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This year's flu shot


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Does it cover this year's flu or not? I've heard it both ways. I've never actually gotten the flu on the years I've had the shot, but I also haven't gotten the flu on most of the years where I skipped the shot. I've only had one bout of Horrific Death Flu (99 I think) and that was so bad I get offended when people with colds declare they have the flu.


So far this year, I have only vaccinated the child who has the serious medical recommendation. Now I'm debating hauling the rest of the family in. I have a teen in a musical who would rather not get sick and I just don't have time to get the flu myself. Thoughts?

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I have heard/read their are three strains this year and it covers all three strains.


I have also heard/read that you can still get the flu even though you have had the vaccine but it won't be as bad.


Dr. Sanjay Gupta was on CNN yesterday and saying it takes about 2 weeks for it to be effective and that you can have flu like symptoms from the vaccine as your body does something in reaction to the vaccine.


I talk about getting it but haven't done it yet.

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I'm 48 and have never gotten a flu shot. Neither has anyone in my family. I drink lots of tea - all kinds. If my dd is exposed to sickness during the one day she attends ps for PE or music, I have her drink a hot chocolate when we get home. The hot liquid kills whatever may be lingering in her throat or nasal passages. Sometimes I even put out raw onions in their skins in windowsills. I can't remember the last time any of us has gotten the flu; must have been 5 or 6 years ago.

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Check the CDC flu view site. Looking at their information, they nailed Influenza A which by far is the most prevalent strain. Some stats for the week ending 1/5/13:


--"Of 12,876 specimens tested and reported by U.S. World Health Organization (WHO) and National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System (NREVSS) collaborating laboratories, 4,222 (32.8%) were positive for influenza."--That's just for last week. Still less than a third of flu-like illnesses tested were actually influenza--lots of other viruses can make you sick and the vaccine won't protect you from them.

--Cumulative data (i.e. since September)

22116 influenza A cases

6375 influenza B cases

256 H1N1 cases

So predominantly Influenza A.


The vaccine includes an Influenza A strain, a B strain, and an H1N1 strain. 99.4% of the influenza A cases match the strain that the vaccine targets. All of the H1N1 cases match the strain the vaccine targets. For Influenza B, there are two strains going around. 67% of the B strains tested have matched the vaccine strain, but 33% are a different strain. Overall, the vaccine is a very good match this year for the strains going around. Nailing the A strain is the most important number-wise, and they did that. To me there's no question that getting the vaccine is a good idea, but then we're vaccine believers around here! Here's this week's FluView where I got these numbers from:



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I was listening to a report on NPR on this last night. One of the experts said that while the A strain was a very good match and the B strain not so much this year, a study on the vaccine's effectiveness (due out today, he'd seen the preliminary report), shows that counter-intuitively the A part of the vaccine only seems to be about 50% effective this year in preventing the flu, and the B part of the vaccine is doing much better. He said they may have "oversold" how much "match" has to do with actual prevention.


He did not have an explanation for why this might be so, but that is what the data said.

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I debated early on since we had a bad case of the flu in late April 2012, but decided not to get one. I've been watching the Florida website and so far they are reporting zero cases of the H3N2 that everyone is saying is so bad. I've never had the flu shot and only had the flu once. Dds have only the flu shot once (several years ago), but only had the flu once at the same time as me. Dh only had the flu shot while in the Marines. He hasn't had the shot since and didn't get the flu even when the rest of us had it.

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I never get the flu vaccine, but I decided to go for it this year. I hope to get pregnant this winter, and I plan to be on at least six planes before spring. My little guy can't get it because of an allergy, so I figure this will at least give me a chance of staying healthy enough to take good care of him if he does catch it. :-/

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We opted not to get it; I have a kid with some serious allergies, including one to some medication, and I'm really hesitant to get any sort of shot for her, especially since food allergy tests have been iffy for her. We haven't had the flu in years; I had it about ten years ago, just me, and that was without a shot, but none of us have had the shot nor flu in years. However, we're also at low-risk for getting the flu -- we live in the middle of nowhere, are not out and about a lot (no classes), and DH works in a very small office (we're talking a handful of people that he sees regularly). That being said, I have taken a few extra precautions, like wiping down grocery carts, forbidding my children from using any public water fountains, and making them wash their hands after leaving the grocery store. Usually I'm not too paranoid about everyday cold germs. We're also taking cod liver oil and lots of vitamin D. I like the suggestion to drink something hot a lot too -- tea for everyone.


If I had an immune compromised child, I might feel differently.

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We, as in all of us except me, got influenza last year. We all got shots this year. I think the difference in effectiveness vs. match has to do with several things--the strength of the immune system (very young and old don't mount as much of a response) and also things like prevalence/how likely a person is to catch it vaccinated or not.


I've got an immune compromised (mildly now) child and both my kids are asthmatic. That said, I've never been convinced that it's the right choice for them statistically. Still, I vaxed this year because I want to feel like I did what I could to prevent. My husband and I got our shots at CVS pharmacy so no sick waiting rooms.

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According to the CDC, 90% of the flu cases this year have been a match to the vaccine.



We always get flu shots because ds has COPD and we can't risk more damage to his lungs. We were vaccinated (shot, not mist) very early on because he's considered an at risk patient. He was vaccinated at his pulmonologist's office. DH was vaccinated at work. The rest of us at the doctor's office.

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Interesting thread. I have been kind of out of it with what is going on w/flu this year as we have been helping some family members through something tough right now and homeschooling and just doing life.


And I had that bad one back in '99 too. I specifically remember it because it was the year dh and I decided to get engaged, and he took care of me during that bad one. It is the only time I have had a serious bout.


We didn't get the shot this year. dds have had a cold, possible flu this week, so we are just staying home and resting and not getting exposed to anything else or weather while they heal up. It hasn't been anything major here. When they were babies through age 6 or so when we were still in the going to the dr. often phase, the years they tested positive for flu (often after having had the flu shot earlier in the year) weren't ever bad. Even the year we had HINI, it just didn't affect us badly at all. Knock on wood.



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I've been debating this myself. We almost always get vaccinated, and this year we decided not to... actually, I don't know that I ever actually made a firm decision, I just never made the decision TO do it, LOL. But I'm wondering if we should do it now. DS and I get Flu Mist... any reason we shouldn't get that at this point in the year?

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It's been a good match this year!! And the kiddos who are getting the flu here are REALLY sick. As in...hospitalization sick. The influenza A strain is virulent and AWFUL!!! It's been a mess!!



Not meaning to pick on your, Diane, I promise.


I feel like I hear this every year. I'm starting to think that the flu is just another way for news outlets to fill time and get ratings.

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Not meaning to pick on your, Diane, I promise.


I feel like I hear this every year. I'm starting to think that the flu is just another way for news outlets to fill time and get ratings.



My friend's healthy 9-year-old son died of the flu several years ago.

She and her husband went on the news to tearfully encourage people to have their children vaccinated every years.


Yeah, probably the news folks used it to help fill time--but I think they also did it because Flu Is Bad. Flu Kills People.


I know my friend went on so she could, perhaps, save the lives of other mothers' children.


Flu kills.


No, not everyone. No, not even a majority. Only a small percentage.


But I think if more people could see what nurses and doctors see. . . .

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We opted not to get it; I have a kid with some serious allergies, including one to some medication, and I'm really hesitant to get any sort of shot for her, especially since food allergy tests have been iffy for her.



The food allergy skin and blood tests are totally unreliable. If she has an allergy to a food, you would have symptoms.

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My friend's healthy 9-year-old son died of the flu several years ago.

She and her husband went on the news to tearfully encourage people to have their children vaccinated every years.


Yeah, probably the news folks used it to help fill time--but I think they also did it because Flu Is Bad. Flu Kills People.


I know my friend went on so she could, perhaps, save the lives of other mothers' children.


Flu kills.


No, not everyone. No, not even a majority. Only a small percentage.


But I think if more people could see what nurses and doctors see. . . .



Yes, the flu can kill people. But it isn't an epidemic every year or ever, really, in my lifetime. I'm concerned that because it is turned into such a BIG NEWS STORY every year, if it were ever truely horrible we will be so desensitized that we won't react.

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My friend's healthy 9-year-old son died of the flu several years ago.

She and her husband went on the news to tearfully encourage people to have their children vaccinated every years.


Yeah, probably the news folks used it to help fill time--but I think they also did it because Flu Is Bad. Flu Kills People.


I know my friend went on so she could, perhaps, save the lives of other mothers' children.


Flu kills.


No, not everyone. No, not even a majority. Only a small percentage.


But I think if more people could see what nurses and doctors see. . . .


It's what we're seeing here in Primary Children's Medical Center in Salt Lake. Influenza A has been awful this year. It isn't always. But this year, it's nasty. Particularly for children with respiratory issues or a compromised immune system. And RSV is hitting hard as well. The hospital is paying cash bonuses for staff to come in and work extra shifts. NICE cash bonuses. It's that bad.

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Not painfull at all. We were all vaccinated same day by the same pharmacist. I was the only one who even felt it later and that because I sleep on my left arm where the shot was given. I simply could say I "felt it" no pain really.

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We don't do the vaccine, but we got the flu this past week. It was bad, but we are getting through it. I was the only one who wasn't laid up in bed in pain & vomiting.


Days 1-3 were fever, chills, terrible aches & pains, nausea & vomiting, terrible sore throat

Days 4-6 were getting an appetite back, fighting a terrible cough, runny nose, various aches

My husband & son are on days 8 and 9 of it and still not feeling normal. My 2 year-old is still fighting a runny nose & the grumpies. My girls are on day 5 & 3 of it. We are just laying low, staying home until the coughs & runny noses heal up.

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Does it cover this year's flu or not? I've heard it both ways. I've never actually gotten the flu on the years I've had the shot, but I also haven't gotten the flu on most of the years where I skipped the shot. I've only had one bout of Horrific Death Flu (99 I think) and that was so bad I get offended when people with colds declare they have the flu.


So far this year, I have only vaccinated the child who has the serious medical recommendation. Now I'm debating hauling the rest of the family in. I have a teen in a musical who would rather not get sick and I just don't have time to get the flu myself. Thoughts?


I read in the paper today that a large number of these illnesses are not flu, but a new norovirus that is making people ill and mimicking flu.


So...don't know what to tell you. We don't do flu shots ourselves.

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What I find crazy is that yesterday most of the flu headlines said it was so bad and we were all in trouble (exaggerated, but you get the idea), and just a bit ago one comes out saying the CDC says it may now be waning. :willy_nilly: I do know that map on fluview doesn't look near as scary as the one last week. The article also stated the last time H3N2 was around the flu season started and ended early. So, maybe it will get better now.

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What I find crazy is that yesterday most of the flu headlines said it was so bad and we were all in trouble (exaggerated, but you get the idea), and just a bit ago one comes out saying the CDC says it may now be waning. :willy_nilly: I do know that map on fluview doesn't look near as scary as the one last week. The article also stated the last time H3N2 was around the flu season started and ended early. So, maybe it will get better now.


I seriously hope so. There was a family that was in the ER this week with a four year old who had terrible flu symptoms and an infant in a car seat with a blanket over it. The mom said the baby had symptoms, too, but seemed to be fine because she wasn't fussing anymore. A nurse almost tripped over the car seat because of where the mother had set it, and so she lifted it up to check the infant....she was coding!! She wasn't fussing because she wasn't breathing anymore! Needless to say, the nurse snatched her, car seat and all, into a procedure room. Luckily, she was able to be resuscitated. She was admitted with severe RSV. Her sister has Influenza A, but because she's also asthmatic, she was admitted, too. It's been like that everyday since Christmas! The hospitals around here need a break.

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I promise I am NOT a conspiracy theorist. IRL, I'm pretty normal and boring. I just honestly don't remember the last year that the flu wasn't BIG NEWS because it was SO FATAL, do you? It makes me wonder who has to gain from all that publicity. Drug companies?? IDK. It just makes me wonder.


Just watch, karma is going to come after me and I'll be down for a month before too long!

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