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How long of a break do your kids take in the summer?

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From now until first week in august. There little brains have evidently been fried so we called it quits last week. I told them it's library every week and math 2-3 days and they were fine with that. They'll be begging to start back before august, but for now they are happily enjoying a break!

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Cute frogs!


I prefer to take off ~4-6 weeks but since we're moving out of state it'll probably be more than that this year. We will still do handwriting and spelling through the summer though as those are areas that are troublesome for ds.

Edited by NCBlueberry
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We just finished on Friday and will start up again mid-August. And we slowly ramp up to a full schedule--won't be going full speed until after Labor Day. We used to do some school over the summer, but the last couple of years we've just enjoyed the time off. We all do reading, the girls still practice piano, we may even do some art or typing this summer, but for the most part we savor the downtime. Gotta enjoy the sun while we have it!

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We usually take off the same as the public school kids (end of May until mid-August) because I have extra day care kids here in the summer. This year, however, we completed everything about 2 weeks early. :D He still reads everyday, we have devotional, he works on his verses for church, plays math games, etc., just no offical "school". So far, we've enjoyed having time for fun stuff and the great weather.

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About 2 weeks in August. But, we take off Thanksgiving until New Year's. So, I don't feel bad for my kiddos!


We don't take off at all. We take a vacation in September, and a couple weeks at Christmas/New Year. Otherwise, we take a week here and there, but that's it.


I hope people aren't feeling bad for my kids... Their education isn't a punishment. ;)

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About 9 weeks. It would be longer, but my kids like to ramp into a year and out of it. We also take a pretty long Christmas break, as well.


For my children, I have found that they need the time for everything they've learned to percolate. I jam a year's worth of material into 160 days. So when it is school time, our daily schedule is a bit aggressive for the ages of my children, but they like it. :confused:


I don't feel like my schedule is right for anyone but the 3 of us. (4 if you count our substitute teacher ;) )

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We finished 2 weeks ago. We'll take off until sometime in mid-July. The last 2 years, I've had to wait until VBS was over, take another week and then start. (I direct our program and need the week off for mental health.) But this year, there is no VBS so I need to count weeks to figure out when we'll start. But it will be in July.

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Summer is a hodge podge here. We are taking this week off and then starting back up lightlynext week. Various children will also get breaks for camps as they come up. We will likely spend more time in the mornings playing outside ir going to the zoo before it gets crazy hot and watch more movies in the evening, but mostly we just keep on keeping on like always.

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We normally only do 6 weeks, but the year we're doing 8. He really wanted to do some of the field trips that were in weeks 7 and 8 of the summer camp he'll be attending (he didn't know which weeks they were) so I decided we'd just do a longer break. That will still give us 8 weeks of breaks somewhere else in the year. We're taking an Italian/Greek cruise in Oct, but that won't all be considered a break since we're studying the ancients and he'll be visiting a lot of places we will read about. Oh, the horrors of homeschooling! Oh, the awful field trips we must take! :D

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