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Not only do I not own any make up, but I have no idea how to even put make up on.


I am so glad im not the only one!


I wear it everyday. Oddly I feel like I owe it to my DH to try and a look my best. There isn't a single person who doesn't benefit from at least a swipe of blush and a bit of mascara or something. When done well it looks natural, makes you look younger, and makes you feel better about yourself. Just because I don't work out of the home doesn't mean that I have to look unprofessional.

On a side note, I find that my girls get up every day and do their hair and look polished before they start school b/c I think they see me as an example. I like that. The neighbor's kid went out the door the other day to school and her hair had not even been brushed. I think if you do little to make your appearance better it rubs off on your kids. But that's just my 2 cents.


I am not allowed to wear any make up around my eyes (not that i know what do anyway). I have blepharitis. I wash my eyelids daily with plain baby soap, and the minute eith eye get a distinctive itch/pain, i wash my eyelids 3x per day for at least a week or longer if it flares.


I do my eyebrows, keep my hair neat, keep my nails trimmed, and always wear clean clothes. That's the best for me.

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On most days, I'm good to be wearing mascara and some tinted lip balm. Morning sickness has been washing out all my color so I've started wearing a little blush to cover the pallor. (we haven't told anyone IRL yet).


I do wear makeup for dates, an event for DH's work, or where I feel the need to look professional.

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make up?




i remember i wore it in my twenties....


Funny, I'm the opposite. I hardly ever wore it in my twenties. I was young(er) and pretty(er) then, and I didn't feel like I needed it! My husband had this really obnoxious, arrogant friend back then, who always irritated me, though I never let on to my dh. I remember that at his (friend's, not dh's!) wedding, he actually thanked me for wearing makeup and making myself look nice. I just smiled politely and nodded while envisioning kicking him in the ---


Anyway, fast-forward to the present day, and I wear at least foundation and lip gloss daily. My skin tone is uneven and I don't feel fully dressed leaving the house without foundation on. But my skin is very fair and my hair very dark so I've never bothered with mascara because I feel like my eyelashes show up well enough on their own. My lips, unfortunately, do not, so they need a little help. I will often, but not always, wear some eyeshadow. If I put on blush and eyeliner, though, that means it's a pretty special occasion.

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I'm not super-girly or high maintenance. I only really style my hair on Sundays. I wear t-shirts and jeans. But I can count on one hand the number of times I've left the house without makeup since about 13 years old. I'm pasty white with big bags under my eyes, so people always ask if I'm sick:tongue_smilie:

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Well I dunno. I'm simply so drop dead gorgeous that I'm not sure any make up could improve me.





That reminds me of a quote from the movie The Mirror has Two Faces


"Why don't you put on some make -up"


"What's the point -I'd still look like me - only in colour"



That's how I feel about make-up. :D


I used to wear it to work every day before I got married - then I had a baby that never gave me two seconds to do anything before she started screaming. So the make-up got ditched and I've never really got into the habit again of putting it on daily.


And honestly in my case - not wearing make-up is the least of my physical problems - no one notices my face they are too busy staring at the other weird things about me. :glare:


My DH tells me I'm beautiful whatever I look like -so really - that's all I care about.

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Well I dunno. I'm simply so drop dead gorgeous that I'm not sure any make up could improve me.




Yes! This is me too! :lol::lol:


Personally, I do get irritated at the idea that women *should* wear makeup to look a certain way. I don't understand what is wrong with the way women normally look. With actually natural instead of "enhanced" natural. Incidentally I have a lot of friends who wear no makeup, and I think they look just fine.


If someone enjoys wearing makeup or likes the way they look with it, that's awesome! But women do not need makeup to look professional, or presentable, or in order for strangers to be able to see them.


(FWIW I never wore makeup when I worked, either, even to interviews. It was never a problem)

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I wear it everyday. Oddly I feel like I owe it to my DH to try and a look my best. There isn't a single person who doesn't benefit from at least a swipe of blush and a bit of mascara or something. When done well it looks natural, makes you look younger, and makes you feel better about yourself. Just because I don't work out of the home doesn't mean that I have to look unprofessional.

On a side note, I find that my girls get up every day and do their hair and look polished before they start school b/c I think they see me as an example. I like that. The neighbor's kid went out the door the other day to school and her hair had not even been brushed. I think if you do little to make your appearance better it rubs off on your kids. But that's just my 2 cents.


:svengo: I think this was my son. :lol:

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I wear it when I leave the house. At home it depends on how I feel. At least it's under eye concealer as I have natural dark circles.


I can't do mascara as it irritates my eyes, so a little blush, pencil eyeliner and eyeshadow. I don't wear lipstick and I don't need to add a thing to my eyebrows, I have to pluck those. I use powder foundation if any.


My hair will do what it wants. My son has seemingly acquired hair similar to mine, so he can comb it but it doesn't matter if it's windy. He's overdue for a cut, but he likes it longer.


I generally have pretty good skin condition, probably because I don't wear a lot of makeup anymore.

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I look MUCH better with basic makeup then without. Much. I have sort of sallow skin, so a little foundation, blush, and lipstick really transforms my look.


I don't wear eyeshadow or a lot of liner. I definitely don't like a "made up" look, but I do like the fundamentals, and I personally think I look awesome with red lipstick!

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gosh..i was the master of makeup in my teens and early 20s..when i started dating my dh, he said that he wished i wouldn't wear it..i ignored him completely..fast forward a few years..and after the birth of my 3rd child my skin started to freak out, and it has taken me a while to find a skin care regime that works for me..and finally i have clear skin with an even tone..and my own personal flavor of 'glow'..so now i don't really want to wear anything to cover that up..it took me a while to get to this point..and for me, not wearing any makeup was dropping a HUGE insecurity.

also..a frustrating point about makeup for me..the way the 'looks' change every few years..try as i might i CANNOT do my makeup to look like folks in the magazines..i just end up looking goofy and like i'm trying too hard..so long story short..makeup just doesn't work for me anymore..i just focus on skin care and hair care and trying to stay healthy:001_smile:

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I already answered with my current practices, but some of you describing your habits over the passing decades have given me flashbacks. :D


I was a college student in the '80's. I'm thinking I can't be the only one... Anyway, I remember getting together with friends and the latest edition of Vogue on a Friday night, choosing a makeup ad to copy as we dressed to go out for the evening. We really had fun with that! Oh, the eye colors we could get away with as twenty year olds in that era!


But honestly, I am glad things are so much simpler these days. No matter what a gal's makeup habits are these days, anything has got to be simpler than the '80's!!!

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I wear some makeup same days and most special occasions. I do think it makes me look better and mostly looks natural. But honestly, I consider it a character flaw *for me* that I am willing to conform to social norms by altering my God-given face. I don't think people should be judged by the presence or absence of makeup.

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Regarding professionalism.... I have personal knowledge that this woman never wears makeup, has not since she began practicing law, and has argued in front of the Supreme Court with face entirely makeup-free. Her feeling was that any time spent on applying makeup was time not spent preparing, and she saw no reason to give her male competition any advantage.

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I have not worn make up in about 10 years. As I ran out I didn't have the money to replace it and threw out the last when we moved 2 years ago. Would I look better with it? Probably. But I am also not having the issues I had with blackheads and dirty pores. My mother thinks that my not wearing makeup says that I have self esteem issues and need counseling (seriously) but I am very comfortable with who I am and how I look.

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My face is unwrinkled and youthful. My complexion is peaches and cream and needs none of that plaster that is called foundation. My cheeks get rosy from exercise. My lips - are lips. I don't know - I don't think they stand out, but they don't look bad either. My eyes are fine. I have trouble with sagging eyelids so you wouldn't see eye shadow anyway. I never could wear mascara. So in my case, I see no reason to wear make-up. Oh - except for on my eye brows. I do fill in my eye brows a bit because thyroid problems have made them partly disappear.


My hair, however, has betrayed me. I tell my kids that they are responsible for each wiry white hair on my head - and there are a lot of them!

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My face is unwrinkled and youthful. My complexion is peaches and cream and needs none of that plaster that is called foundation. My cheeks get rosy from exercise. My lips - are lips. I don't know - I don't think they stand out, but they don't look bad either. My eyes are fine. I have trouble with sagging eyelids so you wouldn't see eye shadow anyway. I never could wear mascara. So in my case, I see no reason to wear make-up. Oh - except for on my eye brows. I do fill in my eye brows a bit because thyroid problems have made them partly disappear.


My hair, however, has betrayed me. I tell my kids that they are responsible for each wiry white hair on my head - and there are a lot of them!


I SO wish I had your complexion! My skin tone is uneven and I have dark circles (yuck) so I have to do something to smooth it all out.


But today we're not stepping foot outside--it's a cleaning frenzy! No makeup for once :001_smile:

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I SO wish I had your complexion! My skin tone is uneven and I have dark circles (yuck) so I have to do something to smooth it all out.


But today we're not stepping foot outside--it's a cleaning frenzy! No makeup for once :001_smile:


You look beautiful in your avatar. I'm overweight and my hair makes me look a bit frowsy even if the rest of me is clean and neat. There is a reason my avatar is of me when I was 3 years old. . .


Have fun cleaning!

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I would love to see a picture of your hair or the hairstyle from a website. I would much rather put on makeup than fix my hair. My hair is too long right now (just long enough to get into a ponytail) so I've been pulling it back into a ponytail every day. Ugh.:glare:

Ok, I'll attach one. Actually, wait... it's here. That's the day I got it done - it looks pretty much the same, but I mess it up more than it was there. And my hair naturally does a little bit of flippy stuff, which works with it.

I do. Why can't everyone do what is best for their body and their face and their marriage and their cultural norms and stop judging what others do or don't do.

:iagree: For real. Pat answers of 'everyone looks better'... psshhh... :rolleyes:

Well I dunno. I'm simply so drop dead gorgeous that I'm not sure any make up could improve me.



Yes! :lol:

LOVE it! My DH says that too. I always wish we could know couples in real life more like us LOL. I totally cannot keep up with the fashionista type of wives.

Oh, us too. While I do wear some makeup, most of the time people don't even know whether I'm wearing any or not. :tongue_smilie: And all these women with all these shoes! Fine for them, but flip flops and I'm happy... I don't do a whole lot of jewelry, either, and I'm most comfortable in shorts and a tank top (maybe a long skirt or sundress)... :D

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No one ever tells me that. :crying: Is it that I really do need some lipstick, and maybe some eyebrow tweezing?
A smile wouldn't hurt. :D
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I never have worn makeup nor colored my hair. I am caucasion with brown hair, so you can see my eyebrows and all that. I look my age (45) and I'm quite OK with that. Then again, I'm single and an extreme introvert, so . . . .

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Just popped into this thread and there are deleted posts. Who knew makeup was so contraversial. :lol: i don't wear it very often. Most o the time i don't find it worth the trouble. Shrug. I don't really care if others agree or do differently. To each her own.

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I watched a programme on BBC iPlayer last night called 'Harlots, Housewives and Heroines: A 17th Century History for Girls' - apparently in those days impassioned arguments both against the perceived vices, and in favour of the imagined benefits, of make-up, were regularly published in pamphlets. La plus ca change ...



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Regarding professionalism.... I have personal knowledge that this woman never wears makeup, has not since she began practicing law, and has argued in front of the Supreme Court with face entirely makeup-free. Her feeling was that any time spent on applying makeup was time not spent preparing, and she saw no reason to give her male competition any . :glare:


Is she or is she not wearing lipstick? Discuss!



Edited by KungFuPanda
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Good question. I'm guessing the photographer cajoled her that far.


She kept me from losing my makeup-free self-confidence when I left my anything-goes childhood town for the west coast. Whenever I wander now into parts of Texas where women wear more makeup than here (that would be all the other parts), I remember Prof. Sullivan and her no-time-for-makeup life.

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Is she or is she not wearing lipstick? Discuss!



Definitely. Here's a bigger pic.




Here she is with a different shade:




That may be just for photographs, speeches and the like though. And nothing else is noticeable. Her face would be washed out under flash/lights without a little colour.

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Regarding professionalism.... I have personal knowledge that this woman never wears makeup, has not since she began practicing law, and has argued in front of the Supreme Court with face entirely makeup-free. Her feeling was that any time spent on applying makeup was time not spent preparing, and she saw no reason to give her male competition any . :glare:


Is she or is she not wearing lipstick? Discuss!




I will offer up that it could be Burt's Bees tinted lip gloss. That's the color I smeared willy nilly and sideways around my mouth before running into the grocery store once. I thought it was regular lip balm. My 16yo did not mention I looked like I was off my medication and on the run. :glare:

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I will offer up that it could be Burt's Bees tinted lip gloss. That's the color I smeared willy nilly and sideways around my mouth before running into the grocery store once. I thought it was regular lip balm. My 16yo did not mention I looked like I was off my medication and on the run. :glare:


The point is this is NOT a woman who NEVER wears make-up. Quick, minimal application doesn't equal make-up free. I can do mineral foundation, lips, eyeliner, mascara, blush, and eyeshadow in 3 minutes. It's very light, but makes a difference and would get me kicked out of the make-up free club AND give my competitors* a 3-min advantage.




*This amuses me because I'm a bellydancer and spending more time on make-up would literally give MY competitors an edge. :D

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The point is this is NOT a woman who NEVER wears make-up. Quick, minimal application doesn't equal make-up free. I can do mineral foundation, lips, eyeliner, mascara, blush, and eyeshadow in 3 minutes. It's very light, but makes a difference and would get me kicked out of the make-up free club AND give my competitors* a 3-min advantage.




*This amuses me because I'm a bellydancer and spending more time on make-up would literally give MY competitors an edge. :D




I just like to have eyes.


We can hang out - all of us - in the minimalist green room. :D

Edited by MyCrazyHouse
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I will offer up that it could be Burt's Bees tinted lip gloss. That's the color I smeared willy nilly and sideways around my mouth before running into the grocery store once. I thought it was regular lip balm. My 16yo did not mention I looked like I was off my medication and on the run. :glare:


:lol::lol::lol: Too good! Don't care for their tinted lip balm for that very reason!

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ME TOO! What folks don't realize is that I'm actually a polar bear, but the eyeliner makes me LOOK like a panda. It really makes my eyes pop.


It DOES! That happens to me, sometimes, when I accidentally go to a very B-52s place with the eyeliner.



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Don't think I use make up even once a month, and when I do it's very minimal: foundation & mascara (barely). Doesn't matter how little I use, my boys spot it right off ... and they hate it. My 19 yr. old especially. It's amazing how quick they spot it, especially considering how very little I use!

Sometimes I'll use a little lip gloss when I'm out, though (it's in my purse).


No matter the color, lipstick and blush just look horrible on me in any amounts! Blush is NOT natural! Last time I checked, when someone blushes, their whole face lights up, not just a couple spots on their cheeks - pink cheeks just means you've been out in the cold too long! ;)

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