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Forecast for tonight includes snow


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uh...you cool weather braggers make me sick. :tongue_smilie:  My heart sank when I saw that we will go back up to 80 on Tuesday. :cursing: 

I want cool crisp air and the promise of snow on the horizon. I want sweaters and cider and the smell of fireplaces burning in the distance. sigh. now I'm just whining. Feel free to ignore me. :D

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the rains came early this year.  usually they start about mid-oct.  they started the beg of sep.

when it's dry, I have to run outside and work in the yard.

we'll see if we have a repeat of the winter of 2008/2009.  we had real fall color in the lowlands - and record snow.

we'll see what we get for snow this year.

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There was a dusting on Mt. Mansfield (highest peak) in VT the other morning, Monday i think. The rest of the state has had amazing early fall weather. High's in the 60's, lows in the 40s, sunny and low humidity. Blissful! These are the days I daydream about in February when it seems as if the snow is going to never melt.

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My sister got some snow yesterday. It wasn't sticking down in the valley where she lives but it was on the mountains and she sent pictures. DS1 is insanely jealous. He's been begging me for snow for about a month now.  We had an hour long discussion  (somewhat heated on his side, lol) two days ago because he dug out a turtleneck and long pants and wanted to wear those because they were "snow clothes"... if he wore them then obviously it would snow!


It was in the mid 80s the past couple of days, which was especially icky after nearly a week of gorgeous weather (highs in the low 70s with lows in the upper 40s... perfect open windows weather). However, we are supposed to get another stretch of decent weather starting tomorrow. 


Because I love gardening, especially vegetable, I have to have an appreciation for summer... but it is my least favorite season. Bring on the cold!

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Where do you people live that you've had snow already (or are expecting it soon)?! This is crazy talk.


Alaska has had snow twice....however we are in the mid 50's today! So out enjoying the beautiful weather before the snow sticks for good. We have been told the next snow will probably be down for good until break up....crazy!!!

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I am so jealous!  I hope you are someplace where it is welcome at this time (not the recently flooded areas in CO).  It snows down here about once every 9 years, and I miss it!


Oh, well.  At least the temps don't promise to top 100 F any more, and sometimes we get a day where the low goes below 70 F now.  Hooray for Fall!


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 When it snowed in early October last year my kids were so excited!  Not so much when there were still traces of it on the ground in May ;)


Every spring you expect to see parents taking their kids to the local sports field to practice, right? This past May, our kids were practicing spring sports in the parking lots instead of on the fields because the  fields were still covered in snow.

Alaskans are a resourceful bunch!


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Every spring you expect to see parents taking their kids to the local sports field to practice, right? This past May, our kids were practicing spring sports in the parking lots instead of on the fields because the  fields were still covered in snow.

Alaskans are a resourceful bunch!



Well, I looked at a map, and even the very most southern tip of Alaska is still just a bit further north than us.  It hasn't snowed here yet, but it did get down to 32 last night.

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well - it's not snow, but we're on track for setting an all-time record rainy sept.  going into the weekend, we were over three inches for sept.  they've forecast between two - three inches this weekend.  we've already had over an inch - today! (1/2" was in one hour and we've got nine hours left) and it's still coming down.  this is the type of storm we usually see in nov.  



so much for northwest drizzle.  we did have a *very* nice summer.  

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