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More than 200 peanut butter products are recalled

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whew! I'm watching what I eat, and I adore natural pb on celery for a snack. I get the maranatha brand, luckily not on the list.


anyone know if pb in dog treats are affected? will it be tracked? My dog has quite a few allergies, we tend to get her mostly low ingredient pb treats.

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This is the first time we have ever eaten recalled PB. I always keep a few jars in the basement pantry and rotate through so that if there is a recall we won't have eaten it. This time I ran out and even had the thought of waiting, but then thought that since Costco has never had a recall on PB, I would be safe . . . :banghead: Thankfully even the baby does not appear to have gotten sick. Hubby ate it even knowing it was recalled :ack2: and is still okay.

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Can you take it to the store and ask for a refund?


Of course I can. It will just be a waste of 45+ minutes of my time. The TJ's is not super close to my house and I just went there, and wasn't planning to go again soon.


I've got a half eaten jar of Open Nature and no one has gotten sick. Should I throw it out?

Take it back for a refund.


I bought 4 jars of this in August traveling through a city that has a TJ. The closest one is 4 1/2hours away. :tongue_smilie:

Poor you. I love the recall info that says "dispose of it or bring it back," as if most people can afford to just throw stuff away with no recourse to the company that is poisoning consumers. That almond butter is expensive!

Edited by stripe
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It looks like most of the recalled items are natural or organic products. We eat plain old crappy Skippy. Ds eats peanut butter on a daily basis so I'm glad what we have wasn't affected.


Peter Pan was recalled in 2007 for salmonella. There was another peanut butter scandal in 2009. Skippy was recalled in 2011. Looks like it's not a problem the pb industry has figured out. Each has been a different particular plant. Yuck.

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We had a practically empty jar of Open Nature peanut butter that was on the recall list. Apparently, it was ok.


Yeah... I just looked at our mostly-gone 40 oz. jar of Kirkland PB in the fridge and thought, *shrug*. We've been eating it for weeks, so I'm pretty sure we're all clear.

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Bacteria are present in pockets of peanut butter in a given batch. Therefore, even if you ate most of a jar, that doesn't mean the rest is safe to eat. There could be a pocket of bacteria in there.


I am too tired to research this again to find links.


Don't finish any product that has been recalled, no matter how safe you think it is. If you are wrong, you will be sorry. Better safe than sorry.

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We have the Kirkland peanut butter in the kitchen right now and almost always do. Has anyone seen if there is a list of lot numbers affected? It isn't on the Costco website yet.


We had an open jar for a couple of months and just opened a new jar. In the past 6 weeks, each of us has had a '24 hour bug' with nausea/vomiting, fever, and cramping, but no diarrhea. No one was sick at the same time, and it all seemed kind of random. It makes me wonder if we just had a random bug or if this was the cause. DD13 rarely eats peanut butter, but ate it in the days before she got sick.

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I remember one PB recall where it was discovered the processor had taken the contaminated tanks of PB (which were already in transit) and just pasteurized them a second time after salmonella was found... then put it in jars.


I buy natural PB off the shelf but I always wonder where it's been and how it got there. I sometimes make my own but it's not cost effective (unless there's some secret, ultra cheap way to obtain peanuts I have yet to discover). It's cheaper to buy it already processed.

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Bacteria are present in pockets of peanut butter in a given batch. Therefore, even if you ate most of a jar, that doesn't mean the rest is safe to eat. There could be a pocket of bacteria in there.




My husband told me he wants to "go back" to making our own peanut butter. I did it ONCE with my kids as an experiment. I do not want to do it again. It took forever and I had to add like 2 c of oil to the 1/2 c of peanuts to get it to blend. Jam is looking way more appealing.

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I bought 4 jars of this in August traveling through a city that has a TJ. The closest one is 4 1/2hours away. :tongue_smilie:


I love the recall info that says "dispose of it or bring it back," as if most people can afford to just throw stuff away with no recourse to the company that is poisoning consumers. That almond butter is expensive!


How about using the almond butter to bake cookies? The baking temperature should kill the salmonella.

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How about using the almond butter to bake cookies? The baking temperature should kill the salmonella.


No thanks. I want it on toast and paid $5 or whatever for it. It is in my town, I just don't go there often. I don't want to eat contaminated food. I just wish the process for dealing with nasty food was better.

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