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What are your Scouts working on? (Boys & Girls)


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I understood your comment. I think you misunderstood mine. I said I disagreed because my experience was different and what i see is that when parents push/force the boy to do it it generally takes them longer because they are more interested in other things. A large majority of the Eagles my husband has worked with who were obviously checking the box Eagled as close to 18 as they could. During the Eagle BOR their responses usually make it clear, even if they dont say it outright (and a lot of times they Do).


We went to a COH ladt night for two young men. I know them both well on a personal level. One felt he had to Eagle because his Father and brother were Eagles. The other was absolutly checking a box. We thought hed dropped out and he came to us in a rush at the last minute wanting to Eagle. They both finished withing days of aging out.


My husband is mentoring a boy right now. We are very close with this family. He is a John Smith the 3rd. His dad and i think grandpa are Eagles. His dad says he has to Eagle. Unfortunatly he came to dh so late he's not sure it will happen. The boy feels an immense amount of pressure to finish, but golf has taken priority the last few years. (He plays year round.)


We had several boys Eagle at 15 and drop out at 16 but it was a Scoutmaster issue. All these boys say they will return if there is a new scoutmaster before they age out. One of the reasons my son has not Eagled yet is because of the scoutmaster. My son wants to complete all his requirements and then wait for a new scoutmaster to do his BOR. Before this issue our Eagles hung around. We had one earn 4 Palms before he aged out and then he became a leader until he went to college.



Ah, thank you, that is clearer.

I think we agree that the box-checking attitude is a bad thing and that boys making Eagle only because of coercive, external motivations or to just to satisfy emotional pressure from parents is not nearly as good as earning it because they really want to and because they love scouts.  


Our experience is different. The pattern I observe here is strong parental pressure to Eagle as fast as possible. Especially so that they have more time for academics, sports, and leadership positions only open to older high school students. The DL restriction is huge and usually effective. I am sure there are boys here who delay as you have described, but few will endure not driving or otherwise having their social lives heavily restricted. 


If my parents had pushed me at that age, I would have stalled and purposefully failed, just to prove that I would not be controlled.  

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Dh is doing IOLS training(BS leader- IOLS), he is not having a good time, this is the first training he has went to that he's not loved(he's done Woodbadge and another weekend training gah I forget what its called).


Tomorrow is our last meeting of the year for AHG. My girls do not advance this year, both are first years in their Units. Poor dd3 she hung out with the Pathfinders but won't get to crossover, with her birth date she doesn't get to start school until 2018, the same thing happened to dd2 but AHG has age and grade restrictions. My Explorer group did 6 badges as a group (with some assignments for home) and we did 3 at fall camp-out. Unfortunately, we got rained out of spring camp, we've had record-breaking fatal flooding. We might get some activities done for the summer but I don't know what yet(other than a swimming party), we have a new coordinator and my schedule is getting full. The closest summer camp is 3 hrs away. We've done day camp locally but it is a lot of work and we don't have enough manpower. 

My kiddo finished his Eagle project!!! I'm so proud of him, and so relieved that's it's done. He is almost done with the workbook. He's meeting with his beneficiary today for the final sign off. He needs to print a few more pictures, and then write his life statement. I'm hoping he'll have everything turned into council by next week.



GREAT EBoR last night--if any kid is an Eagle, it's this kid. 


And we have dd's Silver Award for Venturing this evening--only a couple of years late. And (shhh...) dh's getting the Silver Beaver. 

That is awesome congrats to your ds and dh.


Eagle Court of Honor tomorrow for oldest. He was also nominated for Vigil Honor with the OA.

Congrats to your son.


Trinqueta finished her Program Aide training and said she learned a lot and that it was very useful. I think that was a first for a GSA training for her. I got her a slot in a day camp in Houston. Hopefully my dh will be able to take her and if not I can do it without changing anyone else's schedule. Yeah!!!


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Ah, thank you, that is clearer.

I think we agree that the box-checking attitude is a bad thing and that boys making Eagle only because of coercive, external motivations or to just to satisfy emotional pressure from parents is not nearly as good as earning it because they really want to and because they love scouts.


Our experience is different. The pattern I observe here is strong parental pressure to Eagle as fast as possible. Especially so that they have more time for academics, sports, and leadership positions only open to older high school students. The DL restriction is huge and usually effective. I am sure there are boys here who delay as you have described, but few will endure not driving or otherwise having their social lives heavily restricted.


If my parents had pushed me at that age, I would have stalled and purposefully failed, just to prove that I would not be controlled.

The friend I got the DL idea from her first son didn't Eagle till days before his birthday. I kind of told my son that as a joke and he took me seriously so I didn't tell him differently.


What I find funny is that these parents insistent on checking boxes, IMO, are hurting their children. Colleges know a boy who Eagles at 14 and drops out was just box checking. They would rather see them Eagle at 18 and mature through the experience than have them rush thru and check the box. Colleges want commitment, not box checking. My daughter does a few things but she does them well and had depth that shows passion.

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  • 1 month later...

Son was supposed to run his conservation project last week, but got rained out. (It won't work out in the rain). It rained on his main day and the backup day. He doesn't need a lot of help (about 6 people)... so hoping he can find helpers for next week even though summer has started here now. Then he will have 1 more requirement for Pathfinder Scout Award (a very easy requirement left).


He then has most of his Chief Scout Award to complete this fall. He needs to take a Standard First Aid course (he has Emergency level). He needs 1 badge in the Science/Technology Area, and a couple of presentations. He will be among the last to earn the 'old' version of Chief Scout.


I'm not sure if his scouter will want him to stay for all of this year once he gets chief scout, or if he would move up to Venturers. There used to be an overlap with the age, but that got removed when the new program came in last year (although our group didn't start the new program.... so my daughter ended last year with 1/2 completed old badges... sigh). I partly hope they make him the Troop Leader, but the Scouters just don't seem to see him. But the scouts older than him should finish chief scout in fall, and are too old to be in scouts with the new ages anyway. There is only one other scout his age and he hasn't finished Voyageur Scout, I think....


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Youngest is at scout camp right now.  Being the horribly bad parents that we are, we did not go to parent night last night.   :crying:   Why they have camp 2 hours each way and parent night in the MIDDLE of camp is beyond me.  The last camp, it was at the end, and then you left with your child.


Anyway, middle hasn't really progressed in scouts as the older ones have.  He has been sitting at 2nd class for over a year with only one requirement left to go to get 1st class.  It is driving me nuts.

He HAS gotten several merit badges and after camp he will have 9 Eagle required badges and 10 others.   I have told him he HAS to finish 1st class by September.  This is ridiculous.


He is our kid who may not continue in scouts.  He is talking about doing sports in the Fall, through school.  I told him he can't quit until he finishes that one 1st class requirement and the ONE camping MB requirement to finish that up.  That way, if he chooses to go back in a couple of years, it would be doable to finish up later.

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A minor vent.... my son has volunteered and worked with our Beaver Colony for 3 years, and gotten no real recognition. Grrr.


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We endured years of our boys being looked over for the "popular" kids, who did the same work, or even less on occasion.  


In fact, we went to an Eagle ceremony recently and the former scout master couldn't remember my kids' names.  We just left a year ago!  And they were in the troop for 9 years!


Don't even get me started on that crap.

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Ds has finished summer camp and both him and dh were called out for OA. They were both very proud and I got to go to the ceremony, at least the part that they allow you to watch. Summer camp was a great success, ds was exhausted but had a blast. Dh happened to run into one of the leaders from Catholic Adventure Camp that ds attended last year, they asked dh if ds was his son(due to the resemblance) and were bragging about his good attitude and work ethic. 


Ds is half-way through his Personal Fitness badge. I believe at this time he has finished his electives and has all but six of his Eagle required badges(including PF). He already has nearly of the work done for his next rank, Star, including his service hours. He will be eligible in August.


The new Troop is nearing launch. 


There is a group going to Philmont next year but ds won't be old enough to go, I truly hope that they will get an opportunity to go at some point, maybe in a few years. I think they are planning a Jamboree trip next year maybe, we don't have familiarity with that since dh wasn't a Scout as a youth.


The pinnacle of our local Scouting community has passed away. He served for many years with the Boy Scouts and was integral to starting our AHG Troop. He was the best leader I've known in any capacity and lived for Scouts. So many lives were changed from his service. He will be sorely missed. I'm honored to say that ds along with others from his Troop and other Troops in town will have the opportunity to honor him in the flag service at the funeral.

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My 15yo son is working at Scout camp for the summer. He is working in the trading post and so far loving it. He has been there two weeks. This is the first week with campers. He did his Eagle project before he left. He needs to finish the paperwork but the hard part is done. He has 3 ER MB to complete. We told him he could not come home without Cooking completed. That MB has been gis nemesis. He has started it 4 times and has yet to complete it! Ugh!


My youngest just became a Webelo. He is excited to "almost" be a Boy Scout.

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Ds and Dh will go to Webelos camp week after next. Ds is excited about sailing, paddleboarding and lots of time on the Bb gun range. No other Webs from his pack are going, but he will make new friends and have loads of fun. Dh is not excited about sleeping in a platform tent with no a/c in July!


Dd is almost done with the Family Helper badge. She took this year off from AHG camp to do a church mission trip, so likely only 2 badges this summer instead of 4, but lots of service hours.

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My 15yo son is working at Scout camp for the summer. He is working in the trading post and so far loving it. He has been there two weeks. This is the first week with campers. He did his Eagle project before he left. He needs to finish the paperwork but the hard part is done. He has 3 ER MB to complete. We told him he could not come home without Cooking completed. That MB has been gis nemesis. He has started it 4 times and has yet to complete it! Ugh!


My youngest just became a Webelo. He is excited to "almost" be a Boy Scout.


Ds can't wait until he can work at camp. Scouts is such a great organization, great for building friendships, leadership, enjoying the great outdoors, we just love it. That new cooking badge is hard!

Ds and Dh will go to Webelos camp week after next. Ds is excited about sailing, paddleboarding and lots of time on the Bb gun range. No other Webs from his pack are going, but he will make new friends and have loads of fun. Dh is not excited about sleeping in a platform tent with no a/c in July!


Dd is almost done with the Family Helper badge. She took this year off from AHG camp to do a church mission trip, so likely only 2 badges this summer instead of 4, but lots of service hours.

Ha, last year ds almost melted, it was 100+ with the heat index, this year, however, it was a fair amount cooler, thank goodness.

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Ha, last year ds almost melted, it was 100+ with the heat index, this year, however, it was a fair amount cooler, thank goodness.



We have had more than a week of lovely weather, mid 80's with low humidity and overnight lows in the 60's. Rain moving in today to stay for several days, so Eeyore Dh is figuring we'll be back to our usual low 90's with high humidity for his week at camp! Ds has taken that possibility into consideration and is planning to choose mostly water activities. 


He will appreciate the benefits of home that much more! A/c and tempurpedic are not things to take for granted.  :D

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My oldest is crew chief for a backpacking trip this week. It's kind of a transition between summer camp and the more intense high-adventure trips like Philmont. They backpack for 5 days and do cool stuff and kind of learn the skills they will need for the bigger trips. I was proud of him for running for crew chief and for being elected. He's a complete introvert but Scouting has definitely brought out the leader in him. The trip is also a big deal for him because it's the first summer swim meet he's missed in 5 years. 


Second son just joined in the spring and will go to Scout camp in about a week. He's a totally different personality that my oldest and not as much of a joiner. I think he will really enjoy Scouts and get a lot out of it but in different ways than his brother. 



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Ds can't wait until he can work at camp. Scouts is such a great organization, great for building friendships, leadership, enjoying the great outdoors, we just love it. That new cooking badge is hard!.

Well he started under the old requirements. Got about 1/2 done. Lost the blue card. Started it again washed the bluecard. Started it a 3rd time before it became Eagle required. Did not finish within a year so had redo with new requirements.


This son has done all his MB's multiple times. If it is not completed and turned in the same day he washes/loses forgets to get signed off etc. Every. Single. Time.

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 There isn't a Jamboree in 2018, but World is 2019. 


I'd love to see dd be able to go to VenturingFest in 2018. I doubt it will happen unless she stays in VT for the summer. 



How often is there a BSA National Jamboree?


AHG National Convention is every five years.

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 There isn't a Jamboree in 2018, but World is 2019. 


I'd love to see dd be able to go to VenturingFest in 2018. I doubt it will happen unless she stays in VT for the summer. 

Aw, ok, I remember some talk about it in the future, guess I had the dates wrong.


Well he started under the old requirements. Got about 1/2 done. Lost the blue card. Started it again washed the bluecard. Started it a 3rd time before it became Eagle required. Did not finish within a year so had redo with new requirements.


This son has done all his MB's multiple times. If it is not completed and turned in the same day he washes/loses forgets to get signed off etc. Every. Single. Time.

Oh, my, poor kid, poor Mom!

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At least he should know all the info! We don't like mbc to hold blue cards, as they often lose them, but maybe that's an option for you? We had a blue card go missing, one that had all but the signature done, but the mbc lost it. I recreated it with the Scout, as that mbc had retired. I knew he'd done the work. And a parent noticed last month that 3 older boys never had gotten their WS mbs. We looked back through records and recreated them. Again, we knew the work had been done, but the mbc was a college student and had moved. It seems like they all have to lose one or two before they learn to hang on to them! Each of our boys have notebooks, with baseball card slots and they put them in there. I hate to see a boy put one in his pocket--you KNOW it's going to get washed!

Every time he loses a card we tell him "Well, it should go faster this time since you have already done it all before". We do have the binder. He knows he is supposed to come straight home and put the bluecard in the pouch. I sent him to camp with 3 partially completed Cooking blue cards. We will see what they give him credit for. (I photocopiedthem all before he left.)


If he wasn't doing most of his MB's 2-3 times he would have Eagled a long time ago and had several Palms by now. But it is his journey, not mine, so if he is content redoing everything over and over so be it.

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We endured years of our boys being looked over for the "popular" kids, who did the same work, or even less on occasion.


In fact, we went to an Eagle ceremony recently and the former scout master couldn't remember my kids' names. We just left a year ago! And they were in the troop for 9 years!


Don't even get me started on that crap.

Couldn't like the post.... but yes, I know what you mean. Our scouters know my kids well.... they just somehow seem to see or at least treat my son as younger than he is.... like a first year or possibly 2nd year scout - instead of finishing his 3rd year.


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Well, youngest came back from scout camp with a bit of a renewed sense of wanting to stay in scouts.  He is already talking about high adventure next summer AND asked if he could do some kind of training next summer and then volunteer for a few weeks at camp.  Apparently he was asked if he wanted to while he was there this year and really likes the idea.


I guess we will remain a scout family for now!



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I picked up my DS from a week at summer camp at our council's camp. He has never attended this particular camp. he attended as an individual camper since he will miss his troop's summer camp to go to Jamboree. (Troop is traveling to camp near Mt Rushmore). He had had some bad experiences in the past, so he and I both get a bit nervous. I told him that if it was not so great, to think of it like summer school just to get the required merit badges out of the way.


Well, he had a great time. The troop he got placed with was wonderful. They treated the individual campers just like members of their troop. He was even selected to be an ASPL which would never happen in his regular troop. When the troop was ready to leave and I had not arrived, I got a call from one of the adults as they did not want to leave my DS. If that troop was not 3hours from our home, I would have him switch troops in a heartbeat.

He completed the two Eagle required merit badges that he was planning on and the other two merit badges have only one item left to finish. He had such a great time that he wants to work there next summer.


For those of you who's boys are struggling and not very happy or motivated, this is my DS who wanted to drop out of scouts after two years. He thought the meetings were boring. (They were) He refused to attend summer camp his first two summers. I finally convinced him to attend his first summer camp by telling him that if he had a horrible time at camp i would not make him attend another troop meeting. I could go on and on about all the problems in this first two years, but I need to focus on the good stuff.

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Ds1 loved scout camp.  He canĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t wait for next summer. 


He completed 4 merit badges and part of three others.  He should be able to finish one of those three by the end of summer.


His current goal is to finish his first class requirements and to earn the first aid merit badge before next summerĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s camp.  He wasnĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t able to get into the first aid sessions at this yearĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s camp and first aid is a prerequisite for a badge he wants to do next summer.

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We visited our son yesterday. He is having a lot of fun working at camp but we could tell he missed us (even if he didn't say it). He kept asking if we were staying for dinner and fireworks. Everytime we got ready to leave he would show us one more thing or ask one more question. We got home a lot later than planned but thats ok. I probably wont see him again till he comes home in August. Hubby will probably go up again in 3-4 week but I will be out of town with the other kiddos.

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Well, youngest came back from scout camp with a bit of a renewed sense of wanting to stay in scouts. He is already talking about high adventure next summer AND asked if he could do some kind of training next summer and then volunteer for a few weeks at camp. Apparently he was asked if he wanted to while he was there this year and really likes the idea.


I guess we will remain a scout family for now!

Beware, once they are staff at camp they will want to go every summer, all summer!


My son was a CIT for a week last year. Wanted nothing more than to do a second week but they didnt have any more openings. All year long he talked about being staff at camp this summer. Being only 15 he wasn't sure he would get to be staff (they like 16+) but they hired him. He can't get paid because he is not 16 but he is having a blast. Plus 80/90 community service hours a week isn't too shabby.

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Beware, once they are staff at camp they will want to go every summer, all summer!


My son was a CIT for a week last year. Wanted nothing more than to do a second week but they didnt have any more openings. All year long he talked about being staff at camp this summer. Being only 15 he wasn't sure he would get to be staff (they like 16+) but they hired him. He can't get paid because he is not 16 but he is having a blast. Plus 80/90 community service hours a week isn't too shabby.



Oh, that is good to know.  This is what my son wanted to do, CIT training, but they told him he would be up there for 4 weeks to train.  

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Ds and dd1 helped at the funeral for our local Scouting icon. They had a broken arrow ceremony and another for Wood Badge(he was one of the lead trainers of Woodbadge around here and responsible for getting so many to go through the program). He was buried in his full BSA uniform. 

Beware, once they are staff at camp they will want to go every summer, all summer!

My son was a CIT for a week last year. Wanted nothing more than to do a second week but they didnt have any more openings. All year long he talked about being staff at camp this summer. Being only 15 he wasn't sure he would get to be staff (they like 16+) but they hired him. He can't get paid because he is not 16 but he is having a blast. Plus 80/90 community service hours a week isn't too shabby.



Well, youngest came back from scout camp with a bit of a renewed sense of wanting to stay in scouts.  He is already talking about high adventure next summer AND asked if he could do some kind of training next summer and then volunteer for a few weeks at camp.  Apparently he was asked if he wanted to while he was there this year and really likes the idea.


I guess we will remain a scout family for now!

Ds won't be eligible for CIT until year after next and he is already excited about it. 

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Oh, that is good to know.  This is what my son wanted to do, CIT training, but they told him he would be up there for 4 weeks to train.


4 Weeks?!!!!


I guess it varies by camp here CIT is one week. You can do a second week if there is space. Not sure I would have allowed DS to go for 4 weeks his first time!

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In two hours, my stb15yo Life scout meets his mb counselor for Citizen in the World.  His last eagle required mb!  He was down to his last three eagle requireds and the goal was to get them all finished befor we pcs.  We go to boy scout camp in one week, come back from that and hit the road.  He cut it close, but he finished off all his eagles before we leave!  Now when we get there we need to find a troop, he needs to get a position within the new troop for at least two more months and find an eagle project.  Really, really hoped we would stay here and he could graduate hs, or at least eagle here.  That one is almost harder as we have such a great troop and he's worked with so many of our boys on their star, life and eagle projects it would have been great to do his project with them. 

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That's interesting.  We have an eagle in our troop that at the time he earned his eagle had enough merit badges for 10 palms.

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My boys and DH are at summer camp this week.  My 14 year old will be doing what they call the cascade ranger program, which spends a lot of time in the wilderness area.  It is a lottery system if too many sign up to do it, but it is only for the older scouts.  I am hoping he can finish up two more eagle required merit badges which is pretty much all he has left to earn Life.  My 11 year old is planning to work on his swimming, rifle shooting, canoeing, kayaking , and search & rescue merit badges.  He signed up a month or so ago.  I am worried that the search & rescue might be hard on him right now with everything going on with my grandfather (his great-grandfather) being missing and having used search & rescue.  I asked DH to alert the merit badge counselor and be prepared to find another one if he needs.

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My ds and dh are at Webelos camp today through Thursday. I hope they have a great time! I am a little nervous about it. Dh is not a scout and is not really gung-ho, all-in kind of dad for this. 


Dh was super grouchy about going today because it is so hot and humid this week and because he is swamped at work.

I think the time outside, doing active, fun things with lots of other boys and men (and a few moms) will be good for him. He needs a change of pace.



ETA: They both had a great time! Ds came back SO dirty! He did canoeing, aquanaut, first responder and castaway.

Plus lots of ga-ga ball, fishing and general playing. 

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  • 5 weeks later...

My kids are all back from their Scout Camps. Well, my 16yo isn't going because he has to work. But the 14yo went backpacking through the Sierras for his camp. They worked on several badges while at camp in the evenings. He now needs only 4 more service hours to get to Star.


My girls both went to GS camps. 11yo dd did one called Camp: The Movie and made a movie about the ants that were all over their cabin. It's pretty funny and on youtube if you so desire. 9yo went to a week of day camp about 45 minutes from our house, so I "got" to drive her both directions each day. We were going to carpool with another girl in her troop but that didn't work out. She likes camp for 4 days but the last day is just too much and she had something of a fit when I tried to drop her off. Eventually she was willing to stay and had a great last day.


The most interesting thing we did this summer for GS didn't have anything to do with formal camps. Girl Scouts are known for cookies but at least party because of how our troops are structured (small troops with only a couple of leaders) it's hard to go camping a lot. I have two troops but I can't take them each camping each month and be gone from my family that much. So I decided to look at our Service Unit (all of the troops in our city) as a Boy Scout troop with all of the adults and more kids and see if I could get something of a coop organized with the girls and leaders from the SU. We had a couple of meetings in June to organize the group and one to get the girls to meet each other and planned our first camping trip in July.


And then we did it. We had 7 girls from 2nd year Brownies to 2nd year Cadettes. (Two of them were mine.) We went on a hike, geocached, worked on knife safety, and hung out getting eaten by bugs. It was great! The girls got along well, no one got seriously ill, and everyone was willing to eat at least one thing at each meal. We're presenting it at our next SU meeting to try to get more girls and adults interested. We have a camp out planned about every other month for the next year. I'm hopeful that it'll work out and keep going for a long time.

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Every time he loses a card we tell him "Well, it should go faster this time since you have already done it all before". We do have the binder. He knows he is supposed to come straight home and put the bluecard in the pouch. I sent him to camp with 3 partially completed Cooking blue cards. We will see what they give him credit for. (I photocopiedthem all before he left.)


If he wasn't doing most of his MB's 2-3 times he would have Eagled a long time ago and had several Palms by now. But it is his journey, not mine, so if he is content redoing everything over and over so be it.

Son comes home from camp on Sunday. Rumor has it that he earned his cooking. Ă°Å¸Å½â€°Ă°Å¸Å½Å Ă°Å¸Å½Å Ă°Å¸Å½â€°

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Trinqueta's off to her first Mariner weekend this Friday and she's doing the first weekend of her Sunfish Mate rating next week (fingers crossed she passes the first time--it's hard!!!).


Our troop disbanded but I don't think we'll join another. The Mariner Special Interest Group requires 6 to 8 weekends in the fall and 4 to 6 in the spring for T and at least a couple for me as a volunteer. I don't think we could dedicate enough time to an active troop especially if they are into camping.

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The new Troop has their first meeting on Monday as of now it looks like they will have at least 10 kids to start, probably closer to 15. Dh goes up Thurs for Popcorn kernel training. Ds finished his Personal Fitness badge and now has 5 badges left (all Eagle required). The OA ordeal is next month.


The former Troop is a train wreck. Long story short. Old leader is suing the new leader and old leader is planning on taking over another Troop in town. We keep hearing about it from both sides and are trying to stay out of it, Unfortunately, the boys are the ones that are going to suffer.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Since it's after midnight, I can announce it: dh was awarded Vigil tonight! He went to Grand Junction with another Scout family (and watched the high school x-c meet) and then on to camp. This way he didn't have to drive. I was asked by the Advisor if I thought he could do his entire Vigil, but I told the guy to ask dh. If he's not up to it, he'll tell him. Ds drove up from Denver to don the regalia and award the triangle (he's already Vigil). I'm so pleased for dh. 

Congrats to your dh!


dh and ds are at OA Ordeal this weekend.


In a few days, we have a first AHG meeting of the year, I'm leading the Explorers again and am Asst. Coordinator. I've finally secured a location for our first camp out, we had a lot of spring flooding and some camp grounds are still not open. We are doing a service project tomorrow.


Dh's new Troop(he is Asst. SM) is now at 14 boys, by the time the W2's cross over they will easily be pushing 20+ (Scoutmaster just stepped down from running a HUGE Pack in May so most will follow over to his Troop, plus the old Troop and the other Troop in town don't do any recruitment). Their first camping trip is next weekend and Mon. they have BOR ds will be going for Star Rank. Ds finished his Personal Fitness badge and has started Personal Management. I think he has 4 badges left for Eagle after that. 


I'm teaching at a MBU for the first time in Dec., I'll be teaching Communications.

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We had our first regular AHG troop meeting last week. Dd was excited to wear her sash for the first time. She will be historian for the troop and so responsible for doing the monthly newsletter. (SKL, did you hear that?!  ;)  ;) )  She will be finishing Family Helper in the next week or so while the troop begins the Engineering badge. 




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Scout, I like it! :)


We just went to a scout field trip for the zoology badge, and I got home and started kicking myself for not thinking to take photos.  Duh!


My kids finished enough service hours for a star (and more) already, so I don't have to worry about that this year.


I volunteered to help with the World Heritage badge later this year, so now I have to figure out what to do.  :p


We are in the middle of one fundraiser and may add a second one.  We are doing "fun pasta" instead of nuts this year.  I thought that was great, got my kids busy, but they have sold very little.  I suggested a graduated buyout so kids can experience the selling gig but parents don't feel they have to buy a pile of stuff they don't want.


We have a campout next weekend.  I am going to look for a motel nearby.  I don't see the point of coming with my pup tent when I could be working in a warm, dry place.  I would just leave my kids there, but my youngest is still scared after what happened last year.  :/

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We had a Rain Gutter Regatta with noodle boats for our AHG/TL Welcome Back. This Monday is our first troop meeting, although the older girls started early with CPR/First Aid training. My dd is the only Patriot (high schooler) in our troop but there are 6-8 jr. highers, which is a BIG change from last year when she was the only girl in the jr hi/high school unit!


I am Troop Vice Coordinator, but if we have a Pathfinder unit I'll be taking that, too. So far, that's not happening and I'll have time to get the paperwork done @ meetings, which is great. We are supposed to have Family camp next weekend and aside from site reservations, NOTHING is planned. That is stressing me out.

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Scout, I like it! :)


We just went to a scout field trip for the zoology badge, and I got home and started kicking myself for not thinking to take photos.  Duh!


My kids finished enough service hours for a star (and more) already, so I don't have to worry about that this year.


I volunteered to help with the World Heritage badge later this year, so now I have to figure out what to do.  :p


We are in the middle of one fundraiser and may add a second one.  We are doing "fun pasta" instead of nuts this year.  I thought that was great, got my kids busy, but they have sold very little.  I suggested a graduated buyout so kids can experience the selling gig but parents don't feel they have to buy a pile of stuff they don't want.


We have a campout this weekend.  I am going to look for a motel nearby.  I don't see the point of coming with my pup tent when I could be working in a warm, dry place.  I would just leave my kids there, but my youngest is still scared after what happened last year.  :/



Hey SKL,

When we did the World Heritage badge a few years ago, our PiPa's and some Explorers made booths about different countries and we invited other troops and our charter church too, making it a multi-troop/community outreach event for girls who planned it for their level award. We had about 12 booths. Each one had food, interesting items to touch, music, clothing etc. The younger girls had a "passport" to get stamped at each booth. It was fun and not a ridiculous amount of work. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

My boys seem to be in something of a slump with Scouts. My oldest is taking 5 AP classes and has no time for anything else. DS14 started 9th grade and is a little crazy with that plus he's stuck at 1st Class until he can get a couple more hours of service.

My girls are doing okay. ODD is a Cadette and is planningher Silver Award so she's moving along. Younger DD's troopnis heavily into fundraising for GS weekend at Emerald Bay in March and then San Francisco next year. Plus badges and all of that. Nothing super exciting, just plugging along with their Scout journeys.

But if anyone has advice on service hours and how to help an already overwhelmed 16yo on his Eagle, I'd appreciate it.

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Dd is an AHG Pioneer working on Engineering and Money Management badges. Two camping trips and some riding in October. Always lots of service b/c she volunteers regularly at a local history site.

Hoping we get a little cooler weather for camping. Sad that I will miss Ds' campout. Love Cub Scouts because the boys and dads do all the work and moms can just hang out, hike, nap, fish etc.

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My DD's GS troop is finishing up our outdoor journey by going primitive camping in November. Our October meetings will be spent planning for that. Another mom from the troop is going instead of me. (When I agreed to resume my co-leader role, I said I would do it if other moms volunteered to camp. I love helping the girls lead meetings and do fun urban things. I am not a camper. It has worked really well for our troop.) Then we will he starting our Silver Awards. My DD is hoping to do something with celiac disease, maybe putting together a celiac disease booklet for a medical study she is in.

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Trinqueta is half way through her Sunfish Mate course with GSA Mariners. She's also checking out a Sea Scout ship. Their first event this year is a sunfish regatta in a park near us. Then they'll do a big boat sail at the end of October. If the ship is fairly active, I'm sure she'll join, but it does depend on attendance at these events. 

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Ds had a Court of Honor last Monday and is now at Star Scout rank, he also received 9 merit badges. He is working on Personal Management solo and doing the pre-reqs for Emergency Preparedness for a MBU he is taking in Nov. Their Troop is doing well, they have Camporee coming up and the Webelo 2's from the old Pack will be joining them so they are going to be 20+ in just a couple of months.


AHG is going fine, we just did a half day hike Sat. and finished off the hiking badge for my Explorers and knocked out some requirements for my Pioneers. I'm asst. coordinator again this year after a year break and we are really working on getting the Troop organized and growing it, it has been a pain in the butt and a lot of work. 


My Explorer class is working on Artastic to start the year(they are loving it!), they've not figured out what they want to do next. We are camping this coming weekend I think my big girls want to do fishing and biking, my new campers will be working on Outdoor Cooking and Fire Safety. 


I am a little worried about one of our parents, he came along to the hike and was trying to take over. He usually doesn't come to any of the events, I'm really hoping that it stays that way because otherwise, I believe I'm going to have to have a very uncomfortable talk about the fact that he isn't a leader and (2) the girls are leading when they get to Pioneer age. In leadership we are going to have to address some issues as well, things that seem like common sense that evidently aren't, sigh. After being left hanging 2x in the past week, scrambling to get stuff done that someone else was supposed to do I might as well plan it all myself, then I know it is done.


Thankfully I have dh to help me out, he has a lot of Boy Scout experience and has done a ton of training through them, stuff that AHG doesn't have around here at least, he is getting ready to do Okpik(cold weather camping) training too. In the past we've mostly done things as a Troop as a whole and this year we are really trying to offer more activities and experiences for the big girls but there is a learning curve. I wanted to do this a few years back when I led this age but our leader then totally messed things up, we found out in March that she had never even re-chartered (she was a control freek that took over everything herself) so she kept putting me off for field trips and high adventure because we couldn't do them. Then she upped and quit in the middle of the year and the last leader and myself have worked on picking up the pieces. We've come a long way but we've still got more to straighten out.


I feel like we will be in a much better place at the end of this year but it will be a lot of work to get there. I spent hours yesterday working on our advancement software (Troop Track), it was a hot mess. Last year I led the Explorers and my co-leader was supposed to take care of attendance and advancement but she didn't, when it came time for ordering awards I was left in a lurch getting it all ready. I'm going to enter in all the records and then individual teachers will take care of tracking badge work themselves. Hopefully, I can get the paperwork tonight so I have that done. 


We are talking about doing a Spring Break trip to the USS Alabama, I know the Boy Scouts did it one year and had a blast and the cost is very reasonable and within driving distance for us. I'm trying to search out some options for the girls to do but my to-do list is a mile long. Tonight the girls are doing painting so I'll have to hit town early to get supplies before our meeting.



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Boys and dh just got back from a mountain biking camping trip. This was dhĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s first camping trip in a long time. He did it with Cub Scouts with our oldest but then our second son didnĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t do Cub Scouts and dh hasnĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t been camping with BS. It went pretty well, even though he had to spend most of Saturday in the ER with a kid (not ours) who got pretty badly hurt after a crash. The kid is ok, although has multiple broken bones. In a weird way, dh felt like it was good for him to be there as he felt like he could be more useful in that way. The other dads are way more experienced campers so I think before the crash he was feeling a little unsure of how to be helpful. 


Ds13 was just elected SPL. HeĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s very excited and I think a little nervous about it. ItĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s great to see him taking on leadership roles. HeĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s a Life Scout so starting to think about things like the Eagle Project. HeĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s almost done with the required Merit Badges, just Camping and Personal Management to go. 


Ds10 is in his first year. He didnĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t do Cub Scouts as he didnĂ¢â‚¬â„¢t like it. IĂ¢â‚¬â„¢m hoping he will really like Scouts and so far he does. He loves the outdoors and camping and activities. HeĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s not as much of a kid who likes to follow rules or requirements so the Merit Badges and Advancement will be harder for him. But I figure he can still get a lot out of it even if he has different ultimate goals than his brother. He just got his Scout badge and is almost done with the Tenderfoot requirements. He has an advantage because heĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s friends with a lot of older brotherĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s friends and when they come over they will work with him on stuff. 



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We got through the mid-September AHG campout.  You may recall that one of my girls had a bad experience last summer at sleep-away camp, and she is still extremely anxious.  She "got sick" shortly before it was time to go to sleep in the tents.  Luckily I had booked a room at the nearby Comfort Inn, and I took her with me overnight and brought her back in the mornings.  I know it isn't fair to the others, but she already has her "camping" badge and I figured it would be less fair to leave her there crying and moaning and ruining everyone else's fun.  Other than that, it was a wonderful camp.


The girls completed all the requirements for their horsemanship badge (mostly with the troop).  This would have been an easy one for them to complete independently, but I'm still glad not to have to plan the review and all that stuff.  For some reason my kids clam up on badge reviews and it looks like they never did the work.  Preparing a presentation worked well in the past, but they are so busy and really don't want to spend their free time doing that. 


One of my kids finished part of the archery badge.  I'll have to see what else is required to complete it.  They have done a fair amount of archery in the past and have a bow, so hopefully this could be an easy one.


I really need to get going on the financial management badge and complete that before Miss A crosses over this year.


We finished the fundraiser - I caved and bought a bunch for the house and for Christmas.  The girls did sell a little.  They made a plan to push it at an event we attended, but the plan petered out once they got there and wanted to spend time with their friend.


Planning to sign the kids up for the pen pal program again this year.  This past year's pen pals flaked out on us.  :P  I wonder how common that is.


Looking forward to the mom & daughter event coming up this fall, and hoping that completes our requirements for # of "events" needed for the level award.


I need to find what else is needed for Miss A to get the level award this year.  I think it is well within reach but would like to know sooner rather than later.


Last but not least, planning for the World Heritage badge - I want my kids (or at least the eldest) to lead it as much as possible.

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  • 1 month later...

I need to walk dd through making a budget this weekend so she can finish the Money Management badge. That one was a ton of work! A good intro to things we will teach her in more detail as she gets older.


She is working on Theater on her own and Engineering with the troop. 

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