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Secular WTM Board

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O.K., I'm ready to contribute something of worth toward this thread, or um, you decide if it's worth anything, but at least it will be on topic.


Over the years that I've been here, only six, we've had Christians ask for a Christian board and secular folk ask for a secular board, both get the same response, the most vocal among us prefer to stay together and TPTB do too. That's already been established in the past 150 or so threads, nothing new there. I did want to add, however, for the non-Christians who feel Christians assume things about you, perhaps instead of bristling under the assumption you could show a little grace. And for you Christians who feel misunderstood and put upon the same goes for you. Try not to assume the worst of the poster (Have I ever does this :001_huh:, sorry to say yes :blushing:) There will be Christians who come to this board and are genuinely shocked to find non-Christians, they probably are not trying to put down the non Christian, they are simply innocently making assumptions that are not true. Grace covers that. Some secular people come to this board with a chip on their shoulder about Christians. Christian, grace covers that. I just think if we come to this "community" with compassion for the other guy we will thrive.

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O.K., I'm ready to contribute something of worth toward this thread, or um, you decide if it's worth anything, but at least it will be on topic.


Over the years that I've been here, only six, we've had Christians ask for a Christian board and secular folk ask for a secular board, both get the same response, the most vocal among us prefer to stay together and TPTB do too. That's already been established in the past 150 or so threads, nothing new there. I did want to add, however, for the non-Christians who feel Christians assume things about you, perhaps instead of bristling under the assumption you could show a little grace. And for you Christians who feel misunderstood and put upon the same goes for you. Try not to assume the worst of the poster (Have I ever does this :001_huh:, sorry to say yes :blushing:) There will be Christians who come to this board and are genuinely shocked to find non-Christians, they probably are not trying to put down the non Christian, they are simply innocently making assumptions that are not true. Grace covers that. Some secular people come to this board with a chip on their shoulder about Christians. Christian, grace covers that. I just think if we come to this "community" with compassion for the other guy we will thrive.


Well said, Karen. I'd rep you, but I'm all out right now. :001_smile:

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I did want to add, however, for the non-Christians who feel Christians assume things about you, perhaps instead of bristling under the assumption you could show a little grace.


Since I was one of the first who made a statement in that regard, let me further explain. It's not strictly Christians making assumptions that can irritate me. I think for me, it's more a style of writing in general. What I mean by that is any time authors write with the assumption that everyone thinks/feels/believes the way they do, well, it's not showing good logic.


I promise you, Karen, I do work on showing grace. I'm one of those grammar- and spelling-sensitive people who would enjoy the job of editing. I used to read some posts and think, "Why the heck don't they correct that? Isn't it bugging them?" But as I worked on my tolerance levels, the thought process moved more to the level of, "Hmmmm, they're probably just really busy." And now, I'm proud to say, I have even left obvious errors and typos in a few of my own posts!!


It's a process, and not necessarily a quick one. And I know that it is one I am working on in many areas. :)

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Since I was one of the first who made a statement in that regard, let me further explain. It's not strictly Christians making assumptions that can irritate me. I think for me, it's more a style of writing in general. What I mean by that is any time authors write with the assumption that everyone thinks/feels/believes the way they do, well, it's not showing good logic.


I promise you, Karen, I do work on showing grace. I'm one of those grammar- and spelling-sensitive people who would enjoy the job of editing. I used to read some posts and think, "Why the heck don't they correct that? Isn't it bugging them?" But as I worked on my tolerance levels, the thought process moved more to the level of, "Hmmmm, they're probably just really busy." And now, I'm proud to say, I have even left obvious errors and typos in a few of my own posts!!


It's a process, and not necessarily a quick one. And I know that it is one I am working on in many areas. :)


I actually wasn't thinking of you, not at all Genie, although I see you did say something about assumptions.

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Well, I'm late to the party! I suppose I ought to post more here--I do a lot more reading than posting.


Anyway, the reason I'm here is because of the board's general nature. If we had separate places for different beliefs, I would not be here. IME message boards are tricky, but the best ones are both civil and inclusive; when you get too small and focused a community it doesn't get enough traffic and becomes insular and slow. When too many people get too rude, the grownups leave the party. But when you get a whole lot of different people, all committed to civil discourse, it's an amazing thing. It's very rare, too. I only know of one other Internet forum that does it, and it's a much more rough-and-tumble place (though also incredibly supportive). I spend most of my online time there, and very little time at my more focused boards, because they're not as interesting.


The diversity here is a strength. I guarantee that subdivisions would go a long way towards killing what we have here. (And what would we teeny-tiny minorities do--talk to the other 3 people here that share our belief systems?) There are already a lot of other MBs that cater to specific beliefs, and guess what--that's why they're smaller! This general thing is much less common, and much more needed.


There will always be some awfulness on any public board. That has to be controlled, but it's inevitable that there will be some. I hope people don't let it drive them away, because that diminishes all of us.

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A related thought...it has struck me recently how many smart, sharp, opinionated, capable women feel like outsiders. I'm tempted to think that feeling like an outsider is almost a necessary element of a firm sense of identity.


That's consistent with my experience. In fact, just about whenever it comes up, the neat women I know will always say "Oh, I'm the oddball, I don't really fit in." I don't know why that is, and my husband is totally confused by it--apparently he doesn't even think about whether he fits in at church or whatever--but women will say it every time. "I don't really fit in with the others at school/church/the message board/the co-op. I'm kind of the weird one."


I know that's how I feel! But you know what, they need me because I'm not a clone of that other (perfectly nice) woman. I bring something new to the group. And, it turns out, so do all the others.

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I really like having the boards open to all. The last thing I think we as as nation (referring to the USA here) need is more fragmentation and less contact with people who think differently from ourselves. The degree of flight to extremism is already scaring the **** out of me.

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I also think that one of the reasons many other message board sites are so slow is because they are fragmented into too many individual boards. If we had a bunch of different "general" boards then the traffic on each of them would be *way* less and people would stop coming because the boards are too slow. Our board works and is vibrant because we have a large number of people coming here. Split us up and you'll have slow boards.


And where would it stop? So you have a Secular/General/WTM board - then you'd need a Christian one, and a Jewish one, and a Pagan one, and maybe a Buddhist one...anything else? Sometimes we have some serious disagreements between AP parents and non-AP parents, perhaps we need to separate those as well so that an AP parent isn't told to let their baby cry it out and a non-AP parent isn't told to wear their baby. And, boy oh boy, life would be a whole lot more pleasant if we had the pro-circumcision parents on one board and the anti-circumcision parents on another board.



Personally, I like being on an active, vibrant board with lots of people. Fragmantation would lead to really, really boring and slow boards.


Great post, Sarah. This is how I feel about it as well. I really value the fast moving pace and the different opinions, especially when done politely. Not that I am always the shiny example in this regard.:)

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Think I'll go back to lurk mode, just don't get the fear factor at all.


I think the main "fear" is that it would perpetuate an "us vs. them" kind of segregation mentality. I don't like that attitude in public schools, which is partly why I homeschool; I appreciate that for the most part it is NOT at work here.


And having an entire site or set of forums for either Christians or secular folks or any other grouping is just different than having both on the *same* site, IMO. I'd be lying if I said that I never cringe, as a Christian, at some of the things that are said here. But I stay because I enjoy the company...and the information, advice, helpful atmosphere even more.

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Oh yes, I know about the CC. Just was wondering why there has never been a secular board here or on the older boards. Something for people that may use TWTM in an alternative setting.




There are secular yahoo groups that follow TWTM.

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I have to be honest, though -- if there were such a section, I wouldn't be able to bear fragmenting myself from my religious friends. Then I would worry that my posts would be sometimes too religiously tinged for the secular section and too much ideologically agnostic for the religious section.


I'd feel like I do IRL -- neither fish nor fowl nor good red herring. I don't do secular boards because they are almost invariably "How oppressive/stupid/rude/idiotic/messed up/abusive/[insert sneering vituperative phrase here] ARE those religious people, anyhow?" then "I agree, can you believe what she said? Can you believe how much better they think they are?" And I don't do religious boards because there's a great deal of "I thank Thee that I am not as other men -- extortioners, unjust, or even as those Democrats. If only there were fewer secular humanists in the world, all our problems would be solved."


And yeah, I'm exaggerating, but dang, that's what it feels like sometimes.


((Pam)) I so know what you mean...


I'm an ordained pastor (yes, that means I'm Christian and very active in my faith), but have generally progressive theology and politics--pretty much the norm in my conference and denomination, not so much on these boards. The toughest thing for me in getting used to the boards over the years is the generalizations of Christians... "I'm Christian, so I believe thus-and-so", "If you were Christian, you would understand XYZ." Ummm... no. Not all Christians believe the same things--otherwise why have theologians been writing for 2000 years? So a lot of times I'm more comfortable hanging around with secular folks because they tend to make fewer of those assumptions, if that makes sense.


The worst flaming I ever got (here or anywhere) was from a "Christian" who launched into me when they discovered I was a female pastor--and decided that lambasting me over points of theology during the time when my dh was in critical condition in ICU would be a fun thing to do. I was at a vulnerable time in my life, and ended up sobbing on the floor that my "boardies" had turned ugly. This was back on the old board, so it was anonymous, and in a more rational moment (of which I was having very few) I realized that many more of my dear friends stood to my defense.


Honestly, I think through the board I've come to have greater apprectiation for folks of beliefs and theologies with which I totally disagree. I ran into a dear friend of mine recently, also a Clergy sister, and we had a long discussion about sin, hell and the nature of the atonement. We totally disagree. But we both recognize each other as followers of Christ, and that's just fine. It was one of the best theological discussion I've had for years--probably because too much of my professional life is spent with colleagues who would have just said "I so agree with you!"


Just like it's fine that most of my best friends outside my church are Jewish, with a few Episcopalians thrown in for good measure, the only other SAHD my dh knows and hangs out with is Pagan, and one of our dearest friends these past 20 years is athiest... and I prefer the board to represent the diversity that I live in the midst of IRL.

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I prefer the board to represent the diversity that I live in the midst of IRL.


This is so true! My community is very diverse. I love that this board gives me the ability to hear from Catholics and Protestants of all stripes, LDS, Buddhists, Muslims, Jews, pagans, atheists, agnostics, and others. It's great that there are Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, Green Party members, etc. here. It really helps to see others' viewpoints, even when I disagree, and this is generally a safe place to learn. Reading these boards over the past several years I've learned that all kinds of really nice people have wildly differing beliefs, and that I like them a lot anyway! It makes me more comfortable with the differences I see around me in my community every day. I still don't have to agree with everyone I know, but I do get to love them, and the familiarity I get with all the viewpoints and approaches to life here helps me to do that IRL.

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I think she's on the bullied list, anj, haven't seen her post since one of the more turbulent morality threads. I miss her too.


As others mentioned, j.griff just moved across the country. All one has to do is pop on to her blog (linked in her sig line) and read that she's been preoccupied. She also mentioned a few weeks ago that she wasn't visiting blogs or message boards for a bit. I imagine she'll check in once she's settled. We can usually email or PM people, or in some cases comment on their blog, if we're particularly concerned about their absence.


I don't know if I can go in for this notion of an implied "bullied" list. Some people have definitely taken their share of hits here over the years. Please understand, I am not condoning that, but I also can't get tangled in a guessing game of who's being mean to whom, etcetera. I tend to think that the people who more willingly put themselves out there, as far as strong opinions go, are capable of rolling with the punches.


Again, I'm not excusing any rudeness that's gone on. But I don't feel gossiping (I use that word because that's how it comes across that way to me) about it helps.

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it has struck me recently how many smart, sharp, opinionated, capable women feel like outsiders. I'm tempted to think that feeling like an outsider is almost a necessary element of a firm sense of identity.



For so long I have felt that there was something wrong with the way I think and yet I could not jump on board to any other way. I usually sit by myself and then really try to fit in, I just can't do it. And yet I don't feel bad about it.


I think I'll subscribe to the above thought. That even gives me courage to give my opinions and not worry about the scrutiny I'll receive. Thanks for the challenge.

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Why is it being made out to be a bad thing to have separate boards? Why would it be a bad thing?


Many people have shared their thoughts on this. I'm not sure if you're asking for clarification or just reiterating that you disagree.


Is it threatening to have people that want to break away and have their own boards do so?


Threatening? Not in the least. And no one has responded as if they feel threatened, imo. They've simply answered shared their opinions.


There could still be a general board for everyone, but options of separate boards for those who'd like them. Life could go on the same as before for those of you that don't want separate boards.


I do think things would change significantly. I've found with this bulletin board format that the more forums there are, the less community exists. I also tend to read and post less when there are more forums to visit; I just happen to find it more cumbersome and less useful. My two cents.


I also like the diversity, it would be really nice if those pagans, wiccans, or whomever felt they could post here also and not be bullied and sent packing.


People ~ of varying faiths and backgrounds ~ will always feel bullied because bullies will always exist. We could add forum upon forum upon forum, but that won't eliminate challenging interactions, hurt feelings, or misunderstandings. All of that is just part and parcel of life.


I might add that no one can be sent packing without his or her consent. It hurts to be hurt, I know that. But leaving doesn't solve the problem; it merely sends a message to those inflicting the pain that they've succeeded.


Really not trying to be an issue here, but come on...fact is not everyone is welcome here.


No, that's not fact. That's your opinion, and while I'm sorry you feel that way, I don't agree.


Think I'll go back to lurk mode, just don't get the fear factor at all.


Disagreeing with you is not on par with being fearful, Carol.

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Really not trying to be an issue here, but come on...fact is not everyone is welcome here.


Carol, says who? It is certainly not the policy of the board owners, and I think the posts that you see here are a good indication of the fact that this is a pretty welcoming place. I wouldn't let a few nasty people who like to strike from the shadows lead you to conclude that it is how the majority feels.


No one who has responded has indicated that they do not want you here. On the contrary, you have been encouraged to stay. The only negative reaction you got was to your suggestion to break up the boards.

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Really not trying to be an issue here, but come on...fact is not everyone is welcome here.


That's really far too general of a statement. It would be correct to say that not everyone is welcome here by everyone. But come on, no matter how segregated you try to make a group, eventually someone will not like someone else, for whatever reason. We are humans.


There may be people here who try to make you feel unwelcome, but really, how many? Out of thousands of registered users, how many have made someone feel unwelcome? I know it can only take one or two nasty comments to make you feel bad. But one or two nasty comments does not equate to someone being unwelcome on these boards.


Want proof? If you've been lurking long, you'll know who some of the most outspoken secular posters are here. Go to the Member List and sort it by Reputation. I guarantee you that you will find all of the most outspoken secular posters within the first four pages. They got there because people like what they say enough to make the little effort to give them positive rep. So whatever negatives they received, and I'm pretty sure they've received some at some point, are few and far between compared to the positives. That tells me that, though there may be a lot of people who don't care for their views or their style, even more have taken the steps to let them know they are appreciated.


So I can't just buy your blanket statement.

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Well, I welcome you here, Jenny! I figure if I don't, you're gonna beat me with that spoon you're holding - you have such a wicked gleam in your eye! :p


No, no... the spoon is for my crème brûlée! Not to hit anyone with...:D unless you try and take it away. :lol:

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Awesome post, Doran!

I tried to rep you, but I couldn't. That's it in a nutshell. No good purpose would be served by having a little secular ghetto within TWTM boards. Guess what? We'd go in there and read stuff anyway, because most of us are nosy!

But seriously, welcome to the real world: this board is a microcosm of it. No matter where you turn you will find people who embrace a worldview/religion/code of ethics/food preference/etc. that differs from your own. Your life is made better because of them, and vice versa.

:iagree:Well said anj.:001_smile:

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Oh yes, I know about the CC. Just was wondering why there has never been a secular board here or on the older boards. Something for people that may use TWTM in an alternative setting.




I'm usually fairly specific in that I request secular curriculum, or "old earth", but people, perhaps reading quickly, will respond with christian based programs.

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Okay, so for those who would really want a secular board, would you only want it if it were a part of these boards? I've been a member of the WTM secular yahoo group for years, and it just doesn't have much activity. Is it the yahoo setting that's the turn off? Would you be more inclined if it were using this V-bulletin software format? Is it that you would really like to have a group comprised of specific secular members of these boards?


Or would you only be interested if it were a subsection on these boards?


I understand the convenience factor. But I don't find it that hard to have all my little online haunts bookmarked together and displayed in the bookmark column on the left of the screen. I just click from one to the next, and it's not that much different than clicking the different boards on here.

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Okay, so for those who would really want a secular board, would you only want it if it were a part of these boards? I've been a member of the WTM secular yahoo group for years, and it just doesn't have much activity. Is it the yahoo setting that's the turn off? Would you be more inclined if it were using this V-bulletin software format? Is it that you would really like to have a group comprised of specific secular members of these boards?


Or would you only be interested if it were a subsection on these boards?


I understand the convenience factor. But I don't find it that hard to have all my little online haunts bookmarked together and displayed in the bookmark column on the left of the screen. I just click from one to the next, and it's not that much different than clicking the different boards on here.


My hunch is that there are quite alot of secular schoolers on this board that like to "hang out" here and "know" other poster. It would just be an added convenience for me, therefore, obviously, SWB should do it. ;) Something like the Afterschooling or Special Needs boards.

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white-flag-smile.gif Okay, please can this be done already, you will have your opinion on the subject, I will have mine.



This is funny because I was just thinking that we should have a list of things for newbies to know and understand about the culture of this board. I mean this in a light-hearted, "let's laugh together" kind of way, so please take the following in that spirit, okay? :D


Don't bother with the white flag because this thread isn't about you anymore! Oh please, please, please know that I'm laughing as I say this. It's nice that you want to agree to disagree, and we can do that as much as it has to do with you personally. Genie's most recent post makes it clear that there are still things we want to say on this topic. But it's not meant to persuade you of our perspective. Some threads take on a life of their own, and I think this is one of them.


So now feel free to read on and post again, or feel free to ignore the thread. We're just chattin'! ;):001_smile:

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Okay, please can this be done already, you will have your opinion on the subject, I will have mine.


Okee-doke! I can agree to disagree. I posted earlier today in response to questions you asked (e.g. "Why is it a bad thing...?"). You asked those questions after many, many people explained why they think it's a bad thing ~ or rather, why they think not doing it is a good thing. I assumed, since you went forward with more questions, you were looking for dialogue. I understand from your post here that you're okay with just parting ways on the subject. Will do!:)

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Okee-doke! I can agree to disagree. I posted earlier today in response to questions you asked (e.g. "Why is it a bad thing...?"). You asked those questions after many, many people explained why they think it's a bad thing ~ or rather, why they think not doing it is a good thing. I assumed, since you went forward with more questions, you were looking for dialogue. I understand from your post here that you're okay with just parting ways on the subject. Will do!:)


I assumed the same thing, so I responded as well. :confused:

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As others mentioned, j.griff just moved across the country. All one has to do is pop on to her blog (linked in her sig line) and read that she's been preoccupied. She also mentioned a few weeks ago that she wasn't visiting blogs or message boards for a bit. I imagine she'll check in once she's settled. We can usually email or PM people, or in some cases comment on their blog, if we're particularly concerned about their absence.


I don't know if I can go in for this notion of an implied "bullied" list. Some people have definitely taken their share of hits here over the years. Please understand, I am not condoning that, but I also can't get tangled in a guessing game of who's being mean to whom, etcetera. I tend to think that the people who more willingly put themselves out there, as far as strong opinions go, are capable of rolling with the punches.


Again, I'm not excusing any rudeness that's gone on. But I don't feel gossiping (I use that word because that's how it comes across that way to me) about it helps.



Yes Colleen, I realize now that I should not have said anything about things and people that I know little about. It is not my normal way to be "gossipy", and I can see how you could take my statement that way. I am sorry. I was seeing it as more of an example, of what I had thought I had witnessed. I will think harder before I type now.




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I too have noticed the rise in posts including religion. But that's just a sign of the times... they're tough. Those that believe in a deity are going to turn to him these days.


As to a separate board... I have to disagree. If believers and non-believers can't manage to live together here, united by the common interest of educating our kids... we're worse off than I ever imagined.


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Sorry Colleen and Lisa, my apologies on that. Mostly I was talking to myself there, and I'll leave it at that because you all know my thoughts on it. I should have been more clear.


It's okay - no biggie! :001_smile:

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Okay, so for those who would really want a secular board, would you only want it if it were a part of these boards? I've been a member of the WTM secular yahoo group for years, and it just doesn't have much activity. Is it the yahoo setting that's the turn off? Would you be more inclined if it were using this V-bulletin software format? Is it that you would really like to have a group comprised of specific secular members of these boards?


Or would you only be interested if it were a subsection on these boards?


I understand the convenience factor. But I don't find it that hard to have all my little online haunts bookmarked together and displayed in the bookmark column on the left of the screen. I just click from one to the next, and it's not that much different than clicking the different boards on here.


I would like a subsection of these boards. As I said in a previous post, I find Yahoo groups difficult to use. I don't like the set up.


And yes this is just a convienence factor. After going through some of this thread again some people are thinking we want to totally set ourselves apart and are lamenting over "how bad off we are" or "how sad it is". I think that many poster here are making a mountain out of a molehill with statements like these and making too much out of a SIMPLE request/suggestion. Get over it already.

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There are a lot of posts I skip over due to the content, but it's not always for religious reasons! ;)

can i add an AMEN to that? lol.....


If believers and non-believers can't manage to live together here, united by the common interest of educating our kids... we're worse off than I ever imagined.


Boy Howdy.....



I don't do secular boards because they are almost invariably "How oppressive/stupid/rude/idiotic/messed up/abusive/[insert sneering vituperative phrase here] ARE those religious people, anyhow?" then "I agree, can you believe what she said? Can you believe how much better they think they are?" And I don't do religious boards because there's a great deal of "I thank Thee that I am not as other men -- extortioners, unjust, or even as those Democrats. If only there were fewer secular humanists in the world, all our problems would be solved."


And yeah, I'm exaggerating, but dang, that's what it feels like sometimes. :glare:


So I come here.


Pam, I don't mind visiting secular/ religious boards, but that has been my experience too ;)



I know many people who follow TWTM and will not come here or post here because it is SEEN and THOUGHT to be a overly Christian board, regardless of whether is an all inclusive board.


and there is a deeper problem with assuming the nature of a board instead of looking at it in context. i would challenge someone w/ that perception to Actually Count how many posts have Christian content and how many do not. To base a decision or impression upon facts, not feelings.


Avoiding places that push those bruises is sometimes necessary. Over time, the bruises start to fade, and you can be around things without feeling the hurt. But if I'm the one with the open sore, I can't put the responsibility of keeping my wound clean on other people. I have to take whatever measures I have to take to make sure the wound heals properly so I can move past avoidance and on to not only tolerance, but acceptance.


I am constantly amazed at how "intolerant" those who bash christianity/religion are. It seems that those insisting on tolerance and diversity are often not as tolerant -- and don't want as much REAL diversity-- as they claim.


*I* have nothing really against a "secular" subset, and I would likely visit it, cuz even tho I'm Christian, I tend to run into LOTS of differences w/in the Christian community [like SWB mentioned] and tend to avoid Christian doctrinal stuff. BUT --look at the activities and regular posters on the subsets we already have: it really won't be very active. But maybe y'all need that lesser activity at first. I expect that even w/ a subset board, most of the best info and discussions will be on the diverse General Board.


Good discussion :)

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