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need prayers


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I would appreciate any prayers yall can send my way. I have been battling a cough for over a week now and finally went to doctor. I didn't have fever, sore throat, etc but did feel run down. This morning i went to urgent care after a rough night last night. I had major trouble breathing and there was a crinkling or light popping sound coming from my chest that hurt. Doc said everything was good but did a chest xray to be sure. Xray tech showed me xray and said I have fuid build up over half of my right lung, definitely pneumonia. Doc confirmed, gave me antibiotics shot and more antibiotics, pain meda, and cough syrup for night. Said it may get worse and i need iv antibiotic to go to e.r. if so. I am glad I stayed as I didn't really have the $400 to pay up front. Plus $200 meds. All with insurance. Anyway, times are tough financially and I know I cant afford more fees. I have to come back in a week to get checked again. I hope my 6 kids and dh don't get sick too. One daughter went to a friends the past couple of nights and two of the kids there started throwing up. I truly hope my daughter doesn't come down with or bring home a virus to boot.


On top of all this, pneumonia terrifies me. My dad was diagnosed with a precursor to leukemia and was hospitalized because of his blood count. He was doing great but started having trouble breathing which turned into pneumonia. We live 5 hrs away and had a virus at the time but I spoke to him on the phone. He felt fine other than the bubbles crinkling in his chest causing coughing which became painful. They were going to try to remove some of the fluid from his lungs since the meda were not working fast enough. One hour after I spoke to him, he was dead. Last night was the first dream I had of him since that happened 6 yrs ago. He was there warning me about the crinkle in my chest and to tell me to get things in order because I wouldn't make it. The dream went on for a while with me saying by to my kids and Dh. I was awoken with a coughing fit and major crinkling in chest. As I said the symptoms haven't been extreme to suggest pneumonia until last night so I was shocked to be told the diagnoses. I know it isn't cancer and could be worse. I realize my fears are on the irrational side since pneumonia can be treated usually but with the dream, I am on the panicked side. When I finally got home from doc, I napped and again dreamed of dad who was just there watching me. He felt so close. To be honest, it scares me more than reassures me and I don't have anyone to tell. I mentioned it to dh who said not to worry but it is understandable to be afraid. We didn't linger on the subject because I am the tough one who doesn't show emotions. I never allow people to see me cry, dh few times. Kids never. It's just how I am. If I am upset I just plow right ahead until I can deal with it later but this time isn't working so great. I even told dh to continue working until tonight I could handle it until then. My kids are great kids and allowing me to rest if I could get my mind off it. On the way home the only song on the radio spoke of your health being up to God. I know that sounds assuring but I am not where I want to be or should be in my relationship with Him. It is very difficult for me to turn things over completely and not push thru. To trust completely is hard because of things in my past. Anyway, I am rambling, crying (locked in bathroom) , and probably breaking ribs with coughing. Lol. Please pray for me if u will even if its ridiculous to be so scared with it being only pneumonia.

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I'm sorry you are sick and scared; keep telling yourself that just because he died from pneumonia does not mean you will . Over and over again. Hundreds of times, if necessary. Don't let the scary thoughts in.


I'm sorry you lost your father.    :(


I had pneumonia several years ago, and it was pretty rough. The meds should help, just give them a little time to work. 

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I hope you are able to get plenty of rest and that you start feeling better soon.  I had pneumonia last year and it was absolutely horrible.  Before I was diagnosed I was afraid I had something awful wrong with me and after the first set of antibiotics did not work I was so scared I had some horrible, underlying condition.  I understand your fear but you will get through this!  

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Praying for you. I have been hospitalized twice with it, three days each time. It is definitely no fun. Try to really take it easy and get lots of rest, drink lots of fluids and do all you can to help your body heal quickly.

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I understand your fear, because my dad and one of my sisters both died of pneumonia.   Less than two years after my sister died, my mom was hospitalized with pneumonia and flu, and it was scary considering our family history.  But she recovered fully.  I'm sure you'll recover, and I'll pray that you don't need to go to the ER.  But if you need to go, GO and worry about the expense later.  :grouphug:

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:grouphug:    Sorry your sick :(  I had 4 kids sick with pneumonia this past March. Very scary, but very treatable. Within a few days you'll likely feel a whole lot better. I don't want to scare you about the contagious factor, but you probably contracted a community acquired type like my kids did. My guess is though, your family will be ok because you know enough not to cough directly on them (as my young children did! ugh.)  Take time to get plenty of rest, too!

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sending heaps of hugs your way. :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:


Antibiotics usually work really quickly with Pneumonia.

I know what it is like to have unrational fear of something that happened to a relative in the past. It can completely overwhelm all  logical  thought. Write on a piece of paper that YOU WILL BE ALRIGHT YOU WILL NOT DIE and read it every time you are overcome with fear. 


Please don't be afraid to post on here for help or pm me or anyone else on here. Talking thought things like fear really does help :grouphug:  :grouphug: :grouphug:  

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