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Can anyone send a little encouragement my way?


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When I pulled down the driveway this evening after a full afternoon of running errands and worrying about money, I was met with the sight of the hood up on our new-to-us truck. Most of dh was sticking out from under the hood, but he had a fire extinguisher in hand. Never a good sign.


Then 15yo dd reported that the hot water cut out on her after only 5 minutes in the shower. And it did the same to me when I was in the shower.


When dh and I cam home from picking up dd after the youth group meeting at the church, a strong skunk smell filled the air. Our black lab has been skunked. I later saw a skunk out skulking around the chicken coop, so I went out with a pistol. The first 2 bullets were duds and had to be cleared. By then the skunk was long gone.


We have to go out of town this weekend and every.single.place I look around here is another job overdue to get done. I am overwhelmed, a day late and at least a dollar short. If anyone has any extra happy thoughts, I surely could use them about now.

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Thanks to all for the pep talk. I am drowning my sorrows in yoghurt covered pretzel balls even as I type.


The poor black lab is trying to help de-stinkify herself. When I took the indoor dog out for a bedtime walk, the lab was covered in mud where she has been rolling by the creek. It is too cold tonight to wet her down with peroxide or other odor remedy, so that will have to wait until tomorrow.


Dh is going in to work late tomorrow am and will flush the water heater before he leaves. Hopefully that will buy us a few more months before we have to replace it.


I am bummed beyond belief about the truck, but we do already have this winter's firewood supply in place. It will probably have to wait in line until after we get dh's little work car to the shop. But it is what it is. Hopefully we can get it fixed when the tax refund comes next year.


I have a copious amount of whine on hand (I don't drink the other kind), a full bag of yoghurt pretzels, my cyber friends, and a strong faith. I promise all of us that I will beat this.


(PS: For those of you who have mentioned that you dream of rural life, this is what the seamy underbelly looks and smells like!)


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Dh is going in to work late tomorrow am and will flush the water heater before he leaves. Hopefully that will buy us a few more months before we have to replace it.

I'm sure your well-versed in such things but I thought I'd mention that between flushing and changing elements dh has been able to greatly extend the life of our hot water heater. Usually we get a few years in between, we have extremely hard water here and most people only get about 5-6 yrs before they die and we are on year 14 here.
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Thanks, Soror. We have lived here 13 years and the water heater was here when we moved in. Our water is hard also.


I love to use those warm mist vaporizers during the winter months when we are using the woodstove nonstop. However, they clog up quickly with minerals. I have learned how to take the heating element apart and how to clean the "fingers" inside to prolong the life of the unit. But still, I am lucky to get one whole season out of one before the insides degrade to the point of being nonfunctional.


In my mind's eye, that is how I envision the inside of our water heater, but that is mostly my imagination. It doesn't get as hot, therefore not as many deposits. We should probably flush it more frequently than we do. I am hoping for at least another 6 months and then hopefully our financial situation will be a bit better and we can replace it  with less angst!

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Thanks, Soror. We have lived here 13 years and the water heater was here when we moved in. Our water is hard also.


I love to use those warm mist vaporizers during the winter months when we are using the woodstove nonstop. However, they clog up quickly with minerals. I have learned how to take the heating element apart and how to clean the "fingers" inside to prolong the life of the unit. But still, I am lucky to get one whole season out of one before the insides degrade to the point of being nonfunctional.


In my mind's eye, that is how I envision the inside of our water heater, but that is mostly my imagination. It doesn't get as hot, therefore not as many deposits. We should probably flush it more frequently than we do. I am hoping for at least another 6 months and then hopefully our financial situation will be a bit better and we can replace it  with less angst!


one thing that I found that worked on humidifiers is running it with vinegar water for one whole cycle.  I think it was about 1/4 cup to a full  tank -  run it OUTSIDE!! for the day... I was amazed at how well it got all the gunk off.  I think my dr recommended doing it once a month. 

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Thanks, Soror. We have lived here 13 years and the water heater was here when we moved in. Our water is hard also.


I love to use those warm mist vaporizers during the winter months when we are using the woodstove nonstop. However, they clog up quickly with minerals. I have learned how to take the heating element apart and how to clean the "fingers" inside to prolong the life of the unit. But still, I am lucky to get one whole season out of one before the insides degrade to the point of being nonfunctional.


In my mind's eye, that is how I envision the inside of our water heater, but that is mostly my imagination. It doesn't get as hot, therefore not as many deposits. We should probably flush it more frequently than we do. I am hoping for at least another 6 months and then hopefully our financial situation will be a bit better and we can replace it  with less angst!

Well, thank God for husbands who can fix things, it really saves money! I figure we've already saved the cost of a heater compared to others around here, which is nothing to sneeze at as expensive as they are! I keep thinking we should replace ours preemptively so it doesn't burst but it keeps on working. It is a pain in the butt when it comes to cleaning but at least the water tastes good. I love our water! Hopefully you get a good long while out of it still!
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