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What Craft/Hobby Thing are you doing this week? week 3


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Are you a crafter or artist?  Do you quilt, knit, paint, soap, do paper craft, or re-purpose furniture?   All kinds of artistic and craft type outlets are welcome!


This is not necessarily showing completed items... maybe you bought a pattern, yarn, or fabric.  Did you go yard-saleing this week and found a bookshelf you want to paint?  Show any of those (if  you have a photo - that's even extra great).   Maybe you finally pulled out your sewing machine and dusted it off... include that.  Any little bit towards your goal throughout the week is great!!


Also, if you have a website or tutorial that inspires you, please share it with us.  Perhaps one of us will pick up a new hobby.  ;)


Let's inspire each other!





Hi All,


I was away at a monastery this weekend for a chance to get away from it all and re-charge.   My son's wedding is Saturday... I don't know how much creative stuff I'll be doing this week, but I'll try a little.


I finished my bamboo scarf over the weekend.  I had taken it off the loom before leaving and did twist for the fringe.  I'll try to post photos later.

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I love being creative. Real estate is keeping me hopping so I don't have as much time to do things as I want.

This week my garden will be my hobby project...pulling weeds is therapeutic...and it looks great when I'm done.  


You know, I feel like I can't take time to be creative--I'd LOVE to pull out the glass stuff and do some stained glass work--because there are so many other things to do. Closets to clean, laundry to do, work to do...Maybe I should pick an afternoon and indulge in some creative glass work. Thanks for the nudge...


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I am turning a set of almost new sheets that developed an unexpected hole into new crib sheets for the new grandbabies.

I am hoping to get several crib sheets as well as some pack N play size sheets.


I finally finished up my crochet projects for those babies and have started an afghan for a Christmas gift.


I also have a new great nephew that I need to get a hooded towel finished and off in the mail.


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I am turning a set of almost new sheets that developed an unexpected hole into new crib sheets for the new grandbabies.

I am hoping to get several crib sheets as well as some pack N play size sheets.


I finally finished up my crochet projects for those babies and have started an afghan for a Christmas gift.


I also have a new great nephew that I need to get a hooded towel finished and off in the mail.


What a great idea!  I have a couple of old sheets and I definitely repurpose.



Happy- I hope you get a chance to do some stained glass... and please share with us your projects when you can.

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Thank you for this thread. 


I'm putting a crocheted blanket together. I made a bunch of granny squares months ago, but since summer came I wasn't in a hurry to assemble them. Lately the motivation came back. It's going to be our car blanket. 


I'm also sewing a set of men's pajama's for ds - the old fashioned kind with a button down shirt.  He's been wanting them for a while for lounging. I love that my teen not only isn't embarrassed to wear what I make, but actually asks me to make him clothes.

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On a recent trip to Britain I stepped into an Oxfam store where I found some beautiful precut squares.  Oxfam sponsors an employment project for disadvantaged people in India. One packet had recycled sari squares; the other cotton squares cut from textile mill remnants.  They are beautiful!  I think I'll make a pillow from the sari squares and a quilted patchwork scarf from the lightweight cotton squares.


For fun I also picked up several British craft magazines. Mollie Makes, Stitch Craft Create, and Making have online projects available. 


Making slow progress on my sock knitting...

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I am going to try to keep up w/ the crochet along on the lion brand blog.

I've never done this before, so will be interesting

Announcing Our Fall 2013 Crochet-Along Project: the Colorfully Modern Cardigan



That looks like a fun sweater to have. I hope you enjoy making it!

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I completely finished my list last week! 

A pair of longies for the baby out of my own handspun:

longies by plath, on Flickr


and three sewn baby tees:

tshirts by plath, on Flickr

tshirt by plath, on Flickr


This week, I have another pair of longies on the needles, and the girls and I are going to do a little bit of tie dye.  They have a couple t-shirts to dye and I have two baby shirts to do.  Maybe this afternoon if I can get motivated...

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I have not crafted in a while and am feeling crazy behind what I had hoped to get done this summer but c'est la vie

This week I am dusting off my knitting needles and working on granny squares again.  Have a granny square afghan in progress I would love to finish before xmas.  My hope is to get 2 done a day this week while teaching, so another 8 for the afghan minimum

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I'm making another lace scarf this week.  Over the weekend, I finished machine quilting and the machine binding for dd's small wall hanging.  I now need to finish the hand sewing of the binding.  I also quilted a small Christmas square and did the machine binding.  Like the wall hanging, I need to hand stitch that.  My full size quilt still needs hand binding, but it is still just too hot to have a nice big cozy quilt in my lap. 


I found a neat book at the library about using memory wire.  We have made quite a few memory wire bracelets, but this book has lots of great ideas.

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I finished knitting the shrug but after seaming it I had to rip out the seam and reseam it. I found out the hard way that seaming is hard and not to be done as you would a sewn garment. Anyway, the reseaming is finished and though it is not perfect it will do.


I also started a pair of mittens following a cute pattern I found on Ravelry (Mrs. Musgrove's Mittens) however by row 13 I came across an error in the pattern (easy to fix) but many more after that. Needless to say, my confidence in the pattern was gone so I frogged it and am now trying a new pattern, Thames Street Mittens. So far it seams easy but with enough interest to keep me from getting bored.

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I am assembling a quilt top this week. It is only my third quilt and I am making based on the pattern that my ds requested for his bed. I had to adjust down for size. It is going very well so far. I'm amazed at how much I've learned in such a short time. I still have a long way to go, but I'm enjoying this very much! 


My favorite quilting resource is a magazine, Quilty, as well as the companion website, heyquilty.com. I like these resources because they are targeted to the beginning quilter. Patterns fall into the beginner category and every term is carefully explained. The website has an extensive library of 10 minute instructional videos, and you don't have to subscribe to access them. They also emphasize more modern quilting fabrics and patterns than many traditional quilting magazine. 



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Had some time all to myself yesterday and got patterns traced for a couple of shirts and I'm hoping to sew the first one up tomorrow evening. I'm also in the middle of planning out the pieces that I want to make for the upcoming fall/winter and took advantage of today's laundry day to carefully evaluate my wardrobe (which helps with the whole planning aspect). I need to go through my (somewhat meager) fabric stash and see what I need to buy. I have a scarf that needs to be finished and I need to start keeping an eye out for that perfect fiber for the other I've got planned...

... right now I'm in that "planning the projects" lull, lol.  Of course I enjoy planning almost as much as I enjoy crafting so it all works out!

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Had some time all to myself yesterday and got patterns traced for a couple of shirts and I'm hoping to sew the first one up tomorrow evening. I'm also in the middle of planning out the pieces that I want to make for the upcoming fall/winter and took advantage of today's laundry day to carefully evaluate my wardrobe (which helps with the whole planning aspect). I need to go through my (somewhat meager) fabric stash and see what I need to buy. I have a scarf that needs to be finished and I need to start keeping an eye out for that perfect fiber for the other I've got planned...

... right now I'm in that "planning the projects" lull, lol.  Of course I enjoy planning almost as much as I enjoy crafting so it all works out!


me too!  It's so fun to drool over all the possibilities. 

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What's a sky scarf?




Cinder linked my previous post (thanks, Cinder!) If you're looking to make one for a Christmas present, I'm afraid it's not a quick project. It takes a full year. I tend to keep track and do a week or so at a time.


She shared a link about it before. It's basically a chart of the color of the sky each day. The link in her post explains it well.



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I will finish up my mittens this week and looking for my next project. This looks fun and can be a great bring along project. I have more then enough little left over balls of yarn to get started.



Do not get sucked in! Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!


Kidding!  :laugh:  I've not been seduced by the power of the dark side Beekeeper's Quilt. (Or Babette; that's another one that lures people in.) I've just read about others' projects--that it's cute and take-along but that it takes a lot lot lot of commitment, especially with the seaming. Good luck!


PS--if you do decide to do it we have a support group for blanket makers on Ravelry in the Stash and Burn Listeners Group here. ;)

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I love these threads. It keeps me inspired to finish what I've started.


I'm working on a needlepoint. I belong to the American Needlepoint Guild.


This is a counted canvas project (vs. a painted canvas). I've linked a picture from the designer's blog. I am about 85% done.




When I am done, this is the next project I'm starting. I've bought the threads and mounted the canvas on bars already. Some guilds are doing this project over a year.




I've been knitting a lot also, but mainly finishing projects. I've been teaching my 8-year old daughter to knit and do needlepoint. She has finished fingerless gloves and American girl doll clothes.


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Do not get sucked in! Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!


Kidding!  :laugh:  I've not been seduced by the power of the dark side Beekeeper's Quilt. (Or Babette; that's another one that lures people in.) I've just read about others' projects--that it's cute and take-along but that it takes a lot lot lot of commitment, especially with the seaming. Good luck!


PS--if you do decide to do it we have a support group for blanket makers on Ravelry in the Stash and Burn Listeners Group here. ;)


Too funny, but if a support group is needed for those who have done this I might stay away. If I decide to go ahead I will proceed with caution.


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Are you a crafter or artist?  Do you quilt, knit, paint, soap, do paper craft, or re-purpose furniture?   All kinds of artistic and craft type outlets are welcome!


This is not necessarily showing completed items... maybe you bought a pattern, yarn, or fabric.  Did you go yard-saleing this week and found a bookshelf you want to paint?  Show any of those (if  you have a photo - that's even extra great).   Maybe you finally pulled out your sewing machine and dusted it off... include that.  Any little bit towards your goal throughout the week is great!!


Also, if you have a website or tutorial that inspires you, please share it with us.  Perhaps one of us will pick up a new hobby.  ;)


Let's inspire each other!





Hi All,


I was away at a monastery this weekend for a chance to get away from it all and re-charge.   My son's wedding is Saturday... I don't know how much creative stuff I'll be doing this week, but I'll try a little.


I finished my bamboo scarf over the weekend.  I had taken it off the loom before leaving and did twist for the fringe.  I'll try to post photos later.




I got my new sewing table moved into the former-school-now-sewing room.  My husband took down our giant white board and replaced it with peg board for supplies and my daughter seriously pared down and organized our scrap stash.  I just got back from Lowes where I got a couple of dowels to cut for pegs for thread and some of the three-prong things for heavier items.


I was just getting online to look for ideas for ways to attach a jar lid to the peg board for things like buttons and snaps, et c.


I'm excited to have my new sewing room.

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Still not getting much crafting time. :(


I did ask for a sky scarf kit for my bday after they were mentioned on here and got one! I got my yarn wound into balls yesterday and cast on. So, that's something!


Tomorrow I will have the challenge of building an Ikea couch after it's delivered. That counts as crafty, right?!

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Right now I'm supposedly working on a Figaro costume for the ballet Pinocchio.  I say "supposedly" because I really do mean right this very second I should have a needle and thread in my hand instead of having my hands on a computer keyboard, but, alas, I'm easily distracted and want to dye something with KoolAid since Occasionally mentioned it, so it's her fault.


Okay, back to white fur on spandex.  See y'all later. Sigh.



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Right now I'm supposedly working on a Figaro costume for the ballet Pinocchio.  I say "supposedly" because I really do mean right this very second I should have a needle and thread in my hand instead of having my hands on a computer keyboard, but, alas, I'm easily distracted and want to dye something with KoolAid since Occasionally mentioned it, so it's her fault.


Okay, back to white fur on spandex.  See y'all later. Sigh.


Gah! Don't use the Kool Aid--send it here!


I cannot control how other people react to my words.  :leaving:

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I made a crochet "statement" wreath for fall in about 5 hours.  It was so easy!  I have a mom friend through Sylvia's choir and she thinks I'm an awesome craft guru (LOL!) so we're working on socks together.  I made about 3"  in K2,P2 ribbing and realized that I don't like the way the yarn pools.  So I'm going to rip it out.   :huh:   Luckily, I found another sock for me that's been mostly knitted in a handpainted-yarn-friendly pattern that looks much nicer, so I'm going to finish that and do the second sock.



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I made a crochet "statement" wreath for fall in about 5 hours.  It was so easy! 


I hope you can share a picture of your wreath. Did you use the same yarn/colorway as in the link?


I think I might have to make one of these too. :thumbup1:

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I hope you can share a picture of your wreath. Did you use the same yarn/colorway as in the link?


I think I might have to make one of these too. :thumbup1:


I really like those as well.  I am going to have to buckle down and finish all my WIPs because I cannot start another thing or nothing will ever get finished.

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I hope you can share a picture of your wreath. Did you use the same yarn/colorway as in the link?


I think I might have to make one of these too. :thumbup1:



Same yarn, pretty sure it's the same colorway (Spice).  I was thinking of doing one in green and another in white, maybe with a sparkly eyelash yarn stranded with it?


Sorry if the pics are big, I resized them but PB is slow to correct them.





Sylvia wanted me to put some leaves on it.  What do you think?  They're not glued on yet - I have to find my gun.



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Same yarn, pretty sure it's the same colorway (Spice).  I was thinking of doing one in green and another in white, maybe with a sparkly eyelash yarn stranded with it?


Sorry if the pics are big, I resized them but PB is slow to correct them.





Sylvia wanted me to put some leaves on it.  What do you think?  They're not glued on yet - I have to find my gun.




I like it with or without the leaves, but I think the leaves add some interest.

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Hi All,


I've been busy all last week getting my house ready for the descent of extended family, my son's wedding, and babysitting my grandchild part time.  Whew.  What a week.


I've loved all the different craft things people have done.  I love the headband and the wreath (with the leaves).


Gail, I hope you got that costume done!


And OMG! Those gnomes are adorable.



We have a couple of quilters.  I hope you'll share some pictures. 


I'm sorry if I've missed anyone.  I'll start the new thread tomorrow.  Just popped in to say "hi"... but I'm helping my sister get reading for their 5am departure tomorrow.


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