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UPDATE in post #22! Oh Lawdy, help me!! Nervous & excited at the same time

DB in NJ

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So I was driving past this catering place that I've always wondered about. I help couples with wedding coordinating sometimes, and I wanted to stop in and see what this place was all about. After about talking to the guy for a minute (max) he asks me if I want a job.


Uh, yeah!


It's a sales job, though. I have zero experience in sales. He told me he liked me though and thinks I'd be good. I have an interview tomorrow with his boss (i.e. his wife). I love the idea of earning some money (remember, I just posted a few days ago about needing a part-time job!). I am hoping that maybe instead of sales I could do something else....like serve food or wash dishes ;) I really want a no-stress job.


*gulp* what have I gotten myself into??? I half thought about calling to cancel the interview but my dd yelled at me and told me I was being stupid ;) I used to love doing stuff outside the box (for me). The whole world was my comfort zone! Now? Not so much....

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Wear something like Jean suggested. Nice top. Slacks if you have them. Or a simple dress.


Sales could mean just greeting and answering questions of potential clients. That's learnable and kinda fun.



Excellent good luck on your interview!

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Go for the interview! "Nothing ventured, nothing gained". (Lyrics in a Country song, years ago). Sometimes, people just fall into a job. Go to the interview, with low expectations, but be sure to go!


I knew a woman here, when DD was much younger and in a private school. She was the mother of a girl in the group DD was in. She had a small store here, and they sold the products of a company in California. She went to California and she went to visit the company HQ. While she was there, she was offered a Sales job with them. She told them "Yes, if I can live in Cali, Colombia and work for you". It was a "win-win" situation. The company got someone who was enthusiastic about their products, to be their Sales Rep. She was able to continue living where she wanted to live and sell a product she was enthusiastic about. She did not go to visit that company, with the idea of them offering her a job!


Relax and much good luck!

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Go! Go! Go! you will never get good at sales staying at home. Remember there is a learning curve to everything. The guy must have thought you would be good at it otherwise he would not have offered you the interview. Dress nice casual and go in with a confident but teachable spirit and you will be fine. lot's of luck

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That's fantastic!! :hurray: :)


Even if the initial position isn't exactly what you're looking for, after you've been working there for awhile you can likely translate that into an opportunity with this business that is more to your liking. The important thing is getting your foot in the door. This could turn into something really amazing for you.


As for what to wear, go with something classy but not overdone. Black slacks, nice top, low heels.


Good luck! :)

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Welp, they offered me a job. They want me in the office on Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays from 10:30-3:30/4:00. I would be making phone calls, trying to sell the business. I would earn commission on new business but not existing, repeat business. The pay starts at $12.00 an hour. I would start on April 9th.


In addition to making calls to churches, corporations, etc. I'd be contacting radio and TV stations, movie production companies filming in the area, and venues who allow off-site catering. They are not asking me to travel to solicit business in-person (they would love that, but they don't want to ask me to do it because of the time commitment and my need to be closer to home for Matty).


They are very laid back, easy-going, nice people. We are praying about it, but this looks promising! I have been praying about something just falling into my lap...

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