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Crazy things my teacher did (s/o bringing placenta to class)


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I almost forgot about the band teacher I had that would throw chairs and music stands across the room if we messed up. He was also known to make us write sentences like a thousand times. He is now a funeral director :lol:


My orchestra teacher used to throw his batan at students who really messed up! Another teacher (in elementary school) used to tie kids to their chairs with their sweaters or jackets when they were really naughty!

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Sad that one of his victims stood up and defended himself?!?! Not that I think he should have been murdered, but I have a hard time coming up with some sympathy for the guy. The word "affair" usually implies a consensual relationship, but one cannot have a consensual relationship with a kid. He was a pedophile.


I was actually referring to the entire situation. It is very sad.

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I had a wonderful professor for a Chemistry for Elementary School teachers course-very visual, lots of demonstrations, all with dialogue just woven in seamlessly, and it really was almost more like watching a show like Bill Nye, except that after he did the demonstrations, he'd then explain how we could use them in teaching. 8:00 class, and one that had really, really good attendance because no one wanted to miss seeing what he did next. As it turned out, the first time I called home after starting that class, and mentioned to my dad (a college chem prof as well) his response was "Oh, you have Dr. X-he wrote the book on chem magic shows." And he meant it literally.

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I had a wonderful professor for a Chemistry for Elementary School teachers course-very visual, lots of demonstrations, all with dialogue just woven in seamlessly, and it really was almost more like watching a show like Bill Nye, except that after he did the demonstrations, he'd then explain how we could use them in teaching. 8:00 class, and one that had really, really good attendance because no one wanted to miss seeing what he did next. As it turned out, the first time I called home after starting that class, and mentioned to my dad (a college chem prof as well) his response was "Oh, you have Dr. X-he wrote the book on chem magic shows." And he meant it literally.


I am wondering if that's the guy who does the traveling CAPOW shows (Chemistry and Physics on Wheels). We saw his show recently...terrific speaker!

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Sad that one of his victims stood up and defended himself?!?! Not that I think he should have been murdered, but I have a hard time coming up with some sympathy for the guy. The word "affair" usually implies a consensual relationship, but one cannot have a consensual relationship with a kid. He was a pedophile.

I think it's sad that he was molesting boys for all those years. It would have been better if it could have ended without the teacher being murdered.


To this day I can not erase the memory of one particular biology professor detailing the cycle of arousal. It was an appropriate topic - I think we were studying histology and were at the reproductive system. Anyways, she had this funny way of writing with her back to the board with her eyes closed. So she was facing us, writing about this, drawing things and getting more worked up as she talked (but with her eyes closed). It sounded like she was going through the cycle herself as she lectured on it. It was so weird because she was a very nice woman who wasn't generally weird, but we were all scarred by the experience.


Ha! My high school health teacher, who was very pregnant at the time, was a big fan of sex ed. She glossed over female anatomy so she could flip back to her big chart of the male reproductive system. Ha. Makes me laugh, thinking about her. She made me write this huge chart of condom effectiveness rates on the blackboard because she liked my handwriting! However, I can honestly say that I learned a lot about the reproductive system, especially birth control. More than almost anyone I've ever talked to, except people who frequent internet boards and track their cycle. ;) , which is really pretty scary, because I have also realized how little I knew.

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I have a recent story. The head of maintenance at our local high school is now a convicted terrorist. He was a union leader who used his powers to bully and intimidate people. He planted bombs in their cars if they didn't do what he wanted. He is now serving life in prison. The superintendent at that time tipped him off that the police were investigating him and he probably knew some of what was going on but did nothing. He quit after so he wouldn't be fired. Then he got a job in another state and shortly quit after because he got caught hiring a person into a principle position who was not properly licensed and credentialed.


I'll take a weirdo quirky teacher any day over that.



I live in the town he went to and was subsequently fired from. My dealings with him last year as PTA president were one of the many reasons I pulled my children from the schools.


Small world.

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In third grade, I was only in this school for about a month, but I remember the teacher had a big box that you had to sit in if you were being punished.


Also, in junior high/high school, one male teacher was always be holding and hugging the girls, holding their hands, etc. I must have been very naive because I didn't think much of it at the time, but looking back, it is disturbing.

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My cousin had a high school teacher that would handle guys messing around/acting out by having all of them hold their arms straight out from their sides with heavy dictionaries in each hand. The first one whose arm dropped down got the detention.


My cousin didn't describe it negatively because he knew theyall deserved the detention. He said they'd go until their arms were aching just to be the last one standing.

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My high school had a string of questionable Spanish teachers. My dad went to the same school, and his Spanish teacher hijacked a plane to Cuba. The Spanish teacher after him organized an international drug ring using students. There was a 60 Minutes episode about it which we watched in Civics class, which was a little awkward as one of the students in the class was the daughter of one of those students.


When I was there, the Spanish teacher ended up marrying his former student-TA about a year after she graduated, but I couldn't say for sure that anything inappropriate occurred while she was a student.


My AP Bio teacher was known for undermining intelligent female students. I didn't discover that this was a common problem until I compared notes with some of my friends several years after graduation. He once told a female teacher that it was very important for females to learn science because of cooking.


I think my 8th grade math teacher threw erasers. He made a game of making one boy cry every single day - he was a recent immigrant and on the small side, and ended up being horribly bullied by other kids largely because of this teacher.


My 6th grade English teacher flirted with the boys and looked the other way when they bullied other students in the middle of class.


I can think of more examples, but those are some of the worst.

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IF nothing else, this thread reassures me that I can teach my children. I will never doubt that again. I just thought my crazies were mine, KWIM ?? I didnt' think other people from various parts of the country and various lifestyles would have so many similar stories about whacked out teachers.

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I had a school mate who never looked engaged with the rest of the class. In frustration my high school biology teacher reached and grabbed him and shook him. Startled, the boy stood up, but he was very tall and his "desk" was caught of his body. The teacher was shaking him, he was trying to get away, but he was stuck in the desk. What a mess, lol. It is funny to look back on. As an adult I know many teens who are actually rude, so looking back I don't think what my class mate did was that bad, all he did was not engage the way the teacher wanted, but he suffered. The teacher got a better job at a bigger school the next year.

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I didn't even touch band teachers lol..


My 8th grade band teach was Ms. White and she dated the assistant principal Mr. Rice. Naturally there was a lot of "white on rice" jokes which only got you sent to the principals office lol.


All my band teachers had horrible last names Mr.Messing, Ms. Naylor, Ms. White, Ms. Kuntz, Mr. Bashem Mr. Slutter, Mr. Stone, and Mr. Littlepage (please don't take offense if one of these is your last name it's just how kids are kinda thing)


We had a new teacher each year it was awful.


Mr. Stone weighed about 500 pounds and it was terrible watching him try to climb up on the marching stand he fell off and we all laughed and laughed he walked off at practice and never came back. He also had a horrible smell about him, the band room stunk. Kids actually dropped out of both class and Marching band.

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Oh my - the post above brought back a very bad High School memory!!!! We walked in to Driver's Ed (yeah, we actually had a class with a text book and everything) and Coach R. (who was well over 300 lbs) started to teach, looked funny, grabbed the trash can and threw up in it - totally gut wrenching disgusting retching, wiped his mouth off, said, "WOW -I must have eaten something bad" and then CONTINUED TO TEACH THE CLASS!!!!!!

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I almost forgot about the second grade teacher I had! She would make me do EVERY single assignment twice! Why? Because she said I was too smart and did my work too quickly.

I had a high school English teacher once who made a point of saying she thought being the first to turn in a test was terrible, no one was smart enough to finish HER tests so fast. I was always the first (we had to walk up to her desk so everyone knew) and I always got an A. :p to her


My band director wouldn't let me play the sousaphone because I was a girl, so I played the trombone instead but the boys didn't think I should have played that either. I quit band because after telling the band director one of the trombone players was sexually harassing me and telling the other boys "stuff we did," he said "boys will be boys."


My best teacher was my HS biology teacher. She loved teaching and her subject. Most memorable class was her talking about what kind of funeral she wanted: a big celebration and parade like she said they had in New Orleans. My older brother remembered her too and thought she was terrific.


The weirdest thing had to be the sub in grade school. One day her hair was green. She said it was because of the pollen. I couldn't think of why unless she slept outside.


Reading these other stories, I think I had a pretty good set of teachers.

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My high school had a string of questionable Spanish teachers. My dad went to the same school, and his Spanish teacher hijacked a plane to Cuba. The Spanish teacher after him organized an international drug ring using students. There was a 60 Minutes episode about it which we watched in Civics class, which was a little awkward as one of the students in the class was the daughter of one of those students.


When I was there, the Spanish teacher ended up marrying his former student-TA about a year after she graduated, but I couldn't say for sure that anything inappropriate occurred while she was a student.


Boy, that makes my brother's Spanish teacher who had them watching "Speedy Gonzales" cartoons like not such a bad thing...

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My high school had a string of questionable Spanish teachers. My dad went to the same school, and his Spanish teacher hijacked a plane to Cuba. The Spanish teacher after him organized an international drug ring using students. There was a 60 Minutes episode about it which we watched in Civics class, which was a little awkward as one of the students in the class was the daughter of one of those students.


When I was there, the Spanish teacher ended up marrying his former student-TA about a year after she graduated, but I couldn't say for sure that anything inappropriate occurred while she was a student.


Boy, that makes my brother's Spanish teacher who had them watching "Speedy Gonzales" cartoons like not such a bad thing...

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My sister had a biology teacher who had them act out the reproductive system larger than life. The door to the classroom was a certain opening, flanked by kids with squirt guns for lubrication, and a kid donned with a black plastic bag to demonstrate protection.

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My sister had a biology teacher who had them act out the reproductive system larger than life. The door to the classroom was a certain opening, flanked by kids with squirt guns for lubrication, and a kid donned with a black plastic bag to demonstrate protection.




Oh.my.word! For some reason, this just struck my funny bone and now I can't stop laughing about it. Hilarious!

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One of my science teachers had a lab coat with slits in the side but no pockets - he said it made it easy to play "pocket pool".


He also introduced us to the beakers by extolling on the virtues of their shape. He would hold a beaker up, name it, and then cup his hand around the bottom of it and describe the shape of it as he caressed it.


We thought he was a totally cool teacher. We thought everything he did was hilarious and I don't get the feeling that he was being creepy - I think he thought he was being cool and funny.

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When I was in grade 11 I took the one semester course in Sociology that was offered. It was a rather dull course, unfortunately. The teacher would write out the day's assignment on the board along with questions to answer on the reading assigned. Basically, every class, we went in, sat down, opened our books, read the books and did the assignment. She never lectured, but would periodically ask if anyone needed help and if you raised your hand, she would come to your desk.


One day, we were all working away, heads down and there she was, as usual, sitting at her desk doing whatever it was she did. She asked if anyone needed help. We all looked up (as usual). No one raised a hand. We went back to work. Then, there was this scraping noise. We looked up to see the teacher pushing her desk closer to the window. We thought nothing of it, and went back to our assignments. I remember looking up when she opened the window. We were on the second floor. These windows went almost down to the floor -- big long windows, that opened outward like a vertical louver. More kids looked up around that time and before we knew what was happening, the teacher flipped the end of her desk up and pushed it over out the window. Glass and half the window frame went with it. We all stared big-eyed, not sure we saw what we saw. Jaws agape, we watched as she picked up her purse and walked calmly out of the classroom without a single word or even a look back at us.


We sat there in stunned silence. A couple of kids went to look out the window. Soon another teacher rushed in, took one look and started yelling at us. One of the boys in the class kind of took charge and told the teacher what happened. Of course, he didn't believe us at all. We had to stay there and explain to a series of people what happened. Someone finally came in to tell the principal that our teacher's car was gone and that her office desk was emptied out as well. They finally let us go.


Later in the day at lunch, I heard all the fantastical rumours about the event -- that our teacher had threatened to throw a kid out the window; that she had actually thrown a kid out the window; that she jumped out the window; that she threw kids' desks out the window -- everything but the very simple and (up until the pivotal moment) undramatic truth.


As far as I know, no one ever heard from our teacher again. So, Ms. Loudon the sociology teacher -- if you're out there somewhere -- I hope you're well. You were, by far, the most memorable teacher I've ever had.

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I had great elementary school teachers, but things started to go downhill around 4th grade...my teacher was fine, but in the classroom next to us, there were rumors going around that the male teacher was "creepy" and that he bothered some of the girls. Then, one day he was reading adult magazines at the desk (was told by friends in the class that this was a normal thing) and two of the braver boys decided to call him out on it in front of the whole class. The teacher had some kind of tantrum and then burst into tears, laid his head on the desk and had a breakdown. One of the kids went to our class to get our teacher. Never saw this male teacher again, they had a sub the rest of the year.


my 5th grade teacher was really good, but he spent months taking us to the multi purpose room and teaching us to sing "Dust in the Wind" we all thought it was cool, that the song was pretty and we liked not having to do our regular work. Years later it occurred to me that it was kind of a morbid song to teach 30 5th graders.


8th grade Algebra teacher was an engineer and switched to teaching. He really knew his stuff but had a hard time figuring out classroom management and when to be cool and when to be stern. He also had an accent. On day, the fun and teasing got out of hand and he ended up with a trash can on his head and near tears. -But- everyone was ashamed of themselves and it was all sorted out and no one ever dared go that far again. He really taught us Algebra well.


9th grade Geometry class, an Ex-Nun who was well-past retirement time. She was a little deaf and couldn't hear my soft voice. She would make us stand next to our desks to answer questions or to recite proofs and she always, always ended up shrieking at me because she couldn't hear me, which terrified me. I got a D in the class, and I was too afraid to ever ask her for help. The senior boys would ask her about her dogs at the beginning of the class so she would forget about the lesson and tell us all about her dogs....yeah, we learned a lot that year.


high school world history class, the teacher was retiring. He would turn the lights out and play serial movies for us like Shogun and Thornbirds. That was it. At the end of the year, he graded us according to his knowledge of what kind of students we were, I had him in 10th grade for a history class and he knew I was an A student, so he told me to keep my A I would have to write a research report, or I could take a B. I took the B.

We had pizza parties in the class every other week, pulled our money together and had a pizza delivered. We couldn't do it more than that or the office would notice.


high school economics and government- I don't remember anything from those classes, I don't remember any homework...I do remember some easy open book tests. The teacher was strange and like to dress like Barbie.


high school biology, the microscopes didn't work, we just copied what was in the text book for our answers on the lab sheets and never had to do any projects or science fairs. the only science fair I did was in 7th grade. My highschoolers have done several in our homeschool.


My AP English teacher was my favorite, and also everyone's favorite. He reminded me of a blend between the teacher in Dead Poets society and Prof. Moody in HP. He had a sign over his door with the quote "Abandon all hope all ye who enter here" and he would shout, stand on desks, throw books, but we loved him. He challenged us. He did have this near obsession with JFK's assassination and we saw all kinds of footage and documentaries, long before Oliver Stone did his movie. Still my favorite teacher ever.

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forgot my computer class. I went to a brand new high school for a few months, they had a computer lab full of brand new Apple computers. The teacher did not know how to use them. We would go in everyday and be told to open this typing book we had and just type something. Or we would socialize or try to figure out things to do on the computers ourselves. At one point there was some kind of big typing deal with several schools and a competition. she begged my best friend to go as her top student, and my friend won a ribbon for her typing speed...but, her mother had taught her to type at home on a typewriter, years ago...nothing to do with this class or teacher.

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Just crazy?


A teacher who called me in the middle of the night to review her edits for the newspaper.


A teacher who once chased me and 4 other students down the hall with her insane concept for extra credit none of us wanted.


Crazy and unethical and illegal?


A teacher who threw a 110 pound 14 year old girl down on a table and menaced over her saying "What would you do if a 200 pound man was trying to rape you right now?!" Yeah the teacher was a 200 pound man. On witnessing this I got up from my seat, told him off and walked out. Then changed schools before the semester was over.


I could go on and on but I have a 9 year old to teach and spare from all this insanity.

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Crazy and unethical and illegal?


A teacher who threw a 110 pound 14 year old girl down on a table and menaced over her saying "What would you do if a 200 pound man was trying to rape you right now?!" Yeah the teacher was a 200 pound man. On witnessing this I got up from my seat, told him off and walked out. Then changed schools before the semester was over.


I could go on and on but I have a 9 year old to teach and spare from all this insanity.


I had a gym teacher who, during self-defense class, demonstrated different positions that someone could be raped in on one of the female students.

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