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TMI Woman Question for Mamas Who Have Nursed

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How long have you ever gone without a period while nursing? I haven't had one since May 2005 when I was pregnant with my oldest. I got pregnant with my 2nd while nursing her, and then pregnant with my 3rd while nursing him. My youngest is still nursing and just turned 2 and there has still been no sign of my period, but I've been having crampy symptoms and way more *ahem* discharge than usual. :blushing: So I was just wondering if anyone else had gone this long without a monthly visitor and when did you get yours back? Was it horrid? I'm scared that since it's been so long, it's going to come back with a vengeance.

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I had it between kids. I dont remeber when it came back with ODS. I got mine back this time when YDS was exactly 2.5 and though it was much worse than I'd have wanted, it wasn't any worse than when I was in high school. I think I'm still adjusting to it (I've only had it 3-4 times so far), but it really wasn't as bad as I was scared it would be.

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How long have you ever gone without a period while nursing? I haven't had one since May 2005 when I was pregnant with my oldest. I got pregnant with my 2nd while nursing her, and then pregnant with my 3rd while nursing him. My youngest is still nursing and just turned 2 and there has still been no sign of my period, but I've been having crampy symptoms and way more *ahem* discharge than usual. :blushing: So I was just wondering if anyone else had gone this long without a monthly visitor and when did you get yours back? Was it horrid? I'm scared that since it's been so long, it's going to come back with a vengeance.

Mine usually comes back when dc are about 19 months. I had 1 btwn 1 and 2, 2 btwn 2 and 3, none before I got pregnant w/ one I miscarried, and then I chose not to conceive for over a year. After number 4 it started at 19 months. That was the only time it seemed to come back with a vengence. I had cramps the first 2 times (I don't usually cramp much) but the worst was that it came every 3 weeks for 6 months or so. It has evened out now but isn't as regular as it used to be. HOWEVER, I am in my mid 40s now, and I think that has more to do with it than having breaks.

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I went about 3 years, and it wasn't that bad. Frankly, I was puzzled as to why I was bleeding, as the possibility of having a period had apparently slipped my mind - my first thought was that I had hemorrhoids. Also, we had moved twice in that time frame, and I had no clue where any pads or tampons were in our new house.


Later I was able to look back and recognize that I was craving chocolate and having other mild PMS about once a month.


Overall, a very slow re-entry into the process.

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It usually takes me about two years also since my children are such frequent nursers. If I am not pregnant before then, the second postpartum period is usually a bear. It is almost as if the first one was just a practice run and then the next month my body is making up for lost time. Ugh. I hope that won't be the case for you though!

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I went 14, 18, and 23 mos, respectively. If you have seen an increase in your cervical mucous (particularly clear, egg-white type) you probably are ovulating and should expect AF within a couple weeks. I knew AF was coming with all three of mine because of the CM changes. The first one is fairly heavy, but not too horrible.

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I have PCOS and we do extended BFing, so mine have come back around the 2 year mark, sometimes a little earlier. My three kids have all nursed at night a good bit through age 2, so no real nightweaning at that age, which probably pushed back my cycles even a little more.


I had a breakthrough bleed when DS2 was 18 months, and that lasted 6 weeks and was terrible.

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I went 14, 18, and 23 mos, respectively. If you have seen an increase in your cervical mucous (particularly clear, egg-white type) you probably are ovulating and should expect AF within a couple weeks. I knew AF was coming with all three of mine because of the CM changes. The first one is fairly heavy, but not too horrible.


This describes what is happening. Guess I'll stock up on supplies, especially chocolate! :)

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18 months with #1.


10 months with #2.


#3 is currently 9 months and still no sign of it. I'm hoping it stays away for a while.


And all three of mine are completely, exclusively breastfed, only introduced to solids after 6 months, and even then none of them have eaten very many solids until well after a year old.

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the longest I have gone w/o is this:


pg w/#3 so 9 months

nursed for 23 months, no AF the whole time....apparently is was about to happen but then I found out I was pg w/#4.....soooo

another 9 months

then nursed for 11 months ~ dd self weaned...:(

at 13 months it returned


so if I did the math right, I went 52 months w/o!

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I didn't get one between my second and third pregnancies. I think there was a 2.5 year gap? When it started up again, it was actually better than it had been before. Prior to my second pregnancy, I had been incapacitated once a month. When it finally returned after my third pregnancy, it was only uncomfortable. The difference was shocking for me.

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I have only had a handful of periods in the last 7 years. Probably 3-5 total. I just had my first postpartum period since having my almost 1 year old. It was fine, not heavy, no cramping.


I get my period when my nursling sleeps through the night. That usually doesn't happen until around a year, then my period shows up within 2 months.

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How long have you ever gone without a period while nursing? I haven't had one since May 2005 when I was pregnant with my oldest. I got pregnant with my 2nd while nursing her, and then pregnant with my 3rd while nursing him. My youngest is still nursing and just turned 2 and there has still been no sign of my period, but I've been having crampy symptoms and way more *ahem* discharge than usual. :blushing: So I was just wondering if anyone else had gone this long without a monthly visitor and when did you get yours back? Was it horrid? I'm scared that since it's been so long, it's going to come back with a vengeance.


I usually went between a year and 18 months for my first AF after a baby...exclusively breastfeeding until about 6mos...and also tandem nursing my children who were close in age....


Basically, I only had a few periods over the course of 20 years.....


It is really weird to be ahem.....regular....when I am really begging for menopause!

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Discharge is a nasty leftover word from gynecologists who didn't understand womens' cycles. I'd rather never hear the word every again. Ew. (shiver)


What you have is cervical mucus. There is a good chance you are preparing to ovulate if it is clear, stretchy and slippery. You would notice a wet, slippery feeling.


Take Charge of Your Fertility - Weschler

It should be required reading for almost every woman.


I've nursed or pumped for ten babies.

Sometimes I have a cycle, most of the time I do not.


Usually amenorrhea (absence of menses) is directly related to how you breastfed. When you eco-breastfeed (nursing without pacifiers, on demand, through the night, co-sleep) you will usually miss your period until such a time that the baby lengthens out their sleep patterns and/or nurses less frequently.


Most of the time I've been pregnant or cycled back by 12 months. Most of the time you will get a "warning" anovulatory period but not always... Or if you are me, almost never, lol.


ETA - Now is the perfect example. I am nursing a 12mo and a 2.5yo. They both nurse 3-5 times per day but the 12mo just began sleeping through the night about six weeks ago and I'm denying nursing to the 2.5yo at night. Lo and behold I am fairly certain I'm ovulating today. Still producing as much milk as ever, but frequency and more straight hours of night sleep leads to egg producing - a bit like chickens I suppose. :D

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