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"Worst End of School Year Mom Ever!"


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We are down to the final stretch....6 days left until we finish our curriculum and I feel like this mom.


Also, quite frankly the work they invent for mothers to do in order to be a good PTA mom, class helper, supporting after school curriculum stuff can be a lot of bullsh*t! Sorry, just saying, do we really need to make AWANA a theme night every time so you get the joy if trying to scramble that ensemble together!?! Couldn't we just, I don't know, let the kids study the Bible together? Does your preschooler need to make homemade cards and cake pops for Valentines Day? I don't know about you but mine certainly couldn't....so, who exactly is left doing this so that I am not the only mom passing out the cheap cards from WalGreens unaddressed because I do not know all those kids names.


Frankly when I think about all the stuff that goes along with kids being in a traditional classroom setting, like being there by 8, doing homework, keeping up with the field trips and paper work and making stupid cupcakes, I am really glad I homeschool.

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It's the timing. Middle of the night posts get buried on the board. US morning posts get more eyes and comments.


Having BTDT for PS, I do feel some sympathy for the woman. My DS education was a big black box, and there was no filter for the really important stuff. DS regularly came home with 4-6 pages of information along with his homework. Pledge money for the fun run, the PTA needs your help (and money), give the teacher a card (and money), the classroom is out of snacks (spend more money). Homework was anywhere from 1-2 hours after a long day (up at 6 am for a 6:30 bus and home at 2:30/2:45). He was usually tired and hungry and only wanted to play. I hated making him do his homework. After 6+ hours of school, his work should have been done.

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She use to care...use to...really, she wrote this?!?. news flash, being mom is 24/7. So you cared for what, half the year? So, did your children give up on the year too? Or where they expected to give 100% to their job but she only had to give 50% (that's if she lasted half the school year). these are the kind of blogs or articles about parenting that drive me batty. It's hard. Some days, weeks, months, even years are harder them some others but you just have to grit your teeth and deal. There are times we all want to say "I quit". What if......................

D*mn, I said I was not going to write anything but....SHE USE TO CARE???? :banghead:



Sheesh! Get a grip! It's humor. Right now I feel like throwing in the towel every day. But, to concur your point I do keep treading along because wrapping up the last week week of k at the beginning of next fall sucks worse....especially since I already have my library books here.

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"I should have chosen a black guy, like Abraham Lincoln." Bless it.'



LOLOL and yet, wow. Wrapping up a year in American history and thinks Abraham Lincoln was black? Ouch. "Bless it." indeed.



He was adopted from another country about two years ago. He has a lot of catching up to do and at this point his reading and speech skills are much more important. He was older when adopted and it takes a long time for kids like that to retain info our kids get repeatedly through the years.

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If a public school mom feels that strongly, surely we as homeschoolers have a reason to feel tired and burnt out at times!


Yeah, but we don't have to put up with someone else's "brilliant end of year celebration idea". No last minute pulling a card, flower, piece of fruit etc. out of your hat because you forgot that it's flippin' teacher appreciation week and each day you need to produce some specific tribute item. If it gets really bad we can take a mental health day on our own schedule. We can choose the curriculum without the cutesy craft project.


I would be a really crap public school mom. I'm a fairly low-achieving private autism therapy program mom who has been known to forget that Thursday is swimming day or that the second Friday of the month is crazy sock day. Of course, GW has been known to leave his swimming gear on the kitchen counter where it was right next to his backpack or refuse to wear my fuzzy pink socks on the appointed day (giving me his best withering tween glare).

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Yeah, but we don't have to put up with someone else's "brilliant end of year celebration idea". No last minute pulling a card, flower, piece of fruit etc. out of your hat because you forgot that it's flippin' teacher appreciation week and each day you need to produce some specific tribute item. If it gets really bad we can take a mental health day on our own schedule. We can choose the curriculum without the cutesy craft project.


I would be a really crap public school mom. I'm a fairly low-achieving private autism therapy program mom who has been known to forget that Thursday is swimming day or that the second Friday of the month is crazy sock day. Of course, GW has been known to leave his swimming gear on the kitchen counter where it was right next to his backpack or refuse to wear my fuzzy pink socks on the appointed day (giving me his best withering tween glare).

oh yes! I don't miss that!

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Yeah, but we don't have to put up with someone else's "brilliant end of year celebration idea". No last minute pulling a card, flower, piece of fruit etc. out of your hat because you forgot that it's flippin' teacher appreciation week and each day you need to produce some specific tribute item. If it gets really bad we can take a mental health day on our own schedule. We can choose the curriculum without the cutesy craft project.


I would be a really crap public school mom. I'm a fairly low-achieving private autism therapy program mom who has been known to forget that Thursday is swimming day or that the second Friday of the month is crazy sock day. Of course, GW has been known to leave his swimming gear on the kitchen counter where it was right next to his backpack or refuse to wear my fuzzy pink socks on the appointed day (giving me his best withering tween glare).


This is so true! I would be a crap PS mom, too. My daughter was in public school for awhile in 1st grade and STILL regularly reminds me of the day I was late to pick her up (I thought my sister was picking her up, she thought I was picking her up, but of all her memories from that time of course what she remembers is the one day I forgot to pick her up!)

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Well, *I* think it was freakin' hilarious. I may not be a perfect mother, but I'm thankful that we have a witty, sarcastic, dramatic sense of humor in my house. :) I can see how those of you who lack that might miss the humor, but at least you have your personal awesomeness to make up for it. ;)

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Well, *I* think it was freakin' hilarious. I may not be a perfect mother, but I'm thankful that we have a witty, sarcastic, dramatic sense of humor in my house. :) I can see how those of you who lack that might miss the humor, but at least you have your personal awesomeness to make up for it. ;)



Why is it necessary to mock the posters who don't agree with you?



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She use to care...use to...really, she wrote this?!?. news flash, being mom is 24/7. So you cared for what, half the year? So, did your children give up on the year too? Or where they expected to give 100% to their job but she only had to give 50% (that's if she lasted half the school year). these are the kind of blogs or articles about parenting that drive me batty. It's hard. Some days, weeks, months, even years are harder them some others but you just have to grit your teeth and deal. There are times we all want to say "I quit". What if......................

D*mn, I said I was not going to write anything but....SHE USE TO CARE???? :banghead:



Pretty judgemental!


None of us are perfect. It's USED to care.

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I thought the post was mildly funny, but the video REALLY bothers me.


It must have gone something like this: C'mon sweetie. How about mommy makes a movie of you reading today? DD says YAY! Mom thinks to herself YAY! Now everyone can see just. how. much. it. sucks. to listen to this child read. I'll sit in the background and make faces while she tries her hardest to read this book to me. Mocking my child will be HILARIOUS.


I guess I just have no sense of humor. :rolleyes:

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I thought the post was mildly funny, but the video REALLY bothers me.


It must have gone something like this: C'mon sweetie. How about mommy makes a movie of you reading today? DD says YAY! Mom thinks to herself YAY! Now everyone can see just. how. much. it. sucks. to listen to this child read. I'll sit in the background and make faces while she tries her hardest to read this book to me. Mocking my child will be HILARIOUS.


I guess I just have no sense of humor. :rolleyes:



I agree. As I said upthread, the video makes me sad. I couldn't really understand what the mom was saying at first but the lines before the video were that she has to look at the ceiling and sing hymns in her brain to get through listening to her child to read.


The mom is saying/singing I have decided to follow Jesus.


Add me to the list of people who think it's sad to use your sweet child as a prop for laughs.

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He was adopted from another country about two years ago. He has a lot of catching up to do and at this point his reading and speech skills are much more important. He was older when adopted and it takes a long time for kids like that to retain info our kids get repeatedly through the years.


Was the little girl in the video adopted from another country, too?

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I agree. As I said upthread, the video makes me sad. I couldn't really understand what the mom was saying at first but the lines before the video were that she has to look at the ceiling and sing hymns in her brain to get through listening to her child to read.


The mom is saying/singing I have decided to follow Jesus.


Add me to the list of people who think it's sad to use your sweet child as a prop for laughs.


I agree. It's one thing if a kid is trying to be funny. Our brand of funny here is verbal irony and sarcasm. It's not that don't understand a joke. Hyperbole and a Half might just be my favorite place on the Internet, I just don't find this funny. I don't see why people have to take it so personally that I find it sad, if not a bit irritating.

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I thought the post was mildly funny, but the video REALLY bothers me.


It must have gone something like this: C'mon sweetie. How about mommy makes a movie of you reading today? DD says YAY! Mom thinks to herself YAY! Now everyone can see just. how. much. it. sucks. to listen to this child read. I'll sit in the background and make faces while she tries her hardest to read this book to me. Mocking my child will be HILARIOUS.


I guess I just have no sense of humor. :rolleyes:


Earlier, I said I thought the blog post was funny. I didn't watch the video. I almost never watch videos. But this makes me want to qualify what I said earlier....the blog post is funny......but I did not watch the video.

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I agree. It's one thing if a kid is trying to be funny. Our brand of funny here is verbal irony and sarcasm. It's not that don't understand a joke. Hyperbole and a Half might just be my favorite place on the Internet, I just don't find this funny. I don't see why people have to take it so personally that I find it sad, if not a bit irritating.


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I have not watched the video, but I thought the blog post was absolutely hilarious. And, I could relate to her feelings - even as a homeschooler.

This was my first year schooling all 3 children, and it was rough. And then in April we were blessed with a super surprising pregnancy in my 'advanced maternal age'. The last few months of school were more than difficult - we barely limped across the finish line.


Seriously, there are spelling lessons that I haven't even corrected yet, and I don't care. We will try learning how to spell again in July!


And FWIW, I have never been able to do reading time at night. At the end of the day I am done, and I have absolutely no patience left. We read in the morning. And yes, there have certainly been seasons when getting through one page on a level 1 reader with a child was the most challenging part of my day. It's rewarding and wonderful, but it's not easy! I wouldn't make a video of myself looking annoyed about it though.

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I thought the post was mildly funny, but the video REALLY bothers me.


It must have gone something like this: C'mon sweetie. How about mommy makes a movie of you reading today? DD says YAY! Mom thinks to herself YAY! Now everyone can see just. how. much. it. sucks. to listen to this child read. I'll sit in the background and make faces while she tries her hardest to read this book to me. Mocking my child will be HILARIOUS.


I guess I just have no sense of humor. :rolleyes:



:iagree: I read the blog post yesterday and found it very amusing, but I didn't watch the video the first time through. I watched the video today and it made me sad. It's hard for me to listen to my kids read at that stage as well, but I would never post a video mocking it. :huh: :confused1: :thumbdown:

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And FWIW, I have never been able to do reading time at night. At the end of the day I am done, and I have absolutely no patience left. We read in the morning. And yes, there have certainly been seasons when getting through one page on a level 1 reader with a child was the most challenging part of my day. It's rewarding and wonderful, but it's not easy! I wouldn't make a video of myself looking annoyed about it though.

I would not have made the video in that way. To me, it's mocking the joy her dd gets out of reading. I do wish there was more discussion about how painfully slow teaching reading can be. DS was a natural reader, but DD has required more instruction.


I always do the child's toughest subjects first. For the first year and a half, reading was hard for dd so I taught that subject first. Now, math is first. I don't require school in the evening. Kids want and need to unwind just like adults.


I don't understand the current US PS emphasis on homework for the elementary grades. When DS was in PS, I was teaching math, writing, and spelling almost every afternoon; one postitive result was my time spent with DS helped convince me I could homeschool.


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I hadn't seen the video either until later. I agree it is not cool :( Her sweet girl really liked trying to read.


Also want to add that reading at home is important and while I felt a bit impatient, it was something they needed so I did it.

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Well, *I* think it was freakin' hilarious. I may not be a perfect mother, but I'm thankful that we have a witty, sarcastic, dramatic sense of humor in my house. :) I can see how those of you who lack that might miss the humor, but at least you have your personal awesomeness to make up for it. ;)

Why is it necessary to mock the posters who don't agree with you?


Well, stink, I was determined to not feel guilty over my comment, but now it keeps pricking at my conscience. I apologize for being rude.

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I haven't watched the video, but I vent about listening to the kids read. My sister and I use the same curricula, and I know she will sympathize when we've just finished Bread and Jam for Frances or one of the others that seems interminably long. We've had conversations about reading where we've both been laughing and crying. I've chosen to homeschool and enjoy teaching the kids to read, but I still have my moments. In fact, Ds6 just read a Henry and Mudge book to Daddy.


I thought the writing was funny. I thought the project and costume were well done for someone who claims she wasn't trying.

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OK, I'll admit that there are times when I've lost all patience with the things that are important to my kids. I am never on video by choice so I wouldn't ever video it, but there ARE times when I've been in her shoes in the video. I don't see that as sad. My children know that they are immeasurably loved but that doesn't mean that I'm completely taken with their every move & word. I think that's healthy, not sad.


I'm not taking anything personally by those who don't like this blog/video but the insults can be seen to go both ways - I thought it was in fun. I guess not.

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You know, I agree. My oldest was in ps a semester and I just can't imagine being so burnt out that you can't sign off a homework sheet or read for your kids for only twenty stinkin minutes. Why? What is really so important that you can't read to them for 20 minutes when you could write this long blog post? I know, it's me being judgemental, but the tone of the post annoyed me. I get being burnt out or DONE with a school year, but it just seemed a little dramatic.


I've been there, done that. When my kids were in ps they micro managed everything. Everyday I had to sign 5-7 times for each child. It ticked me off. You want me to read with them 20 min fine but don't treat me like I'm 5. By the end of the year I'm over it. Then they throw all the end of year nonsense your way. Last year I had to make 300 scrapbook pages (30 pages for 10 kids), attend various functions, clean school grounds and still sign my name 14 times a day. I was over it!

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I haven't watched the video, but I vent about listening to the kids read. My sister and I use the same curricula, and I know she will sympathize when we've just finished Bread and Jam for Frances or one of the others that seems interminably long. We've had conversations about reading where we've both been laughing and crying. I've chosen to homeschool and enjoy teaching the kids to read, but I still have my moments. In fact, Ds6 just read a Henry and Mudge book to Daddy.


I thought the writing was funny. I thought the project and costume were well done for someone who claims she wasn't trying.


I completely understand the exhaustion of listening to beginning readers BUT I think the video is a mistake and that is the reason so many posters who originally found the post hysterical but went back and watched the video later have said it was unkind. It is one thing to feel that way and even to discuss it with other parents/family, but another to mock and actively show your child (while they are happy to be reading and want mommy to be proud of their success) that it is torture for you and you can't stand it.


I don't doubt that she really loves her kids. :)

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OK, I'll admit that there are times when I've lost all patience with the things that are important to my kids. I am never on video by choice so I wouldn't ever video it, but there ARE times when I've been in her shoes in the video. I don't see that as sad. My children know that they are immeasurably loved but that doesn't mean that I'm completely taken with their every move & word. I think that's healthy, not sad.


I'm not taking anything personally by those who don't like this blog/video but the insults can be seen to go both ways - I thought it was in fun. I guess not.


Well, I for one, did not insult anyone on this thread. I don't think it's fun to be told I'm not smart enough to understand hyperbole or sarcasm or that I don't have a sense of humor, etc.


As for whether the video is sad or not, we have differing opinions.



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Well, I for one, did not insult anyone on this thread. I don't think it's fun to be told I'm not smart enough to understand hyperbole or sarcasm or that I don't have a sense of humor, etc.


As for whether the video is sad or not, we have differing opinions.


Nor did I say you did. I didn't see anyone saying you or anyone else weren't smart enough etc. either.


Good grief, must everything be an argument? My post was about ME & what I thought. Nothing about anyone else. You are free to think that the quality of this blogger's parenting in making the video is sad.

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Nor did I say you did. I didn't see anyone saying you or anyone else weren't smart enough etc. either.


Good grief, must everything be an argument? My post was about ME & what I thought. Nothing about anyone else. You are free to think that the quality of this blogger's parenting in making the video is sad.


So if I respond, I'm arguing.


OK, got it.

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Has no one here ever not looked at their kid's Spelling Workout(for example, ahem) book for, I don't know, say 2 months? :sheepish:


This isn't about PS.



Shocking confession: None of my kids has ever completed an entire spelling workbook. (They all read TONS independently.)


They can all spell better than most adults I meet. Even the 9 year old (since he was about 6). My 12 year old could maybe use a little help, but we'll be doing that with Latin and Greek roots based vocab books (MCT) in the coming year or so. Hopefully that will do it.


So, yes, you're not the only one.

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