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Do you prefer a "Ma and Pop" store or a national chain for groceries?

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I know some people prefer a national chain due to the regularity and consistency of products offered, etc. However, I find myself wanting to support local businesses instead. It is difficult at times when the smaller companies just can't compete with a national chain price wise. Anyway, we have a new grocery store coming into our town that is a local family chain. I am excited about it because of it not being a chain and really excited about the prices on their sales flyer that came out today


Check it out: http://littlegiantfarmersmarket.com/imgs/specials2.pdf


How do the sales prices compare to your area?

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I shop at large chain stores. The very few smaller stores we have are very dirty and uninviting.


eeek, I hope this store doesn't end up this way. It is a "local ma and pop chain" they are opening up their fourth and fifth stores and have good reviews from people we know.

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I prefer supporting mom and pop businesses. It's much more personal and they go the extra mile. We order pizza from a mom and pop store and their pizza can't be beat. Plus, if we go in for dinner they know us and to me I like the personal end of that.


Free enterprise is being squashed; I do all I can to preserve it.:patriot:

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We don't really have Mom and Pop grocery stores around here, unless you are counting gas stations. I do buy some things directly from different farms. We cannot even get a good farmer's market as of yet, the one we've had in the past was people trucking in things from big farms.

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We like supporting local places, but I don't think there are *any* Mom and Pop grocery stores in our area. There used to be a family-owned Korean grocery store about 20 minutes from our house, but they closed this past year. That was sad. They knew DD by name and were always so thrilled when we came.


Also, the next closest Korean store is about twice as far from our house, so now it's a huge production to get Korean food. The prices are better (it's a huge chain store), but 40 minutes is an awfully long ways for us to drive for groceries. :tongue_smilie:


Aside from that Korean store, there is one natural food store near our house that I think is privately owned. However, I had a really, really bad experience there one time. I was making a return on a product and the owner complained over and over about having to take it back. She was very aggressive about it, even though the return was legitimate according to their policy. I haven't been back since.


Every other grocery store I know of in our area is a national chain.

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Due to some dietary restrictions (no dye, limited preservatives, clearly marked labels regarding gluten, soy, etc), we buy our processed foods from Trader Joes (definitely a national chain). However, an independent grocery store in the same shopping center has amazing produce and I buy eggs, milk and meat from there when I can get a good sale. I also shop at a couple produce markets which are cheaper but only if I plan to use it in the next 24 hours as it seems to spoil quicker. I like having variety.


Where I grew up, the two main grocery chains were locally owned and regionally operated.



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We used to have a small upscale independent grocery store, not quite a mom and pop. I like supporting them as well as independent book stores, non chain local restaurants. But there is a reason that most have gone out of business. It is really difficult to complete with the prices, selection and quality of the chains.

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I shop at a chain store. We don't have many mom and pop grocery stores left, however those prices are pretty similar to what I pay on sale:)


yep :) I thought their prices look really competitive for a ma and pop store. The grand opening is tomorrow and I can't wait to give them my business. Hopefully, they will meet my expectations. I have been shopping at Kroger

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We spread it around. It would be nice to get all of our groceries locally, but we just wouldn't be able to afford it. Our main grocery store has a really nice line of store-brand organics that are competitively priced with non-organic branded products. We get a lot of that kind of stuff there.


We get all of our milk and cheese from a local dairy that supplies a mom-and-pop health food store. We get the bulk of our produce and our eggs from a CSA. We are finishing up a quarter beef that we purchased from a local farm.


We want quality food and we're willing to show it with our grocery budget, but we just couldn't afford to get everything we use from local businesses. Sometimes, the prices are doubled!

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I don't mind paying a bit more at a local store when my budget allows it, but I can't pay twice the price for the same item. I would be a poor shepherd of my family's limited resources if I did that (at least that's how I feel about it).


Now, if money were no object....

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I shop here . They don't carry every brand and sometimes I might get it cheaper at Food Lion, but... when I was sick and all I wanted was Sleepy Time tea, Hall's didn't carry it so Emily (one of the owners) got me boxes of tea from her own kitchen free. When we went through h*** Emily gave us credit. She knows us, all of us, by name.


Family owned all the way.

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I don't mind paying a bit more at a local store when my budget allows it, but I can't pay twice the price for the same item. I would be a poor shepherd of my family's limited resources if I did that (at least that's how I feel about it).


Now, if money were no object....

:iagree:I haven't seen a 'local' grocer here per say, but there are local clothing shops, etc.


Frankly, as much as I would like to support them, I can't afford to. I went in looking for every day type sandals...and they were on SALE for $98. No. No, no, no.

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The long tradition of corner stores has been dying out here in the last decade. Five of them that were within walking distance when we moved into the city have closed since then. Gentrification and all that - the big one a block and a half away is now a hip gastropub.


I have mixed feelings about it. They were nice when you had forgotten to buy eggs or milk or something and didn't want to walk all the way to the market or actually get in your car. In our first year in our house, I went several times to the one half a block away in my pajamas and flip flops with nothing but a five dollars bill to get just one thing. And many times, the owners know the neighborhood people and the kids - it's a nice thing to have that connection. My kids are allowed to walk to the one that's still left and get ice cream... though they'll be allowed to cross the big streets soon and walk to the frozen yogurt place. A chain... though a local one.


On the other hand, the prices, the selection, the cleanliness... all lacking. And it's not really that far to the big chain market. There's a local chain of smaller groceries here as well that is clean and inviting and not so small, but the prices are absurd and my experience of the quality of their produce is that it's lower. There's one literally across from a Safeway that I know of and I can't conceive how they stay in business, though they always seem to be doing okay.


The one exception is that there's a small local chain of organic groceries that are little - they can't compete with Whole Foods completely - but their prices are good, they're clean and nice. I do shop there sometimes.

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In a perfect world, I would shop at a locally owned business that had everything I need with prices like yours. BUT there's no such thing around here. So I shop at Ingles, a chain grocery store, and in the summer, we hit up a bunch of little produce stands.

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In a perfect world, I would shop at a locally owned business that had everything I need with prices like yours. BUT there's no such thing around here. So I shop at Ingles, a chain grocery store, and in the summer, we hit up a bunch of little produce stands.


I always plan to hit up produce stands.. and I always forget until they are closed or I don't have cash on me :/ I need to be more diligent in my efforts. I truly want to support our local farmers.

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I always plan to hit up produce stands.. and I always forget until they are closed or I don't have cash on me :/ I need to be more diligent in my efforts. I truly want to support our local farmers.


Oh yeah, I almost always forget cash!! Thankfully there's an ATM right between two of the ones we like to go to.

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We mostly shop in locally owned stores. I feel the slightly higher cost is worth it for my average shopping.


When I need other things or on things that have really lower costs I go to Walmart (stocking up while there if the cost difference is large). Everything I need/buy from a grocery point of view is at one of those two stores. I suppose I'm boring... ;)

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We don't have any local groceries here, I don't think. All seem to be chains- though Publix is a regional chain versus a national chain. BUt many grocery chains are like that. Within a few miles, I have a choice of Target, Publix, Fresh Foods, and Kroger (the furthest)/ Even further I have two more chains and also the commissary. I shop at the commissary, Publix, and Fresh Foods most often. I only occasionally shop at Kroger;s, even though they have good prices and nice produce, because they are further away and in a more crime ridden area. I don't know whether Walmart here has food but I usually stay away because it is in the same crime ridden area as Kroger's plus I don't like the store anyway because of its mess. I only use Target when I quickly need an item they probably have for a recipe and need to get it fast. It is the same distance as the other two, but the traffic is quicker.

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We don't have any local groceries here, I don't think. All seem to be chains- though Publix is a regional chain versus a national chain. BUt many grocery chains are like that. Within a few miles, I have a choice of Target, Publix, Fresh Foods, and Kroger (the furthest)/ Even further I have two more chains and also the commissary. I shop at the commissary, Publix, and Fresh Foods most often. I only occasionally shop at Kroger;s, even though they have good prices and nice produce, because they are further away and in a more crime ridden area. I don't know whether Walmart here has food but I usually stay away because it is in the same crime ridden area as Kroger's plus I don't like the store anyway because of its mess. I only use Target when I quickly need an item they probably have for a recipe and need to get it fast. It is the same distance as the other two, but the traffic is quicker.


I miss the commissary produce :( We lived at Ft. Huachuca, AZ and they got most of their fresh produce from Mexico. I know I shouldn't have "loved it" but it was THE best produce, always fresh and always such a great price. It is one thing I sorely miss with my husband being a vet! Ha ha!


ETA: I like publix a lot and if I had all the money in the world, perhaps I would shop there but I feel they are REALLY over priced on some things... best cakes by far, though!

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I shop at a local store as much as possible. They have fabulous produce, meat, and deli. And their prices are fantastic. My boys love going there and helping me shop. They each get a huge dill pickle every time. They don't have a great selection or prices on some things like cereal, and they don't stock organics. I shop SuperTarget and Aldi for a few non-perishables regularly, and sometimes just buy everything I need so I don't have to make trips to multiple stores. And I sometimes go to SuperTarget or TJ's for a few organic items. I haven't had good luck with quality or prices at the Jewel near us, so I only end up there about once a year anymore.

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I shop at large chain stores. The very few smaller stores we have are very dirty and uninviting.

:iagree: Around here, the few Mom & Pop type stores I've tried to shop at have pretty much made me shop exclusively at large chain stores. The prices are generally cheaper & the selection generally much better, anyway, and they tend to keep the stores neat & clean & "nice looking" & bug free (yes. yuck.).

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We shop a lot at the Mom and Pop type store in our town but the biggest reason is they employ our teenage son. We spend a bit more on our groceries but they are flexible with his college schedule and are willing to change his hours each semester accordingly, give him extra hours over holidays and summer, etc. He plans on quitting come Fall, but we have another teen that will hopefully be able to work there next summer. So for now, we shop there as much as possible.


We do shop the chain store too..Costco and HEB.

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