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Fun "Start of School" Traditions?

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We usually do a fun evening activity on our first day of school. For a few years, the kids all wanted to do Chuck E Cheese. Then, last year they decided to go bowling. 


A friend of mine make a paper ice cream cone and stuffs it full of all the new school supplies. The kids get to smash it open on the first day and see what kind of goodies they got.


Lots of homeschool groups will also host a "not back to school" party at a park.

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We are kind of easing back into school w/out an official first day, but in September we go to "Not Back to School Day" at Disney World with our Disneyschooling friends. Last year we spent a couple of nights & made it a mini vacation.

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We go to a local putt-putt course that has awesome ice cream cones.  We're kind of restricted to fun activities in our county for the beginning of the school year celebrations, because schools here start earlier than areas closer to Cincinnati. Then they all take a week off for the county fair.  (Can you tell we are in a rural area? LOL!)

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We do first day of school pictures and my kids open presents (new school items). We have also done things like throw a whipped cream pie in your teacher's face, water balloon fights, flour fights, egg and spoon races, and we usually watch a movie. Today was our first day of school and we had a water balloon fight, opened presents, did first day of school pictures, explored our new Zome kit and other new items, made homemade personal pizzas, and watched a movie.

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We do first day of school pictures in front of the same tree each year.  Also, I make a "Happy 1st Day of School" banner and a chocolate chip cookie cake for after dinner.  On the first day of school for our local public schools we go out to breakfast or finish up early and get ice cream while public schools are still in session.

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I love the breakfast idea. We never go out to breakfast as a family. So, that would be an awesome treat. It is so expensive. If our local group (just moved here) doesn't have something planned on the first day, I am taking our kids out to coffee shop or the diner down the street. And, right at scheduled bus time!

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We sleep in a bit, get up just in time to watch the school bus drive off (ours also picks up in front of our house), and then go to IHOP or Panera for breakfast together. This year, I think I'm going to buy them some fun school supplies as well. Office Depot has a new line of sparkly/glittery/generally rather glam supplies, so I suspect I'll get them some of those if they're not too expensive. Hmm, maybe I'll even get them a ProClick!  :w00t:  I wonder if I could fit that into one of those cones.

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We do a treasure hunt, the treasure is a box of new school supplies and new games. I make a list of clues and hide letters around the house, the letters spell where the box is hidden. I have to make sure to have some easy clues and some hard clues for my different ages. We colour signs of what grade they are in and take first day of school pictures, and work on filling out a first day of school booklet where they say how old they are, stamp their handprint, fave food, fave book, etc. Next year I'm planning to do some variation of a fun breakfast, too. Not sure if we'll go out or just have something fun. We actually do some school too, and I try to have some fun project to do also.

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This is our first not-back-to-school year (we started homeschooling after first quarter last year).

I mostly let the kids (PK, 1st, 3rd) decide. Today was our first day (well, we are easing in this week), and we:


1) Took first day pictures (w/ new "back-to-school" clothes)

2) Went to the splash pad

3) Had a small "party" with some treats we made yesterday

4) Made collages of things they want to do this year

5) Finished organizing/preparing (filled their supply boxes from our new stash, finalized which of "their" shelves will hold what and filled them accordingly, discussed the general plan, etc.)

6) Partially in recognition of their work on (5), the back-to-school fairy is coming tonight :-) They will be getting this http://www.amazon.com/Lego-Art-Carousel-Stationery-Character/dp/B006LMIV52/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1373947156&sr=8-5&keywords=lego+carousel, headphones with mic (for my older 2, taking online classes for the first time), and I think a couple other small things.


We all enjoyed it, but I think I am going to have add the breakfast idea next year. :-) And I am going to find or make a back-to-school snapshot page or booklet like a number of people have mentioned for them to do later this week; that's a great idea. Great thread!

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I buy them each a Kohl's cares book and wrap it. We go outside and take pictures with a sign that has their name, date and "First Day of _____ Grade". Then we go on a walk around the neighborhood, come back and they open their present

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We go on a trip (usually to spend a few days with DD's cousins, who start school later than schools do here) the week school starts here, and then come back and get started. We also do a first week of school field trip to one of the venues we haven't been able to go to all summer because there are just too many people-the zoo, children's museum, library for a LONG stay (I tend to make summer library trips a quick in and out-too many older kids spend the entire summer hanging out in the children's area), etc.



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We also do a first week of school field trip to one of the venues we haven't been able to go to all summer because there are just too many people-the zoo, children's museum, library for a LONG stay (I tend to make summer library trips a quick in and out-too many older kids spend the entire summer hanging out in the children's area), etc.


Oh, this is a great idea! If the weather cooperates, that might be a good day for our first trip to the zoo with our new membership :D Thanks!

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I always decorate the kitchen table and put small gifts at each child's spot.  I make a small sign with their new grade level on it to put down as a place mat and then pile the gifts on top.  The gifts are usually things like cute pencils, fancy markers, stickers, bubbles, and mini boxes of sugar cereal.  We don't usually eat sugar cereal, so it's their first day of school treat.  Then we take first day of school pictures with their grade level signs and post the signs on their bedroom doors. 


I think the grade level thing sounds weird to other homeschoolers, but my kids used to have a lot of trouble remembering what grade level they were . . . which meant the kids would give people blank stares when they asked what grade they were in.  Now we make a big deal out of their new grade level at the start of the school year to cement it in their minds.  I have fewer awkward conversations with random people at the grocery store as a result.

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Last year I printed out a page for each child to make which was something like a "my favorite things" or "what I am like" project. I glue a photo of the child on it and have various questions with blanks for them to fill out (name, age, grade, favorite color, favorite sport, etc.). It is not as fun as throwing a pie in the teacher's face, but it lasts longer.

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beaners, you gotta love rural school schedules! Where I grew up there was a week off for "beet harvest"...we even had a team named the "diggers"




you can see cones here 




or here are some of ours



I know where you grew up! We used to debate their HS team all the time! I always thought the name was hilarious until I saw an actual beetdigger-- wicked looking tool.


The cones are amazing; I'm going to do this for this school year!


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I remember reading this sort of thread here a few years ago and someone posted the idea of pulling up to a PS, opening the side door of the minivan, and throwing water balloons at everyone before squealing out of the parking lot. I always think of that when I'm trying to come up with Back to School ideas; the mental image is just so entertaining.

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I used to buy them school supplies, with a few that were fancy.  Then, we had a treasure hunt/puzzle clue hunt to find them.  (A series of clues in different spots and the supplies at the end.)


Last year, I just took them shopping with me and gave them a budget, they liked that better although they really liked surprise and the clues when they were younger.  They want to go shopping again this year, they had a blast picking out fun school supplies.

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We already had our first day of school last Monday but I am planning a surprise day off on the day the local schools start. I'm hoping my DH will take a vacation day so he can be with us. We are going to give the kids each a schultute with some fun stuff in at breakfast. Then we are going to do "school pictures". After that I'm not sure! A visit to the local science/discovery center would be fun, lunch out somewhere, then probably to the grandparent's house to spend the rest of the day swimming. Nothing too exciting!

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1. DH takes the boys to IHOP the morning public school starts.

2. We do a field trip (zoo, museum, whatever) with other homeschool friends on the 1st or 2nd day of PS.

3. First-Day-of-School pics.

4. The "unveiling" of this year's new books (they are so excited by this, apparently not remembering that on the 2nd day they have to start working in all of them). Before they wake up I arrange their books somewhat like Santa leaving gifts Christmas morning.




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We did a big waterpark one day, a play and a professional soccer game the next day.  That was our kick off-mini-vacation all rolled into one!  LOL 


I also plan to do a lunch out or another fun celebration after we hit the first month of school complete!  :)  And, maybe even every 30 days a fun celebration (candy bar, ice cream, lunch.....)



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We do first day of school pictures and my kids open presents (new school items). We have also done things like throw a whipped cream pie in your teacher's face, water balloon fights, flour fights, egg and spoon races, and we usually watch a movie. Today was our first day of school and we had a water balloon fight, opened presents, did first day of school pictures, explored our new Zome kit and other new items, made homemade personal pizzas, and watched a movie.

Can you adopt me?

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They get to pick breakfast. Usually it is doughnuts, which is an unusual treat. One year it was banana splits. :) At first I thought no, then I thought, hey, it’s better than doughnuts. 


I take a picture of them with signs saying “first day of..."


Somehow we developed the tradition of doing a scavenger hunt. Some of the clues typically have something to do with what we will study this year. So one might be in the Roman playmobil ship if we are studying Ancients or by the periodic table shower curtain if we are doing chemistry, etc. At the end is a present that is usually school supplies, that are slightly exciting (smelly pencils, nice markers or art stuff, new lunch bags/backpacks, etc) 


We only do school for half a day and then the rest of the day we go out and do a fun family activity. The past few years we’ve started on Labor Day itself which has been great as dh is home also. One year we went ice skating, last year it was to one of those indoor trampoline places. It’s usually somewhere novel and a little more expensive of an activity than we would normally do. We also try and make it something everyone can do, even the littlest one. 

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We refer to the first day as "Box Day" because I put out all the new books along with some fun school supply treats like Lego pencils or erasers with funny pictures and let the kids open it all up.  They do build it up like Christmas.


I think we'll start going out to breakfast too.  A really upscale 24 hr. diner type place just opened on the corner and we could do that as a treat.  They have really good breakfast.  And I like the idea of pictures.  We often don't do any other school on Box Day except open the box and be like, hey, we're ___th graders now!

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