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It's come to my attention, that certain family members, who shall remain unnamed :glare: have been criticizing me behind my back.


Specifically, talking about how poor Boo isn't nursed like my other kids, but on formula...and how I must not love him like I loved my others.


The fact that I have RSD, am on meds that aren't compatible w/nursing, that I cannot be up at all hrs (lack of sleep sends pain through the roof) have pain levels that sideline me completely...all of which means that it was better for everyone that he's on formula.


He's happy, he's thriving, he's growing...but apparently SOME ppl need something to criticize and put me down about.


The fact that yes, it bothered me not to nurse him, that it was a hard decision to make doesn't occur to anyone...but I had to do what was best for all of us, which includes medication for whatever relief from pain it can provide.


Apparently, not 'toughing it out for the sake of the baby' means I'm a crappy mother, selfish, and didn't really want him.


It's a VERY good thing for some ppl that they aren't supposed to be seeing us anytime soon.


I might just rip their face off.

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The back-stabbing can get brutal. Especially where nursing is concerned. I nursed all my kids but felt compelled to stick up for my friends that either couldn't or didn't want to for whatever reason from the "nursing nazis". They can really try to crush a woman who opts for another route. I just don't get the mommy wars.


I'm not embarrassed to admit I HATE nursing and feel a much stronger bond to my child once they are off the boob. But I balanced out what worked for our family and I tried to do at least a year for each one. Having a set time frame helped keep me sane. I appreciate women that can do it naturally and easily and love it... but for the rest of us- who either have medical issues and can't or just flat out don't want to- BACK OFF!


We all love our kids and are trying to do what's best for them in ways we naturally can.


Ignore them. Go love on your kids. *Especially that poor neglected Boo of yours. (LOL SOOOOO J/K with that!!!! ) :tongue_smilie:

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Which just goes to show - there are jerks EVERYWHERE!


Sorry - :grouphug:


Sounds like *that person* is dredging the bottom of the barrel for insults, though. That critisism doesn't even hold water - formula is fine for babies and your happy, healthy cutie is proof that you must be doing things right!

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Don't bother ripping their face off. They aren't worth the energy or pain in your arm from doing it. Just cut them out. I had to cut out a family member that brings me down and judges all that I do. Only in my case it was because I breastfed a toddler (she thought breastfeeding period was gross, she was yakking behind my back that I was a pervert because I nursed my dd until she was 3) amonst other things. I had always thought you were stuck with family and there wasn't much to do about it. This year I finally realized that wasn't true, and cut that person out of my life. It means essentially losing my nephew which is sad but better for my over all perspective. All she did was bring me down when we spoke to each other, and yak behind my back when we didn't.

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This is where it's nice to be an adoptive mom. I didn't follow one single "recommendation" with my kids when they were infants. They got nothing from me. Yet they more than hold their own among their peers. I really feel badly that so many moms are narrow-minded about these things and feel the need to judge instead of just being thankful for the blessings that they have.

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I used 'some ppl' b/c I'm getting it from more than one side.


One person is sneaky as h*ll, acting like they're repeating a convo w/someone else who made rotten comments, but I know their tricks too well...the convo never happened. They act as though they have to let me know that they defended me, while their tone of voice is gleeful.


The other...well, :glare:


I just had it all hit, and needed to vent.

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I can imagine what my dh's family says about me behind my back. :tongue_smilie: I am so NOT the woman they pictured their son marrying.


I'm not the right religion.


I'm not the right political party.


I'm not the right type of wife (I don't submit)


I don't parent the correct way.


I've wasted their son's money by getting a college degree.


I could keep going.....



It doesn't matter what others say. We all do what is best for our families.

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Ugh, sorry! :( There is enough stress in life already, and now this for you. :grouphug: I had to bottle feed 3 of my 4 kids, and they are doing great.

There are some people out there, that no matter what you do, can't be pleased, and seem to joy in other peoples pain.

Hugs to you, and leave them in the dust.

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I used 'some ppl' b/c I'm getting it from more than one side.


One person is sneaky as h*ll, acting like they're repeating a convo w/someone else who made rotten comments, but I know their tricks too well...the convo never happened. They act as though they have to let me know that they defended me, while their tone of voice is gleeful.


The other...well, :glare:


I just had it all hit, and needed to vent.

Sweetie, why do you let these people into your life? Just because there is a biological connection does not mean they are family. Cut them out. Cut them off from all information. There is absolutely no reason to let toxic people into your life.

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Sweetie, why do you let these people into your life? Just because there is a biological connection does not mean they are family. Cut them out. Cut them off from all information. There is absolutely no reason to let toxic people into your life.


:iagree: "Blood" means nothing to me at this point.

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But you didn't expect any different, right???


Gently, this shouldn't be a surprise right? There are certain people and family members that I could be annoyed about constantly but it just consumes too much time and energy and ends up with me miserable dwelling on it. Sometimes I allow myself 24 hours to be mad if I need to and I let it go. I would just let it roll off you're back and use the pass the bean dip approach if it comes up. Cutting people completely out of your life is reasonable too. I've done it. Life is too short. :grouphug:

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Vent away. You are a wonderful mom and your little one is a beauty. They can go suck eggs; and I hope they're under done and give them a few trips to can-can.


I used 'some ppl' b/c I'm getting it from more than one side.


One person is sneaky as h*ll, acting like they're repeating a convo w/someone else who made rotten comments, but I know their tricks too well...the convo never happened. They act as though they have to let me know that they defended me, while their tone of voice is gleeful.


The other...well, :glare:


I just had it all hit, and needed to vent.

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I'm not embarrassed to admit I HATE nursing and feel a much stronger bond to my child once they are off the boob. But I balanced out what worked for our family and I tried to do at least a year for each one. Having a set time frame helped keep me sane. I appreciate women that can do it naturally and easily and love it... but for the rest of us- who either have medical issues and can't or just flat out don't want to- BACK OFF!




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I didn'ot nurse # 2 or three because of my concern of my blood pressure medication egtting into them. So what? It is nbody'smbusiness and nobody deserves to have an opinion about it.


I just say you should be flattered to be the topic of discussion.:D


I hate backbiters and gossipers. They are scum to me.

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