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Party is over. . . how do you make actual birthday special?


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Hi Everyone,


I thought if anyone would know it would be this board. My twins' tenth birthday was last Sat. Their actual birthday is this week. Any suggestions for making it a special day other than making another cake?


They're begging for the day off from school. My first reaction is no, but the more I think about it: that's what's cool about homeschooling. You can mix and match as needed.


Any ideas appreciated!



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Honestly, I don't. All our family is out of town so your "birthday" is whatever weekend Grandma can come visit. That day is awesome with pretty much everything you want! But you only get one day!

I have 5 kids; we'd be partying all the time!

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Birthday children rule the day! Wear a crown, we do what they want, and they get to pick all three meals and cake. It's not about THEM (gimme gimme), it's about how happy we are that they are in our lives. Just a little adjustment.


for the cake, the twins always give me a hard time, one wants chocolate, one vanilla...so it's about being able to accommodate both. It's the day they aren't a unit.

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My dd has a birthday very near Christmas, so we always have to do a party early before all her friends head out of town. We have a tradition that on your actual birthday you get to choose what is for supper. Reasonable requests for actual dinner foods, not junk food. I also save a gift or 2 to open that day. Usually something from us or out of town family that was not at her party.

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On our kids actual birthdays, I decorate the table in a theme they love while they are still asleep. I usually hang streamers and have a balloon tied to their chair too. It's our tradition that we have mini donuts on each kids birthday for breakfast. I also save their gift for that morning instead of their party day. Definitely no school... Sometimes we go do something that the birthday kid chooses. They pick dinner too!

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How about making them their favorite breakfast. In bed if it would be special to them. Then taking them someplace they have never been that they would love to go to. Maybe don't tell them where they are going just surprise them. Or maybe a scavenger hunt with the final clue telling them where you are taking them. Definitely a day off school. One of the perks of homeschooling.

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We take the day off from lessons.


The birthday person gets to pick all the meals for that day including dessert.


We use a special festive table cloth only on birthdays.


My dh gets up early and ties balloons to the birthday kid's chair (where we eat our meals) with the amount of balloons equaling the kid's age.


The birthday person gets to pick an activity (zoo, camping, fishing, biking, amusement park, etc) they would like to do. We do this instead of birthday parties.

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I have one in ps and one at home, so there is no day off from school just because it's your birthday. It is a special day, though, and they get to pick the menu for the day. It usually includes dinner out to their favorite place along with their favorite dessert at home. We usually do a movie night as well and birthday kid gets to pick what we watch.

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My kids are the luckiest kids ever! They get the entire week off of school for their birthdays! One is in February and one in May. We don't do spring break, so these are natural break times for us anyway. And we're all ready for a little time off. I usually try at least one fun activity for the week. In the past, we've gone to the zoo, bowling, movies. They get to pick what they want for dinner on their actual birthdays.


My oldest will have one more year at home with me. Then he will do distance learning through the school district. He will follow a regular school year. The first thing he asked is whether he will still get his birthday week off. Um. No. He was so bummed!

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On our kids actual birthdays, I decorate the table in a theme they love while they are still asleep. I usually hang streamers and have a balloon tied to their chair too. It's our tradition that we have mini donuts on each kids birthday for breakfast. I also save their gift for that morning instead of their party day. Definitely no school... Sometimes we go do something that the birthday kid chooses. They pick dinner too!



This is exactly what we do. They pick the foods, activities, and treats on their actual day. We give our gifts and sibling gifts. I decorate their door and the kitchen.


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I've never let my kids have their birthday off from school. I think that sets them up for unrealistic expectations in life that their birthdays will *always* be special. If you get a job, you work unless you are willing and able to sacrifice a vacation day.


However, we have a "birthday week" at our house. The birthday person gets to select the menu for the entire week. It can't be eating out every day or anything like that though! But if we do eat out, the birthday person gets to pick the restaurant.

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Our youngest ds's birthday was yesterday. :) Our kids get to pick all meals on their birthdays, no school, only most basic chores, and we still do cake/ic even when we already had it at the party. I also like to do things like hang a birthday sign on their door, put balloons on the table, etc, anything to show them they're special.

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I've always let the kids have their birthday off from school. After all, that's an advantage of homeschooling! They've had no problem with transitioning into school and realizing they can't have their birthday off anymore. And actually, my dd doesn't want to, because she wants to celebrate at school with her friends.

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I have 5 kids and a dh who works nights and sleeps days, so in our house 1 on 1 time with both parents is not an every day occurrence. My dh and I take only the birthday child out for lunch, at a restaurant of their choosing, while the other 4 are home doing school. And the bday kid gets to choose what's for dinner...plus even if their was a family/friends party the weekend before or not, there is ALWAYS a cake on the actual day of their birthday.

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Hi Everyone,


I thought if anyone would know it would be this board. My twins' tenth birthday was last Sat. Their actual birthday is this week. Any suggestions for making it a special day other than making another cake?


They're begging for the day off from school. My first reaction is no, but the more I think about it: that's what's cool about homeschooling. You can mix and match as needed.


Any ideas appreciated!




We do take the day off school. Then they choose what we have for dinner. Family presents are opened on the actual birthday. Sometimes dh will stay home and make breakfast for everyone. And yes, another cake.

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Wow! You guys are awesome. DD2's bd was today and her family party's not till tomorrow, but I did sing "Happy Birthday" to her when she got up and we had Taco Bell for lunch after co-op. That's about all I can manage.



Well, when they are that young, they don't know any different, so that approach makes sense and it's what I used to do. Ever since they were old enough to really be aware that it was their actual birthday, I've tried very hard to have their party on the actual day. As a homeschooler, I was probably able to pull hat off longer than I would have been able to otherwise.


This last year, it wasn't possible with my dd, so I asked my mom if she would like to take my dd clothes shopping as her b-day gift (my mom always asks for ideas). We went to a tea house for lunch and then took dd shopping. It was a fun day. I may try to replicate that again this year.


For my son, I used to always make one of his b-day gifts a gift card to the Lego store and I'd take him to lunch and then we'd spend the gift card on his actual birthday. I can't remember what we did this last year since he'd outgrown legos?! I do remember that I made the party after the actual day so that he knew he had that to look forward to.


We never do school on birthdays, though this last year we did have a coop class I didn't feel we could miss on the morning of my dd's b-day.


I only have 2 kids though, so that makes it easier for me. I have often joked that I didn't have any more kids because I couldn't handle having to throw another birthday party, LOL.


ETA: Oh, and we save our gifts for the kids for their actual birthday.

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Birthday means birthday adventure here! Going to some fun activity. For Ds10 day, we spent the night at a hotel in Gatlinburg, went to Ripleys Aquarium, ate at his favorite restaurant, and then did a drive thru Safari. For DS7, we had to stay local as we had a new puppy so needed to be able to come home and let her out, but we went to a fun park, ie video games, go carts, etc, the lunch at his favorite place, the a movie, the out to eat ice cream then cosmic bowling.


They usually get the day off from school of course, but since both landed on a Saturday here, we gave them Monday off school. DH takes the day off work if needed for birthdays. No worries about unreasonable adult expectations because of childhood celebrations, that's silly....as a adult we can all agree we can understand that life is a bit different than when we were children. I mean, most adults don't expect to have summers off either. Frankly, as an adult, I could care less about celebrating my birthday at all. I think my children will be reasonable adults even though we make their birthdays super duper fun.

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