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Trying to school this summer is killing me!!!

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How do you make summerschooling work??? I'm losing my mind here. We're not trying to do everything, but I am trying to keep up with math and latin on a regular basis, so that we can finish up our current programs and be ready to start our new ones in August, but more importantly so that she doesn't forget everything and come back with a big summer slump - advice I gleaned from the Hive ("Don't take all summer off from math!").


My 6 yo is home, and is distracting, and we're doing swimming lessons in the morning, which is our usual prime math/latin time, so we're doing it after lunch. It is excruciating - things are taking 3x as long, it's painful, she's distracted and unfocused. She's not remembering stuff, and definitely not working up to her level of ability, and it's so frustrating for both of us. I'm ready to pull my hair out.


She's not complaining or resisting, she's just a kid longing to be outside playing on a nice summer day!! How do you deal with this? Will I really regret it if we *don't* keep up with math & latin over the summer? Should we push through this, or just give it up? I had such high hopes of having a productive summer, with a balance of fun and learning, but it is just not working out so well over here right now . . . sigh. Any advice?

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haven't figured it out yet. It always turns out that I need a few weeks to do NOTHING...I have to give myself a rest, let alone the kids. True, they may get rusty, but I think the mental rest and change in activities is good for the morale, as well. Life is not all math and Latin.


We have early morning swim team, meets on Saturdays, friends to hang out with, VBS to attend, vitamin D to soak up, Harry Potter to read... I just need the break, and so do they.

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I hear you!


July is busy this summer and I've been trying to keep up our schedule on top of everything else. Bleck.


We've only been getting to math and Spanish (2 or 3 times a week), but Spanish ends this week and the chances of my keeping it up are small. We will keep doing math though, by gum! :D


It IS summer, though. Don't feel bad if you take some time off (is swimming just a week or two?). I think keeping up with math and Latin probably doesn't mean you have to introduce anything new.


Whatever you do, don't "just give up". Make a new plan if you need to, though, which might include shelving it until ______. :001_smile:

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I'm a big believer in summer school/year-round schooling, but it can be hard, even if trying to do just a little bit of work. How long do Latin and math take? (I mean normally, not this summer as you've indicated it takes too long.) 1/2 an hour each? Could you alternate days, doing math M/W/F and Latin T/Th or something like that? What about doing it right after (or right before) dinner instead of prime playing time? Will swimming lessons go on all summer? If not, you could transition back to math/Latin during those hours when they are over?


Just some thoughts to get you thinking about ways you could change it up a bit to make it easier.

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We're doing summer school this year but before we start we're taking 2 weeks off to do absolutely nothing. I find the break does all of us some good. Then we'll start back with math and LA. I won't sweat it if certain things don't get done, and we're only doing half days so there's plenty of free time for the kiddies to play.

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I'm having a hard time too! I just want Summer Bridge workbooks and some extra MM subject books. I was trying to continue WWE 3 with Rebecca, and it's already fallen by the wayside. Two days a week, Rebecca has gymnastics 45 minutes away for about 4 hours. That really makes working with her hard. I just don't have the heart to make them do too much right now!

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You guys make me feel so much better! Ellie, you are right, trying to do school in the pm after swimming lessons was probably not my most brilliant scheduling choice!! :D


Part of the problem is, yes, *I* need a break!! I can definitely feel that I am patience challenged right now. So, I need to take some deep breaths and realize that it's really just a couple more weeks (swimming lessons will just go for 2 weeks, and then in July she does a 3 week theater camp, all day. I will *not* be trying to do math and latin those weeks!) Then we go on vacation for two lovely weeks!!! I can make it . . . I really can. . . I'm sure of it . . . :tongue_smilie:


And bless her little heart - I told her I needed to walk away and go outside for a bit while she finished her math, and she buckled down and got it done. She really is trying, it's just so hard when the sun is shining. I can relate!

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Another suggestion is to take the work outside. Spread out a blanket and do the work outside if that is where she wants to be. This may or may not work for her. For my boys, when we are outside doing our schoolwork one is playing while the other works. Oddly enough, they get their work done faster because they want to be the one playing! :001_smile:

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I've had a little trouble this month because of my work schedule, but overall we stay on track. Today was an exception because of scheduled haircuts, and much needed ones I may say. Wednesday won't be easy to get done because a cousin is coming in the afternoon and the boys are going swimming. Of course, all this is in the afternoon, which is when I school in the summer. Frankly, it's too hot to do much of anything here in the summer except sit inside and try to stay away from the windows.

It's much, much harder to stay focused in, say, October.:D


But, the way I look at it; a day here or there, or a week or two for that matter isn't a real big deal. And it gives me an opportunity to work through my new books for third grade that I need to get used to, and plan for. A day like today isn't a bust if it is a Teacher Training Day, now is it?

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so that she doesn't forget everything and come back with a big summer slump - advice I gleaned from the Hive ("Don't take all summer off from math!").



We don't do any school at all during the summer (and I do mean NONE) and we take about 11 weeks off. In my 18 yrs of homeschooling I have never had a child forget anything when we started back up. :confused:


Summer is my planning time and my completely free of scheduling and obligations to get anything accomplished (w/the exception of my planning ;) ) I have zero sense of guilt over not doing school during the summer. :D

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We are doing school "lite" during the summer mostly because this mama needs a break (although somehow I'm just as busy as when we do full school...explain that one to me!). I quickly found that my 7yo does not do well with summer schooling during the day yet does very well in the evening so I sit with her from 7-8pm and we do review work (math, reading) together. I like it because it is our quiet together time, my dh is home to take care of the little interrupters running around ;), and I'm not trying to school a little one who just wants to be outside running around or splashing in the pool...the very places dc should be in the summertime (imo, of course, lol).

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We don't do any school at all during the summer (and I do mean NONE) and we take about 11 weeks off. In my 18 yrs of homeschooling I have never had a child forget anything when we started back up. :confused:


Summer is my planning time and my completely free of scheduling and obligations to get anything accomplished (w/the exception of my planning ;) ) I have zero sense of guilt over not doing school during the summer. :D


Well, that makes me feel better about the ~6 weeks when we won't be doing anything!! :D

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We don't do any school at all during the summer (and I do mean NONE) and we take about 11 weeks off. In my 18 yrs of homeschooling I have never had a child forget anything when we started back up. :confused:


Summer is my planning time and my completely free of scheduling and obligations to get anything accomplished (w/the exception of my planning ;) ) I have zero sense of guilt over not doing school during the summer. :D


:hurray: You go girl!

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How do you make summerschooling work??? I'm losing my mind here. We're not trying to do everything, but I am trying to keep up with math and latin on a regular basis, so that we can finish up our current programs and be ready to start our new ones in August, but more importantly so that she doesn't forget everything and come back with a big summer slump - advice I gleaned from the Hive ("Don't take all summer off from math!").


My 6 yo is home, and is distracting, and we're doing swimming lessons in the morning, which is our usual prime math/latin time, so we're doing it after lunch. It is excruciating - things are taking 3x as long, it's painful, she's distracted and unfocused. She's not remembering stuff, and definitely not working up to her level of ability, and it's so frustrating for both of us. I'm ready to pull my hair out.


She's not complaining or resisting, she's just a kid longing to be outside playing on a nice summer day!! How do you deal with this? Will I really regret it if we *don't* keep up with math & latin over the summer? Should we push through this, or just give it up? I had such high hopes of having a productive summer, with a balance of fun and learning, but it is just not working out so well over here right now . . . sigh. Any advice?


Have not read the other replies, but here is what we are doing as far as the really 'school' parts of school (this does not include that Shakespeare in park, attending beekeeping group, and tending garden are all learning activities).


Math is not more than an hour and (usually) less for good productivity and behavior. Monday is Beast, Wed is Key to Fractions, Friday is Miquon. But I may add math on Tues and Thurs also. Tuesday is library day. Friday is CSA day.


Writing is not more than 30 minutes all 5 days. Science is about 20-30 minutes at least 2 days per week.


Thus, at most hs is 2 hrs per day.


I am trying to get it done in the mornings--though today writing was after lunch. Then swimming or play with friends etc. is in the afternoons. I think it would be harder with a morning swim. In fact, I think I would try to see if school could be done before a morning swim, if it were me. Our swimming isn't a class, but rather a nearby "lake"--so I can say that we will go swimming when ___ is done. And there are frequent basketball breaks, and some work is done outdoors, also by the way. Also to extent I can, I use driving time for something to get done.

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Well, we did move to a new home just a few weeks ago, but we school year-round, and it's been MUCH harder this year. The disruption to our routine hasn't helped, I'm sure, but I also feel a bit more burnt out this year and in need of time off. It's not terribly hard to corral the kids into doing their work--not EASY, mind you, but we only are doing Math, Writing, Latin and History, and not everything every day. I just feel really, really tired and in need of some down time. I have been scrapbooking, reading, cleaning, and trying to relax. I try to remind myself we are ahead and even if we just do a little bit, the boys won't forget too much...I hope.

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Well, we did move to a new home just a few weeks ago, but we school year-round, and it's been MUCH harder this year. The disruption to our routine hasn't helped, I'm sure, but I also feel a bit more burnt out this year and in need of time off. It's not terribly hard to corral the kids into doing their work--not EASY, mind you, but we only are doing Math, Writing, Latin and History, and not everything every day. I just feel really, really tired and in need of some down time. I have been scrapbooking, reading, cleaning, and trying to relax. I try to remind myself we are ahead and even if we just do a little bit, the boys won't forget too much...I hope.


I hear you! (Nice to see you back, btw, and I hope your move went well!) It isn't just the kids itching to be playing outside, it's me, too. I'm tired after a gruelling spring of juggling teaching and work, and I have a lovely stack of books at my bedside table that I *really* want to have time to read . . . schooling year-round seemed like a good idea at the time, but I'm starting to see the value in taking the summer OFF!! For my sanity! We'll see . . .

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I hear you! (Nice to see you back, btw, and I hope your move went well!) It isn't just the kids itching to be playing outside, it's me, too. I'm tired after a gruelling spring of juggling teaching and work, and I have a lovely stack of books at my bedside table that I *really* want to have time to read . . . schooling year-round seemed like a good idea at the time, but I'm starting to see the value in taking the summer OFF!! For my sanity! We'll see . . .



Thanks for the welcome back! House is coming together, and we LOVE the pool and the land. My DH comes in the door everyday and says "I can't believe how much I love this house." :D I recommend doing, say, one hour a day of math and reading....maybe some language stuff orally. I hear you about needing a break. :tongue_smilie:

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In my 18 yrs of homeschooling I have never had a child forget anything when we started back up.


I'll switch you kids, 8. Mine forget things in a week or less. :banghead:


I'm only trying to do math here (20 min for dd#2 & dd#3 & 30 min for dd#1), although it would be nice if dd#1 ever finished that one last story in her Writing Tales 2 book . . . And it has been a tough summer for us, too.


Give yourself a break when you have something else going on (like swimming lessons). If you hit it 3x/week every other week, you should still be in good shape.


Sometimes I think we are too hard on ourselves.... :glare:

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We don't do any school at all during the summer (and I do mean NONE) and we take about 11 weeks off. In my 18 yrs of homeschooling I have never had a child forget anything when we started back up. :confused:



Oh my goodness. My boys can forget basic math over a long weekend! I am determined to continue math over the summer (and reading, but that's easy!!) but only on the days that we are home all day. They do X-tra math each weekday which only takes a few minutes but I cut out the "regular" math on days that we are out. So far, so good.

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The only subjects we do during summer are any we need to "catch up" on that didn't get completed by June 14th. Our new school year begins around August 6th. We focus on LOTS of readers for the kids, spelling wasn't completed this school year so they are completing that, and we are strengthening our math skills and playing with cuisenaire rods and finding the love for math again.


Here is an example of our summer school week. Mind you I have a very active 3yr old boy bouncing around too!


Monday: Spelling & Reading

Tuesday: Spelling & Reading

Wednesday: Spelling, Reading, & Math

Thursday: Reading & Math

Friday: Reading & Math


Now our days are very different each week. Somedays I'm up and serving hot pancakes to all my bright eyed bushy tailed kidlets at 8am! MOST summer mornings I'm making up a fresh batch of hot breakfast to all my SLOW moving semi-half asleep kidlets around 9-9:30am! LOL! BUT we don't really start our school stuff until 10-11am ish! Depending on everyone's moods. As long as it's done by 3pm, I'm happy! :001_smile:


Now as far as the school year during "typical" days..that's a completely different story! :p I'm all about schedules.

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We had to take two weeks off this summer. I wasnt planning until the last two weeks of summer but my kids and I just needed to do it. They were not feeling it and neither was I. Then the Heat Wave came. Forget schooling during the Heat Wave with no air conditioning. Anyways last two weeks they have had their faces in front of the TV, computer, board games, card games, sewing, running around, drawing, spraying each other with hoses, making forts out of my bedsheets ugh!, playing with their toys WOW!


The other day I saw them "play school" with each other so that might be a sign that they are getting ready for it again.

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We don't do any school at all during the summer (and I do mean NONE) and we take about 11 weeks off. In my 18 yrs of homeschooling I have never had a child forget anything when we started back up. :confused:


Summer is my planning time and my completely free of scheduling and obligations to get anything accomplished (w/the exception of my planning ;) ) I have zero sense of guilt over not doing school during the summer. :D


Us too. I don't feel guilty about it either. You said your 9 year old is longing to be a kid and play outside on a lovely summer day. For heaven's sake let her.



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I venture to guess that it only works for us because nothing actually changes for us on weekdays during the summer.


That's the same for us.


She really is trying, it's just so hard when the sun is shining. I can relate!


I must admit I can take only so much being outside and enjoying the sun.


This is a honesty question. How long do you spend outside enjoying the weather, and what do you do?


I find for us after being out for several hours my boys are happy enough to listen to a read - aloud (history, science,....) or some quiet activity which would include playing board games (math review) or just lazing about talking about things.

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That's the same for us.




I must admit I can take only so much being outside and enjoying the sun.


This is a honesty question. How long do you spend outside enjoying the weather, and what do you do?


I find for us after being out for several hours my boys are happy enough to listen to a read - aloud (history, science,....) or some quiet activity which would include playing board games (math review) or just lazing about talking about things.


I try to mix it up a bit. We do math and reading in the morning then some outside time, lunch, we have a pool so I sit out there while they scream wildly, umm I mean play, and when I think my head is going to explode we come back in and do some quiet activities. The audio book has really saved me this summer. They enjoy listening to it and after a busy day I'm more than ready to put my feet up on the sofa and close my eyes.

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I usually school through June and take all of July and most of August off with light math--but not everyday.


This year we are having an honest to goodness summer break. My ds has asked to do some math because he was "bored"---so we had a week there where we were working on some topics. They've been reading everyday and I still read aloud every day and at bedtime. We've gone through our SOTW and picked out a few projects that could be fun to do. I'm still working gently with my 4 year old in OPGTR and handwriting.


Sometimes you just need to stop. I've also removed the tv and wii so they have to really *do* stuff over this summer break.

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We are schooling this summer as we strive for year round schooling so we can take off as life gets crazy...it always does. LOL


My goal is 3 days a week minimum. This week we got 2 days of field trips and 2 days of core curriculum. Next week...who knows? If I get 3 I will be happy because we have some extra things now and we also need a break.

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Have you considered using a unit study as an INCENTIVE to get the 3Rs done?


I have worked hard to make summer the best part of our school year. We pick a fun theme and then read on the beach, do math in the tree house, invite friends over for "literature adventures" and intentionally focus on nature. There are tons of field trips and lots of experiments.




they must get the mundane things done before we can have fun. Our clip boards travel with us everywhere, and they may not like to do the math on the car, but they get it done so that they will be ready when all of their friends arrive to sew stuffed dolphins, or experiment with water pressure, or go to the aquarium. (Can you tell that they are excited about marine biology this summer?)


By allowing summer to be the time that we intentionally pursue their passions I am able to sneak in a lot of learning. In some ways, I think they learn better during our weird summer schedule. They are more engaged, and that is really what I want our homeschool to be like.

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Oh geez, I'm such a drama queen! :tongue_smilie: I was really pms-ing last week, apparently!! Everyone's advice was great, thank you all so much for understanding!


Anyway, we finished our math book (yay!) have only one more Latin lesson and one more science lesson (yay!), and I'm easing up a bit - on myself as well as the girls! I really don't want to forget all the Latin we've learned, but I think if we do math and latin review a couple times a week (plus lots of reading) we will be just fine! That's my new and improved plan, anyway. Miss P is doing *great* reading this summer, revisiting loved books and reading great new ones (a bunch that you guys suggested when I asked in another thread, thanks!) and I know that is the best possible thing that she could be doing.


The rest of our week went better: on Thursday, we just blew off school and went back to the pool for the whole afternoon. I got to sit and read for two hours - it was bliss!! Now we're having a fun weekend - just got back from a hike up to a great creek swimming hole - and I have to work on Mon & Tues (and they get to hang out with Dad), so I think by the time we get to Wed & Thurs, they will be fine with "doing school" again for a few hours. They are getting along with each other so well, and it's so nice to just enjoy hanging out with them, and reading and talking about stuff. This is the first summer I haven't been working almost every day and having Mo in daycare, so I'm really, really enjoying just being with my girls. I feel so bad for dh having to get up and go to work every morning! Sometimes I just have to stop and remind myself that I really, really do have a charmed life! :)

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Oh geez, I'm such a drama queen! :tongue_smilie: I was really pms-ing last week, apparently!! Everyone's advice was great, thank you all so much for understanding!


Anyway, we finished our math book (yay!) have only one more Latin lesson and one more science lesson (yay!), and I'm easing up a bit - on myself as well as the girls! I really don't want to forget all the Latin we've learned, but I think if we do math and latin review a couple times a week (plus lots of reading) we will be just fine! That's my new and improved plan, anyway. Miss P is doing *great* reading this summer, revisiting loved books and reading great new ones (a bunch that you guys suggested when I asked in another thread, thanks!) and I know that is the best possible thing that she could be doing.


The rest of our week went better: on Thursday, we just blew off school and went back to the pool for the whole afternoon. I got to sit and read for two hours - it was bliss!! Now we're having a fun weekend - just got back from a hike up to a great creek swimming hole - and I have to work on Mon & Tues (and they get to hang out with Dad), so I think by the time we get to Wed & Thurs, they will be fine with "doing school" again for a few hours. They are getting along with each other so well, and it's so nice to just enjoy hanging out with them, and reading and talking about stuff. This is the first summer I haven't been working almost every day and having Mo in daycare, so I'm really, really enjoying just being with my girls. I feel so bad for dh having to get up and go to work every morning! Sometimes I just have to stop and remind myself that I really, really do have a charmed life! :)



Sounds great! We 'have' to review math and AAS cards or they will forget everything. What I found works best for our family during the summer is waking up early (I'm not a morning person at all!) and any school work is done by 9 or 10 am. Period. If we oversleep, or I get busy with something else and school gets put off, I blame myself and figure we'll do it tomorrow. We have swim lessons at 10 am starting in a week or so, so I want any schoolwork done before the swimming. We also take off Fridays.

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