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Who gets tired of self righteous healthy living blogs and likes the


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I think I'll have to try it then.


If swearing bothers you, I'd skip it.


It's pictures of healthy food with captions telling you why you should eat them...peppered with more swear words than you'd think you could use talking about a picture of strawberries.


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OMG!!!! I love the jack-o-lantern! bookmarkbookmarkbookmark...


MUST send to DH, in-laws, personal trainer, friends, the next annoying telemarketer to call my cell phone....



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I know OP wasn't pure in heart when she posted this,




But I am really glad she did! My BIL spent an hour reading the posts aloud to my sister last night! (She kept texting me- thanks a lot, and - why am *I* being punished) DBIL comment about the site, "Hell yes! Light up that roll of toilet paper! We are doing that this year for sure!"

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I know OP wasn't pure in heart when she posted this,




But I am really glad she did! My BIL spent an hour reading the posts aloud to my sister last night! (She kept texting me- thanks a lot, and - why am *I* being punished) DBIL comment about the site, "Hell yes! Light up that roll of toilet paper! We are doing that this year for sure!"


Wait, wh-what?!?


"The OP wasn't pure in heart when she posted this"







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For breakfast this morning, I'm having organic Greek yogurt with blueberries and cinnamon. Blueberries aren't just low calorie. Those delicious sons of b*!%#@s pack a punch against cancer. Antioxidants are all up in that b*!%#. F$ that cancer sh*!. Ain't nobody got time for that.

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Right up there with My Drunk Kitchen. :D


Okay, another one to check out, thanks! I added the bookmark for this one to the same "hilarious but inappropriate" subfolder in my homeschool bookmarks folder. Gotta keep gems like these at hand somehow!




Too cool! This one looks safe -- will share with the kids. Thanks!

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That's OK...I'm pretty sure BLA5 is kidding...




My serious font looks much more ominous.




Really though, I do post just like I talk which means I am rarely serious. Sarcastic with a side of ridiculous is my style. The pure in heart comment was a reference to the Duggar thread.

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