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I'm just sad


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My dad had prostate cancer in 2008. He had surgery to remove his prostate 9/11/08. They got it all. It was very localized to the prostate. There is a possibility of a man's body making prostate cancer cells even when their prostate is removed. It doesn't happen a lot, but can. My dad has a friend who had that happen.


Well, his PSA has been doubling every year. It's not cause for alarm until it reaches a specific point. He's reached that point. He is now considered to have recurrent prostate cancer. The only treatment this time is radiation. He'll start that in a few weeks.


I'm very close to my parents. We've lived with them for the last 4 years. We're moving to TX next month and my parents are intending to move in with us within a year. Sharing a house works for us. My kids already lost one grandfather. Ian's dad died while I was pregnant with Adric. I'm just really sad. I don't want to lose my dad yet. I'm not ready. And I know my mom isn't.

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:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


its just so hard. my mom was just visiting for three weeks, and then flew back to canada. each time i wonder if that is the last time... she's 85, so one of these times, it will be.


the best we can do is to catch the moments of joy as they come.




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:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


its just so hard. my mom was just visiting for three weeks, and then flew back to canada. each time i wonder if that is the last time... she's 85, so one of these times, it will be.


the best we can do is to catch the moments of joy as they come.





Thanks, Ann. Off to call my mom...

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I'm very sorry. I believe prostate cancer is usually slow growing. I once read an article that said that the majority of men, if they lived long enough, would eventually get it. However, they are still more likely to die from something else and not their prostate cancer -- because it is so slow growing. Hoping this to be the case with your father!

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I'm sorry. My dad has stage 4 prostate cancer with bone mets. His was too far gone once it was discovered. He's been battling it for 5 years. There are some new therapies on the market and chemotherapy is an option as well. There is no cure but there can be ways to make his life longer and more comfortable.

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@Butter The PSA test, by itself, is NOT an indicator that one has Cancer. In fact, I believe it is considered to be very unreliable and they are working on more reliable tests to replace it. My PSA numbers had been high, and increasing, for years, and my Urologist sent me for a Biopsy in 2006, which was Negative. Hopefully, they have done a Biopsy and/or other examinations on your father, to confirm the belief that he has Cancer again. I wish him and the doctors, nurses and everyone who helps him the best.

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@Butter The PSA test, by itself, is NOT an indicator that one has Cancer. In fact, I believe it is considered to be very unreliable and they are working on more reliable tests to replace it. My PSA numbers had been high, and increasing, for years, and my Urologist sent me for a Biopsy in 2006, which was Negative. Hopefully, they have done a Biopsy and/or other examinations on your father, to confirm the belief that he has Cancer again. I wish him and the doctors, nurses and everyone who helps him the best.


Once the prostate is removed you should never have a PSA level, and at the very least it should stay very low. There is nothing to biopsy in recurrent prostate cancer if the prostate has been removed previously like my dad's was. In someone who had confirmed prostate cancer, a PSA over a certain level *always* means his body is making cancer cells again. It's different than a primary elevated PSA.

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My dad had cryosurgery last week. We've known that he had an enlarged prostate for several years but they just did the biopsy recently. Suddenly, I realized without a doubt that my dad is mortal. About 5 years ago he had bypass surgery, two major inguinal hernias repaired (life threatening), and knee surgery all in the span of six months. He was a trooper and came through it all. But prostate cancer? It feels unbeatable.


I'm there with you. :grouphug:

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