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Octomom has become an adult movie actress

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I know, I know. But, Octomom is broke so the boro weasels can't make money on it when they sue because their constitutional rights were violated. :glare:


I feel so very, very bad for the children.



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Isn't this always where this story was going to end?




It was always just a matter of time.


Apparently, she is also on some sort of website asking people to give her $150,000 so she can use it as a downpayment on a new house (since she was evicted from the old one.)


Yeah, right.


When I think of helping the needy, I think OCTOMOM.


OK, it's more like, when I think LOSER, I think OCTOMOM.


Those poor children. :(

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Isn't this always where this story was going to end?


I thought she was going to end up in a love triangle with the kook who cloned her puppies (and had been arrested for kidnapping and sexually taunting a missionary in England), and have it out with her on Jerry Springer. One of her kids would be bitten by one of the cloned dogs.

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I didn't read the link but it's very sad. I have to say though the other night dh and I were watching TV and we saw a commercial with her for a OctoLoan up to 1K. So apprently she is running her own payday type loan service as well.


Well, we all die: someday she'll be washing detergent (Octogon).

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:iagree: Seeing someone hit the bottom in desperation is never cause for rejoicing - even if their own selfish choices took them there. If nothing else, have some compassion for her children. They didn't ask for this and now they have to live with not only their mother's mistakes, but her public humiliation as well.


Who's rejoicing??


And I do feel bad for the innocent children, hence my 'Why haven't her kids been taken from her?' comment.

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Harsh much?


Obviously she messed up big time. Nevertheless I don't think that this was the dream she had for her life. It is awful that this is where she felt she had to turn. It breaks my heart for her and her children


I feel sorry for her children, but I have no sympathy for her.

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Harsh much?


Obviously she messed up big time. Nevertheless I don't think that this was the dream she had for her life. It is awful that this is where she felt she had to turn. It breaks my heart for her and her children


I'm sorry, but I am harsh on her. I feel for her children- they didn't ask for this situation, and are now living the horrible choices of their mother, but I feel *NO* sympathy for this women.


Seriously. She already had, what, 6??? children when she got pregnant with the octuplets. 6. Even if she did only have 1 child resulting, how was she going to support 7 children as a single mother?? This is just ridiculous. If she did have a job where she could financially support all 7 children, where would she have the time to be involved with all her children? And if she was a stay at home mom, how was she planning on financially supporting them? And clearly we know she's not independently wealthy...


I have no sympathy for people like this. I understand wanting a child. I want another child. I never wanted DD to be an only child. I've always *desperately* wanted at least a couple of children. I struggle to deal with my own jealousy when my best friends have children, even though I'm very happy for them. But I'm also an adult, who has a child to think about, and knows that right now my needs/desires are less important than the needs of the child I already have.

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There is a difference between feeling sympathy for her and feeling sadness at watching some one **anyone** fall so far that they would all but prostitute themselves.


That is just SAD, no matter who it is or how despicable their choices have been.


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Despite her many bad choices, it's not like she had to make this one.


Giving them up for adoption would have been hard, but it would have been the responsible thing, given her circumstances.


But they don't deserve a pron star for a mom. Sorry. She went into this one eyes wide open.


Funny that this just came through THe Inspiring Story of a Rubbish Collector Who Saved and Raised 30 Babies Abandoned at the Roadside. That is raising an enormous amount of children in harsh circumstances with integrity.


Octomom sold her integrity.

Edited by justamouse
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Who's rejoicing??


And I do feel bad for the innocent children, hence my 'Why haven't her kids been taken from her?' comment.


I should not be jumping back in here, but to answer your question: This country isn't in a habit of taking children from parents who are don't have enough money. They *are* in a habit of giving monetary aid to people who need assistance. And so far as I know (I don't really keep up with Octomom at all), she is on assistance, but she is not abusing her children, hence they aren't being taken away from her. Seems like an obvious answer to me.

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Despite her many bad choices, it's not like she had to make this one.


Giving them up for adoption would have been hard, but it would have been the responsible thing, given her circumstances.


But they don't deserve a pron star for a mom. Sorry. She went into this one eyes wide open.


Funny that this just came through THe Inspiring Story of a Rubbish Collector Who Saved and Raised 30 Babies Abandoned at the Roadside. That is raising an enormous amount of children in harsh circumstances with integrity.


Octomom sold her integrity.


I do agree with you, I just think it unnecessary to call her a certain name.

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How did so many people not get the memo that explained being trashy and selfish is not mother of the yearville territory for kids? Those poor children. Rename her Sociopath Mom.


Who is saying that she should be mother of the year?

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The newbie spoke up for those of us who thought the same thing. It was harsh.



Some people self-medicate with drugs. Some people self-medicate with sex.


Here's a thought:


How damaged, how hurt, how awful must this woman hear things in her head and how worthless does she think she is that she first tried to solve it with men, then tried to solve it with children, then turned to prostitution?


She's so broken she has no idea what healthy and loved looks like. :(


BTW, everyone is a newbie at sometime. Some of us who were on the old, old boards didn't look up at our noses at those who joined (gasp) in 2009 or later. ;) We're all here to learn from one another. One of the greatest things we can learn is compassion. No healthy, sane, self-loving human EVER, EVER, EVER finds the answer in what she is doing. :(



This is not what she was created to be. :(

Edited by BlsdMama
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Some people self-medicate with drugs. Some people self-medicate with sex.


Here's a thought:


How damaged, how hurt, how awful must this woman hear things in her head and how worthless does she think she is that she first tried to solve it with men, then tried to solve it with children, then turned to prostitution?


She's so broken she has no idea what healthy and loved looks like. :(


One of the greatest things we can learn is compassion. No healthy, sane, self-loving human EVER, EVER, EVER finds the answer in what she is doing. :(



This is not what she was created to be. :(


:iagree: Beautifully said.



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How damaged, how hurt, how awful must this woman hear things in her head and how worthless does she think she is that she first tried to solve it with men, then tried to solve it with children, then turned to prostitution?


She's so broken she has no idea what healthy and loved looks like. :(



Or maybe she has always just been willing to do anything for fame and publicity. :glare:


She went berserk trying to get her own reality show when she had the babies, and has done anything and everything since then to try to stay relevant and get her picture in the news (or at least on TMZ.)


I'm sorry, but I think she's a lot more calculating than many people seem to believe. Her schemes have mostly tanked, but she sure keeps on trying, and she's finding it necessary to get more and more outrageous in order to get media attention.


I remember seeing a video of Octomom's house (filmed by her very expensive hairdresser who made house calls -- even when Octo wasn't paying her other bills and was on welfare, apparently those $520 hair appointments were too important for her to give up,) and the house was a pig sty, and the children were living like animals. There wasn't even a working toilet in the house. She only repaired the house when she found out that the hairdresser was going public with the video and she was worried that CPS would show up to investigate her.


So really, I am incredibly skeptical of the idea that Octomom is just a poor, sweet mom who's down on her luck and forced into porn so she can feed her family.

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It's all so sad. She is not well. She is loud, talks ****really****** fast, answers questions before they are asked, doesn't think things through. I just want her to at least start taking fish oils. ;) Maybe something else as well. She is a wreck from what I have seen, imo. She looks like a good mom, gentle etc., but something is not right.


I also think the Dr who assisted her with this last fertility 'issue' should lose his license, get sued (maybe he has, I don't know), and help provide for these children. Did he think he was going to get a cut from any reality show they thought she would be able to wrangle?


She doesn't appear bipolar, but she does have impulse control issues, and I am sure she gave everyone in her life a run for their money, right from the get-go. No fault of hers as a child, but brain chemistry matters.


The children are here, and deserve care, and a chance at a decent life. I don't, in general, have an issue with folks who work in the adult film industry. I would just hate for her to be further abused and used because of her impulsivity. I hope she has a good lawyer and agent.


Something is not right with her. Again, it's just so, so sad for all of them.

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Or maybe she has always just been willing to do anything for fame and publicity. :glare:


I agree with this, but I also think there is something broken in a person like that.


It's all so sad. She is not well. She is loud, talks ****really****** fast, answers questions before they are asked, doesn't think things through. I just want her to at least start taking fish oils. ;) Maybe something else as well. She is a wreck from what I have seen, imo. She looks like a good mom, gentle etc., but something is not right.


I also think the Dr who assisted her with this last fertility 'issue' should lose his license, get sued (maybe he has, I don't know), and help provide for these children. Did he think he was going to get a cut from any reality show she was able to wrangle?


She doesn't appear bipolar, but she does have impulse control issues, and I am sure she gave everyone in her life a run for their money, right from the get-go. No fault of hers as a child, but brain chemistry matters.


The children are here, and deserve care, and a chance at a decent life. I don't, in general, have an issue with folks who work in the adult film industry. I would just hate for her to be further abused and used because of her impulsivity. I hope she has a good lawyer and agent.


Something is not right with her. Again, it's just so, so sad for all of them.


I agree with all of this.

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It's all so sad. She is not well. She is loud, talks ****really****** fast, answers questions before they are asked, doesn't think things through. I just want her to at least start taking fish oils. ;) Maybe something else as well. She is a wreck from what I have seen, imo. She looks like a good mom, gentle etc., but something is not right.


I also think the Dr who assisted her with this last fertility 'issue' should lose his license, get sued (maybe he has, I don't know), and help provide for these children. Did he think he was going to get a cut from any reality show they thought she would be able to wrangle?


She doesn't appear bipolar, but she does have impulse control issues, and I am sure she gave everyone in her life a run for their money, right from the get-go. No fault of hers as a child, but brain chemistry matters.


The children are here, and deserve care, and a chance at a decent life. I don't, in general, have an issue with folks who work in the adult film industry. I would just hate for her to be further abused and used because of her impulsivity. I hope she has a good lawyer and agent.


Something is not right with her. Again, it's just so, so sad for all of them.


I remember seeing Suze Orman chastising her on the Oprah show. There is seriously something wrong with Octomom. For me, I think that deserves pity, not contempt.

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:iagree: Seeing someone hit the bottom in desperation is never cause for rejoicing - even if their own selfish choices took them there. If nothing else, have some compassion for her children. They didn't ask for this and now they have to live with not only their mother's mistakes, but her public humiliation as well.



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Some people self-medicate with drugs. Some people self-medicate with sex.


Here's a thought:


How damaged, how hurt, how awful must this woman hear things in her head and how worthless does she think she is that she first tried to solve it with men, then tried to solve it with children, then turned to prostitution?


She's so broken she has no idea what healthy and loved looks like. :(


BTW, everyone is a newbie at sometime. Some of us who were on the old, old boards didn't look up at our noses at those who joined (gasp) in 2009 or later. ;) We're all here to learn from one another. One of the greatest things we can learn is compassion. No healthy, sane, self-loving human EVER, EVER, EVER finds the answer in what she is doing. :(



This is not what she was created to be. :(


My thoughts and feelings exactly.

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There is a difference between feeling sympathy for her and feeling sadness at watching some one **anyone** fall so far that they would all but prostitute themselves.


That is just SAD, no matter who it is or how despicable their choices have been.


I agree. It's horrible to watch people crash and burn. More horrible still when there are innocent children mixed up in it. :(

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