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What are you using for 1st grade?


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Hope this is ok to post if not please let me know where to find the 1st grade post. I have been doing MFW K with ds and I like it but have not decided what to do for next year. We have also been reading SL 3/4 and 4/5. Thanks and please forgive me if I shouldn't post this.

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One of my DDs will be in 1st next year and this is our plan...For math we will use Math U See Alpha, she will also be doing HOD Beyond Little Hearts for His Glory with her older sister. For reading we are using All About Reading and Primary Phonics as well as some Explode the Code. She is also going to take a nature notebooking class and karate at our co-op. HTH

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DD is in first grade right now...


Math Mammoth / RS B





ES Biology

D'Nealian Handwriting/Cursive

Meet the Masters (sporadically)

Logic (resources vary)

Spanish (we started with La Clase Divertida, but dropped it in favor of Song School Spanish)


*We completed FLL1 the other week, and we're taking a break from ETC until 2nd grade. To replace those, we're going to start LanguageSmarts B by CTC.

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I'm a bit undecided too. Honestly, I've been on the fence about doing MFW 1st, but I've already started to buy things, so it might be pointless to get MFW. This is what I think I'm going to do next year, but it could change:


Language Arts: Hooked on Phonics 1st and 2nd, Explode the Code books 2-4'ish, First Language Lessons 1, Writing with Ease 1, Spelling Work Out, and lots of read alouds. I might get literature guides from Memoria Press or Veritas Press, or we might just read.


Math: Math U See and maybe Horizons 1st too. They've really complimented each other this year, but I'm afraid that two maths might be too much for next year.


History: Classical Conversations memory work and we're just going to listen to Story of the World CD's. I've decided to hold off on starting the 4 year cycle of SOTW.


Science: I have had Building Foundations of Scientific Understand, but I haven't used it. I'm going to try to start using it. I kind of need curriculum that's laid out for me, and so if I can't get into BFSU then I'm probably going to do an Apologia science book. DD really wants to do anatomy, so I want to make sure we focus on that topic.


Extra: Just like BFSU, we've had Five in a Row this year, and we haven't used it. I have the same issue with it as BFSU. It's not laid out for me, so I have trouble getting interested in it. But I'm going to try again for next year.

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Next year dd will be in first and plan on using

Math: finish Singapore 1 and some horizons 1 since she loves math

Finish TRL and move into SL readers 2


FLL or Shurley


SL core A and Sci A (well unless I combine her with her older bro)

Ok so I guess I don't know what we are doing exactly but I already have it all :)

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DD is in first grade right now...


Math Mammoth / RS B





ES Biology

D'Nealian Handwriting/Cursive

Meet the Masters (sporadically)

Logic (resources vary)

Spanish (we started with La Clase Divertida, but dropped it in favor of Song School Spanish)


*We completed FLL1 the other week, and we're taking a break from ETC until 2nd grade. To replace those, we're going to start LanguageSmarts B by CTC.


Would you mind telling what the difference is between La Clase Divertida and Song School Spanish, I have looked at both but don't know which if either would be better. My ds seems to enjoy learning spanish. We have boca beth but I'm not wild about it. Thanks

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We've already started some of this, but here are our plans for 1st:



McGuffey readers--plus additional readers for extra practice (I have the HOD emergent reader set)


Family subjects:

SCM history (Joshua-Malachi & Ancient Greece)

SCM scripture memory system

Considering God's Creation

Prima Latina (we do this as a family and she skips the writing)

lots of CM type studies (poetry, art, handicrafts, nature, etc.)

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Math: Singapore 2, Life of Fred elementary series

Phonics: Phonics Pathways/Reading Pathways

Handwriting: Pentime Grade 1 Book 2

Grammar: FLL1

Writing: WWE1

Science: Magic School Bug videos, library books

History: Mama-made list of books to go with big brother's Sonlight Core E

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For my 6yo Gr. 1 next year we're planning ..


Math: Singapore Standards Edition, Life of Fred

Spelling/Phonics: All About Spelling

Grammar: First Language Lessons

Writing: Writing With Ease

History: Story of the World

Science: Building Foundations of Scientific Understanding / Lentil Science

Geography: Expedition Earth

Latin: Song School Latin

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I did MFW K and I was SO on the fence about going with it for first. I like MFW K and I do think it was great for my son, but I wasn't in love. It really struggled with what to move to for first. I prayed about it and felt called to stick with MFW. So, we are about 3/4 through MFW 1. I LOVE it! It is the perfect follow up to MFW K. My reluctant, slow reader son is reading so much better. We have really enjoyed the whole program. I'm very glad I stuck with MFW for 1st. The only thing I did was add Singapore math, 1a and b. I did that because *I* need more direction and specific instructions than MFW gives for math. But, I don't think everyone needs that. And, now that we are just a few days from finishing up the phonics portion, I'm adding in some gentle, but formal grammar. I ordered FLL 1 and it will be here this week.


I actually love K more now that I'm doing 1st. LOL. I'm doing K again this year with my 5 year old twins.


Good luck deciding! :)

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I have a link in my signature to what my 1st-grader is doing this year. The only changes are that I think I will switch to AAS for spelling, and FLL/WWE 1 for grammar and writing, rather than ABeka for those three subjects.

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Would you mind telling what the difference is between La Clase Divertida and Song School Spanish, I have looked at both but don't know which if either would be better. My ds seems to enjoy learning spanish. We have boca beth but I'm not wild about it. Thanks


The approach of both is similar, however, the bulk of LCD lessons are done through video. Both have workbooks and cds to listen to. I think the workbook for SSS is more age appropriate for younger kids. We skipped LCD's workbook b/c the spaces are smaller, and it just seemed a bit too much for DD (we started it halfway through K). LCD also has crafts/activities built into the of each lesson. However, if your child likes that, you could easily check out books from the library.


That being said, both of us like SSS better. The workbook is more age appropriate, the songs are catchier, and DD likes to play games with the matching cards. I can't say exactly what bothered me about LCD. It seemed kind of disjointed, and there wasn't a lot presented beyond nouns. There wasn't an easy way for us to incorporate what we'd learned into daily speaking. We couldn't hold simple conversations beyond asking someone's name and favorite color/animal.


After 3 months of SSS, DD begs to do Spanish. After 3 months of LCD, DD fought tooth and nail when it was time to watch the videos.

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Here's what we will be doing next year:


English: Finish LoE Foundations and Start LoE Essentials (at a slow pace) + WWE1

Math: Miquon Blue/Green + Singapore 2a + 2b USA edition (maybe)

Social Studies: SOTW 1 + AG and lots of books

Science: Unschool, interest led; informal class at co-op

Fine Arts: art class at co-op, informal piano/music lessons

Health and Fitness: homeschool swim and gym at park district, health and hygiene lessons from me as needed

Other: Spanish using Mango, religious devotional as a family each morning + scripture study at night


I love reading what everyone is doing!

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I did MFW K and I was SO on the fence about going with it for first. I like MFW K and I do think it was great for my son, but I wasn't in love. It really struggled with what to move to for first. I prayed about it and felt called to stick with MFW. So, we are about 3/4 through MFW 1. I LOVE it! It is the perfect follow up to MFW K. My reluctant, slow reader so is reading so much better. We have really enjoyed the whole program. I'm very glad I stuck with MFW for 1st. The only thing I did was add Singapore math, 1a and b. I did that because *I* need more direction and specific instructions than MFW gives for math. But, I don't think everyone needs that. And, now that we are just a few days from finishing up the phonics portion, I'm adding in some gentle, but formal grammar. I ordered FLL 1 and it will be here this week.


I actually love K more now that I'm doing 1st. LOL. I'm doing K again this year with my 5 year old twins.


Good luck deciding! :)


I was wondering about the FLL 1 if it would even be worth doing after 1st MFW 1st, I already have FLL 1 and WWE1 so this makes me feel better. I also have core A books from Sonlight because I have them from a friend I got a while back. We have been doing OPGTR so this is why I wonder if its even worth getting MFW 1 but it looks so cute and sweet for 1st! I was wondering about the book basket in 1st what kind of books does it have? My ds seems to like the longer books which I find shocking it doesn't mind reading books without pics which I also find shocking! Thanks and I really enjoy reading what everyone is doing.

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Grammar: Continue with IEW's PAL Reading and Writing. (We have FLL but might hold off until 2nd and do 1 and two in a single year. We did that after pulling older ds out of ps and it worked out well.)


Writing: Included in PAL but we have WWE too. (Might start WWE in 2nd)


Spelling: We have Spelling Workout as a filler until 3rd when we would look to start IEW's program.


Math: Saxon 2 and MM


History: The WTM way. (lots or reading together)


Science: The WTM way. (lots of reading together)


We do CC. (cycle 2 next time around and, it's a stretch but, we might shoot for Memory Master)


We'll likely add a simple art music study the CM way.


Other than the basics I want to dramtyically increase the amount of reading. Obviously, it will read aloud but that will be a change from the path we took with the older ds. Reading, which I value greatly (as a result of looking at my education) hasn't taken hold and I'd like to make an effort to change that..

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We are doing MFW K as well this year. I cannot decide if I want to do MFW 1st or do something more along the WTM guidelines...



Actually, MFW 1st is pretty in line with MTM. The history studied is ancients, if you count Biblical history as that, which I do. (The stories are short and you could very easily add in SOTW vol 1 if you wanted to.) It focuses heavily on LA's which is what WTM says should still be the big focus in 1st. (that and math) It finishes up phonics instructions and adds some informal grammar toward the end of the phonics. We recently learned -ed and -er/-est. (We have learned other stuff too. ;)) There is copy work and the kids do narration (of the Bible/history story read to them). They do not include separate read alouds, but it is suggested that you find age/child appropriate books and read every day. There is a book included with the Deluxe (maybe with the basic too, but I don't think so) that is about reading with your family and has a long book list by age in the back. The child does short summaries of the Bible stories they read in a journal. The science is does not include any human beings nor many animals, just some insects at the very beginning. It is focused on earth science, which I am totally fine with personally. The math included is hands on and more informal. I add in my own because I like a full and specific math with tight hand holding. Ha, ha.


I just recently read WTM for the first time and was pleasantly surprised at how much of it is included in the MFW 1st program.


I was wondering about the FLL 1 if it would even be worth doing after 1st MFW 1st, I already have FLL 1 and WWE1 so this makes me feel better. I also have core A books from Sonlight because I have them from a friend I got a while back. We have been doing OPGTR so this is why I wonder if its even worth getting MFW 1 but it looks so cute and sweet for 1st! I was wondering about the book basket in 1st what kind of books does it have? My ds seems to like the longer books which I find shocking it doesn't mind reading books without pics which I also find shocking! Thanks and I really enjoy reading what everyone is doing.



There isn't a book basket in 1st. That starts in 2nd. I have the 1st edition. So, the book lists may have changed, but I'll tell you what is there in mine. There are book lists for some of the science topics, for the science topics covered in the 1st 1/3 of the year. The first 3rd of the year is an overview of earth science...sort of...LOL....the second 3rd is learning about water and experimenting with it....the last 3rd is learning about plants. They don't have a book list for learning about water or plants. (I hope they expanded to include some in the 2nd edition, but we've been okay without it.) There are books for math topics listed. Included in the Deluxe package is Honey For a Child's Heart...great book...this book discusses reading with children/family and in the back has book lists by age. I've used them. The program does not suggest a specific amount of independent reading each day for the child, but does say to spend time reading aloud each day from quality literature. My son has been a late bloomer with reading. Now that he is reading well, I am starting to require more reading from him each day. He isn't quite independent yet because he lacks confidence. He reads aloud to me.


Hope that helps!!

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Actually, MFW 1st is pretty in line with MTM. The history studied is ancients, if you count Biblical history as that, which I do. (The stories are short and you could very easily add in SOTW vol 1 if you wanted to.) It focuses heavily on LA's which is what WTM says should still be the big focus in 1st. (that and math) It finishes up phonics instructions and adds some informal grammar toward the end of the phonics. We recently learned -ed and -er/-est. (We have learned other stuff too. ;)) There is copy work and the kids do narration (of the Bible/history story read to them). They do not include separate read alouds, but it is suggested that you find age/child appropriate books and read every day. There is a book included with the Deluxe (maybe with the basic too, but I don't think so) that is about reading with your family and has a long book list by age in the back. The child does short summaries of the Bible stories they read in a journal. The science is does not include any human beings nor many animals, just some insects at the very beginning. It is focused on earth science, which I am totally fine with personally. The math included is hands on and more informal. I add in my own because I like a full and specific math with tight hand holding. Ha, ha.


I just recently read WTM for the first time and was pleasantly surprised at how much of it is included in the MFW 1st program.




There isn't a book basket in 1st. That starts in 2nd. I have the 1st edition. So, the book lists may have changed, but I'll tell you what is there in mine. There are book lists for some of the science topics, for the science topics covered in the 1st 1/3 of the year. The first 3rd of the year is an overview of earth science...sort of...LOL....the second 3rd is learning about water and experimenting with it....the last 3rd is learning about plants. They don't have a book list for learning about water or plants. (I hope they expanded to include some in the 2nd edition, but we've been okay without it.) There are books for math topics listed. Included in the Deluxe package is Honey For a Child's Heart...great book...this book discusses reading with children/family and in the back has book lists by age. I've used them. The program does not suggest a specific amount of independent reading each day for the child, but does say to spend time reading aloud each day from quality literature. My son has been a late bloomer with reading. Now that he is reading well, I am starting to require more reading from him each day. He isn't quite independent yet because he lacks confidence. He reads aloud to me.


Hope that helps!!

This is very helful thank you so much! I think you may have convinced me to take the plunge! My mind chages a lot though so wish me luck!

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We are doing 1st grade right now. Here's what we use:


- Math Mammoth (recently switched from Singapore Math)

- Winning with Writing and Growing With Grammar - both Level 1

- Unit Studies I make up for studying continents, oceans - includes geography, science, and social studies

- Read lots of books together - recently, we have read Mr. Popper's Penguins and The Magician's Nephew

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1st grade plans:


OPGTR (we're on aprox. lesson 120)

Explode the Code books 4-6 ish

Easy Readers of some sort


AAS level 1-2

FLL 2(did 1 this year)


HWOT Gr 2 (finish manuscript)


Singapore 1B/2A with IP

A Reason for Science level A (at co-op)

Art through literature class (at co-op)

South American geography study (at co-op)


SOTW 2 with AG and creating an index card time line


Song School Latin 2


Most of this is a continuation of what we've done this year for K:

SOTW 1 w/ AG, FLL1, ETC books 1-3, OPGTR (1-120), HWOT 1, Singapore EssentialsB/1A, and co-op classes in science (my body, creation), art, and North American Geography, Song School Latin 1

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  • Math: SM 3A/SB, BA 3A/3B, LoF
  • Writing: WWE1
  • Grammar: FFL1
  • Spelling: AAS 3 & 4
  • Literature: probably Classical House of Learning's Lit, and then working our way through Satori Smiles' list for family read aloud time
  • History: HO1 (Ancients)
  • Science: BFSU and Nature Study (we will be traveling via RV 9 weeks this year so during that time we will focus more on nature study)
  • Spanish: Conversational Spanish with nanny (native speaker), Rosetta Stone for extra vocab, looking for options for formal LA which we will start next winter (maybe homeschoolspanishacademy.com)
  • Art History and Music Study: Harmony Fine Arts
  • Art: Local art classes and Home Art Studio
  • PE: Soccer
  • Extra STEM (important to Daddy): Snap Circuits, Legos, Knex, Erector set logic puzzles and games, etc.



And we both work full time (from home) so this should be interesting...

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Grammar - First Language Lessons 2

Writing - Going to buy Winning with Writing and Writing With Ease, and we'll use either or both, depending on how they work out

Handwriting - will continue with Zaner-Bloser workbooks

Spelling - Leaning towards All About Spelling, but not totally convinced

Memory Work - Linguistic Development Through Poetry Memorization

Math - Math Mammoth and MEP

Science - Real Science Odyssey, with some Engineering is Elementary units

History - History Odyssey

Languages - Song School Latin and Spanish lessons

Arts - Atelier Art, Piano lessons

Phys Ed - Tennis and dance lessons

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FLL 1/2 (We just started 1, so we may end up in 2 by the end of next year)


SOTW 2 w/ activity guide

Finish BFSU 1

Singapore PM 2A/B w/ IP

Rod & Staff Spelling 2

Finish A Reason for Handwriting A and then maybe move to Pentime (or start ARFH B )

Getting Started with Spanish

Reading a lot of library books!

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I'm planning/purchasing for next year:





Spelling Workout


RS4K- Astronomy (tagging along with older ds and dd)

HWOT- grade 1

Lots of reading!


Also trying our hand at CC this year ... :)


It is helpful to see other plans!

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Here's my first grade plan. I'm mostly following TWTM:


Language Arts: FLL1/2, WWE1, LOE or something similar for spelling (we will have finished OPGTR)

Math: RightStart B

History: TOG Year 1 (borrowing curriculum and books from a friend, otherwise we'd do SOTW)

Science: Biology - probably TWTM's version, though if we have the money I'll get Elemental or NOEO

Bible: Telling God's Story, Year 1

Art & Music Appreciation: Harmony Fine Arts, plus drawing lessons with DH


Lots and lots of reading and read-alouds, too!

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My DD will be doing 1st grade next year. I have no idea where we will be by then, but suspect the following:


Math: Horizon Math 2, Singapore 2a/b

History: SOTW2

Science: BFSU1

LA: Reading: will be working on silent reading by then and increasing reading stamina, would like to work on non fiction reading too

Spelling: own system, continuing as now

Handwriting and Copywork: possibly WWE1/2 - haven't decided yet

Grammar: some free grammar worksheets

Phys Ed: dance classes, swimming

Languages: we are expected to start a second language in first grade here, so I need to decide about this soon too

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This is what we are planning for our 1st Grader this fall...


LA: CLE LA 100s

Math: CLE Math 100s

History & Bible: HOD Little Hearts for His Glory

Science: Apologia Astronomy

Spelling: AAS

Reading: AAR and beginner readers

Handwriting: A Reason for Handwriting A

Art: Artistic Pursuits 1


PE: Soccer, Baseball, Swimming

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My youngest is going into 1st next year..he'll be finishing singapore 1b..and then going into rod and staff for math; printed off spelling lists online; christian liberty press phonics book, readers and handwriting; rod and staff for history (it's really more social studies though), science, and music. He may or may not participate in the artists and composer studies..he probably will sit in with his older sibs on read alouds. The best idea that I got from the WTM was Jessie Wise list of library books. One science, history, poetry, biography/autobiography, art/music, practical/hobby, classic, and then story book...We do this and make lapbooks based on those books ALL the time.

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Hope this is ok to post if not please let me know where to find the 1st grade post. I have been doing MFW K with ds and I like it but have not decided what to do for next year. We have also been reading SL 3/4 and 4/5. Thanks and please forgive me if I shouldn't post this.


I was not as impressed with the overall look of mfw 1st as mfw k, but through out the past year I've tried to learn whatever I could about mfw 1st and am glad I did because I am now very much looking forward to it. These threads on the message board really helped me get excited about the program:








Also, when I told my dd she'd be learning to read the Bible on her own next year, she was thrilled!


I just feel like mfw k has really blessed our family, and as a new homeschool mom this time last year who just got thrown into it without really any clue of what to do, I feel God just lead me to mfw because he knew it would be perfect for my daughter.


We'll be doing mfw 1st next year and all we'll be adding is HWOT print workbook and continue with some of the multisensory activties as needed to continue getting more practice for handwriting.

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This is my plan for 1st grade next year:


Language arts: continue working through OPGTR and ETC and phonics games, FLL1, HWT1. I also want to add some SequentialSpelling1 slowly depending on where he is in his reading skills, and I want to add some WWE1 (also very slowly). We'll also work through Bravewriter's Jot It Down. We've done some JID this year but it got shelved. I also plan on doing Caldecott Across the Curriculum, plus regular read-alouds and oral reading practice.


Math: Miquon (I haven't decided yet if I want to use SM or MEP with it. I may just do MEP and add some extra math games)


History: History Odyssey 1 and SOTW1 with activity guide. I'm also going to add some Montessori Great Lessons.


Science: Real Science Odyssey Life1 and nature study


Art/Music: We have been working through Artistic Pursuits 1st book this year and I'm not really liking it. I think we'll just do Drawing With Children and crafts/handicrafts and art appreciation. I like Harmony Fine Arts so I'll stick with that.

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Our plan for next year's Grade 1:


English: LLATL, Catholic National Reader, Draw Write Now, lots of reading aloud and being read to.



Miquon, Singapore (workbooks only), math games



Suzuki cello, choir



St. Joseph's Baltimore Catechism, The Bible Story (Johnson, Hannan)


Art, geography, history, science:

Baltimore curriculum project, accompanied by coordinated books, discussions, experiments, and field trips.



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