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What is your secret weirdness?

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I :001_tt1::001_wub::thumbup: this thread!


The only weird thing I'm going to contribute is that I constantly do this funny kind of "counting" with the letters of a word on my fingers. For instance, the word "counting" has 8 letters, 2 syllables, and is 1 word--I run through these numbers on a single hand, ticking off first 5 fingers in one direction (say from thumb to pinky) plus another 3 ticks in the same direction for the number of letters, then 2 ticks for the syllables, and then 1 final tick for the single word. It feels more satisfying if this ends with all fingers equally "ticked" (multiple of five). Then I repeat in the opposite direction (from pinky to thumb). Finally, I spell the word on the fingers of a single hand, wrapping around when necessary--consonants are solid, vowels are not. So "counting" wraps around perfecting, filling all 5 fingers with "solid" letters like this: Thumb- solid "c", finger 1- empty "o", finger 2- empty "u", finger 3- solid "n", finger 4- solid "t", then wrap around again to the thumb- empty "i", finger 1- solid "n", and finger 2- solid "g". I can "feel" solid and empty letters and I like all the fingers to feel equally solid. This little habit of mine makes me feel like my mind is a little off :tongue_smilie:.

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Can't EVER take the first book or magazine or brochure from the shelf. Must reach back for a "fresh" one. ME TOO




I have an irrational fear of roaches. I will be freaked out for the whole day if I see one, especially in my house. MEE TOO


I also hate lakes or creeks or other slimy bodies of water. Won't go near them. MEEEE TOOOO

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"As for me...a weirdness I have is I can not stand for our family to be in separate towns, like if I run up to the city or DH is gone for a few days for work. I am always convinced that someone will die."


I soooo get this. I'm always afraid that something catastrophic is going to happen in the world and we'll be seperated. Right now my oldest 13 is getting ready to leave for a trip to Bonaire with my sister and BIL to go diving!!! FREAKING OUT HERE!!!! I swore I'd neverlet them fly, much less fly, and then dive into the ocean, IN A FOREIGN COUNTRY!!! :eek:

Edited by pbt1294
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When I am on a high place, like a balcony, tall building with an open window, a cliff........I get really afraid that I am going to spontaneously.........JUMP!!


:iagree:I have felt this way all of my life. I once had a babysitting job in a condo that was on the 7th floor of the building, and I literally couldn't walk outside because I was afraid I would hurl myself and the baby over the side.


Oh my! Me too! I don't know if I've ever told anyone that.;)

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I have a lot of weird things that I do.

I email myself lists of things to remember.

I erase textbooks after usage( not all the time) to use them again.

I use the hairdryer to warm myself when I am cold.

I am only 34, but use 'frownies" because my forehead wrinkles bother me.

I am a curriculum junkie, buy a lot, and give a lot away to my homeschool friend.

I really could go on,...but I will spare you all :D

Edited by mommyof4AZ
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I have a lot of weird things that I do.

I email myself lists of things to remember.


Not weird at all! I do this too (in fact, I have one of those emails in my inbox right now - thanks for the reminder!). :)


This reminded me of another weird thing I used to do... Back when I was still working full-time, I would process through my work day on the drive home. I'd always think of stuff I had to do the next day, so I would call my work number and leave myself a voicemail with all the "to do" items. And I'd always end those voicemails by cheerfully telling myself to have a great day! :lol:

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Not weird at all! I do this too (in fact, I have one of those emails in my inbox right now - thanks for the reminder!). :)


This reminded me of another weird thing I used to do... Back when I was still working full-time, I would process through my work day on the drive home. I'd always think of stuff I had to do the next day, so I would call my work number and leave myself a voicemail with all the "to do" items. And I'd always end those voicemails by cheerfully telling myself to have a great day! :lol:


I love the voicemail idea!! It made me chuckle!

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I love the voicemail idea!! It made me chuckle!


I shared it with a co-worker once - turns out she was doing the same thing. So I asked her whether she wished herself a nice day at the end of the call. She said she didn't. She should have - she was kind of grumpy, so it might have helped...:tongue_smilie:

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Everyone has one. Tell us about it.


I have many weird things. The one that comes most to mind currently since I'm doing laundry is that towels have to be folded right-side out. Yes, I know it is a towel. Still the hems have to be together when it is folded.




Then I guess I'm also weird about towels because I do this, too. I even unfold and refold towels that dh folds his way (aka incorrectly).


Probably my strangest quirk is my need to fold food wrappers like those you find on a Lenny's sub. I can't just crumple it. I smooth it out and fold it neatly into a square before disposing of it. I think I have an obsessive compulsive folding disorder.

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Okay, I thought of a few more things.


This one kinda bothers me. When I'm nursing I don't like the other kids touching me.What's up with that??? I get all weird claustrophobic feeling.


I also bite my lips. It makes my dh mad. If I have a sore spot, I won'tleave it alone (only on my lips).


I have always liked to feel soft, smooth things. For instance I like the way my hair feels when it is "flat" it feels really smooth and I'll rub it. It is soothing to my hand. AND.... this is really weird....my EARLOBE!!! I like it because it is soft. If I don't have an earing on I'll rub it with my thumb. My mom used to see me do this when I was little watching tv. She would tell me to leave my bunny rabbits alone.:confused:


My oldest dd(13) recently told me that she likes to tap her fingers to her palms one at a time in EVEN numbers. She says that she tries to be satisfied with odd numbers, but it makes her feel weird. I notice her doing this now.


Does everybody have crazy things that they do that are mostly harmless? If so, why????

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What a fun thread! Dh keeps wondering what im laughing at! I can't even count all of the posts that sound just like me! So maybe we should embrace our weirdnesses and just let them all hang out all the time. :D


I can't sleep with my feet covered--they have to be hanging out without anything touching them, even if it is freezing cold.


I finger spell (sign language) while I watch TV, especially commercials or street signs while in the car. I havent really used my ASL since college classes (18 years), so it's not like I need to practice.


I need to end my dinner with the perfect bite. I always eat the thing I like the least first, but the rest of the meal needs to be evenly spaced out so I end up with one last bite of everything. Then I eat those in order from least to most yummy.


My bread slices have to match...and I always make my sandwiches from inside slices of the loaf (although I don't mind giving the kids the other stuff...someone has to eat it up, right?)

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Oh, I forgot one my friend wants me to tell--


I can tell time accurately without a watch. Not to the minute, but within about 3 mins. If I think about it, I can't do it, but if I just DO it, then it's pretty accurate.


I wonder what SWB's secret weirdness is? :D

Come on, Susan; you know you want to tell us...:lol:


Me, too! I can also tell myself what time to get up and I will wake within 5 minutes of that time. I don't mean in the mornings, but if I lie down to nap, I can tell myself to get up in an hour and I will. I rarely oversleep, even if I'm getting fewer hours than normal. I never use an alarm clock.


I find the idea of getting a pedi or mani repulsive. Same with a massage. The idea of someone touching me makes me sick to my stomach. This does not apply to my kids, however.


I can see things before I actually see them. Hard to explain, but if I've lost something, I can see it where it's at before my eyes physically see it. I can also tell if someone's been in my house or cubicle at work. It's just a weird vibe I get that my space has been invaded.


I am totally hooked on the show, Pretty Little Liars. It's like a mash up of Revenge and Desperate Housewives. But it creeps me out, so I have to watch it with the lights on.


And, I know this will make some heads explode, but I couldn't care less about how the towels are folded. They come out of the dryer and get tossed over a towel rack.

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When I am on a high place, like a balcony, tall building with an open window, a cliff........I get really afraid that I am going to spontaneously.........JUMP!!



I also can't let my feet hang off the bed because something might get me.


This is me, too. Both things! I'm always afraid that I won't be able to stop myself from falling or jumping or suddenly launching off said high place. Weird, I know.


As for the bed, I never let any body part hang over the side of the bed. At all. I also can't sleep without being covered up from neck to toes. Gets a little warm in the summertime.....

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Okay, I've not read all 28 pages of replies (I just today opened this thread for the first time).


Here's my weird thing. I always arrange the remaining eggs in the carton to be symmetrical side to side. I'll take eggs out from anywhere in the carton, but before returning the carton to the frig, I arrange the eggs so that they are "even" from side to side. And, it's different each time. Perhaps this time the remaining eggs look like this:





And maybe next time, they'll look like this:





The goal is that line of symmetry so that each side of the carton is the same.


No, I am not obsessed enough to add another egg to the recipe or omit one to get an even number. If there are an odd number of eggs left in the carton, I can deal with it. No biggee. In that case it'll be symmetrical except for that one egg.


I am the chief cook here. If someone else makes some muffins or whatever and I get to the carton to see that it is like this (gasp):





I will fix it by simply moving the rightmost two eggs to that second column from the left to get:




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I constantly play piano with my fingers. I don't play in real life but I just have a song in my head and I go up and down with the music on my fingers (I have never actually told anyone this).

I chew the inside of my mouth.

I have been a hair twirler for 30 years. Whenever I think, I am twirling my hair.

I also have a third nipple. (we call it "nubbin" from the episode of Friends where Chandler has a third nipple):tongue_smilie:

I love to take a piece of tape and put it on my thumb and pointer and roll it back and forth until it is all ripped up.

I am the only one in my family allowed to fold towels. It is exactly the way my mom folded hers. It is not even a way that could be easliy set on a towel rack. (easy would be folded in half or thirds long way and then folded over once) but I fold mine in half short ways, then again in half short way, then in half the opposite way. (I am sure that made no sense!) I don't really like the way I fold towels but I am helpless to not do it that way. I tried to do it the more intuitive (in my mind) way and I had to go back and do it my mom's way.

Edited by Momma H
I thought of more crazy stuff I do!
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Well, I really didn't think I had much to contribute to this...but I guess I do. When I bake, I pretend I'm doing a youtube video. In my head I am explaining each step that I am doing as if I'm teaching someone. I guess my eyes (what I am seeing) is the video camera.

I'm probably the only one that does that, huh??? I mean, really. Someone tell me that they do this too so I don't feel so weird. :001_smile:


And, as a bonus (not that you'll win anything other than the prize of "really knowing ~AprilMay~")....what did I bake this morning with my brand new fresh baking powder??? Anyone?? And, yes....I did my imaginary youtube video while preparing it. :001_rolleyes:

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I constantly play piano with my fingers. I don't play in real life but I just have a song in my head and I go up and down with the music on my fingers (I have never actually told anyone this).

I chew the inside of my mouth.

I have been a hair twirler for 30 years. Whenever I think, I am twirling my hair.

I also have a third nipple. (we call it "nubbin" from the episode of Friends where Chandler has a third nipple):tongue_smilie:

I love to take a piece of tape and put it on my thumb and pointer and roll it back and forth until it is all ripped up.

I am the only one in my family allowed to fold towels. It is exactly the way my mom folded hers. It is not even a way that could be easliy set on a towel rack. (easy would be folded in half or thirds long way and then folded over once) but I fold mine in half short ways, then again in half short way, then in half the opposite way. (I am sure that made no sense!) I don't really like the way I fold towels but I am helpless to not do it that way. I tried to do it the more intuitive (in my mind) way and I had to go back and do it my mom's way.


Try my way. Really...go ahead and try it. It's the fold and roll way. ;)

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Alright: am I the only person who folds towels however they will fit into the current space?


My last house they only fit if I folded them in trifold, my husbands business, they have to be folded in half flat and square, in this house-- either way.


Perhaps the non weird one is the weirdest--- hmmmm...

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My son's are better LOL

He has swim goggles, the kind that cover eyes and nose. :D


Mmm ... I might be tempted. Mine do work pretty well though. I'm sure one day I'll forget I'm wearing them and go and open the door to some poor unsuspecting soul.

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I can't really think of much, but that has me worried. To be weird and not realize it is maybe a worry...


I am not OC at all. Maybe that is weird. I would let a dog I didn't know lick my ice cream cone and then I'd take the next lick, and not even care. I'd sleep in sheets in a hotel that looked like they hadn't been cleaned for a year and wouldn't care, at least not too much. (Don't get me wrong -- I do like a clean, fairly organized house!)


I like to go in our backyard and swing late at night.


I sometimes lie down on the floor on my back with my legs straight up in the air, or even my arms, and that's really comfortable for me, to the point of falling asleep.


I guess those things are a little weird!

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Well, I really didn't think I had much to contribute to this...but I guess I do. When I bake, I pretend I'm doing a youtube video. In my head I am explaining each step that I am doing as if I'm teaching someone. I guess my eyes (what I am seeing) is the video camera.


I'm probably the only one that does that, huh??? I mean, really. Someone tell me that they do this too so I don't feel so weird. :001_smile:


And, as a bonus (not that you'll win anything other than the prize of "really knowing ~AprilMay~")....what did I bake this morning with my brand new fresh baking powder??? Anyone?? And, yes....I did my imaginary youtube video while preparing it. :001_rolleyes:


{meekly raises hand] I do this. I do it when I am sewing or craft too. I think I want to be Martha Stewart when I grow up.


did you make biscuits? I am craving me some biscuits made with real butter and buttermilk, baked in my cast iron pan. I also want to smear some homemade peach jam on them.


(yesterday, I wrote an article about cast iron and the uses of it for a website. I wrote about cornbread, catfish and baking stuff like biscuits in it. So now I really want to eat all of the above.)

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I can't really think of much, but that has me worried. To be weird and not realize it is maybe a worry...


I am not OC at all. Maybe that is weird. I would let a dog I didn't know lick my ice cream cone and then I'd take the next lick, and not even care. I'd sleep in sheets in a hotel that looked like they hadn't been cleaned for a year and wouldn't care, at least not too much. (Don't get me wrong -- I do like a clean, fairly organized house!)


I like to go in our backyard and swing late at night.


I sometimes lie down on the floor on my back with my legs straight up in the air, or even my arms, and that's really comfortable for me, to the point of falling asleep.


I guess those things are a little weird!

your lack of weirdness is disturbing to me. :)

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I loathe the idea of company that stays overnight.


I could handle SpecialMama for a wk, she's my best friend...but even her, for more than that, I'd probably lose my mind.


I just truly don't do well w/other adults spending the night. I feel invaded sooner or later.


W/some folks, I feel that way after an hr :glare:


Wolf's on the phone w/a childhood friend...and from what I'm hearing, there's discussion of this guy being in our province this summer...and I'm really hoping that doesn't mean that he intends to be here for any period of time.


In all seriousness, I'd probably end up at a hotel, just to get away from having another adult in the house.

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I am terrified of heights, so much so that even seeing something on tv will make me freak out. The palms of my hands and soles of my feet will start tingling because I will feel like I am actually falling and like I wouldn't be able to grab something if I did.


I have a preference for even numbers or numbers divisible by 5.


I sort and eat candy by color, working my way through each color until I have even numbers of each color.


I'm sure there are others, but those are the ones that bug my husband.


Oh I have that heights/balcony/sudden urge to jump thing too. That really creeps me out!

One of the people who don't like heights needs to start a social group for support. :D

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I am an obsessive list maker. Any event or chore has a list, and sometimes there is a list of the lists. :blushing:


I am terrified of mice and will usually scream when I see one.


I really dislike ketchup.


I can organize and clean others homes, but mine... not so much...

Lists of lists is just a wee bit obsessive. I don't know if there are enough people who do that to have a separate support group. But maybe you can be queen of the list makers. ;):D:lol:

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You guys are all awesome! And ParrotHead is doing a great job trying to 'notice' every poster. :001_smile:


My weirdness, in addition to many of the ones already listed, has to do with my pillow. I have to have a king size pillow case on my standard sized pillow and all the extra fabric on the end HAS to go to the middle of the bed. That is always my starting sleeping position. I sleep on my side/tummy with my arm under the pillow and the fabric has to be there for me to ball up in my fist and hold on to. Now, when I roll over, it doesn't have to be that way. I only need the fabric in my right hand. Dh better not get too close my my extra pillow fabric or there is kicking. ( I also can't sleep with anyone touching me at all!)


I get that freaky balcony jumping thing too, even though I am terrified of heights. Seriously, the in-laws helicopter video of their Grand Canyon tour about gave me a panic attack. I have nightmares about visiting that evil place.

I'll invite you to the support group as soon as someone starts it. :D

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I have the balcony high places fear/jump thing too.


Also, the "I can't take the first book/magazine/whatever off the shelf", I need a "clean" one from the back of the pile.


I don't think this has been posted yet, but I seem to be unable to sit still while talking on the phone. I have to pace. It is OK when I am home but a little weird when I am at work.


I am pretty territorial about my pillow. If someone falls asleep on it, I have no problem yanking it out from under them. Gently of course, LOL.

Dd does the pacing on the phone thing. I wonder why that happens. I wonder if it is because she talks with her hands but needs the hands for the phone.

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Here's another one of my weird things. I love Kraft macaroni and cheese (my food-snobby kids hate it so I never get it), but I have to make it using a wooden spoon, not plastic. I think it's because that's how I remember my dad making it, but it's still weird.

Maybe Impish will invite you for Kraft dinner and cranberry sauce.


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In middle school my friends and I decided it would be funny if we stuck our pinkies up when we drank (like we were at a fancy tea party). I *still* subconsciously do this. I have to tell myself when I pick up a drink, "pinkies down!" :lol:

:lol: that is funny.

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I have always done this too and was trying to tell my friend how wonderfully efficient this was and then she said (in sort of a mocking fashion),"oh, so you just sort the utensils BEFORE you wash them, either way, you are gonna sort them."


Hmmmm. I guess she's right. :glare:

Use plastic and just toss it into the garbage. No sorting at all that way. :D

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I :001_tt1::001_wub::thumbup: this thread!


The only weird thing I'm going to contribute is that I constantly do this funny kind of "counting" with the letters of a word on my fingers. For instance, the word "counting" has 8 letters, 2 syllables, and is 1 word--I run through these numbers on a single hand, ticking off first 5 fingers in one direction (say from thumb to pinky) plus another 3 ticks in the same direction for the number of letters, then 2 ticks for the syllables, and then 1 final tick for the single word. It feels more satisfying if this ends with all fingers equally "ticked" (multiple of five). Then I repeat in the opposite direction (from pinky to thumb). Finally, I spell the word on the fingers of a single hand, wrapping around when necessary--consonants are solid, vowels are not. So "counting" wraps around perfecting, filling all 5 fingers with "solid" letters like this: Thumb- solid "c", finger 1- empty "o", finger 2- empty "u", finger 3- solid "n", finger 4- solid "t", then wrap around again to the thumb- empty "i", finger 1- solid "n", and finger 2- solid "g". I can "feel" solid and empty letters and I like all the fingers to feel equally solid. This little habit of mine makes me feel like my mind is a little off :tongue_smilie:.

How often do you do this? Seems if you did it a lot you wouldn't have time for anything else.

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I have a lot of weird things that I do.

I email myself lists of things to remember.

I erase textbooks after usage( not all the time) to use them again.

I use the hairdryer to warm myself when I am cold.

I am only 34, but use 'frownies" because my forehead wrinkles bother me.

I am a curriculum junkie, buy a lot, and give a lot away to my homeschool friend.

I really could go on,...but I will spare you all :D

You know, all of that sounds awfully normal. :D

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What a fun thread! Dh keeps wondering what im laughing at! I can't even count all of the posts that sound just like me! So maybe we should embrace our weirdnesses and just let them all hang out all the time. :D




The board needs an extra "W" The Well Trained Weird Mind.

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This is me, too. Both things! I'm always afraid that I won't be able to stop myself from falling or jumping or suddenly launching off said high place. Weird, I know.


As for the bed, I never let any body part hang over the side of the bed. At all. I also can't sleep without being covered up from neck to toes. Gets a little warm in the summertime.....

We will get that social group going soon. :D

Okay, I've not read all 28 pages of replies (I just today opened this thread for the first time).


Here's my weird thing. I always arrange the remaining eggs in the carton to be symmetrical side to side. I'll take eggs out from anywhere in the carton, but before returning the carton to the frig, I arrange the eggs so that they are "even" from side to side. And, it's different each time. Perhaps this time the remaining eggs look like this:





And maybe next time, they'll look like this:





The goal is that line of symmetry so that each side of the carton is the same.


No, I am not obsessed enough to add another egg to the recipe or omit one to get an even number. If there are an odd number of eggs left in the carton, I can deal with it. No biggee. In that case it'll be symmetrical except for that one egg.


I am the chief cook here. If someone else makes some muffins or whatever and I get to the carton to see that it is like this (gasp):





I will fix it by simply moving the rightmost two eggs to that second column from the left to get:




That isn't weird. it just keeps the carton balanced. Which is very important so as to not grab the carton and have all the eggs dump out onto the floor because of the carton being over heavy on one end. At least that is what I tell myself every time I balance the eggs.


I love to take a piece of tape and put it on my thumb and pointer and roll it back and forth until it is all ripped up.


Do you tape the fingers together? Not sure how this looks.


Well, I really didn't think I had much to contribute to this...but I guess I do. When I bake, I pretend I'm doing a youtube video. In my head I am explaining each step that I am doing as if I'm teaching someone. I guess my eyes (what I am seeing) is the video camera.


I'm probably the only one that does that, huh??? I mean, really. Someone tell me that they do this too so I don't feel so weird. :001_smile:


And, as a bonus (not that you'll win anything other than the prize of "really knowing ~AprilMay~")....what did I bake this morning with my brand new fresh baking powder??? Anyone?? And, yes....I did my imaginary youtube video while preparing it. :001_rolleyes:


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Alright: am I the only person who folds towels however they will fit into the current space?


My last house they only fit if I folded them in trifold, my husbands business, they have to be folded in half flat and square, in this house-- either way.


Perhaps the non weird one is the weirdest--- hmmmm...

Perhaps you over think towels and that makes the weirdness. ;)

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I sometimes lie down on the floor on my back with my legs straight up in the air, or even my arms, and that's really comfortable for me, to the point of falling asleep.


I guess those things are a little weird!

I think we can safely classify this one as weird. :D:lol:

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{meekly raises hand] I do this. I do it when I am sewing or craft too. I think I want to be Martha Stewart when I grow up.


did you make biscuits? I am craving me some biscuits made with real butter and buttermilk, baked in my cast iron pan. I also want to smear some homemade peach jam on them.


(yesterday, I wrote an article about cast iron and the uses of it for a website. I wrote about cornbread, catfish and baking stuff like biscuits in it. So now I really want to eat all of the above.)

Did you post it? We need a link.

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I loathe the idea of company that stays overnight.


I could handle SpecialMama for a wk, she's my best friend...but even her, for more than that, I'd probably lose my mind.


I just truly don't do well w/other adults spending the night. I feel invaded sooner or later.


W/some folks, I feel that way after an hr :glare:


Wolf's on the phone w/a childhood friend...and from what I'm hearing, there's discussion of this guy being in our province this summer...and I'm really hoping that doesn't mean that he intends to be here for any period of time.


In all seriousness, I'd probably end up at a hotel, just to get away from having another adult in the house.

You know since you bold all your posts, one can't quote you then bold a specific passage of your posts. :glare: I bet you bold your posts just to be difficult. :tongue_smilie:



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I am terrified of haunted houses. Cannot go in them. Before we were married, DH tried to "cure" me. That cost him at least $100 in lost admissions as I could never make it more than a few minutes.


Me too, not because I'm scared of the performers, but because I think they would be the perfect place for a real serial killer to pick off his victims.


I cannot look into a mirror when it is dark. Can't do it. Freaks me out. When I have to go to the bathroom at night I walk by the mirror with my eyes closed.


As a child, I was told that the reflection you see in a dark mirror isn't your own. Yeah, no mirrors in our bedrooms.


When I'm driving or riding over a bridge I have to unbuckle and roll my window all the way down. Gina


I hate going over bridges with the kids in the car. Hate it. I pray silently until we're back on land.


I talk to myself when I'm thinking things through. My 4 year old already knows to ask if I'm talking to myself or talking to him.

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