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What does your 8-10year old dd like and play with often.


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We have American Girl dolls and accessories she plays with often.   Barbies, barbie doll house.  She has everything and plays with everything she has.  she loves her toys and knows every stuffed animal by name.  kwim.  I don't like the trendy toys although she asked for a Furby and I did buy her one but then I read that you have to get an app and have not researched how that will work.  We plan to get her a guitar and start lessons in January.   


I saw this http://www.target.com/s?searchTerm=nerf+rebelle&category=0%7CAll%7Cmatchallpartial%7Call+categories&lnk=snav_sbox_nerf+rebelle  and thought about getting her brothers all regular nerf guns so they can all play.  What do you think?

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Our nine year old daughter loves horses and loves riding horses.  She currently has lessons twice weekly and usually rides outside of lessons another four times weekly on average.  She also is quite happy to just hang out at our stables and help so this pares down some of her free "play time". 


At home she prefers to play with Breyer Horses over dolls and is assembling quite a collection.  She also loves books and reads a lot for pleasure.  She received a Rainbow Loom for her birthday and has made many bracelets and accessories.  Her thirteen year old sister makes her own jewelry with cords and sterling silver pieces and she will sometimes help her with that or create her own designs.  

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My almost 9 yr old (10 days!!!) loves legos, small plastic and stuffed animals (her room is set up as a herpetarium, complete with animal habitats , vet clinic (Kaya is the vet/researcher and Molly breeds and sells reptiles at reptile expos) and art and crafty stuff. Blank books, fancy markers/pens, and stickers get used a lot.



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DD's favorite things...


Stuffed kitties (Last year for her big Christmas gift, she asked for a cat tree filled with cats. She LOVES it and, conveniently but not surprisingly, so does our real cat. LOL)


Outdoor gear: bike, scooter, RipStik, Genesis bow (She got this recently for her birthday and loves it. The Nerf bow is on her wish list but she wanted the real thing more than Nerf.)


Ice skates and roller skates.


Arts and crafts supplies and books. All kinds. Supplies to make and illustrate books. Lots of different sizes of embroidery hoops and threads. (You can transfer your own sketches to fabric and embroider those, great for grandparent gifts!) She has learned to knit and wants circular needles. She enjoys hand sewing and is probably ready for a sewing machine, but I am going to teach her with mine and gauge interest before buying her one of her own. She likes crafts and sewing so much that it has (unexpectedly but miraculously!) created a gateway to wanting an American Girl doll. (I have wanted her to want one FOREVER! LOL) When she realized that it wasn't necessarily so much about playing with the doll as creating a world for her, she was all in. LOL So this Christmas, she is getting the doll, an unfinished bed to paint, a bunch of fabric/crafts supplies to create clothes, bedding, decorations, activities, etc.


Cooking, baking and cake decorating.


Taking pictures and videos. Think she will probably love movie making once I get my iMac...


LEGO Friends and Creator sets.


Games. Board games of any kind.


Piano, guitar.


Books. She is my kid who most often gets lost in a book for hours. My mom bought her a butterfly chair for her room so she will have a special, comfy place to read. She likes fancy bookmarks.

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Any craft/art stuff. I keep a large supply of paint, brushes, different types of paper, and so on around as well as just any strange items that she can think of for crafting.


She will play with her Canadian Girl doll sometimes, although that's a back and forth, not a consistent, sort of thing.


Every once in awhile she'll play with the legos with her brothers.


Always enjoys playing a game. Her favorites are our Mario Bros. Chess set, Othello, Uno, Speed, and Battleship.


She spent numerous weeks building time machines and such with a bunch of large cardboard boxes that we got our hands on.


The largest part of her spare time over all though, is spent reading books. She enjoys Thea Stilton and Geronimo Stilton books.


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My daughter is 8 and she does not play with anything that is girlie. There is not a single barbie or baby doll in our house. She loves legos, any kind of small hard plastic animals, crafty stuff like stamps and stickers, stuffed animals (they all have boys names) and the following are top things on her Christmas list:


Furby... She asked for this last year and I didn't get it for her. It's back on her list again this year so I did get it.


Swords ... She studies martial arts and loves the weapons class. I bought her a 3 pc set of UNSHARPENED real swords. One is almost the same height as her, the other is half her size and the third one is a small sword about a foot long. They have Chinese dragons engraved on them which has some meaning as she is Chinese. 


Nunchucks with chains. Her current nunchucks have a rope in between, she want's "real" ones with the chains.


Bidet. LOL.. yes, a bidet. I have a bidet attachment in my bathroom and she loves it. She wants one for our second bathroom which is next to her bedroom.


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My 8 yo sounds like yours- loves American Girl, Barbie, stuffed animals, etc.

She loves the AG books and movies, I got the Saige book and movie for her for Christmas. She and her friends are obsessed right now with this rainbow bracelet making loom kit (that is on groupon right now for $9.99.) any board games, crafty anything, art-- books and supplies, anything gymnastics...I am getting dd matching pj's from etsy for her and her AG doll.


We don't do Nerf that shoots at people... Only thing for targets so we would pass on that...plus while my dd might have fun, I don't think it would make it anywhere on her wish list. ;)

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DD will be 9 in a couple weeks. Like a couple of PPs she loves her Rainbow Loom and duct tape crafts.


I think she spends the most time playing with her Squinkies, but I don't know any other girls her age who still play with them as much as she does.


For Christmas, we're getting her an Ipod Nano. The Touch is tempting, but I don't want her to have unfettered access to the internet.


We also got her this Living Sands that we saw in a specialty toy store. It is really cool; stays moist, doesn't clump or make a mess. I liked playing with it myself. A fun novelty gift.


We've been playing Boggle a lot lately, and she's getting really good at it, which makes it more fun for me.

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Mine are 9 and they are very girly. They like:


American Girl dolls/ accessories/ and craft sets




Craft making supplies and kits- they like most anything that lets them make stuff.


Art/Drawing supplies


Calico Critters


Beanie Boos


Schleich figures


Doctor Who


Accessories- like hats, gloves, purses, jewelry, purse holders, scarves, wallets, etc. I don't know why, but they are all about the accessories.


Pretty things for their room.


Cooperative games like Forbidden Island.


I think they would like the Nerf Rebelle stuff but I don't know. They haven't seen it yet.

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I'm getting my 9yo this: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00D4M7QUI/ref=oh_details_o00_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 - I think she's going to love it! She also loves art supplies a lot - like professional quality stuff, not kid art supplies. And games. Games are always a hit around here.

That looks cool! Have you seen it in the store? My girls would like it if they could move their calico critters or similar toys into the house and play once it is built. Do you know if it is sturdy enough to use as a doll house once it is built? I could see my DS wanting to help and play with them.

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That looks cool! Have you seen it in the store? My girls would like it if they could move their calico critters or similar toys into the house and play once it is built. Do you know if it is sturdy enough to use as a doll house once it is built? I could see my DS wanting to help and play with them.


I haven't seen it in person - just heard about it as it was being developed (that and Goldi Blox - which is also newer) because it was an engineering toy targeted to girls (and that's awesome.) But the reviews look great - I think she's probably too old for the Goldi Blox, and I wish that had been around when all of my girls were younger, but I think she'll really enjoy the Roominate - does anyone remember Ello building sets? They don't make them anymore, but you can still get them used (like this: http://www.amazon.com/Ello-Aquaria-People-Places-Things/dp/B000087R8D) - anyway, we still have a bunch of these from when my 14yo was little, and they still get tons of play around here - even the 14yo will still play with them....the roominate reminds me of that building system, with the added electronics, so I really think it will be a huge hit for my daughter.  I'm excited. I've already ordered it, because, even though its been in my cart for a while, the current price is the cheapest I've seen Amazon go on the deluxe set...so I can look at it when it arrives Wed and let you know how sturdy it looks, but I don't want to dig it out and play with it too much before I give it to my daughter. If its anything like the ello stuff I mentioned, I think it would be fine for calico critters :-)

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Schleich dragons and other mystical creatures and horses


Good books


Occasional crafts but not ones which require hours and hours of patience.


Swords, anything ninja related to pretend with brother


Stuffed animals especially wolves and cats


Drawing stuff- nice supplies not kiddie supplies


Last year she liked calico critters b/c she used them as characters for Redwall

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My dd just turned 10. She likes:


Good quality art supplies

Stuffed animals



Her nature collection


My Little Pony Friendship is Magic figures

Duct tape, scotch tape, masking tape, all sorts of tape . . .

Her survival bucket that she came up with after reading The Mysterious Benedict Society

Paracord and clasps for making bracelets

Games - especially monopoly, catan, doodle dice, and Yahtzee

Snap circuits



And . . . She loves her nerf guns - esp when her dad plays with her or one of her friends of the male sort are over. We just have the boring old marketed-to-boys type nerf guns, though.

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