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Silly question but how do you pronounce Pinterest?

How do you pronounce Pinterest?  

  1. 1. How do you pronounce Pinterest?

    • Pin-trest
    • Pin-ter-est
    • Other

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Funny. I did this poll before, too. I hear people say it both ways, but to me "Pin-trest" makes way more sense.


Oh, editing: I thought it was between "Pin-trest" or "Pin-Interest." That's what I hear people say that doesn't seem logical to me.

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I say it the same way I say interest, which is basically two syllables, despite what the phonics rule of one vowel per syllable says.


I only add the extra syllable *sometimes* when adding ing or ed.


Interest - In - trest

Interesting/Interested - In - ter - est or In - trest, both ways, depending on the context of the sentence and where the word falls in the sentence.


And that is probably the most I've analyzed my speech patterns in, well probably forever. :tongue_smilie:

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pin-ter-est just like in-ter-est with a 'p'.


I don't think I say in-trest but I wouldn't be surprised to catch myself doing so in causal convesation. But now, when thinking on it, in-ter-est or pin-ter-est is how I pronounce it. I also pretty much mentally pronounce every word I read as well so I always find it amusing when people say they've never really thought of how a word was pronounced because they never say it.

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I voted other, because I actually say it both ways. When am just speaking it is normally pint-rest, but if I am reading I say pin-ter-rest. I have no idea why...but I do the same with photographer. If I am reading I say photo-graph-er, instead of the the normal way.

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