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If you are a really light sleeper and your DH goes to work really early


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How do you get enough sleep?


Even if I am dog tired, I can't sleep once his alarm goes off and I hear him up and around.


So, we really end up sleeping separately most of the time.


I WISH I were a really heavy sleeper. My BFF used to sleep through her toddlers jumping on her bed screaming and banging. I can't even sleep with a toddler talking quietly.



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I wear earplugs. Can you wear earplugs, and he can have his alarm low enough that it won't get through the plugs? Then, can he quietly roll out of bed and tiptoe out of the room and ever so gently shut the door? He'd also have to have everything that he needs out of your bedroom the night before and he'd have to get showered and dressed as far away from you as your house allows.


Some men can do that, while some men galump around making a ton of noise and not even realizing they're doing it.

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I don't. Once I am up, I am pretty much up.


On rare occasions I can go back to sleep.


I go back to sleep after he leaves. I'm a crazy light sleeper and wake a few times each night, but I do eventually fall back asleep.

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The big thing is, I value sleep. It wasn't such an issue 10 years ago, but I am now in my mid 40s and I just don't sleep as well as I used to.


If I can nap, I will if I am tired, but I often can't, or, if I can, I then can't sleep at night.

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I go to bed early with him and get up at 5. I was always a night owl but have changed my schedule to accomodate his (since him changing to accomodate mine wasn't an option). I have learned to enjoy the quiet early morning hours as much as I used to enjoy the quiet late at night (but it did take a solid 6 months).

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Have you ever tried a white noise machine to help mask the sounds of him getting ready & leaving?


I sleep with a folded towel & light pillow over my head to block light & sound. I've used eye masks & ear plugs, too. When my dh's schedule changes, it always takes a week or so for me to adjust to the new time/routine.

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I go to bed early with him and get up at 5. I was always a night owl but have changed my schedule to accomodate his (since him changing to accomodate mine wasn't an option). I have learned to enjoy the quiet early morning hours as much as I used to enjoy the quiet late at night (but it did take a solid 6 months).


This is me, though it wasn't my husband's schedule that switched me, it was sleep deprivation from having twins and being completely fried by the time evening hit. Now that they're almost 9, I still enjoy the quiet morning hours to plan the day, fold laundry, etc. before the whirlwind of activity starts.


If I need a nap after lunch, I set the alarm so I don't sleep too long. Then I'm not up all night.

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What time is dh up.

Do you get enough exercise.


You might consider getting up and working out when dh leaves. This does limit you to what you can do at home, but at times I've worked out an hour and a half using dvd programs. Then, I am awake and ready to start the day and get a lot stuff done in the morning. I do drag in the evening, but when I go to bed I drop and sleep. I will go to bed by 10. I get up at 5, sometimes 4:30.

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Same here. Most days dh wants tea time at the 4:30am alarm hour. So most days I don't get back to sleep. I am tired. A lot. Today I fell back asleep after he was gone. Most days I don't. I try to get a 15 min car nap in the afternoons. But lately I have just give to bed earlier. No solution, you aren't alone.

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I am a super light sleeper and I just get up when dh gets up or I am up sooner because one of the girls are up then I am up for the day (my days with the girls are very long...15ish or so hours). I don't know how I am able to get enough sleep but I do know my body adapts well to things. So if I need to get up early, my body adapts after a couple of days. I also don't go to bed crazy late. And I found if my body is used to getting only a certain number of sleep hours and I get more (like when the girls are at Grandma's for the night and I try to sleep in), I am more tired.

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I do sleep with a white noise machine. I still can't have noise. I can hear it.


Right now I sleep upstairs with a white noise machine. I am over the kitchen. Any noise in the kitchen and I am awake.




Have you ever tried a white noise machine to help mask the sounds of him getting ready & leaving?


I sleep with a folded towel & light pillow over my head to block light & sound. I've used eye masks & ear plugs, too. When my dh's schedule changes, it always takes a week or so for me to adjust to the new time/routine.


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I go to bed early with him and get up at 5. I was always a night owl but have changed my schedule to accomodate his (since him changing to accomodate mine wasn't an option). I have learned to enjoy the quiet early morning hours as much as I used to enjoy the quiet late at night (but it did take a solid 6 months).



This is what I do. Get up at 5 and start breakfast so we can eat together before he leaves. We go to bed at the same time also.

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Yes, that is why we now have separate rooms! And we may have to do it indefinitely, but we really would like to see if we can find a way to sleep in the same room.


I had my years of sleep deprivation when I had young kids and worked full time. It was NOT easy, but I was also younger and could handle it.


In fact, DH and I joke all the time about how when we were in our 20s, 9pm was the time to just start getting ready to go out. Now we look at the clock and say, "9pm, time to go home!"


Ah, to be young again.


Like Shelly said, I was wondering if timed release melatonin would help. You have to do whatever you have to do to get enough sleep, b/c years of sleep deprivation will affect your body and your brain.


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I am not a light sleeper except when it comes to my household. A earth shattering alarm? Yep, sleep right through it. A tiny cry in the middle of the night? I jump up and am awake. It takes me a bit to go to sleep as well. My only solution to my SO leaving at 2am is to stay up until 2am. Another reason I stay up is to make sure my SO is up and out the door at 2am. He's deaf in one ear and if he's sleeping on the wrong ear, he doesn't hear his alarm. I don't have an extra bedroom here for him or me even if I wanted to/could sleep more. If I stay up until 2am, 99% of the time any child that is going to wake up will wake up by then. I get 4 hours uninterrupted sleep a night (2am-6am) unless the baby is teething. It sucks but I've adapted. We will be moving in September and I will have to find a new routine with whatever job he gets. Hopefully it involves more sleep. :)

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