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Could you all pray for me?

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I'm really struggling with things right now. Money (or the lack of), loneliness, apathy about schooling, everything! I know it's just a phase. I know that possibly even tomorrow I'll be better. My personality isn't the kind to stay down for too long, but, right now, it's hard to get perspective.


I know I'm super blessed. I take time everyday to really thank God for all He's done and is doing--so many good things! But, since Wednesday, I just can't see through things. I don't know why. But, knowing that people are praying would really help!


Thanks so much!

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I am praying for things to look up for you!


John 14: 27: "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you. Not as the world gives, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled or afraid." That verse helps me calm down when I need to, and realize that God is in control, things are okay, and He WILL give me the peace He has promised!


:grouphug: Blessings to you Dayle! :grouphug:

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I'm really struggling with things right now. Money (or the lack of), loneliness, apathy about schooling, everything! I know it's just a phase. I know that possibly even tomorrow I'll be better. My personality isn't the kind to stay down for too long, but, right now, it's hard to get perspective.


I know I'm super blessed. I take time everyday to really thank God for all He's done and is doing--so many good things! But, since Wednesday, I just can't see through things. I don't know why. But, knowing that people are praying would really help!


Thanks so much!


You betcha, Chica! (from the one who is having a couple of days again when she wishes she were back in YWAM, LOL!)

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I'll certainly pray for you, Dayle!


There is a young lady from our church spending the summer in Guatemala; she is working with a camp but I don't think she is staying in the same spot for the entire summer. She is from Arkansas, and her initials are B.B. You haven't happened to have become acquainted with her, have you?

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You all are so amazing! I feel your prayers, I'm not kidding. Yesterday I started to feel a little more like myself. Today, I'm feeling like life is really not so bad!!!! Thanks so much, I appreciate it more than you all know!


I felt it too. To be so surrounded like we are is amazing. We shall walk this together and we will come out of it together still.:grouphug:

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(((Dayle))) I'll be lifting you up in prayer here.:grouphug:


I'm really struggling with things right now. Money (or the lack of), loneliness, apathy about schooling, everything! I know it's just a phase. I know that possibly even tomorrow I'll be better. My personality isn't the kind to stay down for too long, but, right now, it's hard to get perspective.


I know I'm super blessed. I take time everyday to really thank God for all He's done and is doing--so many good things! But, since Wednesday, I just can't see through things. I don't know why. But, knowing that people are praying would really help!


Thanks so much!

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I'm really struggling with things right now. Money (or the lack of), loneliness, apathy about schooling, everything! I know it's just a phase. I know that possibly even tomorrow I'll be better. My personality isn't the kind to stay down for too long, but, right now, it's hard to get perspective.


I know I'm super blessed. I take time everyday to really thank God for all He's done and is doing--so many good things! But, since Wednesday, I just can't see through things. I don't know why. But, knowing that people are praying would really help!


Thanks so much!


It's so comforting to me to know that so many of us feel the same way. It's not that I'm glad that anyone is down, but it's easy to feel guilty about being depressed or apathetic...especially when you feel so blessed in many ways. Just know that many of us go through the same emotions (me right now),and that you are being prayed for. We are all so blessed just to have each other on these forums to pray each other through this!

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I'm really struggling with things right now. Money (or the lack of), loneliness, apathy about schooling, everything! I know it's just a phase. I know that possibly even tomorrow I'll be better. My personality isn't the kind to stay down for too long, but, right now, it's hard to get perspective.


I know I'm super blessed. I take time everyday to really thank God for all He's done and is doing--so many good things! But, since Wednesday, I just can't see through things. I don't know why. But, knowing that people are praying would really help!


Thanks so much!

I have prayed for you, Dayle, and I will continue to. If there are other ways in which we can help you, let us know! :grouphug:
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It's so comforting to me to know that so many of us feel the same way. It's not that I'm glad that anyone is down, but it's easy to feel guilty about being depressed or apathetic...especially when you feel so blessed in many ways. Just know that many of us go through the same emotions (me right now),and that you are being prayed for. We are all so blessed just to have each other on these forums to pray each other through this!


I thought the same thing as I read this thread. I, too, am feeling down and unmotivated. I can't seem to rise above it at present. I just want to sit and stare out the window. School seems overwhelming, our tiny house feels like a prison, the cost of gas makes it difficult to get away and yet I know these are not proper attitudes. I know certainly that God is control of it all and that I should be trying to cultivate a grateful heart. I could use prayers, too, I suppose. The support from the ladies on this forum and the knowledge that I am not an anomaly have kept me from despairing of ever recovering my normal humor and disposition.

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I'm overwhelmed! Thank you all so much for caring to take the time to pray and encourage me. I'm humbled.


God is so good. I want you all who are dealing with the same thing to know that I'm praying for you too. We will prevail and overcome, that's our promise from a heavenly Father who has done all for us. You all are such a lifeline for me. You have no idea!

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