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Our Male Children and the Female Body

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 I could see encapsulating my placenta next time for myself, I get horrid PPD and it is supposed to help with that.  But I sure as heck don't want to actually taste it in a recipe. NOR would I ever feed it to my family.  Holy ick fest.  For tonights dinner, placenta in cream sauce, the cream sauce of course made with breast milk, because really there is no other way to nourish your family than with your own organs and milk :)

Yeah, McD's is sounding better and better...

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Wouldn't that be cannibalism?

I think it could be considered so, though personally if one is taking their own encapsulated one than I wouldn't consider it as such per se but cooking it up to feed to your whole family yeah I would say it fits the definition imo

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I'm wondering what vegan/vegetarian moms do. Is placenta allowed?

Good question! It's an animal product. But then, it could be argued br*@st milk isn't allowed because it's exploiting the efforts of the mother. So if human milk is okay, I don't see how you can rule out placenta.


ETA: so long as it's the baby's own placenta. Anyone else's would be cannibalism. Obviously, I'm spending way too much time thinking about this thread....

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I want to pre-order Lun' Jr.'s book.  You know, the one about how he was scarred by being force-fed placenta "from scratch" as a punishment for eating too much cereal, and then got incarcerated for ogling women's breasts, and then . . . .

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Good question! It's an animal product. But then, it could be argued br*@st milk isn't allowed because it's exploiting the efforts of the mother. So if human milk is okay, I don't see how you can rule out placenta.



I'm wondering what vegan/vegetarian moms do. Is placenta allowed?

Is it wrong that my first thought to this question was if vegan/vegetarian moms can swallow s*men?  or does that not count, like how human milk doesn't really count?  I guess technically it is not exploiting the efforts of the father because really what effort does he put into getting a BJ? THough it is an aminal product


Hmm things I ponder while hanging out on the hive to avoid cleaning and decorating my kitchen table

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You don't find certain foods disgusting? I find beets to be disgusting. Ditto for spray cheese. Is there a problem with that? Is that not manners? I don't recall Red having said her son was confronting people about their food choices or indeed even hinted he had done more than share an opinion with her. Why the virtual sneer?

If you think beets are disgusting, you just haven't had them prepared properly. Spray cheese, otoh, is disgusting even to many people who like eating it.

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Is it wrong that my first thought to this question was if vegan/vegetarian moms can swallow s*men?  or does that not count, like how human milk doesn't really count?  I guess technically it is not exploiting the efforts of the father because really what effort does he put into getting a BJ? THough it is an aminal product


Hmm things I ponder while hanging out on the hive to avoid cleaning and decorating my kitchen table

Oh my gosh. I am laughing so hard.

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I'm wondering what vegan/vegetarian moms do. Is placenta allowed?


I've heard placenta called the only vegan meat for humans.  Some new families throw placenta dinner parties.  Not my style, but whatever.  Placenta encapsulation has benefits, I won't deny that.  

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Is it wrong that my first thought to this question was if vegan/vegetarian moms can swallow s*men?  or does that not count, like how human milk doesn't really count?  I guess technically it is not exploiting the efforts of the father because really what effort does he put into getting a BJ? THough it is an aminal product


Hmm things I ponder while hanging out on the hive to avoid cleaning and decorating my kitchen table


Well I suppose a vegetarian can, but a vegen can not. A Vegan can not since it's an animal by product. 





Mind you now I'm thinking of this scene from Sex and the City about Samantha and Funky Spunk.


(Now I will go away since I have added to this thread. )

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Who wants to talk about cupcakes?

If you make them with breastmilk, can they be vegan? And how can you claim to make them from scratch if you don't grow your own wheat and sugar source?

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Well I suppose a vegetarian can, but a vegen can not. A Vegan can not since it's an animal by product.





Mind you now I'm thinking of this scene from Sex and the City about Samantha and Funky Spunk.


(Now I will go away since I have added to this thread. )

"She don't eat meat, but she sure likes the bone!"

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I need to be getting ready for my ds b-day party instead of reading this train wreck....... :leaving: :willy_nilly: I'm thinking it is time for the Cray Button. 3.....2......1.......

Okay, this is now, officially my favorite thread of all time. I haven't laughed so hard in a long, long time. . . I SO needed this.

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I don't suppose there is a vegan/vegetarian rule book. It's not like they would be cast down into some kind of carnivore hell if they were to eat it.

No, but they might be a cow in their next life.

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All right, is it time to start a new poll about how many of us have been invited to a placenta dinner party?


Because in my little corner of the world, people Just Don't Do That.


It must be because you are repressed, prudish, and/or don't know the "right" kind of people. At least that's what they tell me.


















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In order to encourage my son to see boobies as the holy grail (hmm like he doesn't already, he is 14 for pete's sake) I have decided to drive him to work topless.  After all my car is private property so there should be no problems.  And I can educate the rest of teh drivers on the road as to the importance of not seeing them as sexual objects, just as another  part of the beautiful human body.  Okay on my overweight self, maybe not so beautiful, but at least that will help them not to be driven off the road in lust for my tatas.

It is a foolproof plan, I see nothing what so ever going wrong with it :P 

The OP and the rest who think it is vital that everyone be exposed to everyone's tops because women go to the beach topless across the ocean will thank me for my service in the good fight!

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