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video: hair tutorial gone wrong


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That was horrifying :crying: and hilarious :laugh: at the same time.


I also don't understand what happened. I've had to curl my dd's hair for some dance shows, that makes me a little scared. :huh: But I've never seen anything like that happen before, for a whole section to just burn off like that???


On another note, she posted that on 2/18 and it has almost 1.4 million views.

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Oh, my gosh! Yeah, those wands get so much hotter than regular curling irons! Her hair looked really fine, too, so just a few seconds on a section that small would have been plenty. Did you see her hair turning dark as it started to burn? Maybe I was seeing things, but I thought it started to look burnt to me about half-way through. Poor girl!

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Oh, my gosh! Yeah, those wands get so much hotter than regular curling irons!


Oh, so that's not a standard curling iron? I too was wondering how a curling iron could do that, but I know nothing about wands and apparently they're different. I still don't know how she couldn't smell her hair burning. That's quite a distinctive odor.

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I wonder if she sprayed that product she had been holding up on her hair before curling it. I had to curl my dd's hair like that for The Nutcracker this year and I was warned that certain products would make the hair adhere to the curling iron. We tried the curling iron once and it started smoking, so I decided to use rag curlers instead.

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Going by the color of her roots, her hair looks colored. I am guessing it was damaged long before her tutorial and the "20 seconds or longer" (what she says in the video) was a bit too much for her hair. I can't imagine holding a high temp rod on my hair for that long....I would expect the same results!!

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You can see her hair smoking in the video. I don't know how she didn't smell it.


But she is young, so she might not have known what smoke and stench meant when using a curling rod. Poor child.


I thought about that too. We wondered how she didn't know her hair was burning, but I'll bet many of us learned to recognize that odor the hard way. I know I did!

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So why did she actually post the video?



I believe that would be because of this....



On another note, she posted that on 2/18 and it has almost 1.4 million views.


It went wrong, but it's funny and she probably knows if. If she can handle laughing at herself a little (and all the other attention), I can see why a girl would do that. Imagine the rush of knowing that many people have watching something you create. Even if it's silly or self-depricating.... to a teenage girl, it's attention.

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