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Need prayer for sick husband and why I haven't been around.......

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My husband was very sick this weekend. It turns out he was and still is.


We were camping and he was lethargic, shaky and not himself. Instead of driving him home, I drove him to the hospital(against his wishes, I might add, the stubborn but cute man!)


He was triaged and his temp was 106.5 and his blood pressure 211/89. The ER staff was, let's just say, concerned.


They prodded, cultured, stuck and electroded him.


We left the ER 3 hours later, discharged by a very incompetent doctor I have already registered a complaint about. We saw his primary care Dr. today, which was much better although we still don't know what the problem is/was. The fever hovers around 100 in spite of 4 hour spaced tylenol. His leg is swollen, getting worse, sore and red. (He was hospitalized last year for something similar). We did have an ultra sound done and there is not a clot. His blood work shows only slightly elevated white counts. He does have cultures growing.


He's tired and weak still. His hands are cramping severely, which is a new and weird symptom.


To say I'm worried would be an understatement. Primary dr. prescribed 2 hard core antibiotics, but thinks it might be viral and admits the scripts are a crapshoot.


I'll update when I know more.

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We went through a health scare last year with my dh. I second the idea of prodding the doctors or finding more competent doctors or at least someone who can point you in the right direction. It certainly helped my dh. You obviously want to find out what's going on so that he can get proper treatment.


You are a sweetheart; you're in our prayers.

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Guest kacifl

My goodness, sounds like one of those Mystery Diagnosis things.


My husband is a manager at a hospital and there was a boy who developed a virus three-four weeks ago. It affected his heart...a secondary condition called it POTs. He nearly died. Now he can barely walk, when he sits up he passes out. He will recover, but slowly. This boy was at a great hospital, but drs. still didn't know what was making him so ill. They transported him to Shands Hosptial upstate. That is where specialist dx. him with POTs. Obviously, viruses can affect the body in strange ways.


My son also caught a 'virus' a week after this boy. Mild cough, low fever of 99. A couple of days into the illness he passed out and was out 2 minutes. He literally looked dead, eyes open, white, not breathing... we called 911.


By the way, my son and this boy never met, were never near each other. My husband works in another city and comes home on weekends. He works with this boy's mother... so maybe it was the same thing. My son still isn't well. Gets dizzy, things go 'black' but he doesn't pass out. I won't let him out of my sight.. no bike riding, etc. not yet, anyway. Dr wants to do neurology tests, but we truly feel that it is actually related to that same virus. I noticed that if my son eats a little something every couple of hours he doesn't get dizzy.



PS: :iagree:I agree about going to a different ER some hospitals are :eek:horrible, they hide their ER lawsuits from the public, etc. Trust me, I know as my husband works at hospitals! K

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Has anyone suggested cellulitis?


Cellulitis (sel-u-LI-tis) is a common, potentially serious bacterial skin infection. Cellulitis appears as a swollen, red area of skin that feels hot and tender, and it may spread rapidly.

Skin on lower legs is most commonly affected, though cellulitis can occur anywhere on your body or face. Infections on the face are more common in children and older adults. Cellulitis may affect only your skin's surface — or, cellulitis may also affect tissues underlying your skin and can spread to your lymph nodes and bloodstream.



My mom had this on her arm and it took like three trips to the E.R. for her to be diagnosed. She was hospitalized for a few days. Praying he is feeling better soon.

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Has anyone suggested cellulitis?


Absolutely, yes. He was hospitialized last year with it. He has psoriasis, which leaves "more" surface area of the skin compromised and therefore vulnerable to entry of yuck.


We discussed cellulitis and one of the meds he started yesterday is in case this is what is developing.

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My husband was very sick this weekend. It turns out he was and still is.


We were camping and he was lethargic, shaky and not himself. Instead of driving him home, I drove him to the hospital(against his wishes, I might add, the stubborn but cute man!)


He was triaged and his temp was 106.5 and his blood pressure 211/89. The ER staff was, let's just say, concerned.


They prodded, cultured, stuck and electroded him.


We left the ER 3 hours later, discharged by a very incompetent doctor I have already registered a complaint about. We saw his primary care Dr. today, which was much better although we still don't know what the problem is/was. The fever hovers around 100 in spite of 4 hour spaced tylenol. His leg is swollen, getting worse, sore and red. (He was hospitalized last year for something similar). We did have an ultra sound done and there is not a clot. His blood work shows only slightly elevated white counts. He does have cultures growing.


He's tired and weak still. His hands are cramping severely, which is a new and weird symptom.


To say I'm worried would be an understatement. Primary dr. prescribed 2 hard core antibiotics, but thinks it might be viral and admits the scripts are a crapshoot.


I'll update when I know more.





We will be prayer for you here! Hang in there! My ds 9 had a similar "weird" viral illness last year. It took 2 weeks of him being in constant pain but it did go away.

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I will certainly pray for your dh. I'll pray for all of you. I understand the fear and frustration you are feeling at not knowing what's going on or what can be done to help him. I'm praying that answers come quickly, that proper treatment is begun right away, that your dh recovers from this with no long-term problems, and that all of you are filled with God's peace as you rest in His care. :grouphug:

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