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dd11 got to fulfill a dream of hers!

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She is a HUGE fan of the show Cake Boss and has been dying to go to Hoboken to see Buddy's bakery and try stuff from there. I had been promising her a day trip there in October for her birthday, but as it turned out she got to go much sooner and meet and take pictures with almost the whole cast. She had the time of her life! Blog post about it with pics, here:



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That is so awesome! So happy for your daughter! How were your samples? Inquiring minds want to know! lol


Heh, well, honestly, I thought most of them were good in an average kind of way. They look very pretty but most of it didn't taste any better or worse than anything we get at any local bakery. But it was the novelty of the thing lol.


That is awesome! I like the tag too. :D


Oh, I don't know who put that, but it's a good tag! :)


Awesome!! How thrilling for your daughter! What type of baked goods did she bring back and how did it taste? I'm hungry now. :)


She brought back fondant cookies (the small cakes were $40.00!), lobster claws, canoli, Italian cookies, eclairs, black and white cookies, and a bunch of cupcakes.


I think the only thing in the world that would have made her as happy as meeting Buddy would have been meeting Justin Bieber haha. I wish my husband and I could have gone, too, but I'm so glad my daughter got this opportunity. It really did mean a lot to her!

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What an awesome experience! My DD would have flipped too. She loves that show. From your pictures, it looks like cousin Frankie lost a LOT of weight!


Did he? Good for him! I have only watched a few sporadic episodes myself, so I didn't know most of their names or what they looked like before. My daughter knows pretty much everything about them all though lol. She had sent Buddy the sweetest fan mail (snail mail) a few months ago and checked her email and the mailbox every day for weeks to see if he would reply and eventually an autographed promotional postcard came in the mail and she was SO excited about that- this was a whole 'nuther level of excitement though! :)

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Heh, well, honestly, I thought most of them were good in an average kind of way. They look very pretty but most of it didn't taste any better or worse than anything we get at any local bakery. But it was the novelty of the thing lol.




Oh, I don't know who put that, but it's a good tag! :)




She brought back fondant cookies (the small cakes were $40.00!), lobster claws, canoli, Italian cookies, eclairs, black and white cookies, and a bunch of cupcakes.


I think the only thing in the world that would have made her as happy as meeting Buddy would have been meeting Justin Bieber haha. I wish my husband and I could have gone, too, but I'm so glad my daughter got this opportunity. It really did mean a lot to her!



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Looks like she had a great time! :D


I've only seen the show once and it happened to be when dd and I were staying in a hotel for one of her dance competitions. The episode was when they were talking to the obstetrician who was delivering their baby (so maybe a year or so ago??). DD all of sudden asks me "how do we know their doctor?" Turns out they used the same obstetrician I did for my youngest and it's who dd and I both go see for regular check-ups. DD's comment "That's so cool....in an awkward can't really tell anyone about it kind of way".

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