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Train Wreck Thanksgiving Stories?

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The stuffing mix that I was using called for mixing a raw egg into the stuffing before baking it. I didn't have a big enough mixing bowl, so i thought that I'd just use the pan that I had cooked the celery and onion in. I didn't realize how hot it still was, but when I mixed the egg into the stuffing, some of the egg cooked quickly, so we small pieces of scrambled egg in our stuffing. Ick!

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Not a train wreck, but a minor derailment...my mom's dishwasher started spewing soapy water out the bottom shortly before lunch! Fortunately for her, she was already due to get a new one next week because of issues w/the racks.


And then there's always a crabby kid or two...out of whack thanks to the holiday festivities.


But overall, an enjoyable day of thankfulness.

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We were supposed to host the dinner, then my youngest got really sick. So, my husband hauled everything to one of his brothers' home and the boy and I stayed home. He was super upset about missing time with his cousins and kept saying, "I'm not sick, mommy!" :(


Everyone had a great time though and even brought us leftovers. :thumbup:

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Our Thanksgiving was nearly perfect. Everything came out just right, dinner was done on time, and we enjoyed our neighbor's company. Then between dinner and dessert, I started washing up some dishes and sliced open on my middle finger. After an hour and a half of bleeding every time I tried to peel the paper towel back so I could put a band-aide on it, I gave up and wrapped it up firmly with medical tape. I won't look at it again until tomorrow. At least the water and the profuse bleeding cleaned the wound so I don't have to worry about infection and tetanus. And I didn't have to do dishes...and probably won't do dishes for another day or two.

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This Thanksgiving was almost perfect. My dear sweet friend showed up Tuesday night with a freshly-baked pecan pie. She knows I cannot bake a pie to save my life. The only people here were my kids, my 19yo college student sister, my husband (briefly), and myself. Everyone loved and appreciated the food I made. We all ate dinner in our pajamas. It was so low-key and stress-free.


I could tell you my other Thanksgiving horror stories (they are somewhat similar to Shannon's), but you would think I was making up those stories. I will just focus on the awesomeness of today.

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We are in the middle of moving...sold one house, bought another. Came up to the area we are moving to (12 hours away). My husband gets on a dirt bike yesterday (very skilled dirt bike driver by the way) and hit a loose patch of dirt and went down. Tore his something or other in his knee slap through. Can't walk at all and will have surgery next week back at home...we get to try that 12 hour journey tomorrow. NOT looking forward to it. Have no idea how the moving thing will work now with an 8 week recovery. *sigh* Happy Thanksgiving to us!! Thankful it wasn't worse right?

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Cajun Rose, meniscus or ACL? Either one, this is NOT a good time of year to be down. Well, after Christmas isn't too bad, and it definitely beats walking around with your knee all wrapped/bandaged/casted in the summer heat.


I read the goat story and it hit me just right. I started laughing hysterically. My question is: Does she have goats? Or was it a random, wandering goat. DH says, I assume she owns goats? that would be a surprise if she doesn't even have one!??

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It's his left knee and it's the tendon (?) on the right side of that knee. Meniscus I think? There is torn cartilage there too. The reason that he got hurt so badly is that this is a previously injured leg (he has no muscles on the left side of this leg)...he nearly cut it off (literally) 18 years ago. I guess that the way he went down...usually doesn't cause too big of a problem..but with the missing muscles and other things, there was no resistance and his leg went over to the left about a foot, tearing whatever he tore. :( Yes...better than summer, but right in the middle of moving 12 hours away. I will have to hire people to help us move furniture and boxes. ugh


We know know that he needs prescription knee braces when he rides at all so this doesn't happen again.

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ok, worst PAST thanksgivings? the time my aunt's dog ate the cheesecloth which had been on top of the turkey during baking and had to go to the emergency vet for surgery? Or the time, the day after, my sister lied to me and to my mom telling each of us that the other one was mad, trying to get me to go back to college instead of back to my mom's for the weekend. How about the time my mom went out of her way to make 90% of thanksgiving vegetarian, including a second main course, but my cousin's gf still went off on us for SERVING turkey when she was there?


oh, I DO love the peace of a nuclear-family-only thanksgiving!

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*sigh* I pi$$ed off my BIL and he stormed out and didn't come back. :blushing: We had to do ds6's birthday things on Thanksgiving because ds was sick and we had to cancel his birthday party. BIL didn't want to have to stop watching the recorded football game for his very patient nephew's birthday gifts and activity. :glare: I had the audacity to ask which was a bigger priority: football or his nephew? It's a small house; there was no other room to do it in and no other place to watch the game.

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Well, usually I have my in-laws and other in-laws over for a big meal - but this year, a mere couple weeks after moving into a retirement community (in to their own two-bedroom unit with small kitchen, living room, etc.) my mil had a heart attack on top of her cancer (the reason for the move in the first place) and then they found pnumonia at the hospital. So Thanksgiving we spent an hour with her (they have a hospital bed and hospice there now) while two of my sib-in-laws took Grandpa down to the resident's feast in the dining hall. Later we went home to cook up our own feast - we live almost an hour away, too far for aged in-laws to travel now. CollegeMan did not come home, so we were five intead of 15+ around the table.

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Oldest brother had to work all day. My new SIL and brother were supposed to host, but Wednesday morning found both SIL and youngest nephew sick. There was a mad scramble to get everything set up to host at Mom's. We still had to send my teens down the street to my brother's house for this or that thing that hadn't make it back home yet.


Then my sick nephew was in tears because he wanted to be with us, so we said to bring him back, but my other nephew didn't know us and so he wouldn't come over. My brother was just freaked out b/c he absolutely hates it when his little boy is sick.


Dinner ended up being served buffet style a couple of hours later than normal. It was all good, esp the homemade whipped cream my Mom made. :)

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I read the goat story and it hit me just right. I started laughing hysterically. My question is: Does she have goats? Or was it a random, wandering goat. DH says, I assume she owns goats? that would be a surprise if she doesn't even have one!??


She does have just the one goat, Willow, who is a master of escape and so free-ranges in her rural yard. It is possible, though; there was a goat on the loose across town a couple of weeks ago.

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