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Just Found Out One of DS's Meds is Being Temporarily Discountinued


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The company that the manufacture of one of DS's vital medications has temporarily stopped making it. The pharmacy found another company but they only had 3 bottles. I am starting to freak. DS needs those medications to slow his disease. The consequences of not having access to his medication are life or death.

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Oh, I have built up about a 3 week supply of medication (I rotate it every month so it is not expired) just in case he had to miss a month. It is not the first time something like this has happened. The last couple of times did not directly affect him but the thought that a medication that he needs to live could become out of reach over night is terrifying.

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Possibly his M.D. can prescribe another medicine,  one that is readily available, for the same  task? If not, if you live near the border with Mexico, hopefully you can get the medicine he needs there.


You will need to have a written prescription from  his M.D., to bring the medicine back into the USA.   Check with U.S. Customs, to determine what quantity will be allowed.


If the manufacturer is discontinuing production of this drug, even temporarily, that would be a big Red flag and a reason for trying to find an alternate, ASAP.


Much GL with this!

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It's probably an obvious suggestion, but I would probably contact the manufacturer to see if they have advice, when they plan to start up production again, what is causing the problem, and so forth.  The  more info you have directly from them, the more accurately you can plan ahead.

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It's probably an obvious suggestion, but I would probably contact the manufacturer to see if they have advice, when they plan to start up production again, what is causing the problem, and so forth.  The  more info you have directly from them, the more accurately you can plan ahead.


That's a good idea.  And maybe they can offer advice about which pharmacies might have more on the shelves.  Maybe they can match your copay (if you have one) or offer you a significant discount to purchase a small supply to get you through?  (I don't know what company it is, but Glaxo Smith Kline will work with people sometimes - they have some good programs to help patients.)


Sending you some good med vibeage!

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It's probably an obvious suggestion, but I would probably contact the manufacturer to see if they have advice, when they plan to start up production again, what is causing the problem, and so forth.  The  more info you have directly from them, the more accurately you can plan ahead.


Obvious maybe but it is a great suggestion! I love my pharmacy, the pharmacist called them to find out what the scoop is and then called other manufactures to find the one who had 3 bottles. They ordered all 3, so there is that. I will call the manufacture and talk to them. Thanks.


There is another medication regimen the doctor has talked about using for DS.  The side affects are absolutely terrifying and while I am fully aware that DS will eventually have to undergo it, I am not in any hurry to go there, KWIM?

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Any chance a compound pharmacy could make it for you?


That's so scary!


See! Another reason I love these forums! I actually looked into using a compounding pharmacy when allergy thought he was either allergic to one of his meds or something in one of the meds. I am not sure why this did not occur to me sooner. Thanks!!!

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Do you have an association linked to your son's condition?


This happened a couple of times with elder dd and the state support association for her condition was able to get options for us.


For us she was due to go onto a stronger dose so the other brand was fine (and turned out to be better). Hope you can find a good and reliable substitute for your son, I realise how scary it is.


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The expense scares me. There is just no way I could afford an increase. Even if I gave up things such as eating, my income just isn't that high.


Oh my goodness! I would hope that you could at least submit the receipts later to your drug plan to recoop some of the money if you went the Canada route.  Maybe something to call your insurance about???

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Alrighty, I am waiting to hear back from DS's doctor. The doctor had been debating decreasing this medication (it is an immunosuppressant) with the flu season fast approaching and I wouldn't be surprised if this will just speed up that process. DS is good through the last week in January with what I have now. 


The drug is on back order and the manufacture will not resume making it until the end of January. I plan to talk to the pharmacy to get contact information for other manufactures and find out if anyone else will continue manufacturing it between now and then.



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