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Now I'm banned! More planner drama!


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It didn't "happen to them." That makes it sound like it was beyond their control. They brought it on themselves, and from what I've seen, continue to make things worse every step of the way.

True, but when I read the post you quoted, I didn't think she was saying that it was beyond their control. I took it to mean that she thought it was sad to see a company with so much potential be destroyed due to their own lack of wisdom and business sense. It is very obvious that they are not the victims here.

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They are probably aware of this thread. I would imagine that a few of the people who still support them might check this forum. The owner even has an account here, although she has only posted once, I think.


If that is the case, to save WPD people some time. I do NOT have an account with your, nor have I purchased any products of yours. I did look on several occasions because of the excitement of a few friends about YOUR product. 


I've watched their excitement and promotion of this product go from very supportive & recommending to frustrated to almost apologetic for recommending them in the first place to warning others about the issues with your poor customer service and support. 


Thing is, this has been a long road for most. You've had over a year to contemplate how to handle this in an ethical business manner. At any point along this road, you could have said the product is not ready, not as promised, yet you ignored countless opportunities to make it right.  Instead you hide and delete comments that you don't want to deal with while you continue to PROMOTE and SELL the product.


Time to get off the high horsey and begin to make amends. What you are doing is illegal and unethical. You thought dealing with disgruntled homeschoolers was bad, wait until you have to deal with the legal system. Wake up, seriously, you don't get to play at having a business, treat customers like this, and avoid the legal ramifications when you just don't want to deal with it. 

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They are probably aware of this thread. I would imagine that a few of the people who still support them might check this forum. The owner even has an account here, although she has only posted once, I think.


I'm shocked that there are people supporting them, but I know it's happening.  I'm hopeful that those people just don't realize how badly this company has treated so many of their customers.


At this point, I have an obligation to tell people how unethical this company is any time I see them mentioned.

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True, but when I read the post you quoted, I didn't think she was saying that it was beyond their control. I took it to mean that she thought it was sad to see a company with so much potential be destroyed due to their own lack of wisdom and business sense. It is very obvious that they are not the victims here.

Yes, thank you, anj. My husband nitpicks every word I say, though, so I am used to it. :D By happening "to them" I also mean all the people who are involved in the company (riding the train) who are getting their reputations trashed by the one or two people at the helm of the train.

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I spent some time last night on their facebook page, and there are a lot of people dissatisfied (to put it mildly) with them. 


Time to spread the word, they can ban it from their own page but can't prevent word from running though homeschool circles on fb to hopefully prevent anyone else being robbed that way.


I wonder if they understand how powerful word of mouth is in the homeschool community. It's not a product I would have ever considered since I'm happy with my planning method. However, I'm on many local and national homeschool lists/boards. If anyone brings up MWPD I'll remember this thread and make sure others know what happened so they don't get duped. I know I won't be the only one.

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I'm shocked that there are people supporting them, but I know it's happening.  I'm hopeful that those people just don't realize how badly this company has treated so many of their customers.


At this point, I have an obligation to tell people how unethical this company is any time I see them mentioned.


I suspect this is the case. I am familiar with the magazine and used one of the first printed planners they published several years ago, so my overall view of the company as a former user of their products was positive before I saw this thread. After reading the OP and others' experiences here and on the Facebook page, my view has changed. Not only have they failed to make good on their promises or acknowledge their incompetence at providing a usable digital product, they have shown a lack of integrity in dealing with the problems.

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Another disgruntled user told me that she tried to warn people on the message board she frequents, and it seemed that they had a hard time believing her because of their positive impressions of the company and its products.  It didn't sound like any of them had tried using the electronic planner, and they were pleased with the print version.



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I bought this last year, saw how horrible it was and asked for a refund within days.  I *think* I received it, at least I assume that I did.  It was very clear that this product was nowhere near ready to use even at a Beta level, and it was clear from the runaround they were giving people at the time that they were not going to get anything ready anytime soon.  I was disappointed because it was very pretty and I would have loved to use it if it was functional. 



I feel so badly for those of you who hung in there with this company in good faith that they would honor their promises.  Y'all have more trust and patience than I do!


I switched to Skedtrack and I LOVE it.  It's nothing to look at but it's completely functional, easy to use, and FREE.  I did my lesson planning for this whole year in 2 evenings.


It's so simple.  For each course, I set up a list of activities to be done and days per week that course should show up on the schedule.  I print my kids a weekly checklist and each day they checkoff what they have done.  Anything not completed rolls over to the next day.  If a test is checked off on the activity list as completed, it pops up on the "test scores to input" list to remind me to enter the score.  I can generate a course report (list of resources used, and activities/dates for everything completed in that course) or report card with one click.  So fabulous!!

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One of the customers who purchased the software last year asked them if they would give her a discount on the print planner so that she could use that while she waited for the software to be repaired.  They refused to give it to her, saying that subscribers were being given an additional free year of service, not a discount for the hard copy.  Not long after that, they ran a big promo, offering 30% discounts to all NEW customers who bought the print version.




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I just posted a review in My Well Planned Day Reviews on Facebook.  I hope that others will do the same so people can make an informed decision before purchasing this software.  


Use THIS link to see BBB ratings and file one if you feel led to do so.

Use THIS link to see the FTC page.


Please take the time to speak up so others can benefit from your good and bad experiences with HEDUA and MWPD.




In case my above links don't work:




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  • 2 weeks later...

So it is now Oct. 1.  August has obviously long passed.  Nothing has changed with the software, and they are now responding with form letters informing those who inquire about when the update will finally happen that they've gone above and beyond expectations.  They basically say the current software is just fine and over 2,000 people use it every day.  HA!  I do believe people struggle to use it daily.  But that still doesn't change the fact that the thing doesn't offer all of the features they promised us over a year ago.


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Fortunately I am just a bystandaner in this particular situation, but I see a few lessons coming from it (and other past personal experience):


1. If you aren't satisfied with a product, request a refund immediately and dispute the charge with your credit card company (oor use their product guarantee if they have one). If the seller promises it will be fixed, you can always buy again at that time. a "re-stocking" fee for online software may be unreasonable, but if it was disclosed before you purchased you are probably out fo luck (unless you successfully dispute the charge). In their defense, processing and later refunding a credit card purchase usually costs over 5% of the transaction amount, so it's not entirely unreasonable to charge something if they offer no-questions-asked refunds within the 30-day window.


2. "Cloud" or online software / services will always be fraught with peril. Unless there is a way to download your data -- and access it from other software -- your information depends on the success and quality of the business running the service. If they fail to do regular backups, if they have financial difficulty, if there's a technical problem preventing access to their server, if they decide to change their terms, you may lose your data. And there's nothing you can do about it.


3. Developing a large (and this product isn't even very big by software industry standards) software project is HARD. Good ideas are a dime a dozen; successful implementors are few and far between. Domain knowledge is essential, but technical expertise and project management skills are also required. Thinking that a subject matter expert is all that's required to build a successful product is like hiring an interior designer to build your house because they know all about how people use living spaces. Outsourcing development ("hiring a team") is certainly done, but frequently ends badly, even for large projects in big companies with experienced project managers. It's a popular cost-saving measure, vs. hiring in-house developers, but often the failures aren't fully appreciated until it's too late. :(

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So it is now Oct. 1.  August has obviously long passed.  Nothing has changed with the software, and they are now responding with form letters informing those who inquire about when the update will finally happen that they've gone above and beyond expectations.  They basically say the current software is just fine and over 2,000 people use it every day.  HA!  I do believe people struggle to use it daily.  But that still doesn't change the fact that the thing doesn't offer all of the features they promised us over a year ago.


Does that mean they aren't going to update the software at all now, or is it just an excuse for another delay in releasing it?

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This is the form letter that my friend received:



Thank you for your email below. We understand that homeschool moms are waiting patiently as we develop the new user friendly upgrade to the software, however, there are currently over 2,000 users daily using the existing software. As of September 2013, the product has been fully functional for creating and assigning lesson plan as well as grading.

We are working diligently to get the new interface up, and we have graciously extended a free year to everyone who signed up last year, even though the purchase price was as little as $40.

HEDUA has gone above and beyond to make our customers happy and at this point, we ask that you patiently wait, as we are making sure the upgrade performs well.>>

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This is the form letter that my friend received:



Thank you for your email below. We understand that homeschool moms are waiting patiently as we develop the new user friendly upgrade to the software, however, there are currently over 2,000 users daily using the existing software. As of September 2013, the product has been fully functional for creating and assigning lesson plan as well as grading.


We are working diligently to get the new interface up, and we have graciously extended a free year to everyone who signed up last year, even though the purchase price was as little as $40.


HEDUA has gone above and beyond to make our customers happy and at this point, we ask that you patiently wait, as we are making sure the upgrade performs well.>>


Wow. Nice of them to let you know how gracious they're being.


I notice they don't specify just what they've gone "above and beyond." Probably just as well.

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Since Home Educating Family / HEDUA is not responding to valid customer complaints, I encourage all of you who have had problems with them to contact other homeschool organizations with whom they are affiliated. Maybe professional pressure will force them into doing the right thing. HEDUA is a sponsor of the 2:1 blogger conference, so I would suggest reaching out to Cheryl Pitt (founder of 2:1) and Stef Layton (conference coordinator). If HEDUA is a sponsor or vendor at your state organization's convention, make sure to contact them and let them know your concerns. I don't feel right contacting anyone, as I have not personally dealt with HEDUA (I almost subscribed to the WPD program but decided not to when I read here about all the initial problems people were having). I hate to think that this company continues to operate like this never happened.

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Along those same lines, if you visit the HEDUA website you will see those companies who advertise with them.  Contacting them would also be a good idea.  If I were a company advertising with an organization who is cheating customers, I'd want to know. 


For anyone holding out to use this software - consider what will happen when your high school junior is getting ready to apply to colleges and the MWPD software system crashes, or goes out of business, or whatEVER.  Given their poor performance in the early stages of development, given their lack of concern for informing their customers, and given their views on what is gracious and tolerable to them, would you want to trust your child's transcripts and all of his/her school planning information on their server with no guarantee of retrieval should there be a problem?  


This is a system burdened with problems from the start, and offered to you by a company who isn't being forthright or honest.  Don't have high expectations that they'll help you when you really need it at application time.   As of now, there is no way to back up your hard input work and the years of school data you will accumulate.  Storing in MWPD's cloud and relying upon them for information retrieval when you really need it does not, at this time, seem wise to me.  If planning with MWPD is troublesome now, imagine what will happen should they encounter any difficulties down the road.



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This is the form letter that my friend received:



Thank you for your email below. We understand that homeschool moms are waiting patiently as we develop the new user friendly upgrade to the software, however, there are currently over 2,000 users daily using the existing software. As of September 2013, the product has been fully functional for creating and assigning lesson plan as well as grading.


We are working diligently to get the new interface up, and we have graciously extended a free year to everyone who signed up last year, even though the purchase price was as little as $40.


HEDUA has gone above and beyond to make our customers happy and at this point, we ask that you patiently wait, as we are making sure the upgrade performs well.>>


So, roughly translated, they're basically saying:


Dear little people,


You should be exceedingly grateful we even allowed you the opportunity to purchase our product in the first place.  We spent precious minutes of our lives making a couple parts of it work; what more do you want from us?  Now f*** off and let us spend the piles of money we made off you dupes in peace.




Yeah, that's a great business model.  Also, if we do a little math and figure that besides the 2000 daily users they claim to have there were probably at least another 1000 that gave up on the stupid thing or were deleted for complaining, that's a minimum of $120,000 they pulled in from this little scam, minus whatever they paid the developers (which, judging from what I've heard and read about the software, couldn't have been very much).  More, if there were people who paid more than forty bucks.  


Ugh.  It's just sickening.  These people definitely won't ever get a penny of my money.  I don't care how pretty their paper planners are.  

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 Also, if we do a little math and figure that besides the 2000 daily users they claim to have there were probably at least another 1000 that gave up on the stupid thing or were deleted for complaining, that's a minimum of $120,000 they pulled in from this little scam, minus whatever they paid the developers (which, judging from what I've heard and read about the software, couldn't have been very much).  More, if there were people who paid more than forty bucks.  



I wonder about their 2,000 daily users.  My guess is that there are currently 2,000 users of the system in total.  Can they distinguish between the total users and "daily users"?


Doubt it.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...



Any updates on this situation? I know it's an old thread but it stays in my mind because I feel bad for the victims.

I took a quick look at their facebook page, they haven't posted on it since September, and some posters are saying e-mails from customer service are now saying there is a February release date.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 year later...

I was one who bought it the first year and patiently waited.  I did not twiddle my thumbs though and was able to plan on homeschool helper and another online planner.  In August or early September they did send the free year to me.  I have had access to it for a year and piddle with it every few months.  It is not as good as other planners and you can only print an assignment report-there is no other printing capability.  I have never used all the meal planning and such b/c my main reason for purchasing was for the homeschool planner and reports.  I just logged on a minute ago and it hasn't changed any all year.  I actually have never went through all the trouble of getting all our information into it and scheduling well with it b/c I can't print any thing for my records.  And since I need printed records (attendance, report cards, transcripts), it isn't worth my time.  I do think it does not have a very great function for copying lessons plans or generating lesson plans in order such as page # patterns or such.  I know homeschool tracker was better in that department.  

I do love having their printed planner to tote with me and I buy one yearly.  I will not purchase their online planner after this year unless they get more printable reports for record keeping.  The newer version is better, but why release it with only being able to print assignments.  You can't even print your meal plans or such.  And since I got my free subscription for the year, it has not updated with any new printable reports.  It has stayed the same all year long. 

I like that it has meal planning and more, but I feel it is incomplete b/c it doesn't fit my needs for a homeschool record keeper which is what I really need over a meal planner.  There are apps for meal planners and recipe keepers.  It almost has seemed from the beginning that they were more focused on that side of the planner than the academic planner.  

I was able to create a shortcut to the web site login on my nook.  It is not a mobile app at all.  It is more like a shortcut icon that takes you to a mobile version of the web site.  I think if they actually work on getting more functions such as record keeping reports and well any reports besides just assignments that it is not terrible.  I would not pay $65 a year for it even then though.  I found paying about $5 for homeschool helper and downloading a meal planning app much better.  And I don't have to pay that yearly.

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