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So, I guess sometimes I can be a bit of a jerk

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I went to the grocery store this afternoon, without my kids. It was a glorious experience. I decided to go through the self-pay thing, as I didn't have two kids to keep off of the belt.


So as I'm bagging my stuff, this mom with two small children gets in line behind me. I'm bagging quickly but her little ones want to start. This mom keeps saying, "No, just wait, we need to let this lady finish." I was flying through the bagging process, not dawdling at all. So when I finished, I turned around, and made eye contact, smiled, and said, "I'm sorry. I went as fast as I could." Then I made eye contact with her little ones and said, "Thanks for waiting patiently!" And the mom said, I kid you not, "It's okay, they need to learn..." so far so good..., "...that sometimes we just have to wait for rude people who may be slow."




My little devil on my left shoulder totally tackled my angel on my right. Serious, I think my angel is still knocked unconscious from the hit. Because I said this,


"Yes, but did they need to learn how to speak rudely and insult a complete stranger?"


And I turned and walked off.


If that was you, I'm SO sorry. I should have just turned and walked away. I'm sorry your kids worked your nerves up so much that you forgot your manners. I've been there, done that, I'm sorry I wasn't able to be the better person today. I wish I had just handed you one of the cookies I'd just bought, because I think you needed it.

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Sometimes God puts certain people in certain places to teach certain people much needed lessons. Thank you for allowing God to use you today. :)


Wellllll.... I usually go out of my way to try to encourage moms of little kids- especially when I'm out without mine. Because I always felt like people without kids were constantly judging me and finding me lacking. So, I like to think God uses me as an encouragement to these moms. I do feel a little like I may have made her feel worse. :confused: I think if I could have known that my response was out of love, and not out of anger, I'd feel a little better about it.


Don't get me wrong, I think she was a jerk. But I guess I feel unsure about whether I just sunk to her level.

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Wellllll.... I usually go out of my way to try to encourage moms of little kids- especially when I'm out without mine. Because I always felt like people without kids were constantly judging me and finding me lacking. So, I like to think God uses me as an encouragement to these moms. I do feel a little like I may have made her feel worse. :confused: I think if I could have known that my response was out of love, and not out of anger, I'd feel a little better about it.


Don't get me wrong, I think she was a jerk. But I guess I feel unsure about whether I just sunk to her level.


That's kind of a tough one. I've been there before when the "perfect" response comes out and it didn't feel nearly as good as you'd think it would. But at least maybe she'll think next time before being rude to someone else. I still can't believe she said that to you!!

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Honestly, I don't think you were that all bad in your response. She *was* rude to you, no question. Your time took what it took, and personally, I'd have been thrilled that you took the time to thank my children for being patient. She was rude in her response to you, and you called her on it. I do hope she was just having a rough day and isn't normally like that.


(And going shopping without any kids was lovely, I'm sure. Whenever we're in the self-checkout lane, I have at least two of the three big kids attemping to help me scan stuff, which makes it take at least twice as long, and grocery shopping is usually the last of several errands, so everyone's exhausted, and I'm trying so hard to be patient with the little helpers. I'm sure our circus is great entertainment, though!)

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I don't think your comment was out of line at all. Maybe if more people were called on their rude comments there would be fewer of them out there making nice people feel bad.


I consider it a service to society to educate rude people on their bad behavior. :D

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I don't think your comment was out of line at all. Maybe if more people were called on their rude comments there would be fewer of them out there making nice people feel bad.


I consider it a service to society to educate rude people on their bad behavior. :D


I agree. I don't think you were rude. The lady (and kids!) really do need to see that that was a rude and uncalled for comment. It was way out of line. You are more gracious than I. I would have started another order buying one carrot at a time or something. It would have taken me 30 minutes of spite just because I'm mean. :tongue_smilie:

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She was rude and I don't think it was wrong to call her on it.


Once when our store was remodeling and there were only a few registers open (all the checkout stations in the center were in the process of being gutted), a cashier at the 20-items-or-less line waved me over to her line. An elderly man on a scooter didn't see this and came up behind me several minutes later. He then started lecturing me about how rude and ignorant I was for going to the 20 items register when my cart was so full. I tried to ignore him and then tried explaining, but he just kept getting louder and nastier. I got fed up and ended up snapping at him. And even if the checker hadn't told me to get in her line, the total number of items on my receipt was only 21. I felt bad the rest of the day for being unkind to an old man, even though he was mean.

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