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What Did You *Almost* Name Your Kid?


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My older son was almost Julian. We had settled on a girls name and we had 2 boys name, leaning heavily towards Julian. We didn't know the gender. When he was born, we instantly thought his name suited him more than Julian when we saw him. If he'd been a girl, he would have been named Josephine.


My younger son's name was set before he was born more or less (we knew the gender) but the name we chose beat out Theodore, Thurgood and Henry. The girls names we considered were Marian, Beatrice, Etta and Julianne.

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My mom and dad had some doozies that they thankfully did not agree on. Usually because the person who thought it was a good idea had a past relationship with someone of that name. LOL. I will not share them in case any of you named your kids those names. Except, I'll share "Sandria." My mom made that one up. It would have been my name if my dad hadn't hated it. :P

My dad wanted to name me along the lines of a holiday theme. I'm glad my mom vetoed it.

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Third: Olivia Grace. Still adore that name, but she had a cousin born a few months earlier named Olivia Catherine and they don't even call her by her name. They call her Libby. I am still bitter over :D

My daughter is Olivia Katherine Grace.

We call her Livie.

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DD 1 was almost Lillian Elaine

DD 2 was almost Rebecca Brooke

DD 3 was almost Kelly Rose, which my husband said sounded like a stripper.  And my sister said she would be called Kelly Rose, Smelly Toes on the playground.  


DS 1's birth name was Arnold Schwarzenegger Something Last Name Last Name.  Changed that right quick.

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dd was going to be Isabella but it was too popular. I had loved that name before Twilight came out, coming from a Hospanic background.


Ds-my first choice was Javier Joaquin; dh disliked both names so we didn't go with either. We quickly agreed on his name.

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Youngest son, Benjamin Rhys was almost Declan James but I couldn't quite convince DH that Declan would 'work' in America. We were living in Australia at the time and it was not unusual there but he didn't want people saying 'huh?' when we returned to America. I've since heard it several times here in the USA. So his worries were for naught.


Older daughter was almost Teagan or Taegan but again DH decided it was too 'weird' so she's Taryn. Interestingly, there were Teagans and Taegans all over the place in Australia too.

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ds's middle name isn't "Danger", but it's something similar. We had to hyphenate his first name to fit it all in because it just doesn't sound as cool to say "Danger is one of my two middle names". ;)


dd2 was almost "Jasmine", but XH correctly predicted that it was becoming too popular and came up with the perfect name for her.

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When I was a teen, I read a book and fell in love with a particular character. At that time, I said that I would name my first son Bradford, after this character. Well, ds was born, we took one look at him, and decided he wasn't a Bradford. We named him Joseph instead. (We did stick with the chosen middle name of William, after my Dad.)


Middle ds was going to be James Thomas, but when he was born, that just didn't seem right, so we switched to John Thomas.


Youngest was going to be Elizabeth Marie. Once again, after the birth, that wasn't right. This one ended up being Timothy Allen.

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We had our oldest's name chosen long before she was even conceived. We did sort of pick a couple of boys' names for her, just in case, but I was absolutely certain she was a girl. One of the two boys' names was Michael, but when we were expecting DS1, we decided that Michael wasn't quite what we wanted, but that the other boy's name that we had considered for DD was just right. (And it is; it fits DS1 so very well.)


DS2 didn't have a name for five days, because nothing that we'd considered seemed right. His name fits him well too, though. We almost named him Isaac; DH liked the sound of "Zac" for a nickname. Well, it wasn't right for DS2, but a couple of years later, we got our little "Zach," only DS3 is Zachary, rather than Isaac.


Had DS1 been a girl, Katherine was very high on my list.

Had DS2 been a girl, Katherine was very high on my list.

Had DS3 been a girl, Katherine was very high on my list. So was Abigail.

Katherine and Abigail are still very high on my list. It remains to be seen whether we'll even need a girl's name, or if we'll go with one of those two.


My ILs had chosen a name for DH's younger sibling. Well, she is a girl, but when she was born, they decided that it just didn't fit her, so they chose a different one (which does fit her). Turns out that they name they had originally considered was mine. :)

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Youngest son, Benjamin Rhys was almost Declan James but I couldn't quite convince DH that Declan would 'work' in America. We were living in Australia at the time and it was not unusual there but he didn't want people saying 'huh?' when we returned to America. I've since heard it several times here in the USA. So his worries were for naught.


Older daughter was almost Teagan or Taegan but again DH decided it was too 'weird' so she's Taryn. Interestingly, there were Teagans and Taegans all over the place in Australia too.

I know a family here with a Teagan and a Taryn

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DD -- never had any other options than what she was named


DS#1 was supposed to be Kathleen but he turned out to be a he, hahahaha.


DS#2 ---DH was in charge so that is why the poor little bunny didn't have a name for 2 weeks after he was born. At one point, DH called people and said his name was Nathaniel, then called everyone back and said, nah. DD and DS called him Steve (fr. Blue's Clues) and were really disappointed we didn't pick that.

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Our eldest was almost Elizabeth or Mariah; our next was nearly Peyton or Riley; our first son was never destined to be anything but his actual name as I had decided on it before I even met dh (fortunately dh liked it too); and our youngest was quite close to being Samuel. Of course, I'm glad I went with the names they have. I can't imagine the other choices "fitting" them now, but I think that's the way it usually works.

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Oh, don't get me started on baby names :lol:  When we were newlyweds we vowed never to use family names with our children. "Let them have their own names!" said we.


Now, I have 3 children who all have family names :laugh:


Don't get me wrong: I love their names and they fit each child well...but we strayed so far from our 'plan'.


Names we liked but didn't use:









Jamie (boy)


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For my oldest daughter, I toyed with Levi (before I knew she was a girl),

Middle daughter was always going to be called the name we gave her.

Youngest daughter was going to be Jake if she was a boy, or Teneille if a girl, but we went with something different when she was born!


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For our first, we put our three top names in my slipper before we left the hospital: Chelsea Lynn, Sarah Bethany, Hannah Marie.  Hannah won.


With our third, we had one name:  Riley Gerard.  I was so absolutely positive it was a boy.  Fortunately I had a girl's name we hadn't used yet.

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Youngest son, Benjamin Rhys was almost Declan James but I couldn't quite convince DH that Declan would 'work' in America. We were living in Australia at the time and it was not unusual there but he didn't want people saying 'huh?' when we returned to America. I've since heard it several times here in the USA. So his worries were for naught.


Older daughter was almost Teagan or Taegan but again DH decided it was too 'weird' so she's Taryn. Interestingly, there were Teagans and Taegans all over the place in Australia too.

I love the name Taryn. We almost named dd that, but went with something else instead. For some reason, I felt under extreme pressure to pick a name for her and I was drugged up from a c-section.... Anyway, I cried for 2 weeks because I thought we had made a mistake and she should have been Taryn. We considered having it changed, but we didn't.

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Since I was a young girl, I always wanted to name my son Michael David.  Another family member took that name for her son, but I still could have used it as he was more than 20 years older.  But we chose another name. My biggest concern when I named them was that they wouldn't like their names because I never liked my middle name. My kids are in their teens now and have told me they both like their names. My son says there are enough Michaels in this world!

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I really liked Evelyn for DD1, but DH said it sounded too much like an old lady name, I think because he has a great-aunt with that name.  He wanted Jennifer. 

Our son didn't get a name for 3 days.  High on our list was George, Edward and Henry.  I think it's so much harder to name boys than girls.

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