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I'm majorly stressed and I don't see it letting up

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I'm the kind of person who wants all her ducks in a row. Now granted, they haven't all lined up since ds was about 4 years old, but right at the moment I feel like all the ducks are scattering left and right. I don't have enough time to get everything done. I don't have enough energy to everything done. I was hoping that by taking this week off I would have a chance to get a few of the ducks lined up anyway. I was hoping that I would get ds caught up and everything graded. I think that will get done but will take the entire week to accomplish because he is going slower than molasses right now. I was hoping that I would get lesson planning done for dd10. I don't think that will happen at all. I was hoping to actually work on the dumping ground that is our schoolroom but that isn't going to happen. And I was sort of hoping that I would get a break. Honestly, right at the moment I wish these children would go home and I could get a break from them like a "real" teacher. But then I remember that they are home and I'm stuck with them.


I don't know what this is. I think it's just a vent. I need to just adjust my expectations of what will or won't get done. Nothing will explode if I don't get my to-do list done. We are taking off 3 weeks in December so I will have another chance at the schoolroom. The 6 hour drive to my brother's house for Thanksgiving will be stressful (I think) but I will get a chance to put my feet up once I"m there. And the kids will be distracted by cousins and pets and their aunt and uncle and will leave me alone.

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Well, dh and I were going to try and squeeze in a date tomorrow night. But I'm having either 3 or 4 fillings in the afternoon and the thought of trying to have date night right before we go on a trip was a big stressor. We talked it over and decided to do it after we get back sometime.


I had a burst of energy and got the laundry loaded and set for a delay start to start first thing in the morning. I have the dishwasher running. The kitchen is still a mess but at least some of it has been taken care of. I made (and slightly burned) dh's breakfast - he reheats it. I've ironed dh's work clothes. I checked the route that I will have to travel and found out that the pass is having a rain storm but there is no snow. That's a huge relief because I was worried about putting on chains. Now I hope that my adrenals will calm down so that I can sleep.


Thank you all for the hugs.

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I knew that nothing would get done this week for DS, so I have announced Thanksgiving Reading Week. Sort of vacation, but he has to finish several books he started. (DD gets the week off completely because she had a stressful semester and needs the break).

My college students are soooo ready for a week of break at this point; so don't feel bad if school does not get done. Maybe your kids need a break, too.


Btw, long car rides are perfect for sneaking in school for the kids and self-education for the adults via audio books or TC lectures. Everything we learned about Ancient, medieval and Renaissance history (and there is a whole lot of it), we learned in the car. And it felt sooo good to have something accomplished without effort. (And that can be all the school that did not get done)

Have a safe drive.

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Hang in there, Jean. The holidays are stressful for so many. I'm like you and need to have things planned, boxes checked, etc, so I completely understand your angst. I yearn to be one of those laid back people, but I'm just not. I've learned that I need to take it one moment at a time during times like this (the serenity prayer helps a lot too). So many things are out of our control. Don't give up hope. It will all fall into place at some point. Breathe, love yourself, and know that you are in my prayers! :grouphug:


Have a safe trip and a happy Thanksgiving!!!

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Can you possibly take the week after Thanksgiving off as well? I know you might be reluctant to do that since you're taking 3 weeks off around Christmas, but it might do you some good. It's hard to play catch-up during a holiday week. We took this week off too, but it was less to get things done and more because we wouldn't get anything (school-wise at least) done, if you know what I mean.

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Thank you everyone. I've gotten through the day. I had three teeth filled. Ds15 FINALLY got his schoolwork done from last week. Dh talked me into leaving the kids home tonight and going to see Skyfall. The laundry is all done (though not folded and put away). The grading isn't done but I plan to bring it with me. Most likely I'll bring it with me and then back home again without touching it but at least I'll feel like I made the effort. ;) The house is a mess but hopefully we can tidy it a bit before leaving tomorrow morning. I got an audiobook for us to listen to in the car. My only concern now is that my brother called and said that they are getting 8 inches of snow tomorrow. I've got 4-wheel drive but. . . So, I'd appreciate prayers about that.

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