turkey thingamabob that was really good, but that was the year a lot of bad, frightening things happened to our family so it wound up with nasty memories and I never want to see it again as long as I live.


I second Moosewood cookbook and Laurel's Kitchen is also good. Both of them are older and probably sitting around gathering dust at your local independent used book store with tiny price tags on the cover.

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Wow, thanks so much guys!  Lots of awesome ideas here.  Some of them look so delish I'll be trying them at a later date for sure. 


I'm not 100% sure if the guests are vegan or not.  My sister is one of the three, and although she is vegan, she'll eat mashed potatoes and dishes with dairy or eggs once in a blue moon (especially at the holidays).  Not sure about the others though.  Sooooo, I'm thinking it should probably be something vegan.  I loved the idea of a savory pastry or the barley quinoa dish (cosmos and joyofsix--do you have any recipes?)  The quinoa would provide the protein which several of you mentioned.


Thanks for the tip on rolls; will definitely provide those.


Actually the meal is for this Saturday evening.  My s-i-l works the day after Christmas so we all get together the weekend before the holiday.  Christmas Eve will just be our little family, and we'll be doing the Polish Wigilia that several of you mentioned--mushroom barley soup, pierogies, blintz. 

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Does anyone have a mac and cheese recipe that they are willing to share? Every holiday my in laws make mac and cheese with Velveeta. My daughter loved it before she researched what is actually in Velveeta. Now she won't eat it, but would love to have some homemade mac and cheese at the holidays. I tried a recipe that I found online at Thanksgiving. It looked great, but tasted like flour. 



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Isn't it though?!

So disgusting, and gives vegetarians everywhere a bad name!


I make a lot of traditional dishes with vegetarian ingredients...but a new favorite all around, vegetarians and meat-eaters alike; I use Morningstar mince (grounds) and cook it with minced garlic and mushrooms. Add the mix to a half of baked butternut squash. Top with feta cheese and pine nuts. It is gorgeous, festive, and filling.

We also do roasted misc. veg, roasted and garlic mashed potatoes, Yorkshire puddings, rolls, etc....

Interestingly enough, this is the first year I will have to cook for meat-eaters and have no idea how to deal!!!

I have ordered a pre-cooked ham as I have NO idea and am not keen on using my pans! Disposeable pans anyone?

And can I just say that British Vegetarian Bisto gravy is the greatest invention for veggies everywhere?!!!

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Isn't it though?!

So disgusting, and gives vegetarians everywhere a bad name!


I make a lot of traditional dishes with vegetarian ingredients...but a new favorite all around, vegetarians and meat-eaters alike; I use Morningstar mince (grounds) and cook it with minced garlic and mushrooms. Add the mix to a half of baked butternut squash. Top with feta cheese and pine nuts. It is gorgeous, festive, and filling.

We also do roasted misc. veg, roasted and garlic mashed potatoes, Yorkshire puddings, rolls, etc....

Interestingly enough, this is the first year I will have to cook for meat-eaters and have no idea how to deal!!!

I have ordered a pre-cooked ham as I have NO idea and am not keen on using my pans! Disposeable pans anyone?

And can I just say that British Vegetarian Bisto gravy is the greatest invention for veggies everywhere?!!!

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Aww! So much tofurky hate. ):

My sil made it ten or so years ago and it was rubbery and gross...overcooked. It came with turkey leg shaped pieces. It was weird.

We tried it again last year and it was tasty...made with basting and veggies and homemade gravy, sliced thin.


eta:  I am not a member of the tofurky advisory board...I just felt the need to defend those of us who find tofurky edible...so much hate... ;)

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Does anyone have a mac and cheese recipe that they are willing to share? Every holiday my in laws make mac and cheese with Velveeta. My daughter loved it before she researched what is actually in Velveeta. Now she won't eat it, but would love to have some homemade mac and cheese at the holidays. I tried a recipe that I found online at Thanksgiving. It looked great, but tasted like flour.



This butternut squash and shells recipe is excellent:


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