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You must stop whatever you're doing and watch this now.


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Yeah... dh showed it to me last night. He's paying for it today.


He also continues to make the "fox call" on occasion. He may need to be hurt.

He heard it on NPR - said they were saying, "You have to see this. Hearing it doesn't do it justice."


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Well then we are weird to. ;) The best part of the video is how well done it is. I mean these guys are singing a completely ridiculous song with totally straight faces and they actually sound really good. hehe


I know!! Robin Thicke and Miley Cyrus could take a few pointers. lol

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My daughter showed it to me a few days ago. She's obsessed with Norway, anyway, and is now convinced she must go there immediately, if there's stuff like this happening.






I am from Norway, just a few generations back. Maybe that explains my amusement at this.

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Hysterical! I loved it. I'm weird and proud of it. :D My kids and I have conversations about things like that all the time. What does the fox say, anyway? It was quite well done, too. Thanks for sharing it!

My 7 year old dd asked me, "what does the kangaroo say" after she saw the video. Any Aussies know? ;)

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My 7 year old dd asked me, "what does the kangaroo say" after she saw the video. Any Aussies know? ;)

Yes! I've had that question asked of me too. Also, my 7 year old ds wants to know, "What do deer say? Anything? Or do they just communicate by flicking their tails or something? You know, like how bees dance?" Lol.

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So not only does the Hive have a Happy Trampy Mommy (and Pappy) Club, but there is also the Weird, Quirky Mommy (and Pappy) Club.


Do I want to be a part of any club that will accept me as a member?

I haven't been invited into either, but I want to be a member of both! :D

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OMG, I am on the floor!  That was hilarious.  I'll have to show it to Indy.  He'll love it.  He's a big fan of Tobuscus.  If you like how serious the guys in the OP's video were, you'll love The Dramatic Song.






ETA:  Just showed the fox video to James Bond and he guffawed.  A lot.  We also watched his video Stonehenge, which was even more hilarious, but NOT kid friendly.

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He heard it on NPR - said they were saying, "You have to see this. Hearing it doesn't do it justice."




I heard about it on NPR, too, so I put it on when we got home. The look on my husband's face said (at least) one of the following:


1) "Did you suffer from some sort of head trauma for which we should be seeking emergency treatment?"


2) "What would be a good time for an intervention? I think you have a problem."


3) "Do they make a medication for this?"


4) "Who are you?"



I just thought it was funny. And very bizarre. And catchy. But mostly just funny. :D


Clearly, I need to get out more.


:willy_nilly: :hat:


I can sympathize. 

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OMG, I am on the floor! That was hilarious. I'll have to show it to Indy. He'll love it. He's a big fan of Tobuscus. If you like how serious the guys in the OP's video were, you'll love The Dramatic Song.









ETA: Just showed the fox video to James Bond and he guffawed. A lot. We also watched his video Stonehenge, which was even more hilarious, but NOT kid friendly.

Ok, this was hilarious too.


If your chorus sounds like Coldplaaaaay!

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Oh, good! I'm so glad I wasn't the only one! I was feeling really crazy after even my fun-loving kids didn't seem to like it, and after the first couple of responses here! :tongue_smilie:

I didn't mean to make you feel bad. Honestly, there are many times when I just don't get things...so I figured I was missing something. I'll have to try watching it again.

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