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How to earn money while homeschooling???

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I really need some help please. My children are currently in PS kindergarten, full day. I really want to homeschool them, and my husband is completely behind me in that. I am currently working part time though and we rely on the extra income. All we would need is for me to make $100/week and I could stay home with the kids. I have wrecked my brain so long about this, but come up mostly empty.

The challenge is that I don't want to rely on my hubby to watch the kids while I'm working. He would turn on the TV or let the kids play video games the whole time, and I am dead set against this. What options do I have where the boys can tag along?


I am bilingual German and could tutor, but what about the kids while I do that, and I don't really know where to start?


I am very handy and can build small furniture and then sell them, could that create enough income if you consider time spent and materials bought?


In home daycare: Bottom line is that a fenced in yard would be too expensive to install as an up front expenditure, and it is required in my state.


I also do not like to spend the majority of my time on the computer, so blogging or affiliate marketing are probably out, but I'm open to suggestions.


Any ideas are very welcome!!!

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Have you looked into after school and break care? A friend of mine does this because the rules are less strict, and then she's only tied up from 3-6pm every day. She's very picky about the kids she takes, and always has a long waiting list. Another one actually goes to the school and helps with the after school care there. She takes her kids with her and doesn't have to pay for them.

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I would talk with your husband and tell him why you do not want him to watch the children...the TV thing. Then come up with a compromise. Some TV time won't ruin your children, pick shows that have some redeeming qualities to them. i would then come up with things they should do when tv time is over. Maybe he can teach some science and art while you work. I would not rule out your husband as babysitter while you work part time.

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It's tough to convince a passive parent to actively engage.


I think finding a way to work *with* the kids might be a very mature way to handle the situation from an emotional standpoint. Trying to find work and insist your DH engage with and not allow electronics to parent would be setting yourself up for frustration. If you can find work where you have them with you, AND not be angry or resentful, you have found a reasonable solution.


I remember when mine were young and my (then) husbsand would do the T.V. thing with them every time he was in charge. Drove me nuts.


I had a job working for the YMCA at local schools providing before and after school care - I was able to bring my kids.

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I have a friend who translates German documents. She began establishing her client base in college through summer jobs back then. Ask people in your area who do translating (any language) how they got started. From there you can start to figure out how to market yourself and build clients.


You need to let your dh watch the kids. Maybe he will turn on the tv. Maybe not. Give him some suggestions as to what to do during the time you are away (chores, bike ride, etc), if you must, but dont micromanage. My dh is in charge on satuturdays and occasional evenings. You work together to care for the children and you work together for your financial health.

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I do general transcription work part time. I average about $12 an hour, but if you're a fast typist, you could probably do better. I only work about 10-15 hours a week and make between $100-$150.



I am interested in hearing more about this. I type really fast but I have no clue how to get started in transcription. I tried to do a few things with MTurk via Amazon but you have to have credentials that I don't have.

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maybe you could work in the evening when the kids are in bed. If you worked in a restaurant 6 to 10 or something there wouldn't be much time for them to watch tv. Or you could put him in charge of watching science and nature DVDs as part of their schooling. You may have to discuss the problem you have though because it will only get worse as they get older.


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I used to work with LiveOps. You can pick how much time you do it and can easily do after the kids go to bed or before they wake up. I made very good money doing it. I've considered going back to it.


There are many other companies like this. You might try Rat Race Rebellion and google work at home mom jobs and such. There are lots of review sites to help you pick a legit situation.

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I have done newspaper delivery, before and after school care, home daycare and a myriad of other such jobs. I will say you are doing your kids and your dh a disservice by declaring he is not suitable to parent (not babysit! parent) the children in your absence. The more you dictate what he can not do with them (tv) and limit his time with them to your presence and it is NOT due to addiction, abuse etc then you are setting your entire family up for failure. You will be teaching the kids not to respect dad, teaching dad that he doesn't stand a chance of being a real part of this family, and setting yourself up for resentment when he stops even trying. Honestly watching tv a few nights a week while you work will not kill them. Some of my favorite memories as a kid involve watching tv with my dad, just us not my mom nagging us to always be doing something.

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Let dh have them watch tv. PBS has good children's programming in the afternoon,like Clifford and Arthur. Here dh watches Planet Earth, BBC Life type videos with dd after the PBS cartoons are done. You can also get Sid the Science Kid and Curious George on DVD (my dd loves Sid and George) :) oh and Leapfrog videos.

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Thank you for all the helpful replies! I have definitely gotten some good suggestions. The before school care is a great idea, I'll be asking the schools in my neighborhood. Transcription sounds also great, but where to get legitimately started? I will also inquire about the pay I would get for delivering newspaper.

So happy for all these ideas!


I have also looked on care dot com and found surprisingly many families who need a part time or on call babysitter.


One note about my husband: He is a very hard working man who does more than his fair share taking care of his family! I am very happy with the way things are between us, and he obviously does spend time with the kids. There are many other reasons as to why I'd like to be able to take my kids with me to work.


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I am interested in hearing more about this. I type really fast but I have no clue how to get started in transcription. I tried to do a few things with MTurk via Amazon but you have to have credentials that I don't have.



I learned a lot about the field from these two forums.







A lot of companies will hire new transcriptionists. They usually have a test for you to take, and if you pass, you're in. I know Landmark Associates was hiring (not sure if they still are), and Verbal Ink is a good company that takes newbies. There are many, many others, too. Read the forums. There's a lot of information there, both about the work and about reputable companies.

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You are bilingual German? What about helping a German company that markets to the US "englishize" their brochures, etc? There are a few German based companies that could use some help.


Could you name a few of these companies? I have googled it frequently but came up with nothing home based or part time close to where I live.

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Thank you DragonFaerie!


Ameena, I didn't know mystery shopping can earn you money. I always thought this was some kind of scam. Have you done this before?


Nope, as long as you are careful what companies you work for, Mystery shopping isn't a scam. I've been doing it on and off for 8 years now. You don't make a lot, but if you really work at it you can easily do a couple hundred a month if you are in an area with lots of shops {normally city areas}.

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What about a home companion for a senior citizen/elderly person/what is the PC term these days? LOL


You might find a "grandma or grandpa" who would love to have you bring your boys. The pay is probably about $10/hour depending on where you live. If you went a few days a week for a few hours, you'd gross $100.

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What about a home companion for a senior citizen/elderly person/what is the PC term these days? LOL


You might find a "grandma or grandpa" who would love to have you bring your boys. The pay is probably about $10/hour depending on where you live. If you went a few days a week for a few hours, you'd gross $100.


Sounds good! I actually found some postings like that.

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You need to let your dh watch the kids. Maybe he will turn on the tv. Maybe not. Give him some suggestions as to what to do during the time you are away (chores, bike ride, etc), if you must, but dont micromanage. My dh is in charge on satuturdays and occasional evenings. You work together to care for the children and you work together for your financial health.


I agree..... your dh is just as much their parent as you are.... suggestions are one thing, demands quite another. He can figure it out. As long it isn't a major safety concern, you need to let him be while he's doing his share of the parenting (which is NOT babysitting.... fathers are not babysitters unless other people's kids are involved).

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Could you name a few of these companies? I have googled it frequently but came up with nothing home based or part time close to where I live.


I wish I had some leads for you, but I don't. The only company I know of personally has that

position covered. But I know there are more out there!

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I do mostly contract writing and teaching, and most of my work comes through networking, which includes making online contacts and asking my employers about other people I could contact for similar work. It has taken years to get up to the point that I am working full-time most of the year with decent income, but I love the "indie" life and hope to never go back to regular employment.

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I've sold a bit of freelance writing. Also, I've made a decent amount of cash from finding designer stuff at thrift stores and reselling it. Obviously, that only works if you live in an area where people are fairly affluent and donate that kind of stuff, and where you have three or four thrift stores you can look through, but it's fun and easy to do. I once found a leather Coach bag at one store for two dollars. Resold it and made a good chunk of cash for what amounted to maybe a half an hour of my time, including the time it took to verify the bag's authenticity. You do have to learn how to tell the difference between real and knock-off items, but it's not too hard.

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I haven't read all the responses, but this is what I would do:


Let DH take them, BUT....


have a stack of DVDs that you approve of--educational only.

or have a list of allowed shows (on Netflix, etc.)--educational only.


also have a list or a stack of video games which are allowed--educational only.


Your kids could get a *lot* of schooling through watching and playing.


If they are little, Magic School Bus episodes from the library are good. If they are big, The Great Courses from

The Teaching Company from the library are good.


There are lots of free videogames for learning science and music. We don't use them,

but I remember looking them up when DS was younger.

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I used to work for tutor.com. You can work whatever hours you need to--I only worked after my kids were in bed. The pay starts out at $10/hour, but you can work up to 30 hours per week. I mostly tutored writing and a little math, but you can do anything (science is especially hot if that's your thing).

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You could see about cleaning houses and/or office buildings. I pay someone $60 to clean my 2,000 sq ft house every other week and I don't care that she brings her kid. Two of those a week and you're set.

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DH is not "watching the kids while you work." He's co-parenting his own children. If he isn't an active parent, that's an entirely separate issue to tackle. I'd be super pissed if DH micromanaged my time with the kids, and I'd never do it to him. I would brainstorm with him, ok, let's plan out the family schedule together... Mine definitely watches TV with the kids, but they're not plopped in front of the TV and ignored. They watch movies together, read the comics, watch sports, do sports, etc. It's a mix and they're engaged with each other.


Are you qualified to teach any classes at a co-op?


You don't have to have a daycare license to babysit. What do babysitters make per hour around you? Here it's $15/hr usually. The weeks around school holidays/transitions are really hard for WOHPs.


House cleaning could easily get you $100/wk here with only one house a week. One of DH's assistants started cleaning offices on weekends when she went through a divorce because she could bring her kids with her to clean. She now runs a business on the side and her ex-MIL and SIL do the cleaning.


Some PP suggested elder care. Our neighbor's DD hired someone in the neighborhood to come bring a hot meal to her dad every day. He's 86 and still does most everything else but never learned to cook. Elder care would not be my forte, but I could rock food delivery. :)


Does your state offer tax credits to homeschoolers? A friend in Indiana was surprised her state did, and I think it was around $1K per kid. On the same tax line, will the loss of your income qualify your family for additional tax credits?


Combination of reducing expenses and working to come up with $5000 a year:

-shop around for insurance rates. We saved about $600/yr by switching companies

-dumping land line phone or switching to a service like Ooma or Vonage

-Canceling cable/satellite would save $$ a month and solve the TV problem... ;)

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Not a job, but I donate plasma twice a week and that gets me at least $50 a week. Some months it's more when they're running a promotion. It takes me about 1 hour each time I donate, so that's $25 an hour- to sit and read a book and pump blood. Not bad. Many centers offer free child care.

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Nope, as long as you are careful what companies you work for, Mystery shopping isn't a scam. I've been doing it on and off for 8 years now. You don't make a lot, but if you really work at it you can easily do a couple hundred a month if you are in an area with lots of shops {normally city areas}.

Or in an extremely rural area and willing to drive. I can easily charge quadruple, or more!, the going rates for shops. The schedulers get down to the wire needing a store shopped and call, asking if I can do it. Sometimes I can, sometimes I can't, but they're always willing to pay WAY more than the standard rate.

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Or in an extremely rural area and willing to drive. I can easily charge quadruple, or more!, the going rates for shops. The schedulers get down to the wire needing a store shopped and call, asking if I can do it. Sometimes I can, sometimes I can't, but they're always willing to pay WAY more than the standard rate.


yep. I once made $75 for a 20 minute gas station shop way out in the boondocks in Oklahoma I happened to be going by there on the way to visit family :)

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I learned a lot about the field from these two forums.







A lot of companies will hire new transcriptionists. They usually have a test for you to take, and if you pass, you're in. I know Landmark Associates was hiring (not sure if they still are), and Verbal Ink is a good company that takes newbies. There are many, many others, too. Read the forums. There's a lot of information there, both about the work and about reputable companies.



I also transcribe from home, and I echo those two resources as fantastic places to learn more about the industry. Working from home as a transcriptionist has worked well with my family life and I've enjoyed it.

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