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Best and Worst Halloween Candy

Word Nerd

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Can't you just picture how that went down?


*Trick or treat!

*Oh, nuggets! I forgot it was Halloween. What do we have? [rustling through cupboards] Potatoes! Kids like mashed potatoes!


I usually take the kids T&T'ing and dh stays home. We live in a rural area and don't get kids T&T'ing at our house. So we never bought candy. So one All Hallow's Eve the doorbell rang, and dh was faced with a group of teens looking for candy. He panicked and gave them my entire Godiva box of chocolate. I couldn't believe it. I wish he'd thought of giving them mashed potatoes.



Best candy: 3 Musketeers


Worst: Laffy Taffy and those awful gum balls

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I refuse to see how Necco Wafers even count as candy. Chalky disks of slightly flavored stuff does not a candy make. And where do these things come from? I haven't seen them in stores in years yet on Halloween, someone always gets one pack!

Nibble around the edges just right and they'll fit a coin slot in the arcade. Everything has a purpose.

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I just ran a search on "candy cigarettes". What this picture shows are the "revised product" which omitted the "red flame tip". (The feature which made them look like a lit-up cigarette -- the "point" of if all !)

That and the powdered sugar "smoke" that you could blow out. (At least you could with the cigarette gum.)

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I just ran a search on "candy cigarettes". What this picture shows are the "revised product" which omitted the "red flame tip". (The feature which made them look like a lit-up cigarette -- the "point" of if all !)

I remember them. We had Popeye candy cigarettes, and I'm sure there were other kinds.

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I refuse to see how Necco Wafers even count as candy. Chalky disks of slightly flavored stuff does not a candy make. And where do these things come from? I haven't seen them in stores in years yet on Halloween, someone always gets one pack!


Necco wafers are brought to you by the same company that makes the candy conversation hearts, the ones with words on them! 

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Best: butterfingers, peanut butter cups

Worst: those taffy things wrapped in orange and black wax paper. Incidentally, those are the ones I buy (when I buy Halloween candy) so I'm not tempted to eat them.


The whole town descends on our neighborhood on Halloween and it is an absolute madhouse, so we beat it on out of here as soon as DH gets home from work and go to my parents' church. They have this big harvest festival with bounce houses and food and the kids get a haul of candy. So, I don't buy candy to give out.

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I refuse to see how Necco Wafers even count as candy. Chalky disks of slightly flavored stuff does not a candy make. And where do these things come from? I haven't seen them in stores in years yet on Halloween, someone always gets one pack!



I love Necco wafers, especially the old-fashioned flavors like clove.  I went through a phase where I was practically addicted to them.  Sadly, my kids didn't get any yet (we trick or treated at a campground last weekend).  Maybe they will get some tomorrow night.

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I like Mary Janes, Bit o' Honeys, Necco Wafers and fireballs. They taste like my childhood. My kids don't like them, so I get them.


I wish they still had Brach's royals, I totally adored them.


Of course I will take anything chocolate if it is offered to me.


Worst: bubble gum, jaw breakers, sour anything, gummi hamburgers.

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In general, worst candy: licorice

Worst I personally got as a child: a single gumdrop on a toothpick (from the mayor's house)

Worst my daughter has gotten: Jack Chick "Halloween is evil and you're going to Hell if you don't accept Jesus right now because you may die at any second" comics (and they can't even be bothered to get the facts on the origin of Halloween right :thumbdown: )

worst from a friend:  the person who, when the kids knocked on the door, stole candy from their buckets and slammed the door


Best: Reese's, dark chocolate Kit Kats


Aside: I simply do not get churches that preach against "Halloween," then have "fall festivals" on Oct. 31 with costumes, candy, advertised with jack-o-lanterns (not just pumpkins), etc. I have a lot more respect for those who choose to do fall festivals on a different date (and don't use jack-o-lanterns to advertise). Ironically, IMO, those fall festivals are actually a whole lot more closely linked to the pagan origins of Halloween as a harvest festival than the celebration of slasher films we often see today.

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When I was growing up, my dad had this enormous theater-/carnival-style popcorn machine that he would roll out onto the front porch, kept it running all night and handed out bags of popcorn.  Do people even do that kind of thing anymore?


That sounds so cool!  I can just imagine the delicious smell of popcorn wafting through the neighborhood!

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When I was growing up, my dad had this enormous theater-/carnival-style popcorn machine that he would roll out onto the front porch, kept it running all night and handed out bags of popcorn.  Do people even do that kind of thing anymore?



Homemade has gone by the wayside, I think, mostly due to fears of tampering.

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When I was growing up, my dad had this enormous theater-/carnival-style popcorn machine that he would roll out onto the front porch, kept it running all night and handed out bags of popcorn.  Do people even do that kind of thing anymore?


That sounds cool! I've heard of people making a big crock of chili and serving that or hot dogs or hot chocolate to trick-or-treaters and parents. My grandma used to make popcorn balls.

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This betrays my age; however, I miss candy cigarettes. 


Ah, the days of walking around outside pretending to smoke and blowing that candy cigarette powder out the end.  My children are horrified that my sister and I loved those as kids.  Hey, everyone was doing it.


I don't know how I forgot Candy Corn as one of the worst.  Who thought that was a good idea?

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When I was growing up, my dad had this enormous theater-/carnival-style popcorn machine that he would roll out onto the front porch, kept it running all night and handed out bags of popcorn. Do people even do that kind of thing anymore?

In the area we go (where my son's oldest friend lives), people pass out all sorts of homemade or hot stuff. Even beer for adults. But everyone has candy too for those that aren't comfortable without factory sealed candy.


Personally I think tampering concerns are way, way overblown.

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I don't know how I forgot Candy Corn as one of the worst.  Who thought that was a good idea?


Yeah, but it's only once a year that you get to test whether the three different color sections taste different.  Anyone who hasn't nibbled off just the top and bottom to check is not being truthful.  The results not changing year to year is no reason to discontinue the experiment.



Personally I think tampering concerns are way, way overblown.



I think it's called "innumeracy" -- overhype about statistics.  There was a book by the same title.

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Worst: Mary Janes, anything with peanut butter, those Necco wafers, and any offname candy.


Best: Chocolate



Mary Janes??  :confused1:   Mary Janes are shoes. 



In my neck of the woods any reference to Mary Jane is NOT referring to shoes, lol (or candy)!  I can not have been the only one reading this thread and thinking, "My word!!  What kind of neighborhoods are these people ToT'ing in where people are dropping MJ in their bags!"


(Ok, I'm really not that blonde, but the constant reference kept making me :blink:  :scared:)

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That sounds cool! I've heard of people making a big crock of chili and serving that or hot dogs or hot chocolate to trick-or-treaters and parents. My grandma used to make popcorn balls.


The town we previously lived in still had a few ladies that made popcorn balls.  It was a small enough town that I didn't question my DC eating them.   :)  They'd also go into elderly people's houses so they could see their costumes better.  TOTing is a totally different experience in a larger town!  

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I hand out skittles, sweet tarts, nerds, and M&Ms, but only if it's cool enough. Chocolate in Arizona can be challenging, even at the end of October. I don't mind that nearly everyone hands out those on our worst list (candies containing peanuts and tree nuts) because that's less candy I have to sneak out of/ toss from my sons' stash when they're not looking. At least they get why they're not allowed to eat those. Keep buying Reese's and Snickers, everyone! We just dump them in our own bowl and give them to the teenagers at the end of the night.


The real worst? Laffy taffy and any unidentifiable candy. I tossed the Hershey's kisses the boys got last night because I'm still scarred from tales of tainted candy in my own youth.

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