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What are your Scouts working on? (Boys & Girls)


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My ds14 is having his review right now to become a Tenderfoot! We are very new to Boy Scouts so he is thrilled to be making a little progress! LOL He is really uber-dedicated to Scouts already; it is SUCH a great fit for his personality.


Quick question...I know this probably varies from troop to troop, but how many times per year will the troop work together to earn merit badges? I know he can do some on his own, but he's hoping it's more often than just very occasionally and at summer camp. I have no clue what is typical.


He will love checking out these Eagle project ideas, thank you!

Congrats on being a new scout mama! My son started scouts at 14 also. My son will have enough time to make Eagle, but he definitely needed help in the beginning. Our troop doesn't do that many merit badges all together. I found our councils website and looked under the advancement tab, and found lots of activities posted there. My son started doing council merit badge days and independent ones that we find on meritbadge.info Blake much prefers working on merit badges as a group, as opposed to doing them on his own.

Scouting definitely had a huge learning curve, and we both asked a ton of questions at meetings, lol. My son made 1st class in a year. He could have done it in 10 months, but he had to wait on an "orienteering course". Once they get to 1st class, they have a certain time period they have to hold a troop position before they can rank up again, so due to his age, he was advised to make 1st class as soon as he could. He's a summer camp right now. Scouting has been awesome for him. Sounds like it was a good fit for your DS too!

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My boys are back--actually they've been back for almost a week. DS14 did 3 mb with 1 partial--Oceanography. He has to write the 500 word essay still.


DS12 did great. He had a hard time leaving but by Tuesday was fine. They did run into an issue about 10 miles from camp--the road into camp closed at 9 for work and didn't open until 12:00. They got there at 10 and just sat for a couple of hours. Luckily the camp was understanding and he was able to make up the mb work he missed.


One last cool thing. DS14 switched troops in March and loves his new one--super active and boy led. He's thriving. He was APL at camp and I guess did really well. The younger boys are going to Mataguay and I guess some of the boys dropped out so so they were looking for boys with leadership experience and potential to go, so they invited my DS. So he's going to be an SPL for the boys that are going to Mataguay. It's nice to have your boy recognized like that. And a free week at camp is nothing to sneeze at either. Ă°Å¸Ëœâ‚¬

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Youngest (11) has just earned his first 7 merit badges AND finished all the requirements for Tenderfoot other than the BOR.  He is very excited.


Unfortunately we will be out of town for BOR in Aug so he will have to wait until Sept., but that is ok.


Middle son has until Nov. 15th to get his Eagle project approved.  Thankfully he has found one now.  Unfortunately, they are changing what they want, so he needs to revise most of his stuff, but at least he has one picked now.



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Dd is an AHG Explorer and will complete the ettiquette badge this week. Service project Saturday at a nearby park. Packing for camp this weekend and she leaves Sunday afternoon. It will be her first time at sleep away camp, but I think she will be fine. She is ready! 10 girls and 2 leaders from our troop going. She will complete 5 badges at camp. I know that Public Speaking and Sustainable Living are two, but I can't remember the rest. I don't really care about the badgework, more the experience and the friendships and the independence.

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Dd is in her second of three weeks of GS camp. She will do canoeing this week, with an overnight canoe trip. Next week is backpacking, with a one night trip. The camp has multi night canoeing and backpacking for moe experienced girls and also a week long primitive camp option. I wish our local BS camp had this type of option for older scouts.

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Ds11 got home yesterday from a BSA scout camp to which our province sent a contingent. While there he did Archeology, Archery, and Radio as his personal merit badges.... I think that means he would earn them. I think they will translate to these Canadian challenge badges: Individual Sport, Communicator, and some of the Heritage requirements. He would also have earnes Summer Camper, but he already has it. I'll have to see if his Scouters agree.


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My boys staffed a Cub Scout Camporee this weekend.  My oldest taught the Chess Belt Loop.  The younger did what he does best, find the scouts who always feel left out and make them feel at home and at ease.  


Other than that, we're in full Eagle Project Mode...honestly, I'm tired of begging for volunteers to help out.  A little vent here...is it just me, or is it just really sad that we get more support from every group EXCEPT the scouts?  I have Naples Animal Lovers, Trap Neuter Release, the Chiefs, the military K-9 unit, the Swim team, German Shepherds of Napoli, and other groups who are giving their time and money to support the effort.  But, as of right now, not one scout.  To be fair, we haven't had scouts sign up to help with the past 3 fundraisers for the Troop, either.  We are scrambling to find help to run our "Chick-fil-A" Day (please note, we do NOT have a Chick-fil-A on base, we are making a copy-cat recipe and selling it -- because so many people miss it.  We are planning for a huge turn-out, and there is supposed to be a car-wash, too).  I'm burning out quick on these fundraisers.


Seriously, out of 40 families...not ONE boy scout?

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I would love to have my boys help with an Eagle project or two, but all of the ones lately have been scheduled on Sundays. We don't do outside activities for GS or BSA on Sundays, so they've had to skip them. I feel bad and I make sure we tell them it's nothing personal but it's not going to change. I do make sure we attend as many Saturday work days as we possibly can to make up for it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Middle son is writing up his Eagle project as I type.  We are on vacation but he has GOT to get this written up by Monday night to get it signed off if at all possible.  


Oldest still hasn't written up his after project stuff, but he will get working on that after we get back from vacation.  I think he has done some of it, but needs to finish.

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I have noticed the trend of eagle scout projects in our troop to be "only good friends of the scout doing the project" showing up.  It didn't used to be like that.  


When my oldest did his eagle project, we had a full day of NO scouts helping, all were church or outside friends.  The other two days we did have scouts, but almost only his good friends.  I didn't see people donating time just to donate time.


My middle son's project is coming up and I anticipate the same thing.....only his friends.  He has more friends and we should be fine, but it is aggravating.  When my kids were younger, they helped just because.

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I can understand the lack of participation when the scout has failed to plan a workday in advance, or had to learn the hard way that the last day of Town soccer is pizza party day, so the majority of younger scouts wont be available; or that SAT day or varsity meet/game day means the majority of older scouts wont be available. Our trend was clearly beyond that, and veering into parental expectation of babysitting, plus the Troop families clicquing, so the leadership had to step up and solve the problem.


What did your son end up deciding to do for his project?


Are you asking me?


Middle son has now secured a project making/building 6' benches (with backs) for the missionary center near us (Wycliffe).  


We will build the benches at our house (garage wood shop) and then cement them in at the center.


Thankfully this project can't have too many boys working at a time anyway, so we will have to limit who came come to older boys and fewer boys.  



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  • 4 weeks later...

I am now the proud mom of an Eagle Scout.  Older ds had his Board of Review on Wednesday evening, and according to our Committee Chair, he nailed it.  She actually called and left a message on Thursday morning telling me how great he did.  I actually cried as I listened to her praise how well he spoke and how mature and honest his answers were.  Very proud mama here!





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We are glad scouts has started up after the summer break.


They are working on the aviation badge at meetings.


We need to compile some of the work they did over the summer, and put some finishing touches on some other badges, so they can present them to the leaders.  I think they will soon have enough badges to qualify for the level award.  Hopefully they can also apply for some sports pins.  We got a small head start on the volunteering requirement this summer.


The campout is over the first weekend in October.  Also in October, they can sign up for the pen pal program.  So we're looking forward to those.  I bought the girls books about fishing and camping.  I wonder if they have anything like the Boy Scout Handbook that AHG kids can use.

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My AHG Explorer is finishing up the Public Speaking badge and working on Cinematography with her unit. Next up, dance badge and some service hours.


SKL, we camp that weekend too. My Dd has loved the Pen Pal program this year. :)

My Dd loves to camp, esp to build fires and watch wildlife.

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DS went on an all day float trip with his troop before he left for college.  He missed most of the troop outings over the summer due to working at summer camp.  We then left for family vacation and he missed the last two meetings.  He says it was a strange way to end his time with the troop.  


He has decided not to apply to the local summer camp next summer.  It simply doesn't pay enough.  He thinks he's going to apply to one of the four high adventure bases and go for more money and different experiences.


At Parent Orientation for his college, one of the staffers was discussing how extraordinary this year's freshman class is and specifically mentioned having an outstanding Eagle scout in the group.  I have no way of knowing if this Eagle is DS but I like to think the reference was about him (all while humbly acknowledging that this school probably has multiple Eagles who have done extraordinary things).

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  • 4 months later...

Oldest is sitting for his Eagle Board of Review on the 18th of January!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Middle son has completed his Eagle project and all of his necessary merit badges.   Hoping he can get in his paperwork by Spring Break.


Youngest is a Tenderfoot and has 7 merit badges, 2 eagle.  He is working on 2 more eagle badges right now.

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Howdy.  Small potatoes here, but this year my kids are to "cross over" in AHG from Tenderhearts to Explorers, and last night we did a check-in to see what they need to get the Sacagawea award.  Looks like they are on track.


I keep talking about doing badge work with my kids, but we never seem to get it done to the point of being reviewed.  Now I am going back and forth.  For a minute I thought, phooey, they can't wear the badges anyway after May 2016, so why not just wait and get the Explorer badges?  (We're very busy with other stuff.)  But now I'm thinking, getting those badges should make it easier for them to get the Explorer badges in the same category.  So maybe we will push forward.  (They only need one more badge to qualify for the Sacagawea award.  I'm told they will earn this during upcoming troop meetings.)


We got the first pen pal latter and need to start writing ours.  It is a commitment to write at least monthly.  I also still want to work on their sports pins.

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Howdy.  Small potatoes here, but this year my kids are to "cross over" in AHG from Tenderhearts to Explorers, and last night we did a check-in to see what they need to get the Sacagawea award.  Looks like they are on track.


I keep talking about doing badge work with my kids, but we never seem to get it done to the point of being reviewed.  Now I am going back and forth.  For a minute I thought, phooey, they can't wear the badges anyway after May 2016, so why not just wait and get the Explorer badges?  (We're very busy with other stuff.)  But now I'm thinking, getting those badges should make it easier for them to get the Explorer badges in the same category.  So maybe we will push forward.  (They only need one more badge to qualify for the Sacagawea award.  I'm told they will earn this during upcoming troop meetings.)


We got the first pen pal latter and need to start writing ours.  It is a commitment to write at least monthly.  I also still want to work on their sports pins.


We went thru and picked our TH @ home badges by choosing those that met the most prerequisites for Explorer level (dd started in 3rd gr.). Did the same thing choosing @ home EX badges....those that met the most Pi/Pa prerequisites. And now she's a Pioneer......looking at what to do for Harriet Tubman.


Congrats on the upcoming Sacagawea! 

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My AHG Explorer is doing the same thing with badges, SKL and Laurel-in-CA, choosing the ones which eliminate prequisites at the next level, especially the ones required for S&S. We are going to do Money Mangement and Home Care and Repair this summer.


Her unit just finished Cinematography and she is finshing up dance and book adventurer.

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My 13yo is working on his scoutmaster conference for Life. He's been working on it for 12 weeks now. After blowing him off for 6 weeks The scoutmaster won't sign him off because he isn't able to diagnose the first aid scenarios. He can treat them but not diagnose. First Aid isn't even a requirement for Life. Grrr.


My neighbor, a volunteer EMT has been working with him this last week. They have spent at least 10 hours working together. If he doesn't pass next go around my husband is going to blow a gasket.

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My son , ds#2, had his SM conference for Life last night and will have his BoR next week.


He has been Star for 2 years and with band, a job, and a girlfriend, his interest is waning. Plus, we are most likely moving this summer. So, the SM, ds, and I have hatched a plan for him to earn his Eagle through his current Troop by the end of July. He will not find another troop in our new town, but will consider joining Venturing with his younger sister, just for the camping.


This weekend is Camporee in our new district that is a combination of our district and another, so it will be interesting to see how it goes. I have heard rumors that there are 500 Scouts registered, but I'm not sure about that.


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My 13yo is working on his scoutmaster conference for Life. He's been working on it for 12 weeks now. After blowing him off for 6 weeks The scoutmaster won't sign him off because he isn't able to diagnose the first aid scenarios. He can treat them but not diagnose. First Aid isn't even a requirement for Life. Grrr.


My neighbor, a volunteer EMT has been working with him this last week. They have spent at least 10 hours working together. If he doesn't pass next go around my husband is going to blow a gasket.

What on earth?


I would love to hear comments from some of the more experienced people here. I didn't think quizzing scouts like that was part of a SM conference?



You made me go look at the current Guide to Advancement. "The conference is not a retest of the requirements...." I can't imagine how discouraging that must be, how utterly unjust. Is the SM like that with everyone, or just your son?

Edited by Alessandra
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My 13yo is working on his scoutmaster conference for Life. He's been working on it for 12 weeks now. After blowing him off for 6 weeks The scoutmaster won't sign him off because he isn't able to diagnose the first aid scenarios. He can treat them but not diagnose. First Aid isn't even a requirement for Life. Grrr.


My neighbor, a volunteer EMT has been working with him this last week. They have spent at least 10 hours working together. If he doesn't pass next go around my husband is going to blow a gasket.



Correct me if I am wrong those of you who have more scout knowledge, but first aid IS a requirement for Life.....they are allowed to quiz on anything they have learned up to this point.  At least, this is what our troop does.


Does your troop not do a lot of first aid?  Ours does first aid at least once a month.  It drives me nuts......we do knots and first aid and then sometimes, if we are really wanting to change it up, we do first aid and then knots......UGH!


Our boys know first aid inside and out.  And really, that is what scouts are known for, emergency prep and handling situations that require first aid.  that is why most of the eagle scout requirements start with more first aid.


However, your troop should be working with him and he shouldn't have to go outside to find help.

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What on earth?


I would love to hear comments from some of the more experienced people here. I didn't think quizzing scouts like that was part of a SM conference?



You made me go look at the current Guide to Advancement. "The conference is not a retest of the requirements...." I can't imagine how discouraging that must be, how utterly unjust. Is the SM like that with everyone, or just your son?

I was thinking the same thing. My son's SM drilled him last night, but it was more about attitude issues and my ds deserved it. [emoji19]


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What on earth?


I would love to hear comments from some of the more experienced people here. I didn't think quizzing scouts like that was part of a SM conference?



You made me go look at the current Guide to Advancement. "The conference is not a retest of the requirements...." I can't imagine how discouraging that must be, how utterly unjust. Is the SM like that with everyone, or just your son?

My husband has brought up what the guide says and the SM says he's wrong, even though the previous SM disagrees.


He is like this with all the boys. To the point that boys are getting frustrated and dropping out.


I'm not against reviewing things with the boys. This guy is doing a simulation, like he will start flopping on the ground screaming and the boys are supposed to be able to diagnose, without any guidance.

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My husband has brought up what the guide says and the SM says he's wrong, even though the previous SM disagrees.


He is like this with all the boys. To the point that boys are getting frustrated and dropping out.

Ugh. Boys dropping out is not good. We want them to have truly earned their ranks, but there is a point where expectations can be too high.


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Ugh. Boys dropping out is not good. We want them to have truly earned their ranks, but there is a point where expectations can be too high.

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The biggest issue is this SM doesn't distinguish between a 12 yo scout and a 17 yo scout. He doesn't understand that the approach should be different for a young scout vs an older scout.


He's also denied a couple senior scouts their rank because he decided that they didn't meet the active participation bar, but he never told them beforehand or even during that they needed to step it up. One of the boys missed 3 weeks because he was doing Search & Rescue training! I went to bat for that boy because, um S&R! Just because he wasn't physically at the meeting doesn't mean he wasn't bettering himself as a scout!

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Correct me if I am wrong those of you who have more scout knowledge, but first aid IS a requirement for Life.....they are allowed to quiz on anything they have learned up to this point.  At least, this is what our troop does.


Does your troop not do a lot of first aid?  Ours does first aid at least once a month.  It drives me nuts......we do knots and first aid and then sometimes, if we are really wanting to change it up, we do first aid and then knots......UGH!


Our boys know first aid inside and out.  And really, that is what scouts are known for, emergency prep and handling situations that require first aid.  that is why most of the eagle scout requirements start with more first aid.


However, your troop should be working with him and he shouldn't have to go outside to find help.

My son knows how to TREAT but not diagnose. They never work on diagnosing, as in someone on the ground screaming because he's having a heart attack. They don't work on this earning the First Aid MB, camp, meetings. Never.


Talking to my EMT neighbor, and the former SM they both say his expectations are off the chart. Not everyone is made to be an EMT and that is the level he is expecting.


First Aid is not a rank requirement for Life. I have no problem with them reviewing previous things to keep things fresh but my SM, Eagle husband looked it up and the scout site says that once they are signed off on a requirement they have passed it. They should not be excessively drilling the scouts to get their rank at the SM conference. It should not take 12 weeks for a motivated scout, who has completed all the requirements to earn his rank. SM is telling him he will probably have his rank by the next Court of Honor, in 12 weeks. That means 24 weeks, after completing all the requirements. That is why we got our neighbor to help. By the next meeting my son will have worked with our neighbor for at least 15 hours. I listened to them all day Friday (we were skiing). My son knows it. He's just 13 and 13 yo's don't typically function well when someone is laying on the ground screaming.

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I was thinking the same thing. My son's SM drilled him last night, but it was more about attitude issues and my ds deserved it. [emoji19]


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Yes. This is what ds's SM does. If the requirements are signed off, they are considered done. The conference is more about attitude, living the scout law, future goals. There is guidance, maybe criticism, but not an unreasonably high bar for a kid to jump over.

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The biggest issue is this SM doesn't distinguish between a 12 yo scout and a 17 yo scout. He doesn't understand that the approach should be different for a young scout vs an older scout.

He's also denied a couple senior scouts their rank because he decided that they didn't meet the active participation bar, but he never told them beforehand or even during that they needed to step it up. One of the boys missed 3 weeks because he was doing Search & Rescue training! I went to bat for that boy because, um S&R! Just because he wasn't physically at the meeting doesn't mean he wasn't bettering himself as a scout!


My son knows how to TREAT but not diagnose. They never work on diagnosing, as in someone on the ground screaming because he's having a heart attack. They don't work on this earning the First Aid MB, camp, meetings. Never.

Talking to my EMT neighbor, and the former SM they both say his expectations are off the chart. Not everyone is made to be an EMT and that is the level he is expecting.

First Aid is not a rank requirement for Life. I have no problem with them reviewing previous things to keep things fresh but my SM, Eagle husband looked it up and the scout site says that once they are signed off on a requirement they have passed it. They should not be excessively drilling the scouts to get their rank at the SM conference. It should not take 12 weeks for a motivated scout, who has completed all the requirements to earn his rank. SM is telling him he will probably have his rank by the next Court of Honor, in 12 weeks. That means 24 weeks, after completing all the requirements. That is why we got our neighbor to help. By the next meeting my son will have worked with our neighbor for at least 15 hours. I listened to them all day Friday (we were skiing). My son knows it. He's just 13 and 13 yo's don't typically function well when someone is laying on the ground screaming.

What a mess! Is it possible your SM thinks your Ds is too young for Life? Not that age is listed as a prerequisite.


Do you read Bryan on scouting on the BSA website? I have found his columns, and the comments, very helpful. He has a lot on advancement.

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What a mess! Is it possible your SM thinks your Ds is too young for Life? Not that age is listed as a prerequisite.


Do you read Bryan on scouting on the BSA website? I have found his columns, and the comments, very helpful. He has a lot on advancement.

I don't think it has anything to do with age. He seems to be like this with all the scouts. His son is a year older and working on Eagle.


The problem as I see it was he was never a scout so he really doesn't know how this all works. He does not take advice or criticism. At all. Our last meeting was a recruiting event. We always do a science night. We usually hire a guy to come put on a presentation. SM said no, it's boy led the boys have to do it all. He would not provide any guidance or help. DH saved the day by helping w/o SM knowing. He helped DS pick age appropriate experiments that the boys could do with minimal help etc and DS convinced the others to do them.


Also his son is homeschooled so he has More time to reach this super high bar than the other boys who are going to a college prep school with 3 hours of homework a night.


All the other Leaders are Eagles. One has his 3rd boy going thru now. These guys know scouting and they know boys. They are all very active with boys in and out of scouting, but SM will not listen to anyone at all just shuts everyone down.


Scouts that are committed to getting Eagle and are young enough (son included) are saying "I should just wait until he's done as SM and then finish."


Let me be clear, in no way am I saying that we let boys slide. But when boys aren't Getting Eagle because they didn't meet a bar they didn't know about, young scouts are quitting because it's too hard to reach the early ranks, senior scouts aren't running for leadership positions because the SM isn't providing any guidance, and Young Senior scouts want to wait it out for new leadership there's a problem.

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Well, in the hierarchy of adult leadership, the SM reports to the Committee Chair, who reports to the COR. What does the CC have to say about the problem?


Just because the SM is the Unit Leader doesn't mean he's the only one with input into how the troop functions.


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I don't think it has anything to do with age. He seems to be like this with all the scouts. His son is a year older and working on Eagle.


The problem as I see it was he was never a scout so he really doesn't know how this all works. He does not take advice or criticism. At all. Our last meeting was a recruiting event. We always do a science night. We usually hire a guy to come put on a presentation. SM said no, it's boy led the boys have to do it all. He would not provide any guidance or help. DH saved the day by helping w/o SM knowing. He helped DS pick age appropriate experiments that the boys could do with minimal help etc and DS convinced the others to do them.


Also his son is homeschooled so he has More time to reach this super high bar than the other boys who are going to a college prep school with 3 hours of homework a night.


All the other Leaders are Eagles. One has his 3rd boy going thru now. These guys know scouting and they know boys. They are all very active with boys in and out of scouting, but SM will not listen to anyone at all just shuts everyone down.


Scouts that are committed to getting Eagle and are young enough (son included) are saying "I should just wait until he's done as SM and then finish."


Let me be clear, in no way am I saying that we let boys slide. But when boys aren't Getting Eagle because they didn't meet a bar they didn't know about, young scouts are quitting because it's too hard to reach the early ranks, senior scouts aren't running for leadership positions because the SM isn't providing any guidance, and Young Senior scouts want to wait it out for new leadership there's a problem.

I am sorry that you are going through this.

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Well, in the hierarchy of adult leadership, the SM reports to the Committee Chair, who reports to the COR. What does the CC have to say about the problem?


Just because the SM is the Unit Leader doesn't mean he's the only one with input into how the troop functions.


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The Committee Chair has been talked to but I'm not sure if it was formally or just a casual conversation. He is on his way out. His boy was a very active scout who recently aged out (Eagle with 3-4 palms). Leaders feel stuck. Like I said, he takes no feedback from anyone. Others may supposedly have input but SM seems to override it all. SM has been in this position a year and has another year to go. Next SM is going to be awesome (one in his 3rd boy), I was a cub leader with him.


Son wants to finish up this rank so he can get his Eagle project set for summer as that is the only time he has and if not this summer he will have to probably wait till next summer.

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I've been involved in Boy Scouting for nearly 30 years... This is NOT what a Scoutmaster's Conference is for!

Seriously. You need to go to your committee and ask them to address it! 


The Scoutmaster Specific training materials are QUITE specific on the role of a Scoutmaster's conference. It is NEVER to retest.


Technically speaking -- the requirement is that a boy HAS a scoutmaster conference not that he "Pass" it. He could request a board of review over the scoutmaster's denial. Advancement is based on the Board of Review not the conference.

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I've been involved in Boy Scouting for nearly 30 years... This is NOT what a Scoutmaster's Conference is for!

Seriously. You need to go to your committee and ask them to address it! 


The Scoutmaster Specific training materials are QUITE specific on the role of a Scoutmaster's conference. It is NEVER to retest.


Technically speaking -- the requirement is that a boy HAS a scoutmaster conference not that he "Pass" it. He could request a board of review over the scoutmaster's denial. Advancement is based on the Board of Review not the conference.



Here is the actual wording from the advancement guide:




The requirements for advancement is that the Scout participates in a Scoutmaster Conference, not that he "passes" the conference. When advancement is going to be deferred, the Scout should not come to the Scoutmaster conference thinking that everything is OK and then be surprised that his advancement is deferred. He should have had plenty of warning and guidance prior to the Scoutmaster conference. This is not the time to shut the door on advancement, but rather to work with the Scout to create goals that will allow him to succeed. However, even after a negative Scoutmaster conference for the ranks of Tenderfoot to Life, if the Scout desires a board of review, he should be granted his request.


meritbadge.org had some other good pull out quotes from the advancement guide on SM conferences at http://meritbadge.org/wiki/index.php/Scoutmaster_conference

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I've been involved in Boy Scouting for nearly 30 years... This is NOT what a Scoutmaster's Conference is for!

Seriously. You need to go to your committee and ask them to address it!


The Scoutmaster Specific training materials are QUITE specific on the role of a Scoutmaster's conference. It is NEVER to retest.


Technically speaking -- the requirement is that a boy HAS a scoutmaster conference not that he "Pass" it. He could request a board of review over the scoutmaster's denial. Advancement is based on the Board of Review not the conference.

I talked to my husband and said if DS isn't "passed" this week that is what they are going to do.


DH feels he's in a tough spot because he's been giving the SM a tough time about these issues. Nicely, but still. DH had another dad come to him this week about his son who is being blocked from his Eagle. So that makes 5 scouts DH has had to talk to SM about in the last couple of months. 2 Eagles, 1 Life and a 2nd class.

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It's kind of asking the committee to make a vote of no confidence in the scoutmaster, but it's one of the few ways a boy can stand up against unfair behavior by the scoutmaster on this front.

This scoutmaster seems to be misunderstanding(to be charitable) his position and role in a boy's advancement. I'm sure he doesn't feel that way but I'd definitely be looking for redress.

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  • 1 month later...

My 13yo is working on his scoutmaster conference for Life. He's been working on it for 12 weeks now. After blowing him off for 6 weeks The scoutmaster won't sign him off because he isn't able to diagnose the first aid scenarios. He can treat them but not diagnose. First Aid isn't even a requirement for Life. Grrr.


My neighbor, a volunteer EMT has been working with him this last week. They have spent at least 10 hours working together. If he doesn't pass next go around my husband is going to blow a gasket.

So two months later and son is still working on "passing" SM conference. I told DH if son didn't get it by the next COH on the 25th I was going to lose it and it wouldn't be pretty. DH is scheduled to take over the Committee Chair next month and wants this completed before he does. Also I have invited his grandparents to come (3000 miles away) to see it because grandpa is an Eagle and I think this is a pretty big deal.


He sent a firm but nice email to the Committee Chair who was shocked son still hadn't passed and agreed that no matter what it needed to be done by COH. CC talked to SM and wanted to do xyz over the next few meeting before passing him. DH said, no, he needs to be passed this week and we can have him be in charge of knots of first aid at MB weekend.


DH said he is going to have son start his Eagle SM conference next week so maybe he will be done in a year or two. ;-)

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Ds finished his Communications mb. He has been working on Personal Management.


I wanted to share that Ds and looked at a lot of online personal finance programs. Some wanted to connect to your bank (just no), some assumed regular monthly expenses (like mortgages), some were boring and old looking. But we eventually ended up with a free program that Ds likes. It's called Wally, as in wallet. It's bright, engaging, modern. There is a you tube promo that explains it, if anyone else is interested. I am pleased, because I wanted to get Ds into a habit of recording expenses that would last after the mb was done.

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My girls are getting ready for the Sacagawea award (AHG).  Any wisdom for preparing for the Board of Review?


They also told me that the girls are on their own to do some sort of public display of AHG.  That's the only remaining requirement for the BOR.


We have about a month to finish the badges they have started and left hanging.  Also still hoping to get some sports pins.  Just the low hanging fruit.


My kids finally sent a letter to their pen pals.  We need to get more consistent about that.


The girls are signed up for a weekend campout with the troop (June) and a week-long campout for AHG generally (July), where they will do some Explorer-level badge work.


I hope to set up a regular volunteering gig for the summer to take care of next year's volunteer hours.

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I read through this whole thread this weekend and it was very helpful! My son is a Tiger Cub this year - six months in and I'm still figuring out how it all works. After reading all of the great things shared here, I went through the handbook with my son today and helped him check off all of the items he has completed. We then worked on a few activities that helped him finish off two more of his belt loops. I also went online and checked out some of the other items you all mentioned - NOVA, etc... and he is excited to try for some of those in the next few years. DH is an Eagle but started as a Webelos so this is all new to him too.


My daughter is a GS Junior this year. Her troop is somewhat non-traditional but it works well for her. She will be bridging to Cadettes at the end of this year but her current troop is sort of moving with her. The leaders only have 5th graders this year so they are going to stop having a Juniors troop and have a combined Cadettes/Seniors troop next year.


We are planning a trip to DC this summer and I thought it might be a chance for my scouts to pick up some fun patches or participate in other scouting activities. So far, I've found that there is a Boy Scout history walking trail we can do, that we can visit Madame Toussauds and see the founders of both groups, and that there are scout activities we could do at Mt Vernon and the White House Visitors Center. I'm wondering if anyone has other ideas for us for scouting-related activities on our own in DC? Thanks!

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I read through this whole thread this weekend and it was very helpful! My son is a Tiger Cub this year - six months in and I'm still figuring out how it all works. After reading all of the great things shared here, I went through the handbook with my son today and helped him check off all of the items he has completed. We then worked on a few activities that helped him finish off two more of his belt loops. I also went online and checked out some of the other items you all mentioned - NOVA, etc... and he is excited to try for some of those in the next few years. DH is an Eagle but started as a Webelos so this is all new to him too.


My daughter is a GS Junior this year. Her troop is somewhat non-traditional but it works well for her. She will be bridging to Cadettes at the end of this year but her current troop is sort of moving with her. The leaders only have 5th graders this year so they are going to stop having a Juniors troop and have a combined Cadettes/Seniors troop next year.


We are planning a trip to DC this summer and I thought it might be a chance for my scouts to pick up some fun patches or participate in other scouting activities. So far, I've found that there is a Boy Scout history walking trail we can do, that we can visit Madame Toussauds and see the founders of both groups, and that there are scout activities we could do at Mt Vernon and the White House Visitors Center. I'm wondering if anyone has other ideas for us for scouting-related activities on our own in DC? Thanks!

You read the whole thread!?!!


I don't know enough about the new cub scout program to give suggestions. But ask for patches wherever you go. They are fun to collect. Also you might want to get the National Parks passport. It's a book that you fill with stamps of NPS places you have visited. Very cool for kids.


Btw, welcome to WTM!

Edited by Alessandra
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