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An update on me.....(Saturday 10/6)

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I'll put the whole story (copied and pasted) at the end of this post for those who have no idea what's been going on, but for those who do, I'll do the update first so you don't have to read through the whole saga :)


I can't remember where my last thread left off, so I'll just start with Thursday. I had a volunteer from beyondmorningsickness.com who came to visit. She's been through HG and also happens to be an RN. She took one look at me and told me I needed fluids again. I called the OB office, but it was too late in the afternoon to get in there, so I talked them into sending orders over to the infusion center at the hospital. The nurse also said to call back on Friday morning if I thought I needed more and that maybe the could set something up for the infusion center for the weekend.


After Thursday's infusion, I felt decent. More like normal morning sickness. I ate a little (boy did that feel good) and drank some. So, I called yesterday morning to get something set up for the weekend. The same doctor (not my OB, she was off) was willing to set up standing orders at the infusion center for the weekend.


I went to urgent care this morning sure that I had a UTI and knowing that if I needed antibiotics they would have to be in IV form, so I had to do it before I went to the infusion center. As it turned out, it was just dehydration causing the symptoms. I did have ketones and protein present though. The doctor there commented that I needed fluids more than every 2-3 days. I was down another 3lbs bringing my total to 10lbs and 7%.


Then, we went to the infusion center and I got 2L of fluids - one with vitamins. Of course, they had trouble getting an IV again. The nurse called the OB on call (again, not my dr) asking permission to start a PICC line. Unfortunately, the dr was reluctant and only agreed to it if they couldn't get an IV started with the use of the ultrasound machine. They did use the machine and got one started, so no PICC today.


I don't feel as good afterwards today as I did on Thursday, unfortunately. Still better than earlier today (I was in bad shape), but not as good as I had hoped. The good news is that the nurse felt comfortable leaving my IV in today when I went home. That way they don't have to do it again tomorrow. She even agreed to leave it until Monday (if it holds up) in hopes that they will agree to another infusion Monday. She told me that if they don't agree to it, or can't get me in Monday, then I can just pull it myself. I'm good with that.


So, tonight my littles are staying with my ILs and I'm just going to rest. I'll go back to the infusion center tomorrow, and plan to call my OB on Monday to set up another appointment to try and talk this through with her yet again. Really hoping she "gets it" this time and we can be a little more proactive. We're doing nothing but being reactive and it's taking a huge toll on me, my family, and everyone around me.


So....that's it for now.


Here's the backstory for those who don't know:


I had terribly debilitating nausea and reflux (as in can't get up and do anything) from wk 5-9 this time. At about 9.5 wk, I began vomiting, which quickly turned into something more than "normal". Due to an unresolved financial matter, I wasn't able to get in to my OB, so I called my uncle (an ER doc in another state) for advice. He called in Zofran ODT for me. I immediately started taking it to no avail (and my insurance will only pay for 10 pills every 30 days anyway). I ended up in the ER for IV fluids on the 23rd of Sept at 10wk 6d. I was given 2L fluids, 1 bag of magnesium, and IV Zofran. The IV Zofran seemed to take the edge off a bit - enough that I could sip a little and maybe nibble on something.....until it wore off. The ER dr sent me home with a prescription for Reglan and told me to try taking Prilosec 2x/day.


That Friday (the 28th - 5 days later), I had finally gotten in for my first "appt" at the OB office - just with a nurse to take my history. That nurse looked at me and immediately said she was going to go check with the dr to see if she'd see me that day. She did. She gave me a prescription for Phenergan suppositories and had me get 1L fluid and IV Zofran in the office. That day, it took them 3 sticks and 2 nurses to get an IV started. It was extremely painful, and I'm not one to be scared of needles/IVs. I went home and tried the Phenergan. It burned terribly, caused horrible intestinal cramps, and was quickly expelled beyond my control. I was miserable and still vomiting.


By Sunday (the 30th) I felt terrible. I decided to pull out my daughter's ketostix (she has a metabolic condition). I had ketones at 160mg/dL (the max the strip measures) and knew I needed fluids again. I went to the ER and got a "get her in, get her out" kind of dr. She gave me 2L fluids and IV Zofran, never checked a urine or ketones and sent me on my way with instructions to talk to my OB to develop a plan to handle this. It, again, took 3 sticks and 2 nurses (one the "best" in the ER, and the other the life flight nurse) to get an IV started. I have a TERRIBLE bruise on my left arm.


I had an u/s the next day (Monday) to check for twins. Just a singleton. Tuesday, I was throwing up bile all day. I had my appt to talk with my OB at 2pm. I was down another 4lbs in 4 days and a total of about 6% of my body weight. My ketones were at the max again. She told me to add Benedryl to my cocktail of pills that I can't keep down (makes sense right?) and that if that didn't work, we'd go to the last resort - steroids. I asked if there was a way we could expedite the IVs since I seemed to need them every few days. She said that this was temporary and would probably be over in a week or two and to just call the office in the morning and they would get me an appt to see her and they could do it in the office when needed. Hardly expedited if you ask me. I commented that I was running out of IV sites quickly and she told me that if they had trouble they would come get one of them (they didn't the Friday before). She left with a comment about continuing to sip on things, and not to worry about how healthy it was. Don't you think if I could sip on things I would....especially without worrying about healthiness???


She walked out of the room, and I cried knowing I was going to get more fluids and Zofran only to go home and vomit more and come back and do it all over again. They took me to the IV room and a WONDERFUL nurse came in to start my IV. She scoured my arms/hands/wrists for a site for over 20 min. I told her how difficult it had been the last few times. She decided to try my feet, which didn't look too promising either. She commented that I needed a PICC line. I spilled my guts about how frustrated I was with the doctor and lack of help. She agreed with everything I said. I felt so validated. I cried and she said "you're sick, you're frustrated, and you've hit your limit". She was right. She pointed out that these little 1 or 2L rehydrations were never getting me caught up (I still pee orange afterwards) or clearing the ketones. It was a VERY temporary fix. She flat out told me that I needed to be in the hospital on continuous fluids and consistent dosages of IV Zofran which is the only thing that actually seems to do anything at all. She said that I needed to have ALL medications via IV at this point. At that point, it hit me......I was suffering more than I had to. There IS a partial solution (IV Zofran) and rather than do what works, my OB just lets me go home to vomit some more.


I finally asked the nurse if she had any ideas on how to have my voice heard better (after telling her that if she couldn't answer it was fine - I didn't want to put her in an awkward position). She decided to talk to the nurse manager, who told her to talk to my OB. She did. She came in deflated and disappointed saying that she had gotten all the same answers I was given. The only additional piece of information was that "in that office they don't admit until you've lost more than 15% of your body weight". For me, that would be 21lbs.

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I had HG with my dd, spent the better part of 5 months in the hospital and lost over 50 pounds. A couple of questions:


1. How far are you now? Are you at least 13 weeks? Zofran & Phergen didn't work for me, so as soon as I was 13 weeks they put me onto Compazine which DID work and is fairly low-cost. But you can't take it before 13 weeks due to the risk for a specific defect.


2. Have they checked your thyroid {when you are at least semi-properly hydrated}? My Endo is pretty sure my HG was actually my Thyroid problem at least in part. Wasn't caught as they don't normally run a thyroid panel until 20 weeks, and by then pregnancy puts my Auto-immune thyroid into remission.

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I had HG with my dd, spent the better part of 5 months in the hospital and lost over 50 pounds. A couple of questions:


1. How far are you now? Are you at least 13 weeks? Zofran & Phergen didn't work for me, so as soon as I was 13 weeks they put me onto Compazine which DID work and is fairly low-cost. But you can't take it before 13 weeks due to the risk for a specific defect.


2. Have they checked your thyroid {when you are at least semi-properly hydrated}? My Endo is pretty sure my HG was actually my Thyroid problem at least in part. Wasn't caught as they don't normally run a thyroid panel until 20 weeks, and by then pregnancy puts my Auto-immune thyroid into remission.


I'll be 13 weeks on Monday. I think one of my biggest frustrations is that the IV Zofran does work to some extent - enough that I can eat and drink a little. Probably not enough to sustain me, but with some IV fluids, I think I could be somewhat functional. But only getting them every 2-3 days doesn't work. I get 6hr or so of relief before I'm back home puking bile and keeping nothing down.


No thyroid checks have been done to my knowledge.


I am SO glad you are hydrated. I was worried about you.


I wouldn't say I'm hydrated (unfortunately), but I'm better off than I was earlier. That's the problem with the way they're handling this. I'm NEVER hydrated. I get a boost of 2L of fluids, but still pee orange and have ketones. I'm never getting caught up, let alone ahead. Combine that with the continuous vomiting after the Zofran wears off and I just keep falling farther and farther behind.


I'm tired, sick, and so....so frustrated.

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I'll be 13 weeks on Monday. I think one of my biggest frustrations is that the IV Zofran does work to some extent - enough that I can eat and drink a little. Probably not enough to sustain me, but with some IV fluids, I think I could be somewhat functional. But only getting them every 2-3 days doesn't work. I get 6hr or so of relief before I'm back home puking bile and keeping nothing down.


No thyroid checks have been done to my knowledge.




I wouldn't say I'm hydrated (unfortunately), but I'm better off than I was earlier. That's the problem with the way they're handling this. I'm NEVER hydrated. I get a boost of 2L of fluids, but still pee orange and have ketones. I'm never getting caught up, let alone ahead. Combine that with the continuous vomiting after the Zofran wears off and I just keep falling farther and farther behind.


I'm tired, sick, and so....so frustrated.


If you do end up with a PICC, can you ask your doc to switch your prescription for Zofran to IV? You can give it at home then, every few hours. You have to push it slow, it's supposed to be over 15 mins if it's not done in hospital, but the relief is fast and you can't throw it up.


And yeah, that's not enough fluids. Are you getting lactated ringers? Ideally you want 2-3 L a day, not every few.

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I'm so sorry you are going through all this, and hope you start to see dramatic improvement soon.


One question -- have you considered changing doctors? If your current OB isn't being proactive, maybe it's time to find a doctor who will be. Considering your current health issues, perhaps you should consider a high risk specialist who will spend more time working with you to build up your own health and keep your baby safe.


I'm worried about you! :grouphug:

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If you do end up with a PICC, can you ask your doc to switch your prescription for Zofran to IV? You can give it at home then, every few hours. You have to push it slow, it's supposed to be over 15 mins if it's not done in hospital, but the relief is fast and you can't throw it up.


And yeah, that's not enough fluids. Are you getting lactated ringers? Ideally you want 2-3 L a day, not every few.


That is my ultimate goal. I don't know why my OB is so reluctant. I'm not sure if she isn't listening to me or isn't seeing the whole picture or what. I did get a copy of my records (very minimal info) and she has me listed as HG - mild. I consider myself more in the moderate range. I just feel like she doesn't get it.


I'm not sure on the lactated ringers? How would I know?


My records say DSLR 1000cc, 1000cc LR with Zofran 8mg. I'm assuming the LR = lactated ringer?


Today I got a "banana bag" - it was a relief to know I was getting some vitamins since I have been eating nothing except a little on the days I get the IV Zofran.




I'm so sorry you are going through all this, and hope you start to see dramatic improvement soon.


One question -- have you considered changing doctors? If your current OB isn't being proactive, maybe it's time to find a doctor who will be. Considering your current health issues, perhaps you should consider a high risk specialist who will spend more time working with you to build up your own health and keep your baby safe.


I'm worried about you! :grouphug:


Sigh....I tried. I tried switching to the OB my volunteer used during her HG pregnancy, but he looked over my minimal records (think VERY minimal) and decided I was receiving "excellent care" and refused to take me on. The other OB practice in town doesn't take my insurance.

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I'm sorry. I thought the vomiting had eased up. :sad:


I don't understand why you're not getting more fluids.


It only does for about 6hr after the IV and then promptly starts right back up :(


I don't understand either. I can't even put into words how frustrated I am. I'm just tired of this all.

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That is my ultimate goal. I don't know why my OB is so reluctant. I'm not sure if she isn't listening to me or isn't seeing the whole picture or what. I did get a copy of my records (very minimal info) and she has me listed as HG - mild. I consider myself more in the moderate range. I just feel like she doesn't get it.


I'm not sure on the lactated ringers? How would I know?


My records say DSLR 1000cc, 1000cc LR with Zofran 8mg. I'm assuming the LR = lactated ringer?


Today I got a "banana bag" - it was a relief to know I was getting some vitamins since I have been eating nothing except a little on the days I get the IV Zofran.




Sigh....I tried. I tried switching to the OB my volunteer used during her HG pregnancy, but he looked over my minimal records (think VERY minimal) and decided I was receiving "excellent care" and refused to take me on. The other OB practice in town doesn't take my insurance.


Yes, that LR. I'm sorry your doc is being so slow to treat this. Is your doc afraid of the PICC? I know complication rates are really high, but sometimes there are not other good choices. It really does sound like your doc just isn't getting it. :(


I'm sorry. :grouphug:

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I'm not sure about the PICC. I haven't flat out asked her about it yet. I did ask if there was a way to expedite the IVs (meaning standing orders or something) and she just kinda said to call the office if I thought I needed fluids and they would set something up with her for that day and I could get them in the office. I commented that I was running out of IV sites and she felt around and said she felt a couple of good ones (one of which has been attempted TWICE and not been successful - both times they said, "I don't understand, I can feel it. I'm right there."). This is the 2nd time a PICC has been brought up by the nurse starting my IV and the first it's been directly asked for by the nurse, so I'm hoping that will be enough to convince my OB. I just know that if I could have consistent Zofran and fluids, I would be doing much better. I don't understand why I'm being made to suffer as much as I am. I get that there are risks....really, I do. But the nurse at the infusion center felt confident I'd be fine (I've had nursing training through my LPN) and said that they would do dressing changes there if I needed. They would also teach me.

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I'm not sure about the PICC. I haven't flat out asked her about it yet. I did ask if there was a way to expedite the IVs (meaning standing orders or something) and she just kinda said to call the office if I thought I needed fluids and they would set something up with her for that day and I could get them in the office. I commented that I was running out of IV sites and she felt around and said she felt a couple of good ones (one of which has been attempted TWICE and not been successful - both times they said, "I don't understand, I can feel it. I'm right there."). This is the 2nd time a PICC has been brought up by the nurse starting my IV and the first it's been directly asked for by the nurse, so I'm hoping that will be enough to convince my OB. I just know that if I could have consistent Zofran and fluids, I would be doing much better. I don't understand why I'm being made to suffer as much as I am. I get that there are risks....really, I do. But the nurse at the infusion center felt confident I'd be fine (I've had nursing training through my LPN) and said that they would do dressing changes there if I needed. They would also teach me.



Ugh, because OBs routinely put in IVs.....sheesh.


I would have one of the infusion nurses (or whoever puts in your IVs) call your OB directly for an order for a PICC next time it's an issue. Let them try to go to bat for you, maybe your doc will listen? People have PICCs at home all the time and do fine, I can't see why you would be an exception. I'm so sorry you are going through this, I hope you can get the relief you need soon!

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Ugh, because OBs routinely put in IVs.....sheesh.


I would have one of the infusion nurses (or whoever puts in your IVs) call your OB directly for an order for a PICC next time it's an issue. Let them try to go to bat for you, maybe your doc will listen? People have PICCs at home all the time and do fine, I can't see why you would be an exception. I'm so sorry you are going through this, I hope you can get the relief you need soon!


I know, it was kinda dumb. My problem isn't just finding a spot, it's making the spot work. I've heard "I'm right there...." so many times, only to end up with a big bruise after they have to pull it cuz they didn't get it. And, the fact of the matter is.....I need more consistent fluids and IV Zofran....a PICC would allow for that.


I'll be honest, a PICC scares me, but the potential benefits I see from it far outweigh the fear.

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I know, it was kinda dumb. My problem isn't just finding a spot, it's making the spot work. I've heard "I'm right there...." so many times, only to end up with a big bruise after they have to pull it cuz they didn't get it. And, the fact of the matter is.....I need more consistent fluids and IV Zofran....a PICC would allow for that.


I'll be honest, a PICC scares me, but the potential benefits I see from it far outweigh the fear.


:grouphug: Getting a PICC scared the pants off me. Seriously. It was a literal lifesaver for me, though.

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I'll just throw this out there but it might not be applicable to you. I found when I was pregnant the doctors would kind of brush me off as a pregnant, emotional female which I was. I would get so frustrated with feeling I was not being heard. One day my dh happened to be along, saw what was happening and had a heart to heart talk with the doctor to set the record straight. Sometimes you need an advocate especially when you you are feeling like you are at deaths door. I will be forever grateful for my dh stepping in when he did. :grouphug:

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Are you able to find an OB in a neighboring town? I would try to go farther away to find a new OB! Tomorrow when you are gettin fluids, ask them which doctor they recommend, especially if they see patients from farther away than your office. They will know which doctors are difficult.


Is the practice of the doctor you wanted to see, full? I think it's bizarre if he just randomly turned you down as a patient.


I hope you get a good rest tonight!

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I'll just throw this out there but it might not be applicable to you. I found when I was pregnant the doctors would kind of brush me off as a pregnant, emotional female which I was. I would get so frustrated with feeling I was not being heard. One day my dh happened to be along, saw what was happening and had a heart to heart talk with the doctor to set the record straight. Sometimes you need an advocate especially when you you are feeling like you are at deaths door. I will be forever grateful for my dh stepping in when he did. :grouphug:


This is a good point. I know when I was pregnant with my first, the way my midwife treated me was night and day, depending on if my dh was there. If you haven't, try taking another person with you next time (hopefully someone kind of bossy). :grouphug:

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Are you able to find an OB in a neighboring town? I would try to go farther away to find a new OB! Tomorrow when you are gettin fluids, ask them which doctor they recommend, especially if they see patients from farther away than your office. They will know which doctors are difficult.


Is the practice of the doctor you wanted to see, full? I think it's bizarre if he just randomly turned you down as a patient.


I hope you get a good rest tonight!


The closest would be the university and that is another 30min (and 1/4 tank of gas) away. I don't really want to deliver at the university anyway.


No, the dr isn't full. I think he's intimidated by my OBs office. They are large and based on the info he had (again minimal) he saw no reason to rock the boat.


This is a good point. I know when I was pregnant with my first, the way my midwife treated me was night and day, depending on if my dh was there. If you haven't, try taking another person with you next time (hopefully someone kind of bossy). :grouphug:


It is my intention to not go alone again. I don't trust my dizzy self driving right now anyway. I'm hoping I can bring my mom or my new "buddy" from beyondmorningsickness.com. I know myself and right now, I don't have the energy to advocate for myself anyway.

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It only does for about 6hr after the IV and then promptly starts right back up :(


I don't understand either. I can't even put into words how frustrated I am. I'm just tired of this all.


Honey, this is beyond morning sickness! Will pray for you.

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Well, this advice is worth as much as you are paying me, but if you don't hear something helpful from your doctor this week, I would head to the University. I had high risk pregnancies and for one, I had to drive 3 hours each way for the perinatologist. It was so worth it!


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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Change doctors!!!


You are receiving completely cruel treatment, IMHO.


Is it an option to just go to the ER when you need TX and then refuse to sign discharge papers until you are properly hydrated? I mean, really, this seems completely insane to me!




I would absolutely not go to another DR w/o an advocate with you. You are not being properly cared for!

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I'll just throw this out there but it might not be applicable to you. I found when I was pregnant the doctors would kind of brush me off as a pregnant, emotional female which I was. I would get so frustrated with feeling I was not being heard. One day my dh happened to be along, saw what was happening and had a heart to heart talk with the doctor to set the record straight. Sometimes you need an advocate especially when you you are feeling like you are at deaths door. I will be forever grateful for my dh stepping in when he did. :grouphug:

:iagree::iagree:I received treatment because my hubby took me in and delivered me to the dr and said "I'm here to see you do something and do it now or we are going to the ER and getting admitted now" People jumped. 2 blags of fluids, standing orders for more as needed. he was big help in getting treatment for me. OBs blow this off for some reason until someone else says "she's sick and I picked her up off the floor and brought her here."


Get hubby to take you and take over the whole appointment. They listen when hubs is there.

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Here's what I think is going on--and based off my own experience. I had HG with my first pregnancy. I tried to explain it to my dr and he, having no experience with it, thought I was just overreacting and didn't do anything for me. I ended up tearing my esophagus and puking up blood. That's when he finally Rxed me zofran, which only helped a little.


My guess is that your OB has never experienced HG. Maybe she's had normal m/s. She thinks you're just a baby who can't deal with a little puking. Keep a diary of every time you are sick so she can see just how sick you really are. Go into lots of detail about it. Maybe include a food/water diary so she can see just how much you are actually able to take in, and then lose. At your next appt demand that she do what you want. Don't ask, tell her what she needs to do so that you will stop losing weight and can actually function.


I honestly don't see how she could be so laid back about it in this sue-happy world. She should be doing everything she can think of to get you better.

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OHOH!! And it always helps to PUKE on them. Yes, I threw up everywhere 22 times in the drs's office (they so nicely counted for me) even gave me my own supply of little blue bags (like a whole case that we took home) Puke bothers Obs when it is on their shoes and regular clothes. But when you lose 20 pounds in a few weeks,are only 11 weeks, have a blinding headache and can't pick yourself up and laid in your own puke on the bathroom floor until your hubby came home, puking on someone just no longer bothers you. Don't hold back. Throw up everywhere.

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Wow! I thought asinine care was something that just happens around here. :grouphug:


I say this as someone who has to drive 2 hours to get appropriate care - change doctors.




To get good treatment I'm driving an hour each way and going into the next state.


And yes, that means I've had a lot of quality car sick time. :glare:

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What a disaster. What reasons do you have for wanting to avoid the university hospital other than the drive? Could you consult with a high risk doc there and keep your regular ob?


HG is not always considered "real" by healthcare providers. I used to work antepartum and will just say from experience that I think there is a legitimate reason healthcare providers feel this way. It's sorta like how l&d nurses don't think you are about to push when you walk in the door... because no one comes in pushing. Except for when they do...


I'm sorry you are having to advocate so much to get decent treatment when you are so sick. I hope they will rapidly find you help. I do agree with others that having DH with you to say "I've never seen her like this" could be helpful. Unfortunately, I also think that men are still listened to more than women when it comes to healthcare. Because a pregnant woman is obviously not in a state of mind to make well thought out decisions in her current state. :glare::glare:

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I'll just throw this out there but it might not be applicable to you. I found when I was pregnant the doctors would kind of brush me off as a pregnant, emotional female which I was. I would get so frustrated with feeling I was not being heard. One day my dh happened to be along, saw what was happening and had a heart to heart talk with the doctor to set the record straight. Sometimes you need an advocate especially when you you are feeling like you are at deaths door. I will be forever grateful for my dh stepping in when he did. :grouphug:



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OHOH!! And it always helps to PUKE on them. Yes, I threw up everywhere 22 times in the drs's office (they so nicely counted for me) even gave me my own supply of little blue bags (like a whole case that we took home) Puke bothers Obs when it is on their shoes and regular clothes. But when you lose 20 pounds in a few weeks,are only 11 weeks, have a blinding headache and can't pick yourself up and laid in your own puke on the bathroom floor until your hubby came home, puking on someone just no longer bothers you. Don't hold back. Throw up everywhere.


:iagree:Inconvience the doctor enough and maybe she will DO something.

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My #1 reason for not wanting to go to the university is that I can't afford the $20 in gas it will cost me to go down every time. Especially since I expect frequent visits. A close second, though, is that I really, REALLY do not want to deliver down there. I absolutely love the birth care center of our local hospital (it's in a separate building) and I just really have my heart set on delivering there again. The university environment just isn't what I'm wanting.


That being said....if my doctor continues to refuse to do anything - even with an advocate - then, I may not have a choice but to find other options. I just really hope that this is a matter of her just not seeing the whole picture and realizing how bad it really is. I can't see any other reason she would've listed my HG as "mild" in my records. Since I saw her last, I've been rehydrated 3 more times (if you include today), received vitamins (which she does not know about, because she didn't order them), had protein in my urine, and still continue to pee "amber" colored with ketones.


My mom and I sat down and wrote out a detailed day by day of events from the very beginning. I'm hoping if we give her all that (the ER visits, the urgent care visits, the infusion center visits, etc) she'll take things more seriously. Please, please, please!!!

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It does sound like you need to be more proactive. My first HG pregnancy, my doc was not at all interested. Kept giving me the "crackers and gingerale speech." One day, I had a gf (who happened to be a police officer) drive me to the doc on her break. I didn't have an appt, just walked in and went straight to the bathroom. The front desk clerk was used to pregnant ladies walking straight to the bathroom so she didn't think twice. After being very sick, I crawled out of the bathroom (literally), used the wall to pull myself up and brace myself until I could find a doc. When I did see him, I tried to stand up straight and wound up collapsing at his feet. He changed my treatment protocol:glare:


2nd HG pregnancy, I had a different doc who sent me straight to a MFM at my 6 week visit.


You need an advocate.

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The last time I saw the dr (I've only actually seen HER 2x) I was laying down on the table, because I just couldn't sit up. I verbally told her about the additional ER trips and it's like she just didn't get that I couldn't keep ANYTHING down unless I had the IV Zofran in me. I don't know why.


Hopefully, our written account and somebody there to actually push for answers will get her attention.

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I know, it was kinda dumb. My problem isn't just finding a spot, it's making the spot work. I've heard "I'm right there...." so many times, only to end up with a big bruise after they have to pull it cuz they didn't get it. And, the fact of the matter is.....I need more consistent fluids and IV Zofran....a PICC would allow for that.


I'll be honest, a PICC scares me, but the potential benefits I see from it far outweigh the fear.


Honestly, I would start taking pictures of the bruises and keep a log of every time you vomit from now on, as well as backdate a log of howmany times you have had to go in for IVs. I would also make a log of how your life has come to a screaming screeching halt because of this condition. THEN I would take my documentation to the head of the practice, make an actual business appointment, a sit-down appointment (not an examination appointment. You should not have to pay for it!) with the head, and I would lay out the time line and ask him if s/he could live life this way? Say you can't afford to lose any more weight and that you are still peeing orange, and that you need a solution right now.

If he says no, ask if he would allow it if you were his daughter or sister or wife?

If you get no where after all that, sue for malpractice. Even if it goes no where, you will get their attention. I am a big believer in going to the top. In most cases, if you escalate the situation, you will get a resolution. Just be factual and keep emotion out of it. Let them know you intend to advocate for yourself, and you will get their attention.

All the best, it sounds completely miserable. :( :grouphug:

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