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200 Sit-Ups challenge **Monday, Week One**


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Um, I just wanted to comment that they aren't kidding that you might need some time to recover from your initial test. I woke up feeling pretty stiff in the gut this morning - and I hate to admit that only a minimal amount of crunches were responsible for that discomfort!


I have to jump in the shower in a few minutes so I think I will go ahead and look at exactly what I'm supposed to accomplish today and try to get 'em in before I wash up.


Thanks for the challenge!

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I did my initial challenge yesterday and gave up at 20, which is nice because I'll be doing the second column instead of the third. (And yes, I'm at the "poor" fitness level :p) I did Day 1 this morning and it was fine. I lost count on one of the sets, but I did 16 for the last set so that should make up for it.


Also, if anyone hasn't noticed, there is a printable version of the program on the website--very convenient. It's under Complete Program.


ETA: Here's the website: http://www.twohundredsitups.com/index.html

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I did 11 for my initial test but, chose to start in column one as a starting point. I plan on doing column one for the whole six weeks and then moving up to column two afterwards, as I am woefully out of shape. I also did 30 min on the treadmill this morning. I plan on doing the treadmill and this sit-up challenge three days a week together.

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OK, I'm in but instead of situps/crunches I'm going to shoot for 3 sets of pull-ups 3 days a week. I can't do a pull up on my own, but maybe I'll be able to at the end of 6 weeks! For my exercises I am going to do pull-ups with a resistance band, pull-ups on the Master Gym, or negative pull-ups. Good luck everyone! :)


ETA: Today I did 3 sets of 8 with a resistance band.

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OK, I'm in but instead of situps/crunches I'm going to shoot for 3 sets of pull-ups 3 days a week. I can't do a pull up on my own, but maybe I'll be able to at the end of 6 weeks! For my exercises I am going to do pull-ups with a resistance band, pull-ups on the Master Gym, or negative pull-ups. Good luck everyone! :)


Yeah, I was super excited to see the "25 pull-ups" one, only to be bummed to discover it's not available yet.


One of the other trainers and I decided to do push-ups and crunches/sit-ups in one round, then follow with a dual round of squats and dips. We start tomorrow.

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I did my initial tests today for the challenges I'm going to try:


Sit-ups: I did 50, so it says I should start at week 3, but I'm just going to start at Week 1, column 3.


Push-ups: I did 8 modified push-ups, so I'll start at week 1, column 2.


Squats: I did 20, so I'll start week 1 in column 2.



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Could someone post the links to the squats and push-up challenges? If I'm in for one, I might as well do them all.


If I'm going to be sore, I might as well make it all-over agony, right? Remind me I said that when I'm posting from my bed in a few days because I can't actually stand up!

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I did 72 for the test and then I almost passed out. After I recovered, I started at week 3, which was okay.. until the very last set. After that, I realized I’d much rather start at week one. So tomorrow I will start on week one...column three. I will do Sun, Tues, Thursday..and yup, I am sore today..but it feels great knowing that I am going to see results.


hmm..maybe I should do the squats ..I love squats. All my strength is in my legs too!




Today I did:


Situps - Week 1, Day 1

Squats - Week 3, Day 1

Pushups - Week 1, Day 1

Dips - Week 1, Day 1


Clearly any strength I have is in my legs. I really need to get stronger and tone up. I'm sick of this already.


We can do this!!!

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Today I did:


Situps - Week 1, Day 1

Squats - Week 3, Day 1

Pushups - Week 1, Day 1

Dips - Week 1, Day 1


Clearly any strength I have is in my legs. I really need to get stronger and tone up. I'm sick of this already.


We can do this!!!


That's typical for women. Pound for pound, we have much stronger legs than men. Upper body... Puny.


We're splitting the push-ups and dips out because they're both triceps. For regular training, not so much an issue, but for a challenge... A little scary. :)

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I might as well try. I just started semi-p90x. I made my own schedule. I did 3x in a week and a half. I only mimed the pull-ups... (that would really just be squats then). I used soup cans as weights. Still, it was quite aerobic and at 1 hr each I sweated. Um., my baby's two and a half. It's not baby weight anymore. I think what I'll do, though, is a few sets of nine and put a check on my calendar on the days that I try. I just won't keep up with the numbers and know that I mean to do 200 someday. I did 20. Hey, maybe someday soon. All I have to do is do that 10 times. :D

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Ooh. This looks great. I've been dinking around trying to come up with something like this on my own lately. I'd much rather just do what I'm told in the exercise department. I'm training for a 10K but can't run quite as much as I'd like and, in general, need to lose a few pounds and get my core strength up if I want to really do well running. I'm totally in and I'll do my initial tests in a bit.

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Alright, I'm in for push ups and sit ups. I'm going to start tomorrow and alternate days. I only did 21 sit ups and for the push ups I always do them at an incline off the kitchen counter. I did 25. Neither one was quite to my max but I don't want to be too sore to exercise tomorrow! I love programs like this :)

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Ok. Those dips were hard. HARD. And I do dips - multiple sets - fairly regularly. Stupid dips. And the stupid sit-ups (crunches. Whatever)... They were harder than they should be, too. I think it was psychological. I was still horrified by the dips.


I hate hate hate dips. What kind of dips are you doing? Supported dips with your feet on the floor or suspended ones? I can't do a single suspended dip.


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I hate hate hate dips. What kind of dips are you doing? Supported dips with your feet on the floor or suspended ones? I can't do a single suspended dip.


Just regular bench dips. Feet on the floor.


I'm not sure I can do a suspended dip (without assist), either. I'm sure it would be as appalling as when I do a pull-up: I jump off a plyo box and just hang there, with every muscle in my upper body engaged, but not pulling up. Just sad. (And then the laughing makes it hard to hang, even)

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Could someone post the links to the squats and push-up challenges? If I'm in for one, I might as well do them all.


If I'm going to be sore, I might as well make it all-over agony, right? Remind me I said that when I'm posting from my bed in a few days because I can't actually stand up!



I'd prefer push ups and squats too....


And yes.....agony is the correct word.

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I am WAY more sore this morning than I expected. Humbling.


I hope the pull-up program comes up soon, though I can sort of extrapolate what it will likely look like based on the others. Do any of you do pull-ups regularly? We have an Iron Gym bar up more or less all the time but I can't do anything close to a pull up. With a few months of working at it last year I got to where I could feel some flex in my arms but my husband still couldn't tell that I was doing anything. Sigh.


Is one of those bands the best way? Or will this new sit-up/pull-up regime make pull ups easier?

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I am WAY more sore this morning than I expected. Humbling.


I hope the pull-up program comes up soon, though I can sort of extrapolate what it will likely look like based on the others. Do any of you do pull-ups regularly? We have an Iron Gym bar up more or less all the time but I can't do anything close to a pull up. With a few months of working at it last year I got to where I could feel some flex in my arms but my husband still couldn't tell that I was doing anything. Sigh.


Is one of those bands the best way? Or will this new sit-up/pull-up regime make pull ups easier?

That sounds like how I do a pull-up: hang there while my workout buddy (another trainer) says encouraging things like "ok, go ahead!" Then dissolve into laughter and lose my grip.


On the one hand, I was excited about the pull-up program. On the other, I think I actually would need to be able to do one (or, you know, more) to follow it. I'm thinking about getting some bands. We have an assist machine (stand on a counter-weighted bar while doing dips/pull-ups) but the pull-up bar is awkward and the assist pushes you through the whole movement instead of just giving a boost at the bottom...

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I'm way too sore to do squats, push-ups or dips today. I don't know what I was thinking trying to all 4 of these challenges at once. Who exactly do I think I am?


I'm going to give it my best shot but I'm wondering if I should just repeat Day 1, except on the sit-ups? And as for push-ups, because I did them the real way and could barely do 3, I declare that all of you doing modified push-ups are cheating. :tongue_smilie:

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I'm way too sore to do squats, push-ups or dips today. I don't know what I was thinking trying to all 4 of these challenges at once. Who exactly do I think I am?


I'm going to give it my best shot but I'm wondering if I should just repeat Day 1, except on the sit-ups? And as for push-ups, because I did them the real way and could barely do 3, I declare that all of you doing modified push-ups are cheating. :tongue_smilie:



I've had four kids and, therefore, have no abs whatsoever. And I can't even do one real push up. Trust me, I feel super lame. But if I can do 200 pushups off my counter at the end of this, I will feel awesome. And I can then start over from the beginning with real pushups. It's all about growing, right?

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