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What do you do when you are sick?

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Depends on how sick I was. If just not feeling great, I'd lighten the workload, but power through. Vomiting, chills, fever, can't lift my head off the pillow, etc... Would turn into a movie day at our house.


Exactly. If I had the kind of sick where I would still have gone in to the office, when I worked, then we do a toned down school day. (Like a cold, or nagging cough.)


But if I'm sick enough that I would have called in sick to work...then we do no work! (Fever, something that needs rx medication to knock out.)

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Slightly sick: drink lots of fluids, eat well and push through the day as normal.


Moderately sick: make kid food and put on table, set myself up on the couch and snooze while younger son watches DVDs and older son alternates between school and computer stuff.


Seriously sick: my husband takes off or my dad comes over and takes care of he kids while I stay in bed.


I am not often sick, thank goodness!

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Exactly. If I had the kind of sick where I would still have gone in to the office, when I worked, then we do a toned down school day. (Like a cold, or nagging cough.)


But if I'm sick enough that I would have called in sick to work...then we do no work! (Fever, something that needs rx medication to knock out.)




We school so many extra days a year just for this reason.

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I rarely get sick. Maybe every few years but then it's BAD. Like on my death bed bad.


The kids are pretty good about vegging on the computer and being quiet though. I am pretty laxed about sick days.


Even if they are not feeling well, they are both quick to tears and it just wouldn't work.

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Rest and videos or reading for the kids, plus I would get DH to come home early from work and do the school stuff he does with them. He doesn't do that much, and it's usually scattered over a few days, but that would be a good day for him to power through all of it.

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I have a wicked cold today. Feel awful.

Before DH left for work, he made up a little schedule for the kids dividing up their day into blocks of time: they had to do some school, some chores and then spend some time playing with DS2. He broke it up into half hour blocks for the morning.

Then he came home with lunch for everyone and while DS2 & I were napping, they played monopoly and watched a movie.


I try & get them to do at least the 3Rs.....everything else is up for grabs.

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It's every man for himself.




I'm sick right now. I'm the only one sick in the house at the moment, and I'm hoping that I will remain the only one.


School? Yeah, I don't care if they do it or not. Dinner? Yeah. Whatever.


I'm always not feeling well due to my autoimmune issues; however, when I have the flu/cold, it's just too much. We can coast a day or two. If older ones are up to it and have the time, they can be my sub.

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Two words: Educational. Videos.




It's every man for himself.


:iagree: My kids know how to pour a bowl of cereal, slap together a PB&J and pour a glass of milk. It's all good.


Slightly sick: drink lots of fluids, eat well and push through the day as normal.


Moderately sick: make kid food and put on table, set myself up on the couch and snooze while younger son watches DVDs and older son alternates between school and computer stuff.


Seriously sick: my husband takes off or my dad comes over and takes care of he kids while I stay in bed.


I am not often sick, thank goodness!


This sums it up for me too.


Today I have a raging headache, bordering on a migraine, with nausea. Bill Nye and David Attenborough are excellent substitutes and always available. ;)

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Good point! It also gives the kids a good opportunity to practice empathy and compassion. DD always makes me tea and a get well card when I'm sick. She gives me lots of hugs and kisses and checks on me often. :001_wub: DS6 usually brings me a toy. :lol:

Awwwwww. It's almost enough to want to be sick now and again. :D

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It depends on if you mean the occasional sick day like a bad cold or flu, or if you mean the lie on the bathroom floor vomiting migraine that I have monthly or if you mean the months of hyperemesis gravidarum and then months of bed rest due to pre-term labor that I had with each pregnancy.


The occasional sick day means I get up & each child gets a lined post-it with their assignments for the day. I assign books to read, maps or history pages to color, math review pages to do and then I go back to bed. Each big kid is paired with a little kid for the day to make sure breakfast & lunch are taken care of & any school help is provided.


The migraine is regular so I am ready with freezer meals, breakfast, lunch & dinner. I know what week to be gentle with myself. Independent work is ready. Life goes on. If, for some reason, the migraine doesn't show up it is a pleasant surprise.


Homeschooling the pregnancy year? Those happened when my bigs were still little. We did "bed schooling." Beautiful feet style notebooks for history & science, manipulative math & a million read-alouds.


Amber in SJ

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I will also say that in our little church community people are quick to take care of each other and someone will always offer to bring in a meal or take some combination of my children for a play date.


Sometimes I say yes to these offers and sometimes I say no because I think it is valuable for my children to have to opportunity to sacrifice some time and energy in service to each other.


Amber in SJ

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My 8 yr old and I are under the weather today! I have chills and I'm just not feeling well. My youngest has lots of coughing and just doesn't feel well. We managed to get math done and type his letter for his piano scholarship. After that we had a few cups of tea and watched The Swiss Family Robinson and a documentary on Netflix. Hoping we feel better for our co-op field trip tomorrow!

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